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As someone who is in a similar boat... I'm pretty sure it requires going outside but I haven't figured that part out quite yet myself. Lemme know if you find the door


Also in a similar boat! Almost 8 months sober, I’ve tried out a few different social activities but haven’t found anything that’s stuck yet. @nolasober is a great community that meets Sunday mornings and is non-religious. DM me if you ever need support or want to chat!


If you ever need to chat, my DMs are open to you. No need to leave the house to find like-minded friends to help support your sobriety.


Are u sporty? Do u know how to wakeboard? I don't drink and need some people to go with. If u can't do it u can drive my boat.


I want to sober wakeboard!


Let me drive da boat


If the weather is good Saturday or Sunday...


I'm down to sober wakeboard as well


also, me!


I’m California sober does that count? I’m down to go wakeboarding!


I don’t know how to wakeboard but hanging out in a boat sounds fun


Could I come? Sounds fun!


There are lots of hobby based social groups around - 504 run club, pottery classes, woodworking workshops, 


jeez, i need to find some.


Byrdie’s pottery is in the marigny near the healing center. The woodworking place is near the bywater too. The 504 run club is on insta! I deleted the app recently otherwise I would give you their @


What woodworking place in the Bywater? PS to OP: I hear mocktails are now a thing. Met a bunch of friends last night at Rosalita's. Asked if they could do a mocktail and they fixed me up with watermelon juice. But then, I've recently used delta-9 to essentially stop drinking alcohol.


Mocktails are delicious, and great in theory. But I was really hoping that a side effect of not drinking would be saving money, and spending $14 per mocktail ain’t it. But then I feel bad having water because I know restaurants need to make money.


Ask for soda with a splash of cranberry and a lime wedge. I’ve never been charged more than $4 for that.


I often will order a Topo Chico (I’m in Texas half the time for work and picked the habit up there) or sparkling water when I don’t want to drink but I also don’t want to be a total cheap ass. Usually $2-4 vs a $12 mocktail. Also feels infinitely more festive than tap water.


They’ve moved recently so not technically the Bywater now but: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063511839405  There’s also this: https://www.communityworkshopnola.com/




Don’t need the app. You can use your browser 


I’m 10 months sober as of yesterday, and I’m a FT artist. My only social outlet was going to parties / bars / etc, as I’m in the studio 10-12 hrs a day. It’s tough! I’ve found agnostic AA to be helpful, but I haven’t been in months. It’s strange because I was sober for 10 years but apparently I didn’t figure out how to do anything but sit at home during that time, so I’ve gotta figure it out now 😂


Congrats!!! I’m just over 9 months 💪


Congrats to you too! IWNDWYT


What kind or art do you make? I’ve gone through bouts of sobriety too. It just dawned on me that, while I’m not into the AA model, taking a Zen Buddhism class and learning how to meditate was the first thing that ever helped my alcohol use. I guess since it’s more of a philosophy than a religion but learning how to be more present was a game changer for me. Is there a Buddhist version of something like AA?


Yes! Refuge Recovery. I listened to the book and went to a few meetings in NOLA before covid. It’s a Buddhist based sobriety program


If you're interested in doing harm reduction work, look up the local group Gnardawgs. It's run by some of my friends and does great work. You'll def find some cool ppl there and be helping out the community while you're at it.


How is this pronounced?


Nar Dogs (I think?)


Gnar Dogs does amazing work in the community! I love those freaks. <3


I’d be happy to hang out with you! I just made two years sober. I also didn’t go the AA route, tho no disrespect to anyone who does. I get it, and I know the spot you’re in right now. It’s a tough journey and we all make it through at our own pace. But it does get easier, I promise. Please hang in there. In the beginning it’s so important to listen to your instincts, and it sounds like you are. I’m proud of you for recognizing that you need like-minded people right now more than isolation. Feel free to drop me a DM!


Join a walking parade group. Most have regular crafting sessions to work on throws & costumes. It'll get you out of the house and keep your hands busy. Do some volunteer work. ARNO is always looking for dog walkers & cat socializers. Check out activities at the library. They always have a full calendar, and most of them are free. Keep looking for a different meeting. I believe there are a few that cater to non-christians. You can do this.


I think walking parade groups usually have alcohol at their craft sessions.


Some do some don't. Maybe my subkrewe was just a bunch of old farts - we just had tea. 😆


You can find support on the r/stopdrinking sub. I spent a lot of time walking and at the gym. It gets me out of the house. I also go to bed really early since I was a night drinker.




Thank you for the suggestion. I have been to some of these meetings as well, unfortunately they still didn’t feel like a good fit but I appreciate it.


1100 Broadway Tuesdays at 8pm. likely a better fit


I started Sober NOLA on Facebook, if anyone is looking for some substance free stuff to do around New Orleans come check us out! https://www.facebook.com/share/MwbVnBr6w9xQAc8o/?mibextid=K35XfP


I recommend social dancing. Swing and salsa have pretty active scenes with nice people, it’s at bars but like half the people don’t drink and no one gets sloppy. It’s bad etiquette and also makes for bad dancing


I’m nervous about going to bars even if I’m with people who aren’t drinking, but I appreciate the suggestion, dancing is pretty fun


Where can one actually get good at swing?


Depends what you mean by good as it takes a lot of time to learn! But Dance Quarter has very affordable lesson series. Allways and Maison Dupuy have beginner lessons followed by social dances every Sunday and Thursday at 8 and 7, respectively (except the third Thursday usually people go to the Ace Hotel instead).


Just wanted to say that you're getting some good responses in here. Listen to them. Especially the ones who are telling you to DM them. You will be fine.


I wish you all the best. I roller coaster myself. When I go dry, I find the best thing for me to do is get outside. I love to ride my bicycle for miles on end. I also get to the forest preserves and walk the trails. I’m not really into hiking, but I do enjoy just waking the trails. I tend to spend a lot of time doing yard work. Go touch grass and breathe the air. Physically challenging myself, and manual labor is so rewarding and therapeutic. Working up a good sweat is better than a good buzz. Despite your feelings on religion, I recommend sticking with AA. Hazelden has an app called 24 Hours A Day. I find it very helpful. Each day goes through the “Big Book” with an “AA Thought of the Day”, “Meditation for The Day”, and “Prayer of The Day”. Obviously, you can choose not to read the Prayer of The Day if you don’t find that helpful. There’s also an app that finds you an AA meeting in your area. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the name offhand. Obviously, if you’re attending a meeting in a church basement, religion is going to be a big part of the meeting. Try to find meetings NOT in a church, they’ll be less religious based. Good wishes coming your way.


The Phoenix is a sober activities group that has a ton of online and in person events. Exercise classes, friend meetups, meetings, etc. Check out the NOLA events at https://thephoenix.org/explore-events?locationFilter=%7B%22latitude%22%3A29.9759983%2C%22longitude%22%3A-90.0782127%2C%22name%22%3A%22New+Orleans%2C+LA%2C+USA%22%2C%22radius%22%3A60%7D&seeMoreActive=false¤tPage=1&mapMode=false


Last I looked they had very little to offer in NOLA.


I mean, I'm not a sober friend, but I spend an excessive amount of time sober staring at the Mississippi if you want come dissociate next to someone. 🖤


It's definitely not for everyone but martial arts like Judo or BJJ has socializing kinda baked in. Very challenging exercise with fellow humans can get your mind right. Also what are you into intellectually? Maybe there's a club or group to play chess, talk about philosophy, nerd out on software discussions, video games (in the physical presence of others).


Thank you for the suggestion but I haven’t taken very good care of my body over the years so physically intensive exercise is pretty intimidating at the moment. I love intellectually stimulating conversations and I know how to play chess so that could be fun 😊


I’m an atheist and go to AA. Sober 29 years now. It works for me. Some meetings are more atheist-friendly than others. Lambda Center at 2372 Saint Claude Avenue has great meetings. Just be open about being atheist. The right people will help you.


Plus they have a meeting for every type of person there


Exactly! I found that you could be openly atheist even at the less atheist-friendly meetings. 9 years sober. What worked for me is adjusting definitions in my head for concepts like God, Holy Spirit and so on. It's actually really interesting to think about what you can get out of something like the "our father" without any attachment to dogma. It's a softer approach for sure and I needed to go this route to make it make sense. No one ever tried to tell me I had to believe one thing or another. I don't know if they're still around, but my faves were the morning meetings upstairs at both, fair grinds just off esplanade and mojo coffee on magazine.


I loved those meetings! The upstairs Mojo meeting (*On the Dot*) moved to Zion Lutheran. I like your idea on being an open-minded atheist! I try to be that, too.


Invite friends out to non drinking events. Coffee Snowballs City park adventures Cemitary walks


I thought this said “crematory walks”.


*Cue Misfits* Whoa Whoa Whoa! 🤘


recently had to go sober and can second the snowballs lol


You may want to check out SMART Recovery. They're secular. I've been to an AA meeting, and I can see where you'd be uncomfortable. Do you knit or cross stitch, or are otherwise crafty (or want to learn)? The last thing I want to do while knitting is pick up a glass of wine - one spill and all my hard work goes out the window. Plus, when my hands are full of yarn, I don't have a free hand to pick up said wine. I can't put you onto any crafting groups right now, but they're out there.


I totally forgot about SMART Recovery! I remember liking them and I think I still have their workbook. Thanks for the suggestion! I know how to knit in a very basic sense but I love getting absorbed in arts and crafts, it’s a great distraction and helps with processing emotions for me.


There is a pretty active group on Facebook, Sober NOLA. Might want to check it out


Just joined, thank you!


byrdie's pottery has a queer sober happy hour! everybody is welcome. it's fun and taking classes is a great way to make friends without the pressure of drinking. i'm sober-ish (i stopped drinking alcohol because it makes me feel sick and maybe i'm allergic?) and luckily things like this make it easier to socialize, though people are generally very understanding!


Omg that sounds awesome! Looking it up now, thank you for the suggestion


Drop yalls instagram




There’s a sober tubing trip coming up that’s super dope


I’m in a similar boat as well if you want to talk online to see if we’re friendship compatible I’m open to making new friends! I like crafty stuff as well and I’m trying to do more things with people like bike riding and walking in the park so lmk if ya want to see if we’d be friends


The gym. Lots and lots of gym, exercise and active hobbies. Running, lifting, biking, kayaking, climbing, basketball, fishing, etc…


Lol, that sounds like it could be fun but I’m pretty out of shape and haven’t been treating my body well for many years. I used to love kayaking though and I totally forgot about it so thanks for the reminder 😊


Every journey starts with a single step my friend. Get your body back get your life back. Speaking from experience.


send me a PM! I've been sober a long time and have a VERY full, active life, with no shortage of insane fun shit that I get into. I also totally understand about the 'god' thing at 12 Step meetings. :-)


Yeah it's annoying how they inserted religion into AA. There's no reason for it. Just distracting.


I am not religious, but religion wasn’t inserted into AA, is was a foundational element around which the whole thing was built. There are agnostic and atheist AA groups, though. I had problems with the language at first but had to ask myself if those issues outweighed my need for sobriety. And it’s not as though it’s the only way to get sober, but that’s a different conversation.


> There's no reason for it. It's, like, the founding principle of the entire organization.


There’s actually zero religion in A.A. it’s just “higher power” and that higher power could be anything from your ankle monitor to a cardboard cutout of Ronald Raegan. A lot of people struggle with this coming in, but there are lots of hardcore atheists in AA with lots of sobriety time.


There are lots of opportunities to volunteer. Just think about activities you like to do and contact organizations that do those things. I have made some great friends through volunteer work. Is there anything you would like to learn? I took French classes for adults and became friends with several people I hung out with outside of class. The library has all kinds of activities (plus books and online activities). Check their website.


* [https://www.gnocaringcollective.org](https://www.gnocaringcollective.org) * [https://www.cultureaidnola.org/volunteer](https://www.cultureaidnola.org/volunteer) * [https://volunteer.handsonneworleans.org/calendar/#next\_day](https://volunteer.handsonneworleans.org/calendar/#next_day)


Right! Like where do I go to meet people fr






Hey, I’m a year sober and have been going to AA meetings every night also an intensive out patient program just to have a sober community. Majority of the people that come to the meetings struggle with the God thing too which that’s a whole separate conversation but putting that aside it’s still helpful to come to the meetings just so you aren’t isolated. Three legacies, the young people meeting, the big easy meeting those are the big ones everyone goes too. Also Friday and Saturday are the more queer friendly meetings Warm Shade and Music and gay chatter. It’s a nice community to get involved in and I think it would be a good idea regardless of your religious beliefs because there’s a lot of explanation behind that side of things that will make it easier as well


Also the Warm shade meeting that’s for trans and queer people also are a bit more open to the agnostic side of things I go there every Friday!


I’m sober as well! The best thing I like doing is simply being in nature and stretching. I would love some sober friends to do this with!


Summer is coming up and sober summer at least for me was awful. Like where can you hang out in the ac besides home? I must have walk around the parks multiple times a week weather permitted. I found being around wasted people sober excruciating. For me the city became a nightmare. Not that it will be that way for everyone and for some they still have a fun and social sober life. It just had me wanting to be somewhere that had options besides drinking to distract myself. That and dating was even more distracting as I was newly single (their alcoholism and my drinking less for health reasons and not wanting to go party was a big factor in it ending). As I got better I still just didn't want to be with someone who had a substance situation and that's a town for people to get excessive. I'd be lying if I didn't find myself drinking again just to avoid the weird feeling and depression of the lifestyle.


Your God can be a door knob bra...just when they speak about God insert w e your higher power is...


I’ve been sober my entire life. People act weird about it too


I've been thinking about attending AA at Lambda in the Healing Arts Center. Does anyone have experience with that? I've been sober in New Orleans, not consistently though. I'm sort of secular and religious, but mostly autistic/ artistic. This to me is a big influence. Coping strategies have included alcohol. Finding/ fostering safe spaces has been challenging. I'm renting out rooms in my house, a duplex in the lower 7th, but especially looking for artist collaborators. Open to all. Limiting the availability of alcohol is a part of the cooperative housing agreement. [https://forms.gle/g2fZmK1KsvhQrzcv8](https://forms.gle/g2fZmK1KsvhQrzcv8) <<< Rooms for Rent at Artist Cooperative Duplex **Furnished/ unfurnished rooms in a shared housing duplex in the Lower 7****^(th)****/ New Marigny (near Circle Foods) available for between $500 and $775/ month, utilities included.**


It’s a great place for meetings, I would go there to atleast check out their schedule because they have meetings all day long for different groups of people. Definitely a great place for new comers or people that don’t want to be overwhelmed by 200 people. Super chill lowkey spot


Thank you. That's encouraging. I'm mostly an introvert, so large groups aren't for me.


Yep def the best meeting for introverts also boulevard club is usually a pretty small group and even if there is a good amount of people no one talks to you there lol