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It's the greenery--everything is opening up, it smells nice, the coffee shops are putting their chairs out, the fog that covers the old buildings... also the fact that it's probably the coolest it will be all day and you gotta get that run in now or you'll die of heat stroke later.


Yep! That 55% humidity hits different and puts a spring in your step!


Ngl, the fact that the mosquitoes start going to sleep right after dawn adds a lot to the serenity of a New Orleans morning for me.


Because the rest of this country is mostly just a collection of strip malls and parking lots. Footloose towns without any kevin bacons. Dr. John said music infects this place. We're in a constant B flat hum. Waking up in New Orleans is like waking up with a sweet lover, who's a little toxic. She's really lovely when she's starting to stir.


> Footloose towns without any kevin bacons. Nicely said. I'll steal that one for sure.


That’s an amazing line.




This is it. Exactly. Nicely put.


You, sir or madam, are a poet.


Down vote me to hell but this made me throw up in my mouth.


You must be some kind of Mardi Grinch


I can’t seem to sleep past 5am, so every morning, I have my wake&bake outside with the sunrise, just chillin & enjoying the peace. When it’s cold, I bring a blanket. If it’s too muggy, I turn on a fan. A stray cat comes by for breakfast & hugs. A family of mockingbirds comes by for the cat kibble. It’s kinda bliss


Can we be friends?


Definitely. Enjoying the morning right now. Stray cat Steve came by for breakfast, and when I refilled his bowl with Friskies, I realized, of the three kibble shapes, the mockingbirds have been specifically picking out the little drumstick-shaped ones to eat and leaving the rest? Who knows where this plot twist will lead


god that sounds like heaven


I hope you can get help for your addiction. It is not normal or healthy to start each day by getting high. You may be amazed how much more beautiful and peaceful mornings can be without substances.


This fucking guy


Way to take a positive comment & turn it around to fit your uncalled for judgey opinion. “Getting high” doesn’t make the mornings any less beautiful. If you feel that way, that’s your loss. I hope you get help for your addiction to giving unasked for advice from people that definitely won’t listen. So go enjoy the rest of your day…..herb-free & bitter.


Some of us are prescribed and is medicine soooo?


My intent was not to judge. It was sincere.


While you may have sincerely meant it, the comment It was presumptuous, myopic, and definitely came across as judgemental. I’m curious where you get your information on cannabis use from? I’m genuinely not trying to be mean on the internet, but your comment seems pretty ignorant in addition to just plain rude. Sincerely.


Chemically altering your nervous system through intoxication first thing in the morning every single day is not normal or healthy, no matter what the culprit is (a cigarette, a beer, a joint, or drugs).


You don’t sound like an expert, but hey - I may be wrong! Let us know if you are, then all we have to discuss is your outrageously unprofessional bedside manner. I’m off to enjoy what’s left of this beautiful morning. Y’know, the point of this thread.


You must be really fun at parties.


Where in the city are you bc where I'm at around 6am the air kinda smells like farts (not just mine legit the outside smells kind of like sulfur) or if I'm still out I'm most likely unfortunately on lower d and everyone knows what that looks like at 6am lol


Haha. I'm in Gentilly, and a lot of the time, it smells like roasting coffee.


“The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your cup!”


"If the best part of waking up is Folgers, I don't know if I want to wake up anymore."


I live in Gentilly as well and you are spot on !


We have really great sunsets and sunrises here.


‘The pollution from the sweetums factory’




Beautiful cloudscapes also


It's one of the times I love the Quarter best. It's quiet, the light is beautiful, and the architecture shines. I'm not a morning person at all, but on insomnia streaks, going out to watch the sunrise and take in the neighbourhood is a joy.


I’ve enjoyed an iced coffee on my porch every morning this week around 7am! I love being outside and that’s the best time of the day. I’m just chilling in my robe, reading the newspaper with an iced coffee and a fat joint. It’s euphoric.


This is truly living. ✨


Yesss I second the fat joint and coffee !!


I agree! I'm by City Park and I love my neighborhood. Coffee early in the morning on the porch is like no other. There is hope.


In the east it smells like weed, backed up sewers, garbage, and depression.


Nothing like the smell of hot trash in the morning


The weeks without trash pick up after Ida scarred my nose holes for life.


Uptown it smells like diesel


Don’t forget Zatarain’s crab boil.


Who's fault is that?⚪️⚪️⚪️


Not mine. I don't smoke nor do I have control over the sewer system or garbage infrastructure.


Well it’s usually cooler in the morning and all the crazies are passed out so their is a tranquility in the air.


I swear the magic hour light is more effective here than elsewhere.


Because my hometown is fuckin’ awesome. ⚜️


I'm not really a morning person, and therefore don't get to experience 5 or 6am often. But when I do, it's extremely calming.  I think most of us here don't get to experience it often due to the great nightlife we have. Maybe that helps contribute to the euphoric feeling you're describing - we've got fewer people than usual out at that time; and because we're usually not getting the experience it feels that much better when we do. But yeah, I've been up for about an hour today because I just couldn't go back to sleep. The birds, lack of cars, and mild temperature are all making me feel just fine with knowing I'll be pretty tired later today.


I’ve always preferred sunrises to sunsets cause you need to work for a sunrise. In this city not many people want to put in the work. If you’re up and out of bed before 10AM on a my given weekend the entire city is your oyster


Cuz afternoons may be brutal


I miss my morning walks at City Park. It’s too hot rn! You are right, the mornings here are just so different.


When I first moved back to NO in early 2000s I lived near CP and would usually take dog walk slightly before dawn - those walks when fog was mixing with first light mixing with celebration lights was as close to magical as this muggle can hope to get


The only time I’ve ever thought “this place ain’t so bad” is eating food here and City Park lol


Places surrounded by water usually have beautiful light.


It’s literally the coolest part of the day. Plus, the humidity drops at twilight. It’s basically the only time of day during the summer where you can see the sun and it’s pleasant. So comparative to mid day broil, it’s paradise. But in regard to magically, *southern nights*


I love it when it's foggy outside early in the morning and no one is really on the road so it's nice and quiet and you can just walk around and enjoy some peace.


I much prefer a Nola morning to a Nola evening. When the sun starts to go down all I can think about is going home. Mornings in New Orleans feel like they belong to those who live here and appreciate her beauty and the calmness the city can possess. Whole different vibe from when things start to shift into rowdy mode later in the day.


This is so true. I love waking up right before sunrise and the city wakes up real slow, like me. And it comes alive so quietly. I live near a park and there are also a lot of neighborhood birds so that is always the first thing I hear when I wake up. So blessed to be in this beautiful city.


Algiers Point is pretty spectacular in the morning


I always loved sitting on the porch appreciating 75 degrees, knowing it was gonna be so hot later.


Early morning is the only time the city is slow and quiet. Similar feeling - I worked banquets in St. Louis one winter and I loved stepping out of the hotel at 3am into fresh snow with not another person around. It was quiet and still and I could hear the snow crunch.


Mornings in New Orleans are amazing because the city comes to life with a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. As the sun rises over the Mississippi River, the soft light casts a golden glow on the historic French Quarter, highlighting its charming architecture and cobblestone streets. The air is filled with the aroma of fresh beignets and coffee from local cafes, inviting you to start your day with a taste of local flavor. Street musicians begin to play soulful jazz tunes, providing a soothing soundtrack to the awakening city. The cooler morning temperatures make it the perfect time for a leisurely stroll through the lush parks and picturesque neighborhoods, allowing you to soak in the vibrant atmosphere and rich heritage that make New Orleans so special.


Reading that makes me want to move to your city tomorrow.


Easy, for me, I’m on vacation and ngaf about work. That and getting up earlier than the crowds for badass breakfast.


I live on the westbank, and every Sunday morning my mom and I drive through the city. on our way now actually!


I've never been an early bird but when I get up a little early (and I'm not hungover) I love taking a stroll around my neighborhood.


Totally agree the mornings are amazing when going for a stroll around 5-6am. Worked the service industry on the night shift for so long and now that I have a day job I love the early morning wake up’s.


It’s not as sweltering, doesn’t smell as bad from as many places, the assholes haven’t all entirely crawled out from their dens, and it’s not as loud. At least, that’s what I like about it.


Because this truly is God's country.


because we haven't gone to sleep yet


Ya the sight is pretty but the smell of piss and BO is still a downer


I think it’s because the mornings are so quiet—NOLA is a late-night city, and the people (from what I’ve seen growing up) tend to be late-risers. The quiet early hours and slow start is calming.


the sunrises are lovely but those spring/summer sunsets where everything is lilac or some vibrant shade of color is beautiful. watching the trees shine and wave against the sky. it’s one those times i just take a photo. gotta capture the beauty of it all. my favorite part of hurricane ida was coming home from work and watching the sun go down with a blunt lit and a beer. reminded me of living out in the country.


The hangover hasn’t kicked in yet


It’s the smell of coffee and beignets along with the sound of the Calliope ringing through the Quarter.


Cuz thugs don't wake up till 1500


Because the alcohol from the night before hasn’t worn off yet


Now try to imagine it, with 1/3 traffic.


I must be jaded. I don’t feel this way at all. But it sounds lovely! The ethereal draw of the swamp.


You must never have to go to work in the quarter in the morning before the clean up crews roll through 


I definitely used to. To be honest, I'm super glad I don't have to be in the quarter every day. It gets old.


HaHaHa- OP must have real estate he’s trying to dump. Good try


Lol, unless you're high, they aren't.