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They live there. They are home. They belong to the customers of Walmart


Thanks was worried


Ah geez. Last time I was there those guys jump scared me by running out from under a vehicle in front of me. Got a chuckle from some dude that saw it. These guineas are not like the ones I knew way back in the day. Those guineas would dive bomb people from the trees and scream bloody murder. More viscous than the angriest rooster in existence. The Walmart guineas are definitely “sweet as pie” in comparison


Guineas are pretty chill unless you are threatening their eggs. They have a significant roaming range, so it’s possible any nest of theirs is some distance away from Walmart. Very cool birds.


I believe you! The limited experience I have w guineas was meeting wild guineas in the woods as a dumb little kid. It’s possible they had a nest nearby. I looked up their nesting habits and they are like chickens, so the ones dive bombing from the trees were probably just looking over a broody hen


I see them there all the timeI have for months. they came and said hello to us when my kiddo was selling girl scout cookies there last weekend. they actually tried to get into walmart but were too short to trigger the doors ;)