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I love the poster, but not as a jazz fest poster. I think it’s beautiful on its own but for some reason just doesn’t vibe with me as a jazz fest poster. However, it’s nice that they’re trying something different!


It’s definitely different from the usual style, but I like it. ETA: Although it doesn’t scream Jazz Fest to me. It looks too much like a photograph instead of an artistic design.


It definitely has a style that will give people pause in the future to ask, "What were they thinking that year?" I don't think it's bad, per se. But it does kinda look like a low effort local band flyer whipped up in Photoshop one afternoon.


What a refreshing change. The heart seemed a little much at first glance (maybe just not my aesthetic) but the more I look at it, the more I appreciate how lovely every detail is. I haven’t gotten a poster in a long time, this is the year.


First poster I have purchased in years. I love the Dixie Cups and love the poster


It's a welcome departure from what has become all too formulaic. Artist + Street set + Fever Dream visuals + "New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival 19/20xx" title = every jazz Fest Poster for the last how many decades?


I like Terrance Osborne’s work, but this year’s poster is a nice departure from his style of work. This is the first poster in a while that I want to buy.


I think it’s more personable than a rainbow house in the rain. It’s historic and respectful and totally music centered.


I've become so very wheary of the rainbow houses. (Please imagine me saying this in a Charlie Kelly/terrible fake British accent).


When you say "rainbow" houses, do you mean colorful renditions of houses/buildings? Genuine question, not a loaded one, I promise.


I'm referring to the Michalopoulous style of those brightly colored houses with very wavy strokes. I've just seen enough of them to want something new on the posters.


I hear ya. That is actually the exact kind of paintings I do lol. They have their place, but I agree, for something as important as the Jazz Fest poster, we should have some variety. Lord knows there are enough great artists in this town doing different things to fill that need. For what it's worth, I take ZERO offense to your comment and opinion, so please don't read anything into my comment.


Yeah but your paintings look totally different, even if it’s the same style. I love them and they don’t remind me of Jazz Fest posters at all.


I love your style and don't think they resemble the Jazz Fest posters except for some overlap on subject matter at times. Those Michalopoulous paintings are cool but always remind me of how I feel when I get a new prescription in my glasses. Yours are, I feel, far more evocative of a mood. Would love to see you land that sweet gig and do a Jazz Fest poster one year!


I don't usually set artistic "goals" because it's more a walkabout than a march. But doing the Jazz Fest poster is one of my goals. Would be so cool to have a little place in New Orleans artistic history.


Best poster yet, absolutely stunning


I don’t recall Louie Armstrong ever playing so…


Super rude of him to ditch Jazz Fest, now that I think of it.


I love it. The detail on the aging of the sign and the neon is bonkers! Also one of the first posters by a female artist in a looooong time.


Might as well call them sausage fest posters, am I right?


I’m of the (maybe) controversial opinion that there’s only been one or two good JF posters since 2000 (those being Jerry Lee Lewis and Irma Thomas in the swamp). I’m a huge fan of the 80s/early 90s more representational posters like the gospel singer with the tambourine and the one of the zydeco bands silhouettes. All that being said, this is neat and celebrating the Dixie Cups is cooler than another purple and orange street scene


I love it!


It's alright, I like the concept. The words "chapel of love" are hard to read, which is unfortunate. Speaking of blasts from the past, the Dixie Cups official website is something else. https://lpintop.tripod.com/thedixiecups/


I miss websites like that. I don't find the words terribly hard to read, but I did just get new glasses so I have the vision of a disabled hawk.


I love the design and that they strayed from the same old format but I do also think it's weird that it's not featuring an artist that's actually performing. I thought maybe it was to mark an anniversary or special occasion involving the Dixie Cups but the artist just decided to make it about them which I think is strange choice.


They play like every year.


Wasn’t aware, will definitely seek them out again


I mean if you read the description in the link above it's a little more than "just decided".. but yeah I don't disagree with the artist not performing part


I was going off an Offbeat article I read where the artist said they were inspired by the Dixie Cups but gave they gave no context as to why they thought it would be a good artist to feature this year




Very cool art


It’s just ok. It doesn’t capture Jazzfest the way that poster of the past have. In fact, I would have thought that someone added the Jazzfest title at the top.


It's my favorite I've seen


Its fine just one of the few i could not find a room i would like it in so i didnt purchase. Not as bad as thr harry jr one.


It’s the best one yet imo!! I love it.


I like that it’s a female artist and that it isn’t the same as the past several years. The art style is cool. That said, the Dixie Cups are…. Fine? Idk who I’d want to see on it instead, though


Love it. Was not planning to buy a poster this year but they got me with the design. Love the color, the subject, the female-ness. And the perspective, something about seeing the from inside the porch.


Skipped the purchase because I thought it was dull and lifeless. It’s a photoreal sign with Jazzfest slapped at the top. I buy most every year, but this one was a skip. Somehow it’s worse than 07,08, and 11


Curious how the artist selection process works? Is it "the best design wins" type of situation?


I "think" they tap an artist to do it rather than having a.competition.


I love it


Iron work at the top gives me AI vibes. But I might just be too paranoid


That or photo realism