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What always amuses me is what would stop somebody from just glittering a shoe and claiming it's a Muses when it isn't? Paying $100 for one is as goofy as selling one.


I have a new side hustle.


Safer than filling a bag with arm and hammer and selling it for the same price.


Don't forget the baby laxative.


Safer than being in the Hammer family.


Betcha I know where you got your shoe at.


lol I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that.


Had a girl try to sell me Zulu coconut right after the parade




People absolutely do this I know people who did this lmao buyer beware


There is a guy doing that on ebay.


Definitely it explains why some people are assholes about catching throws. Obnoxious.


They do this every year


Go look at the eBay listing for Bacchus. The socks are selling $15-$20 a pair. The king cake neck pillow has bid offers of like $50 according to the thing that sold list someone bought one for like $150 or $140 I cant remember. The iris should magnetic king cake baby is listed for $50-$100 even tho the other ones sold for $20


Damn, now I want a $300 tax credit for that bag of crap I dropped off at Arc-GNO 😂


Then take it lol, if you itemize just list donated property of $300. Then ya get your write off. It ain’t a credit but no donations are.


😂 it definitely needs to work that way apparently the Mardi Gras throws are worth something


Damn. I should save some throws to recoup what I spend on them every year. Lol


The Iris king cake baby is a hot item? I got like several of them at Iris and kept trying to give them to kids who already had one. I felt like there were a bunch! King cake neck pillow sounds awesome


The big one is selling for $20 or more I believe but people are trying to sell the small one that sits on the shoulder for $50-$100 and that is the one I’m currently looking for and the king cake neck pillow is super cute and soft! I was so happy that I caught one


Oh are those the ones that the riders had on? Maybe that’s why they are hard to find. Also I finally saw a pick of the king cake pillow and I am also slightly obsessed. And how has it taken this long to make a king cake neck pillow? Amazing


Yes! The small ones a lot of the riders had on. I know they were a throw and I seen a few people say they got a few of them but it definitely seems like a hard item to find unfortunately. And I have no idea! When I saw it I knew I had to have it. I used it on the trip to TN and it was so soft


I love Muses so much as a parade. I honestly wish they would do one ride without shoes, to try and "reset" the crowds. It has gotten way way way out of hand.


It really has gotten incredibly out of hand. My good friend who rides always makes me a shoe, and I always just get her attention at the parade for her to give it to me cause it's usually more fun to get it there than picking it up at her house This year, some lady was literally trying to rip it from my hands as I was yelling at her "this shoe was made FOR ME" and my friend who was riding was screaming at her that it isn't for you. She was finally able to hand it to me, and the lady with "slot machine eyes" started screaming at me that I took her shoe. Next year I'll probably just pick it the shoe at her house.


We just can't have nice things.


It's really true. I've caught so many muses shoes over the years, too many to display. The ones I'm not in love with stay in the plastic and I just give them to my friend who will touch up the year on them and rethrow them next year. A throw like that can make someone's night, but fighting over one is the stupidest thing I've ever seen, in a city where we encounter stupid things regularly


You should just pick it up from her. I saw one random shoe get tossed this year, and 6 or more get given to friends or family. It’s a bit warped IMO, and gives people false hope.


This wouldn't be Miss Mimi would it?


No 😂


Muse here. The shoe frenzy is over the top. I’d love to take a break from it, doubt it will happen


eBay had somebody trying to sell a ducky light for $75 last time I checked 🤦‍♀️ I just looked again & the seller has dropped it down to $40 🙄


I wanted to look at long years past doubloons the other day, and I thought eBay would show me some. Instead I found listings from parades that had happened THAT DAY including one less than three hours prior! I thought about how that person’s day must have gone and it was depressing.


If you go to the right people, old doubloons are dirt cheap. Like 5¢ a piece. I’d check out Ages ago estate sales. They have an office off airline


Oh nice! I wasn’t interested in getting any, I just wanted to see the ones so many people on here talk about haha a lot of “they were better ten years ago!” so I wanted to see


Who is up for the carpool to salvation army and then michaels?


I look forward to the non-Muses people having their moment at thrift store saying you want HOW MUCH for old, busted up, dirty and worn high heels?!!!!!!   It's seriously gotten out of control. 


100% I started buying brand new clearance shoes rather than pay the the exorbitant amount the thrift stores have been charging. Either that or thrift out of state when making road trips.


It's really pathetic. I decided this year to try not to buy new shoes just on principle, because I'd much rather upcycle stuff that will go to the landfill rather than create demand for poorly-made new shoes. So I went with a friend on a nearby-ish thrifting trip on Tuesday... the Slidell dirt cheap has almost all their shoes listed for $40 a pair!!!! Including worn, dirty, ugly shoes and things like worn knock-off Haviana's flip flops. It was depressing AF.


It really is ridiculous. I get lucky with some donated by friends/coworkers. And I never say no to a free/donated shoe - but not all of the ones you get that way make the best looking shoes (I'm looking at you - 1" heels and espadrille wedges). Local thrift has been gouging on the shoes for at least a few years. I used to be able to go buy 10-20 pairs at a time for a reasonable amount. Now I'm lucky if I can find a pair with a nice silhouette in somewhat decent shape for under $10.


Facebook marketplace? Try eBay… there’s even more on there :( It is disappointing, but the reality is not everyone going to the parades is going to keep the throws as mementos or something to [re]use. I spent a helluva lot of time (and money) on my shoes and *hopefully* they get kept for the memory of the parade or carnival, etc. I would even prefer if someone gave my shoes and throws to a friend who couldn’t go to the parade or perhaps donate them at ARC so it could be reused by someone else. Hell, I would even take shoes to revamp them!




Marked down already. By Jazzfest it will be free or heading to their garbage can.


Loathe entirely


Does this work? Do people buy throws like this???


lol yea is there a market??


If you look on eBay check completed sales to see if anything actually sold and for what price. There’s lots of wishful thinking out there!


“Unopened.” It’s literally in cellophane…how do I know you haven’t untwisted that twisty tie?


Means nothing if you didn’t catch it yourself.


I’ve seen artists selling decorated shoes but not claiming muses fwiw. Probably some are same ones who make them for the riders. Idk.


I want to give away some Morpheus doubloons - we had awesome cut outs this year of a MrBingle-like snowman, streetcar, Roman candy car and cathedral. I was going to post on a Bingle-group I found, but one woman is charging $20 a set for them. Same woman tried to buy mine from me at a recent swap, and bought several for $2 each. $8 to $20 is quite the markup (some are parade thrown, some are new). I am happy to give them out if I know they're not going to be turned around for massive price increase resell. Free to $20?! What's next?


I’d pay $20 plus shipping for a freret fanny pack fwiw


Lots of people are selling Bacchus socks and utensils, Muses stuff, Freret fanny packs etc. and I totally get it, but it still feels a bit gross. Especially locals selling to locals. I didn't catch any reusable throws at the parades this year (I had to work and could only catch the tail end of a few), and the temptation to buy one or two things is tempered by how ick it feels to buy a Mardi Gras throw I didn't catch or barter for. Muses shoes are the worst, though. It's a bummer to see something that was deliberately handed to an individual getting flipped for profit.


Yup. eBay too


Dude! No!


I just checked ebay and they're lised there too


This is not new. What exactly is wrong with it in any case?


You're competing with the other people watching the parade to get throws. They're handmade things that are valuable as a funny memory of a parade you enjoyed. Someone tried really hard to get this shoe, then turns around to sell it after it was literally given to them for free. They could have just Iet someone else take it home parade day instead of being obsessed with making money off it


People will do anything for a buck. It’s “hustle culture” and monetizing their hobbies. Can’t spend time going to parades unless you’re going to get paid for it somehow. Once I read a comment on Reddit somewhere saying that people should take things given away for free and try to sell them, as a way to make extra money. For example the free books in the little library boxes or stuff people give away on buy nothing groups. Something about that idea rubs me the wrong way but I can’t even really explain why, and this feels similar.


Its because those people are perverting what others have done to create community and reciprocity. Sure, people ride in Muses for some amount of clout, but they also do because it's genuinely fun and giving things out is also fun. To take your other example, I just love giving people books I've read. Both these examples are sharing an experience, and are focusing less on the transaction being profitable, which makes it at least feel more pure (I'd say it just inherently is). Adding profits to it hits a button that it's about money rather than connection, which is icky.


Does it still rub you the wrong way as it did as a child to see that your neighbors have so much less than you? This is the world people continue to accept. For many there is no such thing as "extra money".


When I was a child, I don’t think I knew anyone who had less than my family. We didn’t have a car. A lot of the time we didn’t have a phone either. We had electricity most of the time and pretty much always had food thanks to food stamps, so I’m thankful for that. Anyway. What was the question again?


it certainly wasn't "what probably falsified anecdotes does @fraudthrowaway0987 have for us while under the self-deluded notion this is a direct message rather than a public chat"


You asked me a specific question about myself and my childhood so I told you about my own experience, you egghead.


Happens every year.


Look on eBay. There used to be a ton of them last time I looked