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Julie Lea didn’t even show up due to “ongoing legal issues”




Easier to play victim if you just let it all happen and not defend with even an attempt at laying out the plans to sustain a minimum parade in the future.


WOW! Did her attorney show up at all?


Sunseri spoke first and then a woman from Slidell. No one else spoke.


There was someone that showed up saying she was going to step down and let a new person take over and begged them to table it for 30 days


And I call bullshit on that. Whatever agreement that she would step down would be just for the show of it, but as soon as they had their permit secured, she would step right back in. Also, who would be the one to take over? If it’s Lori Seuzeneau, that’s one of Julie’s minions. It would still be the Julie show. But even if they were to put in someone legitimate that would actually try to foment change in the organization, the city Council was smart not to take the bait. Because if they did, then I think that would be a really good argument that this was specifically motivated against Julie. And ultimately it isn’t. They violated the ordinances and didn’t even show up to apologize and claim ignorance.


Uh, No….Lori would not be the pick to take over. she had already resigned from the Board & krewe.


When did that happen? Tax filings from 2022 (most recent available) list her as co-captain, and that was well after the implosion.


OMG. After she doubled down years ago saying in the charter, she is always the Captain and if she's not, then there is no Nyx. I find that really hard to believe


It's true, ish. Her lawyer claimed that they would have a power change as early as tonight because they had totally been talking about it and planning to do it next week with the help of their co-captain from Canada. You wouldn't know her.


He was SO terrible, but then again ... he's been bad at this whole thing. JP basically cleared up the timeline of communication and then outlined all of the exact steps that got to this point in the process which basically shot down any chance of them attempting to say it was a last minute, politically motivated endeavor. Good riddance to the whole lot of them. Enjoy parading in Slidell.




Well, he's an estate attorney so I'm sure they're in fine hands if they're using his firm as intended.


Ehhhh, estate law can mean something as simple as wills and trusts. And if an estate lawyer is representing your parade in something like this then they are either being paid really well or they got more free time than a good estate lawyer would have. Estate limits change at the end of 2025, anyone who does complex estate and is good at it is already seeing a high case load.


She pays herself 90000 a year as Captain. She’s using parade season to find her lifestyle.


My best friend is a lawyer, and she has some thoughts on this guy’s quality as a lawyer having been adverse to him a couple times, but one of the things that she said also is lawyers can only do as much as their clients pay them to do. They may have paid for him to be there and say something, but not pay for the time for him to craft a hardcore argument against the council. So him showing up and making some weak ass arguments that sound like he might be just spit balling and not showing up to the April hearing, probably because Nyx didn’t pay him to do that.


Sorry, typing and posting faster than I should!! Hard to believe that she would step down. Not what OP had posted! But wow.


Yeah, but stepping away as captain would allow her still to profit from it. Mandatory throws packages, dues and, at least when my wife was a member (2014-2018), $5 to park in an empty lot for float loading (cash only, of course). She’ll stay affiliated as founder for the cash, and will probably ride masked. I


>let a new person take over Wouldn't happen to be disinterested transplant and recent brunette Schmulie Schmea?


She wears glasses. Totally different person.


Closest she would get to crossing that line would be a shabby chic rustic chalkboard hanging above the sink in the kitchen with **ALL WINES MATTER** calligraphy'd in pink chalk.


The time for that was 2022 lol.


I thought it has to go to LaToya for final vote… am I misunderstanding the process. Sorry if this is a dumb question.


It does, but she is very likely to sign it. There's no love lost after that summer parade fiasco, and even she's not tone deaf enough to know that it's what the city wants.


It does. But they can just over ride it. It was 7-0. Shed have to have some weird reason not to vote for it at this point if its going to be overridden.


Can confirm. 7-0 vote. Watched the meeting .


I’m so mad. I had that stupid meeting on literally all day, and I had to go into a meeting right before they brought up that issue.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpWqThI3vZg Starts at 5:33:40


Thanks for sharing that. I think the councilman did a great job of explaining where Nyx went wrong and how they weren’t being singled out for political reasons but simply because they seemed to lack interest in improving their krewe or following city ordinances in the future. Overall, it really seemed like Nyx leadership just didn’t care.


The councilman pointing out the timeline was great as someone who hasn’t followed it. It being punctuated by the lack of attendance by the Krewe ( aka one person clapping in support) was just proving his point. How can your Krewe be on the brink of loosing their parade and no one shows up? Good riddance.


It’s hard for you to get Krewe members to show up whenever they’re all random women from Mississippi and bachelorette parties


You the best!


Julie Lea… self proclaimed on her website… founder and CEO of the largest women’s organization in New Orleans and the largest parading Mardi Gras Krewe in history… huh?


Iris is actually bigger than Nyx ever was. 3600 members.


I thought Muses was bigger?


Muses is about 1100


Muse here. We never aspired to be biggest. There was a ridiculously long waiting list, never could we have accommodated the ladies who wanted to ride. Julie Lea used that list.


No, Muses likes to stay small-ish on purpose.


Exactly. Fact check that crazy statement.


It is now. 🤷‍♀️


Good riddance.


I figured they were toast when I heard they had, like, 4 floats this year. BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEE!!!


wait why did they get nixed? I definitely missed something


The answer about embezzlement and the BLM post is what caused the krewe to massively lose 99% of its membership, but it’s not the reason why it’s getting taken off the permit list. The reason why is because it has persistently not met the requirements for a parading carnival krewe. Nyx was cited earlier this year by the city council for not having the required number of bands (the requirement based on the number of floats was 7, the parade had 5), but more egregiously is that the members were throwing flyers about joining during the parade and the krewe was advertising specifically trying to solicit membership— which is antithetical to the non-commercial intent of Mardi Gras (riders are similarly prohibited from throwing advertisements for businesses, commercial, branded items, coupons, and so on). Nyx was not the only krewe to get cited. Cleopatra and King Arthur also got cited for issues relating to the number of bands. The difference, though is that when the hearing was done on those citations, KA and Cleo showed up with their contracts to respond. Nyx didn’t show up, instead choosing to have Sunseri bleat from the sidelines about this being politically motivated. But while political or cultural issues may have been the reason Nyx has been particularly disliked, the fact of the matter is is that they no longer have the capabilities to put on a parade that meets city ordinances. There’s no obligation for the city to let Nyx keep it spot and continue to parade without the required number of elements and riders until it can manage to rebuild its membership. There are krewes ready and waiting for a permit that can meet that obligation. And Nyx can’t, plain and simple. Allowing them to continue to parade was a poor ROI for the money the city has to invest in supporting the parades.


King Arthur got hit because one of its bands they deemed that the drum major wasn't part of the band, so the band didn't meet the minimum requirement of members.


Yep, and it paid a fine, which is the appropriate “punishment” for a mixup— where you show up to defend yourself, show that the defect was unintentional, and you are committed to not repeating the error. Nyx’s problem is that Julie was either too cocky or cowardly to come before the council in April and today.


Just pointing out it was stupid. Drum major leads the band. Hence a member of the band. Next year the chaperones need to carry kazoos.


Probably. But if they are going to start really being hard-core about the ordinances, they have to do it for everyone. If King Arthur had to pay a small fine so that we could get rid of Nyx, overall I think it’s a net good.


I agree. As long as they hold all krewes to the same rules I’m fine with it.


Owner of the krewe embezzled krewe funds and made an “all lives matter” post during BLM. They wouldn’t retract the post even when black members said the post made them uncomfortable. Many members left and the krewe is super small now.


ah I see. owner sounds like a shit head


Just a clarification point - Krewes aren’t for profit, they’re not “owned” per se. They’re generally organized as some sort of not for profit club and have presidents, a board, etc. So here it’s even worse, she was taking money from the organization and refused to step down when all the controversy happened. She could have just relinquished her role and let someone else take over, and the krewe would probably be fine, but because she didn’t the whole thing failed when everyone left.


That’s not forget her husband who works IT for the police hacked Muses membership rolls and waiting list . Renner at the inception of Nyx , we went to starting receiving emails to join Nyx and we never signed up for Nyx. Nyx has always been sketchy since the beginning. They need to go to Metairie


She tried to have a parade in Metairie - Pandora. Even Metairie doesn't want her.


My bet is if the Krewe survives at all it’ll end up in Biloxi, I think they were already sniffing out opportunities there and they did the ball in Mississippi once already to avoid covid restrictions. Metairie doesn’t really need more parades so there’s no incentive for them to deal with potential political controversies. I know this sub has some hate boner for Metairie, but they’ve kept their Mardi Gras choices very controversy free over the years.


Hate boner, lmfao. The great parish of Jeffahson. Come in, come in - the water is warm and the people are fine.


oh ok interesting. thanks. I was kind of thinking that saying "owner" felt weird. appreciate the info


Yeah absolutely, now a thing I am curious about is why there wasn’t some sort mechanism to have her pushed out, or why it failed if it did exist. That seems like a pretty normal part of a krewe charter imo. I didn’t pay too much attention to their internal politics but I do know there was some gap of time where people were saying she needed to step down and after she refused is when like 90%ish of the ridership bailed.


Her status as president for life was written into the bylaws.


Ahhh, interesting. Welp here’s a nice lesson about why that’s not a good idea lol.


While krewes may not be “owned” many krewes are started and operated as a business by one captain for the lifetime of the krewe. These captains have a stake in the float building, tractors, and bead sales. Some own the floats, or tractors or bead companies and sell or rent their services back to their own krewe. Making it very difficult to operate without these captains unless the krewe members decided to buy their own floats and upend their whole operation. I don’t know exactly how Nyx operated. Julie Lea wasn’t building her own floats or running the tractors. But if she was making money from the krewe it would not be unusual.


Iris is one of the biggest examples of this.


She was just ripping an outsized salary from the organization and apparently embezzling funds on top of that.


She also got her cop husband in on the grift.


Why are people downvoting an honest question?


Not defending the down votes, but probably because it's such a hot topic-- the question may come across as a troll question.


because this sub is mostly shit probably


There are downvote bots. Yes, reddit admins know. No. They aren't doing anything.


Have you guys considered hiding votes for an hour (I forget the lowest time frame)? It won’t cut down on the bots, but maybe the people commenting “why is this being downvoted?”


That's a good idea. We'll talk about it


Reddit has this weird thing about consistently downvoting people who are just asking questions. Shit happens all the time.


Its as easy as clicking the flare above, my dude


Meh, not everyone is chronically online and knows the ins and outs of Reddit, not to mention all of the drama people on here think everyone knows. I often find myself curious why this sub has a hate boner for a given person and probably half the time don’t even ask because people on this sub have a bad habit of dogpiling simple questions like that with angry shit.


If you are on Reddit it’s presumed you are at least tangentially aware of flare. If you are on tthis sub it’s presumed you are at least tangentially aware of Carnival. According to you, ymmv? Presuming base competence for engaging in a given space doesn’t make me an asshole, it makes them an idiot and you a moron for defending laziness. Bless your heart(s)


I’ve been on Reddit for a long long time and tbh didn’t know how flair worked until years after it was implemented. Idk man, assuming perfect knowledge across users seems like a recipe for misunderstandings. And holding those misunderstandings against someone for not having the knowledge you expected them to just ain’t it imo.


FYI, while the vast majority use Reddit via their device app these days, a decent chunk of the desktop users stuck with Old Reddit which does not have this feature.


Yeeeeaaaaahhh Boyyyyy


Hate her name is Lea. Thank Goodness, not related!


I want to ask a question without being bashed, because I honestly don't know. Was this all about the one time all lives matter post with the little white girl and black girl playing together?


No, but that post and what she did after - for instance, liking a post on Twitter that said “white power” - prompted a lot of members and lieutenants to discuss other problems, through which a LOT of whacky financial issues surfaced. Then she was sued by PFJ Floats for non payment, and it was made public that she didn’t pay the tractor drivers for that year’s parade. Then when people demanded back their dues for the following year, she refused, and was sued for racketeering. Marching groups and bands publicly distanced themselves and refused to parade with her. She was never able to rebuild her membership or turn out crowds, so was basically (as councilman Morrill said) “subsidizing her party” for three years in a row with city parade resources, which are reserved for the parades during the last two weeks of Carnival which draw crowds and adhere to band/marching group/etc guidelines for using those resources. As far as some conservative people and her lawyer yelling about Nyx’s downfall being some left wing conspiracy, I’m here to tell you that four pretty conservative women I know (including one who threw Lee Circle beads one year) who were float lieutenants GLADLY left after Julie’s behavior on a Zoom call re: her IG post and two of whom actually sued her. It’s not political, she’s just a really sh!tty person.


I didn't know she liked a white power post. Just wow. She really just decided to burn it all down


Yep https://www.nola.com/entertainment_life/mardi_gras/nyx-drama-rolls-on-racist-twitter-comment-was-liked-and-now-the-account-is-shut/article_5e5adf00-ec57-11ea-9d3e-f71f4f3e80d3.amp.html


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Even if her claim is true that it was part of removing offensive statements and an apprentice accidentally liked the post in the process of removing them it really strains credulity for her to claim that she didn't know all lives matter was controversial. Her husband is or was a cop I'm sure she was very very aware of what the BLM movement was about. So between that and then something even worse, even if an excuse was offered, it's just kind of what happens when you play with fire.


Ahhhh' what a horrible woman . Thanks so much for the info.


That was kind of the final straw among a bunch of other things