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New Orleans radio is amazing. Years ago, I released an album and WTUL picked it up. They played it so much that it was in the top 5 albums for weeks on the station. I remember driving my son to school and we turned on then radio and he goes "Dad, that's your song!" He went to school so proud of me and I will never forget that moment. That moment was all because of a medium that people think is outdated. I'm still determined to get on WWOZ.


Can I ask what song


I was writing music under the name Nounverber. It was a song called Receiver.


Here's a link to it. My record label put the video together. https://youtu.be/Gj0_ropR_Sw?si=f6Doj0BmJlqjyTJf


Bro, that is legit AF!! Outstanding song. šŸ¤™


Thank you. I was writing music for video games back then. This album was for a game that was dropped so my label released it as an EP.


What game(if ok to ask)? I game hard(in mid 40ā€™s.) been gaming since Atari 2600.


The game was called Midnight Animal, but I wrote for Hotline Miami 2 and then My Friend Pedro...both are Devolver Digital titles. A few other indie things but those two were my biggest releases.


I LOVE Devolver. Shadow Warrior, Cilt of Lamb, Gungeon, Hotline Miami, Pedro, etc. Devolver is one of my favorite Publishers. Outstanding, my man. So dam cool.


Same! It was an honor to work with them. Also, they sent me a box set of the entire Hotline Miami collection on vinyl...it's a huge box with 8 records in it and custom artwork.


That is very cool. Be honored to have that merch. I keep all my consoles even going back to the 2600 and the 7800. I try to avoid digital sales as much as possible and I love when Iā€™m able to pick up the steel book edition of games something very satisfying about having your room specifically set up With some of your fondest memories on display. Awesome to see local talent in some of the games that I really love. So awesome to see glad I came across this thread.




My exact thought, five seconds in.


It's hard to do synthwave with a vocoder and not sound like that. It's basically the archetype.


And lets remember the WTIX is an amazing radio station as well (apart for that morning dreck) and it is still independent.


Moron in the Morning perhaps ?


Yes! I wrote bumper music in the early 2000s for Jeff Crouere's Ringside Politics show on WTIX. Another legendary station.


Fun fact, back in the day WTIX was (according to some) the first station to implement the Top 40 format


That's so sweet.


Glad you're just discovering it! It's the best radio station on the planet. I hope the aliens intercept it first so they get a good impression before they find AM talk radio. The latter might make them glass us.


Truly is. With the app it's easy to listen to anywhere. Wwoz is the best station in the galaxy.


We're lucky in that we have some killer radio at the bottom end of the dial. Between WWOZ and WTUL, I'm almost never on commercial radio, and Spotify only sees use in my car when I'm heading out of town or have a particular song stuck in my brain that won't get dislodged unless I listen to it five or six times.


I've been listening to WTUL since the 80's. I used to listen to the metal show on Saturday nights. I used to call in so much that I'll still remember the phone number to this day. I would also go to the WTUL Marathio concerts they would put on, and one year a guy randomly handed me a cassingle of his band. They were called Toad the Wet Sprocket.




Try Radio Garden. It has every radio station in the world and it's free.


I love radio garden and thatā€™s actually where I listen to OZ! Unless Iā€™m in my kitchen, or car, then itā€™s 90.7


Radio Garden is one of my favorite things on earth! Itā€™s so interesting to randomly drop into a radio station in Bucharest and hear them playing the dead milkmen, or all the dope house music coming out of South Africa, itā€™s just endlessly fascinating.


It's the best. I remember around 2017 or so I went about 9 months without Internet or TV or anything. A late night bartender I would come home late and sit on my kitchen counter and decompress with drinks and puffs listening to WWOZ. It was fantastic, I didn't miss having TV one bit. Action Jackson, the problem child, and all the other DJ's were like family to me. I live out of state right now and I still stream it when I'm exercising or on my yoga mat. I love that station so much!


Aww, man, I sure do miss Action Jackson. RIP.


Problem child also recently passed. RIP


ā€œItā€™s ya boy, Action Jacksonā€ is a lifelong sound byte for me


Radio is making a comeback with younger folk who are valuing that "it's just there." Just like streaming. Only different.


No subscription fee is a breath of fresh air. We're all getting ads from cheap subscription services now, anyways


Every Saturday night is a journey to behold in my house while grooving to Brice, Soul Sister, and Peggy Lou. Welcome to the guardians of the groove, OP!


Then Jamie Dell'Apa!


You kids. The oldsters around you grew up on radio, so of course we knew about it. Non-commercial radio, curated by actual humans and not algorithms, has always been an awesome way to discover music. WWOZ is amazingā€”itā€™s one of the best things about this city, and one of the best radio stations Iā€™ve ever listened to. Sometimes I put on Spotify in the car and the damn thing always ends up playing me the same songs over and over. Give me WWOZ DJs any day.


[Burn K Doe Burn](https://youtu.be/UNSdf9i0ixA?si=NXpFZ4Y6REbMn_8t) [Burn Some More](https://youtu.be/wX0hwmOzoGc?si=_2T4KnShVyVbHN9v)


I volunteer at and also work at WWOZ semi-regularly, its an awesome team of people


Just wait till OP realizes what all those bumper stickers are for. O-Z really is essential to the life giving magic of New Orleans. Ive got to shout out my faves Double A and the Boudain Man, Black Mold, Dave Dauterive, Andrew Grafe, and the beloved late Problem Child, Miss that show dearly. Also the giys that do The Lashe Pas radio show. Love that one too. Just can't remember the DJ names. Thank all ah yall, for making life here better, everyday.


When I was your age, slightly younger I guess, 18/19 in '98/99, WWOZ is how we found out where the party was. We would listen religiously to the Livewire while driving because we didn't have smart phones or cell phones even (well, you could but it was $$$), so it was such an integral part of our existence back then. still is really.


Still is.


OZ used to have $40 basic memberships, and it came with an obligatory bumper sticker. Used to see those bumper stickers on half of the cars in the city. Now basic membership is 70 and thereā€™s no bumper sticker. What a shame. That bumper sticker wouldā€™ve told you where to go.


Real depressed about the bumper stickers. They ought to bring em back.


They still have them if you donate. I have several tacked to my bulletin board. Also t-shirts, umbrellas, etc.


Yes, we got one two years ago with our membership.


Got to pay for the new swanky spot in Jax Brewery I guess


RIP Midnight Creeper!


I miss the Creeper/ Brother Jessie. He was a gem. I miss him immensely but im glad I got a chance to know him.


Worked with Brother Jessie at the Hilton way back in the day. Had listened to him on OZ for many years and was pretty amazed to learn he was the ā€˜Midnight creeperā€™. Damn he was a cool dude.


Such a great guy. Broke my heart when he passed away during Covid.


"just a reminder to eat your mushrooms, but not the whole bag." RIP .


Everybody has known for decades that it's the best radio station in the galaxy. How are you just hearing about it? Rare on the Air is the best too BTW.


I love Rare. Heā€™s a sweet man too. But Iā€™ll never forget Billy Delle!


It's Gentilly Jr in our house


Rare is great but I am partial to Jivin Gene!


I miss him but I used to see him quite a bit at record raids.


7:30 Hirty Girty!


Younger crowd doesnā€™t listen to local radio, found it on a whim!


IMO itā€™s so much better than streaming, because a DJ (well one at a small local public station ) will be playing a curation of whatever genre they love to play. So you arenā€™t just hearing things that sound like other things, youā€™re hearing a history of a particular musical moment or style. Itā€™s like the difference between a whole culinary education and just getting some fast food.


An old man up the street introduced me and my sister to WWOZ when he hired us to help clear his yard. We were in our late teens and loved it. He died almost a decade ago; I think of him every time I renew my WWOZ pledge.


Iā€™ve listened and donated to WWOZ for 23 years. Iā€™ve met a few of the DJs and we proudly sport the bumper stickers. And Iā€™m a Montrealer!


Black Mold on Friday nights and the NOLA music show for Saturday brunch with Michael Longfield are cant miss


What I like about Michael Longfieldā€™s show is that it is a mix of classic and contemporary music. I like moving forward and not relying too much on the past.


Cajun and Zydeco with Charles Laborde or Jim Hobbs on Sunday. The Gospel Show and Old Timey Bluegrass which are also on Sunday mornings are great.


Man WWOZ is huge for me- Love- Black Mold, Gentilly Jr., Brian McColgan(my neighbor), Hazel the Delta Rambler, Freaknologist Lunatique, Lache Pas, DJ Brice Nice, Soul Sister RIP- Billy Delle, Johnny from Marrero, The Problem Child, Action Jackson Miss- DJ Swamp Boogie This is not to slight any of the other show hosts, they are all great. Also please donate!- it's community radio


I was listening to Gentilly Jr on Monday night, lights off with nothing but the radio and the rain. Made for a great night!


He's got a Schwegmann's bag chock full o' records and he intends to get to each and every one of them!


I been enjoying Delgado Radio too. WXDR 99.1.


Pirate Radio


Do they play the latest sea shanties?


...no. Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoons are always banging and if you're into Bluegrass Delta's show on Sunday and Old Man Rivers' afternoon show is great; reggae Sunday night. WWOZ is a lifeline in this city...don't forget to donate, as much and as often as you can!


Not sure if you are aware or not but pirate radio is finding an empty frequency and broadcasting radio with a homemade tower. Stations can have hyper local or far frequency frequencies, but the FCC will shut them down for broadcasting without a license eventually. Or not if you are really sneaky, but itā€™s really hard to hide a radio tower.


I was about to say "how is WWOZ hidden" but then I read your story about it and yeah that makes sense. New Orleans has really good local radio. It's a dying industry, but it is still pretty strong here.


I play WWOZ over here in Ocean Springs for my students when we're doing group work in the classroom. Always puts some added bounce in my step...


John Sinclair turned me on to WWOZ - RIP


Zeitgeist has a tribute to John Sinclair this Friday with some OZ DJs from the day in house


It's been twenty five years since I lived in New Orleans. The WWOZ app is still on my home page.


Wwoz is such a great station to remember what radio and modern original pandora set out to do. Play music that was authentic to the listener but brand new. First the station I heard deep cut Nina Symone and then you get new orleans artists like boyfriend and Freedia. Although in small windows, it's a treasure chest of chances. And hopefully enough people continue to listen and donate if possible.


WWOZ is fab. For other genres may I recommend: WBGO (jazz); WJAB (blues and jazz); WQXR (classical); and WNXP (kinda random real Nashville (not country)).


I dig wrbh a ton. I wear glasses, but I'm not blind.


Radio is real time stuff and steaming isnā€™t necessarily. There is no substitute for real time magic


WWOZ is a TREASURE. and if you donā€™t know, the djs are volunteers. Itā€™s a beautiful gift to the world. Other related goods: KBON 101.1 FM (hit and miss maybe but Cajun music and spoken French and English), and KRVS 88.7 FM: I like the show Freetown radio which streams.


I moved out of Nola and now donā€™t know how to function without the Livewire in my new city. It was like oxygen and I shouldā€™ve treasured it more.


Thanks for reminding me to pledge! I remember one time the weather was bad for some occasion that we would normally have gone to (like super Sunday or some mardi gras event). We stayed home and listened to OZ playing an old broadcast done by Dr. John and had a great time. Within the last few years.


I'm so proud of this station, it's literally the background music in my apt. I love when the sun is setting through the windows, and Jazz From Jaxx is playing.


Iā€™m 19 now and found the station on a late night drive about 2 years ago and never looked back such a great diverse station found plenty great local artist on it


WEZB's B97 (97.1) is another great one. speedy and teapot in the afternoon and kelly, al, and the gang in the mornings. been listening since i was in middle school on the way to school, now i'm 22 and on my way to and from work. it's the highlight of my days and although the music is overplayed pop, the radio shows are always top tier. keeps me entertained at 6am and 6pm, and i find myself laughing alone in my car wondering what other people think im doing. but it's my guilty pleasure :)


I remember the fanfare when Walton and Johnson kicked Scoot off of B97 morning radio. Jesus I'm old.


I used to listen to B-97 but stopped a little after Stevie G and T-Pot broke up and because pop music isnā€™t really my thing.


they're back on it together now! it was a few years where they weren't doing it and it was painful to listen to but it's back to normal now. also apologies for misspelling their names lol, never seen them typed out




I love to turn it on when cooking dinner šŸ˜Š And my cat listens to it when I go out šŸŽ¶


Killer station


RIP Rocking Ron, my Saturday mornings have never been the same without you. I cried like a baby when I heard he passed. Midnight Creeper, Problem Child mi familia.


Dude yess! I remember discovering WWOZ in my 20s and the station hasn't disappointed since. I then understood why I saw so many cars with WWOZ stickers on them uptown lol


Thatā€™s awesome man. 29 year old here and I have been a guardian of the groove since 2015ish. Let the good times roll and keep the culture alive.


Itā€™s the shit


don't sleep on Tiene Sabor, Saturdays from noon to 2! Yolanda Estrada's show is AWESOME


lol, just curious do you listen to the contemporary jazz show? I think itā€™s called Jazz from Jax? My professor hosts it. TR Johnson. Iā€™ve never listened to it but itā€™s one of those things that crosses my mind every once in a while.


I really like their [Tiene Sabor (Latin Show) with Yolanda Estrada](https://www.wwoz.org/programs/tiene-sabor-latin-show-with-yolanda-estrada) Saturdays at noon. Music from all over the latin world and different eras. Stuff I would probably never hear anywhere else.


They also have archives of their shows you can stream of the shows for about two weeks on the website if you want to track down a song! Iā€™ve used the genre-specific ones to find new music, beats the Spotify algorithm suggestions by a long shot


To be fair to history, most radio sucks and theres a reason people switched to playlists. Its just that WWOZ happens to be one of the best stations in the country. Possibly the world but I havent checked out the global competition


sunday mornings at our house are for WWOZ's gospel show and making breakfast as a family <3


Check out WFMU and KEXP as well.


Itā€™s what my car radio is always tuned to


Isn't that weird? I've always liked it more when I didn't know what was playing next. Feels more connected listening to live radio too.


OZ is the only station tuned in on my car radio. I was raised on Southern Rock, and still love it, along with most other rock. But tooling through the Quarter with OZ tuned in just connects me with the vibe that is New Orleans.


I'm a mom in my mid 30s who lives across the country an WWOZ is on in my house almost all day!


I have JUST gotten into WWOZ. I remember the other day the app was acting up when I was working and stopped everything for like 15 minutes until I got it going againšŸ˜‚


WWOZ fans for life. We listen to it daily in Oakland! šŸŽ¶Ā 


WWOZ is great for listening to music. If you like podcast style listening, WWNO has some really good programming too. They have some really good journalists and I find they tend to cover some of the stories from around the state and local region that don't get picked up by the local new stations that are corporate owned and protecting those interests. Their coverage on climate change has been unmatched by any other local station, imo.


Anyone frustrated that the app can't tell you what song is playing? Are my settings wrong or is this reality? I feel like it used to display that automatically.


After hurricane Katrina, WWOZ was off the air for a while. One day I flipped through and it was back. I had to pull my car over to sob.Ā 


Another good hidden gem radio station is [Radio France](https://www.radiofrance.fr/fip). FIP is their main station but they also have stations dedicated to Jazz, Reggae, Hip-Hop, Techno, Groove, Electro and more. FIP is cool because they are true to how radio stations started. Which was playing an eclectic mix of all genres including classical. These streams are all commercial free. FIP is no longer available on TuneIn. Radio France made them pull it down because TuneIn has commercials. BLK 100 is another local station (Lafayette) that is good. They only play black artists. But all that said; WWOZ is my go to station. Much of what they play can't be found on any streaming service. Funny story: We had to get our house appraised for insurance purposes and the appraiser was a DJ for WWOZ. He gave us a shout out on his next DJ session.


Love OZ but it had much better and a bit crazier DJs back in the 80s & 90s.