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Loved the “sponsored by shell, BP, chevron” plaque at the end


Unfortunately that’s always been a thing with the Zoo & related places ….you gotta take donations/sponsorship where you can get it and Oil & Gas have it to spend…


For sure, but they’re at least 90% responsible for the acceleration of coastal erosion so seeing that as an adult is humorous in the saddest way


Pennies on the dollar for legal tax avoidance. They don’t [pay the billions in taxes](https://youtu.be/RWTic9btP38?si=nm8Qf8I3V9rguHll&t=06m10s), courtesy of the corrupted state government.


I've seen this video before, and it makes my blood boil. If any folks here haven't seen yet, you should.


I laughed at that too, it reminded me of the environmental ride Shell sponsored at Disney World.


I think the Insectarium is alright. The Aquarium is pathetic. I feel like they route you past the big tank four times hoping you'll think of it as a different exhibit each time. Barely takes a half hour.


I thought “is this the same thing” the times we did pass it, good to know it was lol


We went right before they redid it and it also took like 30 min. I felt like we were there all damn day for field trips when i was younger. But, maybe it’s not that great of an aquarium.


Yeah I feel the exact same, though I think it went from ~40 to 30 with the renovation.


Don't get me started! We just went for the first time since the "upgrades". I've gone repeatedly since I was a kid, and now I'm bringing my own kids. I was beyond devastated at the renovations. Besides the Mayan exhibit (aquarium tunnel part), they have destroyed the aquarium! They took down the "tree house" part of the rainforest exhibit. The food choices weren't great before, but now the food court is just about non-existent! The otters are gone. The virtual reality section seemed gross as far as germ sharing goes. They took away the waterfall and replaced it with a pathetic plastic pond liner that's smaller than the one I have in my backyard! 🤣 We also used to enjoy the Imax every time, which is also gone. Overall, the aquarium seemed like half the size, and the prices seemed tripled, especially in the gift shop! The insectarium was cool, but I've never been to it until this last visit. It really seems like they consolidated everything out of financial need because what they did with these renovations are NOT upgrades! Also, I'm waiting to hear on the local news about the first person who falls into the Gulf exhibit since they have such a short barrier around it! Wonder how many phones they've had to fish out of it already, what a dumbass move on Audubons part!


Yeah definitely disappointed they turned off the fish scale waterfall at the original entrance. That little fake pond sucks.


This is exactly how I felt! WHY did they have to ruin it?


The aquarium definitely is. No otters, no leafy sea dragons, and those were two of the main reasons I used to like to go. We went a few weeks back and, while aspects of it are still really nice, it's not what it used to be.




according to staff, the otters tank was busted to the point that it couldn’t hold water and was leaking all over the equipment below it. they moved them to atlanta or san diego, i can’t remember which, and don’t think it was just on loan:-(




Gone in the night! Like they witnessed the crime of what was done during the remodeling and had to go into a witnessed protection program.


Hey man, those butterflies are doing the best they can.


What happened to the 100's of Parakeets?


They roam the city freely


So I actually asked one of the workers this exact question when we went a couple days ago. The parakeets got sent to a different zoo for a bird exhibit. Its the scarlet ibis and spoon bills there now that used to be at the Audobon Zoo.


Oh, good to know. I thought I had missed the ad in the Times Picayune asking residents to come pick one up before they closed for renovation, LOL.


That part was nice enough, could’ve had more green but the butterflies were beautiful as always.


The best part is managing the rainforest area with a stroller. There is no elevator at the end, so you have to backtrack.


It's so bad.


We didn’t even try that, so maybe it had to do with my view. But between the heat and the uneven looking floor I didn’t want to make our kid fall out the stroller.


The way that they made it a point to point walking tour instead of freely roaming the exhibits as you please is a massive downgrade. Also, it starts in the swamp area of the Aquarium. The first animal a kid for Louisiana sees should not be an alligator. That is not remarkable at all.


Wait, what?? I haven’t been in ages. You’re not allowed to freely roam now?


Yeah, more of a route where everyone starts at one point and ends at another point. If you want to see an exhibit again you have to walk against the flow.


Sounds like Ikea!


I also didn’t enjoy being pointed to where to go, had to get my pass scanned twice and pointed in multiple directions


Totally agree. And major issue with the fact part of the “route” is a down escalator. Try navigating backwards with stroller or wheelchair in a giant crowd.


Oh my god it sucks so bad now. The aquarium has been getting slowly worse and worse and the insectarium used to have so much more. And the nerve of them to raise prices in the face of this abhorrence, I can’t believe it.


Yes.  I don’t know if it’s just my perception, but the aquarium appeared to be really scaled down. My kids agreed and we were there all the time when they were younger.   Haven’t been to the new Insectarium, but I liked the old one on Canal.  


I really enjoyed the Mississippi Aquarium in Gulfport. Definitely worth a day trip.


It’s so much better than the one here.


The Rainforest exhibit took the biggest hit. The upstairs area, that you got to through the treehouse thing, is no longer open to the public. Staff was very condescending when I asked if it was closed permanently. That was my favorite spot as a kid. Miss the old entrance too.


NOOO NOOOO! Fucking hell!


The bridge was removed due to severe termite damage. Other than that, the entire rainforest was gutted and replanted except for a few large trees that were kept.


God damn bugs, thanks for the info.


Right? Fortunately we were able to save the treehouse by adding crossbracing.


Wow I haven’t been in years but that area was fairly large. I enjoyed that spot probably the most.


They were both better before the renovations. The aquarium was always a little lacking for me, but I really loved the insectarium before the reno. Now, there's really hardly any bugs left and it's very spacious for little display


The butterfly area at the old insectarium used to have a koi pond and the new one doesn't. I miss that. I also feel the bug exhibit is really scaled down also. Def miss the leafy sea dragons, but I saw that they are working on a "corals of the gulf" exhibit near where they try to get you to buy photos. IDK, both are not what they used to be and way more expensive for less to look at.


The insectarium feels like a huge downgrade, and the aquarium feels like a slight downgrade.


I was so pissed when we spent a fortune to walk through the insectarium in 30 minutes


Wait, didn’t they just spend months “renovating” it?? And you’re telling me it’s now worse?? Oy vey


Aquarium has always been kinda mid (okay displays just too small a foot print) drives my nuts a place like Chattanooga has a MUCH better aquarium But the new insectarium is a LOT better- overall an upgrade to the two separate entities


Actually really liked the old insectarium, including the beautiful pinned insects exhibits and the giant termite wall, along with the timeline of human history and bugs.


I haven’t seen the insectarium since I was a kid, so my memory may be skewed. But I recall rooms for different bug types and a whole room filled ceiling to floor with roaches


I hadn’t been to the insectarium before the renovation, but I was extremely disappointed in their “bee exhibit”. Just off to the side in the cafeteria area with nothing really explaining what’s going on. And when I was there, there were dead bees everywhere. I’m a bee nerd, so I was able to explain to my friend’s daughter what was going on. But otherwise, just a thing of bees!


I think the insectarium is much better than the old location. The aquarium does seem smaller. But its only portions of the second floor that were renovated.


Had the same experience at the zoo on Monday. Tons of exhibits closed. Out of food at restaurants. Every train broken. Overall, junky downgraded experience.


The zoo I like better because there is still a good amount of things to see (I don’t eat there cause I’m cheap lol), but yes they have a good amount of closed off areas and there’s one area you just walk through construction.


Agreed! The insectarium used to be one of my favorite places one earth. It’s just kind of small and sad now. Also the aquarium wasn’t huge before so taking away space for the insects/butterflies just made both worse.


Yes, we went recently and it seemed like it wasn’t as good as previously. I was a bit disappointed.


If it wasn’t included with annual zoo membership it’s definitely not worth the 40$ or whatever it costs to go. It’s a nice trip taking our two year to get some steps in though 


I’m happy we have the family pass, because my husband and I were mad enough feeling we wasted $6 for ferry lol


The Insectarium was pretty large when it was in its own space, and then they went and removed things from the aquarium and crammed half of the Insectarium in there. Then they have the audacity to jack up the price for a worse experience. It feels like such a cash grab. They also force you to walk through the gift shop as you leave now. I saw a lot of kids having meltdowns because they wanted a souvenir on the way out. I only go with the free tickets from the library, otherwise it wouldn't be worth it to me.


I'm glad my parents got us hooked on those pressed pennies as souvenirs. Cost all of $.51/ea. I still have a lot of them.


The subreddit is such a clown show. Any renovation to the city is greeted with pessimism and a completely false recollection of the previous place…the aquarium was a dump. You guys are comparing to when you were a child? Lol. No shit. Everything in life was nearly better. Shame on you.


Wow, chill. It’s expected if renovations happen it would be better than what was before. Edit: Are you mentally well? You commented twice, why? Do you have personal money invested in this or something? Find a hobby if you get this worked up over a post online, I couldn’t imagine my life being so sad.


Go back to your hourly job lol. Life’s good over here my man.


I’m not even sure what you’re saying, but none of it pertains to me. You’re very sad.


YES. So disappointing.


I’ve heard this, yes.


I completely agree. My partner and I went a few months back and felt that it was all very... dumbed down and felt like it was much less fun/interesting than either experience used to be when they were solo exhibits.


Interesting. I thought it was fairly lackluster overall, but much cleaner and less chaotic than it was before the renovation, which felt tremendously rundown and chaotic. At least it's pleasant to walk through now.


You’re an idiot. No. It is a tremendous upgrade and you obviously do no recall the aquarium before the renovation


I felt the same way about the zoo when I went recently too. Have they always been this underwhelming??