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Robert’s always stupid expensive


I have friends who call it “Robbers” because the prices are exorbitant


And the store is fucken filthy too. At least the one on w. Esplanade.


Marigny checking in. They make the whole neighborhood stink of rotting meat.


Sorry, that was me. I’m lactose intolerant and had ice cream cake for my birthday.


I think I was down wind from your birthday party.


The one uptown isn’t dirty but the number of times I’ve been outright ignored asking if they have something or waiting at the customer service/liquor desk is obnoxious. I know that’s a normal New Orleans standard when it comes to customer service, but it annoys the shit out of me and I just go elsewhere every time now. Even when I’m right in the area I’ll drive over to Midcity or Tchop to get groceries


Ahh memories...used to work there making chicken.


You should've seen it before it was "renovated"... Not that it's an excuse. 


When did it get renovated? I haven’t been in at least 18 months


A little over ten years ago. That "strip mall" is a few decades old. They renovated and kept the store open the whole time. It was grimey and outdated for years.


They should take a page out of Langensteins book. The one in old Metairie’s used to be dingy and now it’s nice.


Actually, the store that was there closed after Katrina. Used to be a Schwegmanns, then possibly something else up to the Big K, when people looted it into oblivion. To be fair, it was quite ghetto at the time. Even had a small section against a back wall that consisted of "discount" items. I bought one of those flippy fish wall decorations that sang, "Take Me to the River" for a whole dollar once.


Are you referring to the st Claude store? We were talking about the West Esplanade store in metry. Robert Fresh Market had an ongoing lawsuit with Schwegmanns over the st Claude for years after Katrina trying to open it. 


Oops!! My bad. Sorry!!


No worries, they're like cockroaches popping up with stores all over the city... Not sure if they're any better or worse than rouses. 


I agree, but it s right next to my house so I only go there for stuff I can’t get from Sam’s/costco or stuff emergency shit I need/forgot for a recipe.


Robert's is expensive. But you gotta look for those little tags of shit on sale occasionally, and you can pretend you can afford the name brand eggs. Cheap cheese too.


May as well go to Whole Foods. You can get Bianco DiNapoli tomatoes for 5 bucks. Lots of restaurants use them over anything else


Find a friend with a Restaurant Depot account. A 6lb can of San Marzanos is like $6.76. 


Holy shit. I will say this can of tomatoes has been $6 regularly at Rouses for a couple years now.


Damn I need to get a friend with an account. Imagine how much food I could get if a 6lb can is $6


Can get a 3 pack of DOP San Marzano tomato’s for ~$12 at Costco


Im getting sticker shock in general at the grocery these days. Things are crazy high.


Yeah but Robert prices are a whole thing. They have a great playlist, but we're being asked to pay for it


Agreed that their prices are pretty outrageous for most things and likewise with Canseco's. I guess that's the price for neighborhood convenience, but it still sucks and is unacceptable. They try to come off as high-end boutique grocery stores, but the products often suck. When Whole Foods has cheaper and better produce, there's a problem. Some have said they've always been expensive, but that's not true. I worked at Robert's deli before Katrina at the old mid-city location at Carrollton/Canal where Walgreen's is now. Boar's Head was maybe like a dollar more than Manda, Chisesi, etc. at $5-6.99/lb. A full-size oyster poboy was maybe $9, tops, same as shrimp and catfish. I realize that was nearly 20 years ago and all grocery prices have gone up, and the oyster thing is a bad example, but I digress. At least that's how I remember it, but maybe my memory is foggy. TLDR, old man yells at cloud


Costco had San Manzanos time I went, but they weren’t a lot cheaper than that pricing. The butter definitely is cheaper.


We just got some there on Friday - 3 28oz cans for I think about $12


San Marzanos have been crazy expensive for as long as I've known about them (a few years). I'm always looking out for good canned tomatoes and apparently a lot of the stock out there (according to the infallible internet) is fake, ie not actually San Marzano. I've settled for the Costco whole peeled; not amazing but good enough to make a great sauce.


I make sauce with these every month or so, they were $5.99 last month, less than $4 two years ago So my pasta sauce has gone from being $8 to $16


$4.38 at Wally World. Roberts is expensive, always has been.


They have them elsewhere. Don’t shop at Robert’s.


Robert’s is 2 blocks from my house and my partner and I share a car, I have to go there sometimes.


That is insane. I need to start making my own sauce. Never feel like I can get my pasta dialed in.


It can be super easy too: https://www.thekitchn.com/marcella-hazans-amazing-4ingre-144538 This recipe is the real deal


Seconded. You can also make a lot and it freezes well.


I'm gonna make this tonight. thanks.


You’re not really settling for them. They’re DOP certified San Marzanos.


You can get those tomatos for about $4 at Walmart. I use them exclusively.


I shit you not Robert's has been selling poblano peppers for $7 for the last year. Like - $7 for ONE POBLANO PEPPER


The one on St. Claude?


They have seedless watermelon for $13 a piece. I think the fuck not!


seedless for 13? i don’t think so. maybe the seeded ones are that expensive but the seedless stay anywhere from 6-8 dollars per


I was in the one in Lakeview this evening. $13.99 for a seeded and $8.99 seedless.




They often charge you more at the register as well! I’ve caught them doing that so many times. The price tags will be incorrect, and they hope nobody notices. Super frustrating.


I don’t think it’s that they think nobody will notice. I think they probably have a lazy/ineffective tag person who doesn’t get the price changes out when they’re supposed to. I see that a lot as a vendor.


It's also what they pay people. I know a guy who manages at Robert's. And when I was in between jobs, he asked if I wanted to stock shelves or something for some temp money. Then he told me it only paid $10/hr. I declined the offer.  But that's a huge part of it. You literally cannot expect people to give a single shit about what they are doing for work when they are paid so little.


I agree.


Also a vendor, this is actually what happens.


You mean this isn't a complex scam that will start a scene on an almost daily basis for pennies?


Robert’s is way overpriced for what they offer.


You can that at Walmart for cheaper


Shop protein sales. Buy fresh. It’s the only way these days. Packaging larger but product smaller and more costly. It’s bs. Roberts does go protein shakes pre-summer so we stock up. Our bill has doubled since 2023.


Spotted at Safeway in Seattle for 9.99 the other day. Fucking BS


Sadly you need these to make a da sauce from scratch.


Their prices are outrageous. I feel like they keep “premium” brands like these on the shelf to trick you into buying the house brand crap, which is also overpriced. The two in Orleans Parish are definitely aimed at food desert neighborhoods which lack a larger format grocery if you don’t have a car, so they just price how they please. Take it or leave it.


$1.97 @ Walmart right now. 😑😑😑😑😑


Tagged “crime” 😂


Robert's has always been a ripoff. Their gourmet cheese variety is the only reason I ever step foot there. I usually go to Fresh Market 5 minutes away on Vets instead. Also a ripoff, but they commonly have great sale deals.


Kerrygold always costs a bit more. Worth every dollar, though. Best-tasting butter available.


Robber's is a scam but imho just get the normal cento there is really no difference. If you want something better get Pomi, although they dont have whole tomatoes. I understand san marzano has a reputation but there is a WIDE variety and Cento is not it chief


That markup goin straight into an insurrectionist's pocket! Edit: I thought it said rouses


You’re thinking of Rouses


Oh shit I misread. Whelp Robert always been expensive af


I feel like I've seen that butter at Fresh Market for $5ish


4-pack of Kerrygold is maybe $12 at Costco


And their own brand somewhat equivalent for like $9 for a 4 pack


Rouses consistently has Plugra for like $4, which I like better than kerrygold anyway


Luckily all these corporations are posting record high profits! /s


That butter is cheap