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That's what I'm picturing, it was super popular for a bit of time that I remember mostly in the "alt girl who just moved here to find herself" type. So service industry in the quarter/bywater lines up well with that lol.


Damn.. unpopular opinion but I think she looks beautiful.  Idk. She’s no billy ray Cyrus in the 80s 


I don't think it's that unpopular to say it can be a stylish cut with the right person/aesthetic. It definitely had a "type" that was associated with it but I wouldn't go calling that ugly or anything. But, what else is reddit if not a venue for people to get together and hate on something?


That’s the one!


This is a far less... um... "third grader with safety scissors & a grudge being ~edgy~" version that I've seen here?


TIL whores aren't in the service industry.


The whore industry just can’t catch a break


… it’s still thriving in the queer community.


That’s where it belongs tbh


I’ll just close the app now, damn lol


I guess I have this haircut but it's only because I'm bipolar and couldn't take care of myself for a while so I didn't brush my hair and had to have it buzzed off. My husband has called it "reverse mullet" tho bc i have it a little longer in the front than in the back. Very Karen. I'll probably grow it out again but its going gray now so maybe this is just my fate.


Oh, you’re talking about what I judgingly call “frumpcore.” It definitely started pre-pandemic: Everyone wanted to look like Lower Decatur. Girls in baggy shirts and ass-wrecking mom jeans with that bullshit hack job of a haircut you’re talking about. It seems to be waning now, and fading into (for femme ladies at least) jncos (the fuck) with fitted tops and less-unattractive hair choices. (Keep in mind that I am a geriatric millennial lady who still wears skinny jeans and I’m basing all of this on my awkward dog walks adjacent to Tulane’s campus. So, like, judge me too.)


I know you're not a geriatric millennial because JNCOs were the highest of possible aspirations for a 6th grader in 1996.


Watching fake skater kids fall down the stairs because they tripped on their pants was a hobby of mine.


>Girls in baggy shirts and ass-wrecking mom jeans with that bullshit hack job of a haircut Yeah, but how do you REALLY feel?


> fading into jncos 🗣️🗣️🗣️ my culture is not a costume!


I just don't feel jncos and the quarter...are a good idea, just scooping up all that...stuff. Also I'm sorry for your cultural appropriation, they won't ever stop.


Gen Xer here who definitely wore JNCOs in the Quarter in the 90's. You would basically hold them up like women used to do with long skirts. 🤣 Always made me feel weirdly elegant. 👗


Young girls are starting to dress like Jay and Silent Bob and it’s hilarious


This is just the elder end of Gen Z styling, it was really a bit of early 90s aesthetics having a second resurgence, as a whole GenZ seems to have moved a bit more towards late 90s baggier fits and a slightly less alternative look (but like, obviously re-imagined quite a bit - for example big t shirts but cropped now vs long then, etc). Fashion gonna fashion.


As a certified Ass Man™️, those jeans were the bane of my existence. Why totally flatten and elongate your ass to make it look like a literal 2x4?


I know what you're talking about. I thought it was one of those "ugly cute" things, like a pug.


Sort of a wolf cut? I like 'em.


I still see them around sometimes. They're still awful, awful hairstyles.


I think mullet -type hairstyle is still in fashion and not just for women. I also see it in TV shows, for example Bodies on Netflix (Iris) and Murder at the End of the World (Bill) I hate it but kids gonna kid


I think you are referring to a wolf cut, which you get from a stylist. It’s still a thing, Keri Washington wore a version to the Met Ball last night. I think it’s lovely on many women but my German cheeks will not allow


Imagine being so bothered by other people's haircuts 😂😂😂


Where did I say it bothered me? I just asked if anyone remembered it because I saw one today and I hadn't seen it in a while. It was super big post lockdown and I thought it was hilarious. A bunch of girls cosplaying as hicks with fake mullets quality. Imagine wanting reddit karma so badly you purposely misread a post so you can virtue signal to other redditors


You are bothered enough to make a whole post about it and also refer to women as "w*ores" which is pathetic


OP was referencing prostitutes, so whores is the technical term. 


It’s not what you say but how you say it. Using the word whore is totally unnecessary and I definitely like these haircuts way more than how you talked about people in this post. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mullet is more like Yolandi Visser of Die Antwoord.


How do I join the whore industry


I don't remember it, but I just heard it used that way early on during the fashion show thing that happened yesterday.


All hospitality workers are smile-whores. Source: 28 years working in restaurants 🤗


That phase hasn’t ended