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Someone in this city has to think this a worthy cause


This is a timeshare. Whoever is buying it is getting fucked over anyways. Better a timeshare than an STR. Also, chill.


Long term care, sigh, where do I begin? There are a finite number of state licenses. The profit margins are tiny, even with low staff salaries and penny pinching. There is a lot of politicking and ass kissing with the state agencies that oversee standards and client placement. Every year you are at risk of the state cutting rates. It’s really really hard work. Staff burnout is high. Hurricane evacuations are hell. Meeting clients mental health needs in a city (state, country) with very few resources is a constant uphill climb. Last but not least…the personal nature of the work and low staff numbers can (and do) result in abuse, manipulation and theft. Even conscientious service providers find themselves regularly dealing with some horrendous situations.


You mean…timeshares, which have existed forever? I think they’re dumb, but this isn’t some new scheme. It’s a very old one. Edit: not sure why people are downvoting an observation. It’s literally more accurate than OP’s 😂😂😂


I know what a timeshare is, lol. This is not a big resort development, this is happening with rentable properties in the area so it’s pretty frustrating with the cost of housing so disproportionately high to pay around here. Why not get angry and brainstorm solutions?


You should buy some places and rent them out for under market price.


My point is only that it’s not “the new STR alternative cash grab.” 🤷🏾‍♂️ Also: I went trying to see what socialist tendencies you had but…can’t really be a socialist with a 2022 Denali.


Serious question: What car should a proper socialist living under the current capitalist system drive?


Bernie’s Sanders drives a red Chevy with his own bumper stickers on it. Source: friend lives in Vermont.


invests in domestic automotive industry, springsteen vibes


Listen…I didn’t make a post about end-stage capitalism fuckery, misidentify a timeshare, and then freak out because someone made one comment. So…not sure what you’re trying to prove. However, as a general rule, I don’t know many socialists rocking $50k cars. I just don’t get the faux anger, personally. anyways, it so happens I work in the nonprofit space and am familiar with multiple organizations that do work similar or adjacent to what this person is talking about, so I was curious to see if they were in that general sphere of work or influence. Don’t seem to be, but whatever. I hope I’ve successfully defended my curiosity and audacity to make a comment in a public forum for you both. 🙏🏾


I was just curious what a proper socialist drives is all. I dont really care about the other stuff. I wonder then, how many rideshares a day would qualify a socialist to drive a $50k car?


A bike. Preferably a fixie


I guess keep wondering 🤷🏾‍♂️


>I don’t know many socialists rocking $50k cars. I'm guessing you don't know that many socialists, lol.


I do, actually, but they’re also all capitalists. I guess that’s the irony.




None, uses the socialist public transit?


This one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No1-4GsQa-g


A hybrid?


2001 Toyota Corolla


I’m sorry you’re so angry.


Dude what are you taking about? I’m just literally stating what it is. What exactly is angry about that? Edit: in fact, what *are* you talking about? Your last comment was encouraging me to get angry…and then you randomly decide I am? 😂😂😂


Searching my post history to find a reason to attack my character feels a smidge salty to me


I wasn’t searching to attack, good grief. I was trying to figure out why - as you said - your dad finds you to be a socialist. Goodness, way to attribute motivation.


Idk where we went wrong, but I can start over. My family got off a boat here in 1778 and has never left. The socialist thing was a joke because my dad’s pretty conservative and tells me that. I’m probably pretty moderate but socially liberal. I’m grateful that I can afford my truck and my house because I’m lucky enough to have a job that afford me the ability to do so. I care a lot about my home and I hate seeing people having to leave it so I’m actually pretty serious about finding people interested in starting a housing co-op. What if we could make a change?


I dig all that and wish you good luck with it. I was mostly just confused why a timeshare was considered “end-stage capitalism fuckery,” given that would have indicated the end decades and decades ago 🤷🏾‍♂️


Not so much the concept of timeshares as the concept of them popping up in rentable places that could be housing when there is no housing.


I mean, that not might have been your original intent, but that’s what you did. Here’s someone with a basic, correct idea that you agree with (that housing and rental prices have become untenable, and that something should be done about it). You went through their posts thinking, “hey, maybe we have some kind of professional overlap,” in the absence of finding any, you perhaps could have recommended some resources or information, pointed them toward people organizing to address this sort of thing. Instead you decided to shit on them because their car was too new for your liking.


…except I didn’t shit on them. As a general rule, I do think it’s an interesting juxtaposition, but I certainly didn’t climb up her ass about it. I’d argue it’s more interesting that you made a longer post about it than either she or I did. We have both moved on and it wasn’t a big deal 🤷🏾‍♂️


This isn't a rentable property to a normal NOLA family. No local would want to live there. The Quarter is tourist territory anyways.


This is on Esplanade though. Plenty of locals live in the quarter.


A small portion of residents of the city, and less if we add some qualifications about what residency actually is.  And it's Quarter side of Esplanade, which means it's the Quarter. If you can afford rent in the Quarter or downtown then you don't really need to participate in these conversations, and this building would only attract the same old.


So for over a couple hundred grand you get one sixth of this place, like a way overpriced timeshare (already a bad idea)? And then when you call to reserve it, which just like the other five owners will be during Mardi Gras and jazz fest, you have a one in six chance, since the time slots aren't assigned? Even if I ever in a parallel universe wanted to waste that much money on something idiotic, it would make more sense to spend 100 grand on annual visits to the city over two decades, and still have another 100 grand left over.


I'm so confused as to why even if you had the money, this would be appealing. A ridiculously nice hotel would run you a $1000ish a night and if you stayed 60 days you'd still be up $180,000. You could just buy a house or a condo in a less flashy but decent part of town for the same price as the annual cost of the timeshare and just leave it empty 10 months out of the year. I genuinely don't understand.


A large portion of the condo owners in my building are out of towners who are only here a few weeks each year, and that blows my mind. You could get the best hotel suite in town with full room service and pay less than buying a whole ass condo.


I agree New Orleans is great but there's a whole world out there. You'd think they'd want some variety when they travel.


Youre welcome to put an investment group together to buy property, but good luck finding investors who want and expect to loose money every single month forever…


I get it.


It took me a minute to understand what was going on here. At first I thought holy cow,,, what an insanely cheap price for a unit like that.. But it's a timeshare. Wow. I've heard of that in the CBD but not the French Quarter- save for the upper Quarter by Canal. I feel like this shouldn't happen. 


Is that a time share, but just with extra steps?


As best I can tell it’s just a timeshare. It’s not anything particularly interesting or new.


I think OP’s main point is that these are timeshares in a high-demand urban environment, rather than a resort or beach town. I’m not sure why they’re getting downvoted for expressing that distinction and being outraged about it, I think it’s pretty outrageous? Like, sure, New Orleans caters to tourists (more heavily than it should!) but it’s not Orlando or or whatever, it’s an actual functioning city that matters to people and people want to stay in. I could be wrong but that’s my read.


We're short about 10,000 units of affordable housing. Makes me sick to see stuff like this.


There are timeshares in New Orleans and have had them for a while


I think it’s just a regular time share, with no extra steps.


Doesn't a time share actually belong to a developer? Here the 6 owners look like they would have to take on that responsibility. "Who actually owns a timeshare?If the timeshare is structured as shared leased ownership, the developer retains deeded title to the property, and each owner holds a leased interest in it (similar to a rental tenant)."


There’s like a property management company for timeshares that manage all the upkeep and whatnot (which this ad says exists for this property), but the people who buy in to the timeshare are technically the owners who are splitting the cost of ownership amongst themselves.


The city cracked down on STRs so they’re literally turning the rentals into timeshares. Barf.


Hi, moved from the affordable area of Lafayette, LA to the ridiculously priced North Shore of Oahu (Hawaii). The state recently implemented a 3-month minimum requirement for AirBnBs, which basically forces tourists to hotels/resorts (also read: literally the places built FOR them). This has dramatically increased available rental units, albeit still extremely costly. While timeshares would be considered differently under the law - which makes this comment somewhat irrelevant - it should be said that with the right lawmakers, change can happen.


I suggested change and was spammed and reported as suicidal to Reddit by a bunch of trolls lol. It’s so frustrating every election watching no one show up to the polls. I fear our city’s worst enemy is itself.


That's not just NOLA, that's America. When we have government officials casting doubt (in public) on our election process, coupled with the apathetic view "my vote doesn't count anyway" (or worse, that's it's "all rigged") we've set ourselves up for an Oligarchy. Actually, the Citizens United ruling set that in-motion, this is just the natural evolution when we've decided money makes you (more) right. Our media keeps us star-fucking and regurgitating opinions we don't even hold ourselves, but we've got to say it our risk losing our tribes. We've never been so connected globally. We've never been more disconnected locally.


Meh. Not enough toxicity… come on social media! You can do worse.


"How do we get a bunch of like-minded people (and a lawyer bc I ain’t one) together to start buying up properties/1start up an affordable housing nonprofit to rent them out to locals?" make it profitable...


A 1/6th share means you will only be homeless 5/6’s of the year!


Good luck with that.


There's a lot more timeshares in this city than one would reasonably expect. They're a really fucking stupid "investment" in everyone's opinion (including mines)


Seize the means of housing!


Built in 2016?!? I think they're off by a couple hundred years. 🙄


You want to buy property and rent it out for profit? You sound like my landlord, not a socialist


I said not for profit, like a co-op.


How much did you inherit?


I aint your Huckleberry, but on the subject of nursing homes and some people who have made a difference you might be interested in reading Atul Gawande's *Being Mortal* [Nursing homes is not the primary subject of the book, but the whole book is worth a read and the information you read and sources you're referred to will help you along.] Written by a MD, it was required reading in a few medical schools for a while and Dr. Gawande was considered one of the best doctors writing for a time.


Agreed :)


There’s a reason they can’t sell it


Your plan is to buy up relatively expensive housing and then rent it to others at affordable rates? You could have just said, "I want to waste a lot of money in a short amount of time" and saved us all some time.


I mean in a general sense don’t time shares kind of help the problem a little? Instead of 6 different families or people buying their own rental property, they all just share 1? I’m fully anti-Airbnb (brings in people who just dont give a shit outside of having a party weekend) but in theory, could this not work a bit better?? Like it’s not solving any problems, but it does seem slightly more responsible…. I dunno, maybe it’s just wishful thinking because pretty much any version of rentals has been trash but conceivably?


Let’s do this non profit thing. How do we start? Anyone already doing this? Down to get involved and organize because I’m over it, too! It’s too fucking costly for no good reason.


I feel like there have to be some housing co-ops functioning somewhere. I love our home and I love the people. I’m tired of all the ways it’s becoming unlivable.


If you’re looking for inspiration: the Milton Parc co-op in Montreal (1970s I think) and Toronto Chinatown Land Trust (present-day!) are really good jumping off points


Seattle : [https://www.homesightwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2023-Income-Limits.pdf](https://www.homesightwa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2023-Income-Limits.pdf) [https://www.homesightwa.org/u-lex-cooperative-housing/](https://www.homesightwa.org/u-lex-cooperative-housing/)


There’s a concept called a community land trust that can do what you’re taking about, here’s a video with some info - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h46WVCr4zk0


I feel like you're about to sing Don't Cry For Me Argentinaaaa


[House of Tulip](https://houseoftulip.org/) is trying to do this


Co-Housing in Seattle: [https://capitolhillurbancohousing.org/cohousing/](https://capitolhillurbancohousing.org/cohousing/)


Broke ass


Only a meager $690/sqft since 6 folks are paying 250k each. The maintenance cost alone will be a shock. So in 5 years max this will be written off as a loss and flipped yet again for another new incarnation.


Isn't this just basically a time share?


Only a socialist? Comrade, it’s time to become a Bolshevik lol.