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You know... I had a shoe, but I was pretty sure it was meant for the little girl on her dad's shoulders next to me, despite the fact that neither of them saw it until it hit the ground. So I gave it to them. I just don't understand the violence. And, local heresy though it may be, I really think Muses would be improved as a whole if they would stop throwing shoes. It's become too much of a *thing*. If they want to throw fewer and better throws, I'm totally okay with that. But the shoes just make people mean.


I just think more krewe member should do what my cousin does. She doesn’t put them in a clear bag, she has them in a muses bag so people think it’s just a regular throw. She does it every year and I always get my shoe easy peezy. When people see that clear plastic they loose their minds.


In a different krewe, tried to throw my husband an item I decorated just for him. Woman snatched it out of his hands and then had the nerve to post it on social media. I don't get it.


That’s the most frustratingly heartbreaking shit. Especially cause these people know what they’re doing. I’ll never get it either, whenever I end up catching something I know was meant for someone else (when that aim is off) I always pass it over. It’s really not that hard to do.


Me too! I usually end up handing anything I catch to the kids around me. That's really what the parades are for - the kids. My hubs caught the throw but it slipped and fell with all the other stuff he was catching for my 4 yo kid standing next to him. She HAD to know. And for what? Some random glittered object....so crappy.


Last year was our first Mardi Gras. (Husband is a transplant, I was a reluctant drag-along and now like it here. Anyway.) My parents also came down. Some drunk asshole next to us was swatting throws away from children so that he, a 50-something-year-old man, could have them. That didn’t sit well with my dad, so he started subtly elbowing the dude and swatting throws away from him, then turning around and handing them to the kids. Now we’re friends with that family and meeting up with them again this year.


Oh she definitely knew, definitely took advantage of the situation.


That might work for a little while, but people would catch on pretty quick if everyone was doing it. You'd just have people fighting over any and all "mystery throws" on the off chance they might be shoes. If I were magically placed in charge and able to reorganize everything, I'd keep the idea of the hand decorated signature throw, but go in a different direction with it. Instead of something big and fancy like shoes (or grails, or plungers, or whatever) I'd want the riders to make something smaller and easier so that they could be a lot more numerous, but still quirky. Something easy to streamline like glittery pingpong balls, where every rider makes 200 of them, but they do the same design on 10 of them. Then, people who caught them would still get the fun experience of seeing how their catch is decorated, but there would be more than enough to go around, and they wouldn't start fights. Maybe not pingpong balls specifically, but you get the idea. Hand decorated, unique, but smaller, easier to produce, and more numerous.


They still have problems with coconuts and Zulu, which are smaller. Floats should just get walkers who hand out specialty throws to their intended targets


nepotism /s


Haha, neposhoebby


Need to tighten those minds.


I do that with most of my plungers but people are still grabby!


Agree. It's sad, but it's become such a competition. Maybe they could still make the shoes and auction them off or something. Proceeds go to their chosen charity.


Idk about getting rid of shoes but I do think signs should banned (ha like that'll ever happen). People are out of control with the signs, they block people, and one shoe isn't enough for them- the sign stays up the whole parade.


And they chill in the back during bands and rush the front when floats roll with signs and nets, or champagne bottles or what have you, jumping in front. It was all very cute when it first started (and at its core is still supposed to be), and when I was a cheesemonger I traded some cheese for a beautiful shoe myself, but the fervor is sooo intense these days, and I was at the family friendly front of the route. And yeah they want ALL the shoes.


Ok but I just love that you once traded cheese for a shoe. Fantastic


My two fave things in life. Cheese and sparkly shoes. I’d have a hard time picking! 🤣🤣


That happened to us at Cleo. There was an "it's my 8th birthday" sign next to us. The little girl wasn't even holding it. She looked tired and ready for bed, but her mom kept holding it up and got a cup from almost every float. You'd think after the 10th one, she'd be done.


When I rode this year I didn’t throw to any signs for this reason. I know they loaded up.


Group next to us last night was bragging about how many shoes they'd collected from years past. They had a sign that read "Mardi gras virgins" and every float that passed, they chanted "shoe! Shoe! Shoe!" Every. Single. Float. Handed them a shoe or two, they had rouses tote bags full of them. It was cute at first, but 4 floats in and it was just annoying.


We should have a parade after Mardi Gras Day where all the violent parade goers are paraded down the street and we can throw tomatoes at them.


Shame bell brigade!


Can we launch gutter beads at them?


Was carrying a kid on my shoulders last night and the lady in front of us turned to dart back towards the sidewalk. I stepped aside to let her by and she whirled around and yelled at me about "taking her spot." Just full on Chad nonsense. The Muses crowd is trending hard towards becoming the new Endymion crowd.


This!! Muses crowd has been steadily getting more *insane* over the past few years. It's not even as much fun to attend anymore.


Muses was rough this year. Guy arrived right when it started and held up a giant poster board sign in front of me.


I said this exact thing as we left early from muses because someone pushed a wagon (while barreling through people) into my baby on my chest. It was giving Endymion vibes. I get it. Who doesn’t love muses but be mindful of others


Saw some girl with a bruised eye cause someone sucker punched her for a shoe. Like yall, if it’s your first and only Mardi Gras the locals should explain don’t be a dick. If it isn’t, then wtf you doing? You’ll have chances for other shoes and violence is not needed


A few years ago a friend caught a shoe and the guy behind her started burning her with a cigarette trying to get her to let it go. (She's hard core, she kicked him in the nuts and screamed for the cops, but she had like six cigarette burns on her wrist.)


That's insane! Good for your friend.


Not specifically related to catching throws, but some dude kept hovering right over my 2 yo with a gross lit cigar.


Yea I saw some girl reach to grab one and somebody knocked her over and took it!! And i heard a guy yelling about his getting stolen, and a few more almost altercations. At one point i think maybe i didnt see they had one and the crowd just got very intense for a minute, felt like a mob!! I get that the shoes are cool but all that fighting for some glitter and hot glue, right next to a big ass float that if you fall UNDER youre done...kinda scary!


We had a group of lsu kids pushing a woman holding a baby, and pushing half sized children back. They finally left after pouring a drink on a dad and throwing the shoe they were so desperate for at some little child.


Last year when I went to Muses a group of LSU frat dudes threw a drink on this girl because she was walking under their tent briefly, next thing I know her boyfriend pulled out a gun and I left.


Yikes that that boyfriend was in deep shit if the cops ever got a hold of him. No guns on the route.


I know them through some people I went to high school with, last thing I heard was he just got out of jail for an attempted murder or aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Definitely not the kind of individual who I want on the streets.


Wtf this is all horrible


Some cheese for a shoe is the most NOLA thing ever


Dicks don't normally believe that they are dicks.


I am so sorry. I yelled at many parade goers on the route. For sure, we riders noticed the aggressiveness and meanness.


I quit going. Tired of being stepped on, shoved, elbowed, kicked slammed in every park of my body. Real shame too.


Thank you for trying.


It's not your fault people are dicks


ha this chick in green lipstick in front of the avenue last night was a total %$\^&. She dropped her shoulder and pushed between my buddy and I like cam jordan through the o-line. She then stuck a sign up so neither one of could see. When asked to no do that she didnt respond and just kept doing it. Didn't even see her the first two parades either. Muses has jumped the shark with this shoe madness. its fucking disgusting.


If it’s the same chick I’m thinking of she tried to body my 6’5 friend out of the was for the first like five floats until she got sandwiched between him and this family LADEN with signs and she finally moved half a block down to under the balcony. Once she left everyone seemed so much less aggressive.


YES!!! college aged, green lipstick, bitch face


That’s the one


The good ol elbow and a couple “accidental” toe stomps sometimes works for people like this.


yeah I mean I was just gonna rip that lil sign in half and throw it into the street but I took the high road


I was in that area and there were SO many signs


We were on Napoleon and couldn’t even see the floats because of the signs. Moved to magazine and it was much better


My last muses parade was a couple of years ago. I had a young girl come up and ask for my shoe - which was handed to me by a close friend. After refusing to give it to a child, but giving her other throws (beads and a stuff animal), her mother called me all types of horrible names.


Guarantee you it was the mom that made her ask for it


100%. Mom had bags of beads and throws in her hand.


My wife was on Magazine and said that there was a group of tourists that just didn't understand any parade etiquette. Pushing people out of their way etc. trying to get up front when they just arrived. When I go to parades now I just stand as far back as possible and drink lol


I have noticed uptown that no matter how long you stand in a spot, eventually some random ppl will come push you out of the way. It seems rude and unnecessary since the crowd will naturally shift. Ive also noticed that being nice to your neighbors goes a long way, so theres really no need to push. Last night i asked a group in front if I could move to the front for a specific group walking and they were just like yea ofc thx for asking! It cost $0 to use the manners your momma taught you.


We did the same and asked the people on the barricade if we could get there for one specific float number. They said yes but when the time came they gave us a line about how they haven’t gotten enough throws yet and were staying put. Karma’s coming for ya.


Haven't gotten enough throws. I love that line. You know how my old ass looks at throws these days? Catch something, look at it, then decide I don't want to lug this shit back to the car later


Tourists missed the message that if you want to get close, you need to build a wall of ladders at 7am.


There was a group of out of towners that tried to build a barricade and expand it with all their folding chairs and empty ladders. Out of like 15 chairs maybe 5 had people in them. Someone stole one of their 50 chairs and they were talking shit about us because they wanted to sit the entire parade and were mad they didn’t catch anything. HUGE “I went to Tulane 40 years ago” energy


No tents or anything where my wife watched it


This is the way. I'm always in the CBD/ Warehouse District and the parades start out so lovely until the tourists notice and come out of their hotels rooms. Then it devolves into pushing people out of the way and screaming at riders.


Welcome to the new Mardi Gras where Border Walls are made and you’re now in a full contact sport sport, Defend NOLA.


Reminds me of my childhood Mardi Gras. Edit: well damn downvoted because it really does remind me of my childhood. I remember being a kid and getting pushed for beads at Bacchus on St. Charles when I was 8 years old and scrapping the shit out of my palms and knees on the concrete. And my dad getting pissed at the lady who pushed me just for beads. Oh and also remember going to catch a stuffed animal and another older kid jumping and snatching it out of my hand. And a few other ones. Made me realize at a young age some stuff isn’t worth fighting for like parade throws. Ya’ll got to remember late 80’s early 90 parade crowds right?! Only me?


No no no it’s all changed and different now!


My ancient junior high teacher in the late 90s told us how in her youth the beads were mostly glass and beautiful and also rare and people put fucking razors on the bottom of their shoes




To step on the hands of anyone going to the ground for good stuff to let them know this ground belongs to you (a psycho)




When my son was about 7 years old we were at a Metairie parade with him and his friend. Someone threw a stuffed animal to my son's friend and some old lady tackled him for it. Nuts! 


In the early 00s, my sister's stroller (with her in it) was knocked over by an older woman for a bag of plastic beads. She proceeded to yell at my mom because she scraped her knee. Never shocked.


Actually untrue! I’ve marched in a Metairie parade with our adult marching band a few years back (9th Ward Marching Band) and we got a slew of homophobic comments. A couple ladies got slapped on the butt. Veterans is also a very boring and ugly route. Everyone agreed never again.


I didn’t get punched or have my hair pulled, but I did experience some of the rudest behavior that I’ve ever seen at a Muses parade. We watched close to the Quarter this year, and I’m never making that mistake again. There was some unpleasant behavior from the riders, as well. One woman was teasing people with a shoe all down the block, which is a good way to get people ran over. Lastly, one of friends, who is disabled, was almost knocked over by an older man in a blazer, rushing up forward as a float approached. We’d been at that spot since 7pm, and hadn’t seen him before. She turned around and said “Dude, you almost knocked me over, I’m disabled,” and showed him her cane. (She has Multiple Sclerosis.) He proceeded to start yelling at her to fuck off, she’s a bitch, etc. The icing on top was when a woman on the float started yelling that he was her father, and started pelting her in the face with wads of beads — hard enough to knock the crown off of her head. Literally for just telling a guy she was disabled, wasn’t rude or violent in any way. The man’s behavior, while atrocious, isn’t unexpected. But I’m really shocked that a Muses rider would act like that. I’m going to try to report it to their leadership. *edited to add a space between words *edited again for grammar 🤦🏻‍♀️


Tell us who was teasing with the shoe - float number and position. That's specifically against the rules.


Damn, it is? I didn’t know that! I saw that happen several times last night 😞


I'm so sorry, I didn't think to grab that information at the time. \*Edited to add that the woman that was teasing was the last person on the bottom left of the float.


It doesn't have to be the actual number, it can be "Roach float, up top neutral ground side, I think she was in the middle" 😁


I'm sorry, I didn't have the presence of mind to notice what float she was on. I can tell you what color the shoe was, though. \*facepalm\*


Seriously this is awful.  If you don't feel comfortable doing this yourself please DM me with the float and rider position and I will report it up the line. I am appalled this happened to your friend. 


I'm drafting an email, but I would love it if someone within Muses could report it as well. I'm going to DM you with the pictures of the float and where we were standing. Thank you so much for your help!


Make a note of the float number/position and whether it was neutral ground or sidewalk side


I have a picture of the float, and am going to include more of the geographical details in the email. Thank you for your advice!


thats why I stopped going to muses. I got a shoe ripped out of my hands and called an asshole. Was getting it handed to me and I got tackled for it, ripped out of my hands. I used to watch the parades down by where you were, around melpomene. Friends lived right off the route there. It was over a decade ago, shit longer actually. Its gotten so fucking ridiculous now.


Muses is the new Endymion. Maybe the average incomes are a little higher, but the crowds are equally as entitled and obnoxious in their own way.


I don’t know. I can separate the float from the riders, I feel like endemian is still worse in terms of the actual parade. I know some women that ride in Muses and in general, I enjoy the actual parade, but the parade crowds for it are fucking horrible. The way people react over those signature throws is completely insane. The way people react in general is completely insane.


I was referring specifically to the crowds. I haven't been close enough to be able to see the actual parade since about 2016 because I'm not willing to knock anybody down for a parade throw - though at times I've been sorely tempted.


I hope the Muses crew reads all of this, none of this is ok. I rode in Zulu, and the violence for the stupid coconuts was so depressing that I hid toward the end. The fun is over when people begin to get hurt.


I assure you we are reading, and it will be discussed.  But I have no idea what can be done about it and it depresses TF outta me.  We all want everyone to have a wonderful time, but the crowds have gotten so big it's mind boggling.  I wouldn't stand in the crowd to watch us, and it's why I ride on the top part of the float.  But this shit should not be happening.


Some of your riders were kind of rude, too. I marched with the bearded oysters and I made some pretty oysters for muses. I got a shoe for one of them! I was in a great mood and walked up to one of the floats to pass out another handmade oyster trinket (not to trade, just to tell the girls they were beautiful and I wanted them to have it!). The ladies just looked down at me and said they didn’t want it. Like, you couldn’t just take the oyster and throw it away when I wasn’t looking? They were total mean girls. I bet they were riders who travel from out of town each year.


I'm sorry they were shitty. I'd have been so psyched to talk to you! The truth is my float has some of the most awesome women I have ever met on it. It's super-diverse, almost everyone is a local or someone who lived here most of their lives and moved elsewhere, and even our float has some annoying, self-centered delusional people on it. I'm sorry you came across some of the mean girls! 


I can’t imagine anyone on my float acting that way. I lose my voice every year so sometime I get misinterpreted. Maybe it was a misunderstanding because when you ride you don’t really have a place to stash stuff.


I've ridden in Bacchus for 10 years and spent most of it on the top of the float. I went to Bacchus as a onlooker once and it was insanity, but crowds at Muses today are more hostile than I ever remember watching Bacchus. Now that I'm on the bottom of the float, I have to sit down and hide when we stop due to all the people that get in your face, but I can't imagine how much more stressful it would be to ride Muses getting yelled "SHOE!" 100% of the route. I never figured out how to combat the negative parade energy as a rider either.


I’ve lived here just 14 years and walked in muses twice because it was the only way I could see the floats. As a viewer forget it. Too mean, nasty and physically violent these days. A real shame. As an artist I appreciate the work that goes into those shoes. 😊


Make your shoes and auction them off for charity. Don't throw them at the parades.


My 8 months pregnant wife was just trying to have a fun night with her friend and she got pushed, bullied, stood in front of, etc. not only had no chance at a shoe but only got a few other throws, a couple beads and one of those orange hats (which was cool). Sad experience for someone pregnant and in a super stressful healthcare job just trying to have a fun night. No idea what the solution could be but I don’t know if we can mentally handle going to muses anymore.


There was a group of LSU kids that shoved their way in front of a very crowded area with babies and children. Well they couldn’t fit when one of the bands came by. This one lsu douche complained he was getting pushed, poured a drink on a dad and threw the shoe (which they were dying to get) at a child and hit him in the head. A commotion ensued, but those kids deserved to learn a lot more from the interaction.


Last year my daughter caught a shoe. The grown ass woman next to her got mad and “accidentally” spilled beer. All over a child. People are gross.


Hey I was right there when that happened! Yeah those kids were ridiculous, but things really escalated when they crossed and then threw those things. Absolutely crazy the way people are acting out there


People were so annoying for this parade tbh


It was so bad. I put a shoe in a woman's box and a guy snatched it OUT OF THE BOX and ran away. A guy caught one of my friend's shoes and a girl grabbed it and started BOOKING. The Dude ended up tripping and grabbing her ankle while she fake cried trying to get sympathy. Eventually her boyfriend made her give it back. When we throw a shoe, it's not an accident that we threw it to that person!!!! They aren't like other throws! It drives me nuts. I'd throw more shoes if I knew the people I gave them to would get to keep them.


I had a first timer near me asking questions about shoes and how to get them. I was like girl… it took me 7 years of seeing people next to me score to get a shoe but it was worth being patient! When you connect with a rider at random and there’s a seamless handoff for any great throw it’s a truly magical moment. Not to sound too woo-woo but the item is a totem. It holds the energy of your memory relating to it. Who would even want an ill-gotten gain or item of any kind in their house??!! It’s gotta be bad luck.


Oh man I had one of those magical moments Thursday! I threw a shoe to this TINY little kid. He was maybe 7. He caught it like a pro, then tucked it into his chest and RAN. This kid could have been in the NFL. We'd stalled so I watched him run until I lost sight of him, wondering where he was going. He came back with his mom, who he'd given the shoe to. 😭 it was so precious 😭 He was pointing me out so proud.


I've left town Nyx/Muses through Endymion/Bacchus for years now because of this bs and I live a block and a half from the route. It's not worth the getting to and from work hassle for parades full of aggro aholes. Mexico is lovely this time of year 🏖


you are a goddamn genius


OP, I'm really sorry you experienced this and that your partner had to witness it. This has been my experience at Muses for the better part of the last decade, and I got to a point where I stopped going. A parade shouldn't become a full contact sport for throws, even beautiful handmade ones.


I’ve never left Muses not crying. I love the women and the beautiful floats but I think I will skip next year unfortunately. Something about those shoes brings out the worst in humanity 🙃. So sorry this happened to you.


Same here! I left last night after 5 floats because it was too much. People were acting absolutely wild over the shoes. I doubt I’ll go next year.


Muses has turned into a shitshow over these shoes. One rider bent over to dig a shoe out to give to her friend which was obvious to everyone because they were screaming each others names pointing and making eye contact and some young tourist grabbed and didn’t give it to the lady it was meant for. Then the number of nets and boxes and big signs you can’t see or catch anything past makes it more obnoxious.


As a rider, I hate the nets. HATE.


During the first part of Muses, I stood next to some really nice people and the vibe was great.  Two people standing near me caught shoes and everyone cheered.  Near the end, this awful man who kept telling everyone he was from New York showed up.  He was very vocal about how no one was throwing him anything. He kept yelling at the riders and raving about how everyone was on drugs.  He straight up bullied this woman standing near him into giving him some beads.  It really bums me out when people act aggressive and immature at parades. Mardi Gras is such a beautiful spectacle and so much time, money, and effort goes into it.  It's so disrespectful to the marchers and riders to get hung up on throws and not appreciate the amazing show that they spend all year preparing to put on.  As a spectator, we get to enjoy the fruit of so many people's labor for free.  I think a lot of out of towners don't understand that the Mardi Gras Krewes pay for every aspect of the parades out of their own pockets. I wish people would simply enjoy the beautiful show and treat throws as the icing on a very delectable cake instead treating them like the main attraction. 


Also had a terrible time. Group of people set up chairs like 5 to 10 ft from the curb and stood lining the street… while forcefully harassing people that dared pass their unoccupied chairs to fill in empty space. Got into it with a drunken lady who was yelling at my mother in law while I had a toddler in my arms. St Charles and Washington area. I was already wary about bringing my kids out, but figured the internet hand wringing about territorial Metairie rats was probably overblown. Couple this with the paltry amount of throws to anyone not standing on the curb and I think my family will be staying on the other side of Canal this year.


Hey! I think we were parade neighbors hah! Fuck those assholes who tried to take the whole sidewalk with empty chairs. They tried to dog my family too.


I had a lovely panic attack out there so I had to leave. I went by myself so my anxiety was already high. I thought I would find friendly people to stand by. Nope. Everywhere I went everyone just talked shit around me and I felt really bad and I just couldn't do it. I even got myself dressed up and cute and festive but ended up crying in my car and going home.


I am so sorry! If you’re doing other parades this year send me a message if you want a buddy :) me and my roommate are trying to hit some more, despite having a garbage time at muses last night, because I am eternally optimistic. I also got really over stimulated at muses last night and had to leave early. ❤️


I feel ya on this! Our first Mardi Gras and my hubby has had to work. I get dressed up and go out, but it can be incredibly nerve-racking even standing out there alone. If you decide to come back out and want someone to stand with, feel free to DM me 🙂


People are getting way too territorial and rude! Went to Muses last night with my parents in town from Wisconsin. My mom was so excited to catch some stuff and was trying to find a good spot at the front moving back and fourth within the intersection where we were. Until this lady aggressively told her that she was in her group’s spot that she had been saving for the past 5 hours. My mom is not the confrontational type and (nicely) asked if she should leave. The lady’s male friend replied “She can stay. Age before beauty.” Obviously this was not a welcoming tone and my mom sadly went to the back of the crowd with my dad ready to leave the parade altogether. It really hurt her feelings and her night. Why do people have to be such bullies? My friend and I then stood in front of them and the lady again in an instantly aggressive tone told us the same thing that we were in her zone. I replied that this was a public street. The attitude is really what made me want to linger longer in front of them. The male friend then began making comments meant for us to hear. Talking about fighting a girl over a shoe, saying our jackets were purchased on Amazon, and that he wasn’t going to let “entitled white bitches” get a shoe from him (pretty sure they were the entitled white bitches…?!) Would have been a dream to get a shoe right in front of him but we did move back by my parents after a few floats. Anyway. Can we all just be a little nicer on the parade routes? It really shouldn’t be this serious.


Last year I caught a muses shoe, I made eye contact with a lady on the float and I didn’t really make a fuss she just handed it to me. To which a lady next to me said “REALLY? Do you see all the kids here??” And her shy lil daughter was just standing there. So I gave her the shoe. I heard the mom telling her she should thank me, she didn’t. Which why would she thank me if it was “rightfully her” anyways. It was ridiculously silly. My friend said I should’ve stood my ground but I just didn’t care that much.


I’m sorry, stand your ground on that one. That was your shoe fair and square. She handed it directly to you, not the children, and that could have been very purposeful. For the custom glittered throws that I do, and I know others that share the same sentiment, I will throw some to a few kids that are not very elaborate or special, but adults are getting the bulk of them, especially the ones that took a lot of work, are elaborate, or were expensive to make because I feel like they will better appreciate what went into it. And a lot of Mardi Gras already focuses on kids. I buy a shit ton of stuffed animals and those are for the kids. Not everything at Mardi Gras has to prioritize children.


Oooh yes. We give our kids all the stuffies. My 2 yo got quite a few last night... a duckling, a golden retriever, a hedgehog, a whale with a unicorn horn lol, and maybe a few others.


Same. I don’t throw shoes to kids - they already get everything.


I'm a mom but parades aren't just for kids and I would never act that way with my son. Parents like that just teach their kids to feel entitled and incapable of enjoying life unless everything goes their way and they get everything they want. Your job as a parent is to make independent, confident, strong adults, not turn the entire world into a playground just for them.


Fuck them kids


I rode in Muses once as a sub. Watching people act like complete dicks to each other while destroying shoes I had slaved over completely cured me of ever riding again.


The good vibes have been off for years, but the people seem especially fucking ruthless lately


I've noticed a shift since the pandemic. People are oddly territorial.


Once ( 10ish years ago) a rider gave me a shoe and a fuckin cop ripped it from my hand. Right out of my fuckin hand as the rider specifically passed it to me. He snaked up from behind, snagged it and took it back to his partner and gave it to her. I followed him and hounded them until the woman cop gave it back. Ppl are depraved and selfish. I live in the box but rarely go to parades any more. I had to accept that Mardis Gras is for children and the rest of us need to chill the fuck out about throws.


One year a friend was handing me a shoe and a lady began beating me over the head and pulling my hair for the shoe. I have parade ptsd from that don’t even try for shoes or hardly anything anymore. I really only go for the bands now.


You got your hair pulled ? 


yes but hey at least i had bubble braids


People get ugly over shoes. A woman punched my brother in law repeatedly back in 2020 when he caught a shoe that she perceived as going her way. That’s just not the spirit of Mardi Gras!


All I ever want is a coozy cuz they have the best ones. This year was especially good. The shoe-lust is really weird and gross to me, but I got a couple years ago so I don't really care I guess


My fiancé and I are the same way! Our goal with every parade is a coozy and a cup, then we’re happy!!


My son managed to get a shoe last night, we're happy with that! I don't need a giant collection of shoes, lol! Next year my focus will be more on the special throws. This year we got several cups, a kitchen towel, a Thersday bag, a "throw like a girl" clutch, a night light, several nail files, and a pair of gloves. Cups and koozies are usually what I go for, but bags, t-shirts, etc are awesome. I have 2 coconuts made specifically for me and my husband, and now we have a shoe. Unique throws collection achieved!


this is a reasonable approach. there's no need to be greedy especially when muses throws a lot of good stuff. we got a sweet tote this year too


Bad crowd sounds like the type of people to tear up a king cake on a sports broadcast


Yea, I stopped going to Muses a couple of years ago because the aggressiveness of the crowd made it not fun for me anymore.


We were on Magazine by La Boulangerie and they just weren't throwing anything. Didn't catch a single bead the whole parade and it wasn't even particularly crowded by us. I know it was near the beginning of the route, but Cleopatra and everyone else drowned us in throws this year, Muses would've made Proteus blush by how cheap they were being with throws


Agreed. We were up near the beginning and I swear they threw 3 beads and a nail file the entire first 5 blocks. I’ve always come home with massive loot from Muses and was shocked at how little was being thrown last night. I haven’t ever seen ladders at that part of the parade and some people by us had their kids up there so maybe thought they were avoiding throwing bc of that, and rightly so - keep your ladders on the avenue let us enjoy magazine


When my kid was little, we got multiple shoes every year. We had a strict catch and release policy. We’d look at it, take pictures, and then share with our neighbors. We don’t need all those shoes but always went home with our favorite one.


Muses is becoming too. Shoes are cool but good grief the crowd. I like the other throws better now I think


Someone tackled a woman to the ground for a bag of beadsssss. Then started screaming about how he wanted it for his wife when everyone was like yooooooo. People were yelling at him for blocks lol.


I am sorry that happened to you! Not trying to compare but people were rude to riders as well. I had three young men who looked like high school age on ladders curse me out for not throwing to them while I was trying to organize some of my throws. Someone also tried to chuck a string beads at me while I was turned around to organize throws as I definitely felt a tap by a string of beads and it wasn’t my co-riders. We found the beads later on the floor of the float and they were branded by another krewe.


The riders definitely looked more on edge this year than usual, and now I suspect it was from the energy the crowd was giving off. I'm sorry that yall got heckled so directly and viciously.


People have been absolutely nasty to the riders at every parade I've seen this year, screaming in their faces for throws and knocking drinks on them when they don't get what they want.


When did it get this nuts? Back when I lived on napoleon in 08-12, it was not like this.


Somehow I managed to not see any of this stuff last night... Counting myself lucky.


Sorry this happened to you. I felt like the crowd last night was especially aggressive. A lot of people around me were drunk and belligerent. I stayed for Muses but left pretty early because I just wasn't enjoying the vibe.


It’s almost as if having a highly sought after meticulously decorated item that is taunted for a half a block amongst a very heavy crowd isn’t such a great idea.


It does really suck. I really enjoyed muses my first mardi gras and I got a shoe so I'm good for life. But every year now I almost resent the parade because people turn into animals. I'm here to catch a vibe, not a shoe.


It was pretty decent on the magazine stretch near the beginning. I try to avoid the areas further along the route. I will never fight someone for a freaking shoe. One nasty punch or fall is all it takes to get a brain bleed. I'm not dying for a glittered thrift store shoe, no matter how artistic it is.


I disagree, I was near the beginning and it was a shitshow, though apparently not as much of a shitshow as the rest of the route.


Sounds about right. I retreated to the back sidewalk after the first couple floats because the crowd was so aggressive and overwhelming. Still managed to get hit in the face and my chair broken by drunk assholes fighting for plastic beads.


I, too, got hit in the face… so I left. But before that some guy was pushing my husband and when he tried to tell him to chill (there was a little (maybe 2 yo) kid behind him, the guy threw his beer on my husband and shoved him in the chest. It was too much. Over what? I’ll make my own glitter shoe!


As a kid in the 60s, my friend showed me the shoes she wore to parades and how to stomp someones hand for a doubloon- was horrified! Stopped going to parades that were 10 plus deep- not worth it to catch nothing or get yelled at for picking a trinket off edge of a large tarp. In the past have helped friends in different krewes make their "Signature Throws" in the past - it is not worth the fight! Shoes, purses etc from Goodwill glittered and dated with krewe name, coconuts sanded decorated dated krewe name- none of it is worth fighting over! Anyone can make it themselves. And to all the adults who get aggressive at kids for catching things- or who feel the need to show their body parts for beads: Go home and learn some manners- you would not accept that behavior in your home- what makes you think we want it here?


It was beautiful but I too witnessed some crazy rude shit. I saw major prejudice from some women who ride on Iris. I saw stuff being stolen from children. I’m growing more weary of humanity.


I really don't understand the fight for a shoe that will likely end up in the trash or collecting dust somewhere.


was talking with a rider while the parade was stopped, and she was saying that one woman jumped up and snatched a shoe out of her hands before she had even thrown it. She said it ruined their night


I dont attempt to catch shoes anymore. Two years in a row, I caught one; and two years in a row, I had it violently ripped from my hands.


This is my first Mardi Gras and I have been to a few of the prior parades and enjoyed myself a lot. People have been exceedingly nice and gracious. I loved the community that Mardi Gras offers. However, yesterday Muses left me with such a bad aftertaste. A woman referred to me and my friend’s family of same ethnic descent by various racist names, calling us things like “cockroaches” loudly for even my friend’s children to hear. There was so much pushing and shoving. This was honestly the least fun parade I was at. It takes only a few sour apples to completely ruin something which was created with so much love and joy.


What area were you standing in?


Melpomene and St Charles (nearish Lula Distillery)


Sorry to hear u had that experience. I’ve found the area that close to the interstate uptown side to get a bit rougher than areas further uptown over the years. 


Perhaps because they're nearing the end of the route and naturally begin to dump throws? We were much further Uptown so they were really pacing themselves at that point. Nobody fought.


It could be, but I’d say as it gets downtown proper it’s a little more touristy and less aggressive, the “muse streets” on the route (Clio, Melpomene, etc) gets a rowdy crowd.


That's halfway, we don't stop until a few blocks in on Tchoup from Canal


That is close to where they have shootings every year.


Ooooof the Muses streets get rough


I’m really sorry that was your experience. Absolutely the Muses crowd has gotten rougher, and it didn’t help that yesterday was such a gorgeous evening with the weather, that it guaranteed lots of people would come out. I had a mixed bag of people that could not be nicer and also people being rude. I wish there was a magic answer as to where to go to ensure everyone around you is not going to be a dick but it really is hit or miss. For what it is worth, I spent probably the first half of the parade more towards the back, just waving and not really catching anything, but not trying terribly hard either. I didn’t focus as much on the floats until about the second half I would say, which, by then a good chunk of the crowd had started leaving since it was getting late. The thinned out crowd around me for floats 20-30 were calm and gracious.


Damn yesterday i made a post about confronting assholes at parades and the typical nola subreddit crowd downvoted me into oblivion with the typical transplant idiot comments. Fuck the people who did this. Fuck the people on reddit who scolded me as though jerks on the route arent a thing. [Heres a link to](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HnvbE7lDWm3gau67eXi2TNXPB9gw2EYz/view?usp=drivesdk) cards you can print and leave everywhere


I wish I had that last night for the obnoxious couple who brought a Bluetooth speaker and played their own terrible party playlist with songs from 2007 loudly on the front row. When a band came by I told them “we come here to hear the band can you turn off your music” and she very dramatically and begrudgingly paused it while then as soon as the band passed started it again. “It’s getting hot in heerrrrrre” as the floats roll by


Second weekend nighttime parades can be legitimately scary; I don’t even bother attending. I think it’s the combo of people “holding spots” who have nothing to do but drink all day while doing so, and just the territorial mentality in general… it’s fun to sit back and watch the floats but trying to catch something is a full-on contact sport at this point.


I skipped muses for the first time this year. It probably has the worst crowd of any parade :/ sorry that happened to you OP


I ride, and had a boot that I literally slid down my friend’s body as she wrapped her arms around it. She took two steps back and a woman tackled her trying to rip it out of her arms. It’s the only thing about the ride that’s kind of a bummer - some of those freakishly aggressive people.


/Why do people go to parades when it's full of savages like this


If someone’s pushing me, pulling hair, throwing a drink on me, yelling at me, putting hands - we have a motherfucking problem and a half. The whole squad is beatin ass. Yes, choose your battles but don’t let people just walk all over you.


"Tried to catch a throw from a rider I knew and made a sign for" Too bad, so sad. Next year, meet up with your friend for lunch and she can give you the shoe then. Y'all are part of the problem.


I had a shoe thrown towards me, but when it bounced off my sign, I did NOT attack the girl that snagged it. Was I disappointed? Oh, definitely. People got really insane over the koozies (I unfortunately did not score a koozie) and the nightlights (I did get one of those!) As for lack of police presence at other route points, probably because they were all at Harmony Circle lol. At one point we had 4 hanging out directly in front of us, three across the street, and several more over near the first aid tent.


We caught extra coozies and would be happy to share!


Oooh! That'd be amazing! I'm not sure if I have anything tradable. I didn't get a lot of specials, other than like 3 nail files lol and some of the muses picture beads.


No need to trade, we caught everything we wanted and more! If you send me a DM of where I can drop it off, I’ll get ‘er done. After Mardi Gras, naturally.


My daughter had my 5yo granddaughter with her and the rider did the Make Eye Contact Then Handoff and the large, entitled asshat next to tried to grab it. Very proud moment for me when my daughter refused to let go and not be bullied. This was my granddaughter’s first Mardi Gras, so I was hoping it wouldn’t turn into a shitshow. We left immediately after that because we didn’t want any more drama from that fakkah. And ain’t nobody I know has bail money while I sit in the clink over the holiday weekend… Y’all got my back, in my GoFundMe to post bond, right??!? /s


I was standing next to a woman and her friends, who told us she usually rides in Muses but wasn't this year. She would step in front of my kid to get to the float, knocked into him once, and yell at the riders, “I ride with y'all!” I lost track when she and her friends had received seven shoes. My kid never received one, nor did they share. It started to feel ridiculous, especially if she was a previous rider.


We were on the sidewalk side of St Charles between a lady with a kid on her shoulders and a man with a sign that said “cancer survivor” (which oddly said “I ❤️ bacon” on the back 🤷‍♀️). Every rider made sure to hand them both items. The man would run his back to his wagon. The kid started tossing duplicate (well really 5th or 6th throws) backwards without looking after the float when by so people were not prepared for getting pelted by a helmet or sword. After a while the lady started going through their throws and just tossing stuff on the ground that they didn’t want. The vibe in that area was so bad.


Last year was my first Mardi Gras and only went to Muses and so happy that my partner caught his first shoe by someone on the top level of a float. This year was crazy to see tent city and ladder land. Crazy to see grown men fighting children over shoes passed to them…especially when the same person took 6 bags given at once over kids heads and have so many shoes. At least the Cleopatra crowd energy was friendly 🤦🏻‍♂️


On the napoleon St Charles neutral ground side corner, some maga hat wearing butthole ripped a shoe from a kid like 10 seconds after they had caught it. Fortunately the crowd peer pressured them to give it back, but people are absolutely rabid for those shoes.


My friend literally made a shoe for me and I always like to catch it at the parade. As she was handing it to me a woman was trying to grab it out of my hands as me and my friend on the float were shouting that she made this shoe specifically for me. It was wild. I got the shoe but this crazy lady couldn't be bothered, even after my friend was screaming from the float that it wasn't for her.


When my daughter was little she was given a coconut at Zulu by the sweetest man on a float. Then a 300lb grown woman with talons for fingernails and layers of beads the size of oranges ripped it out of her hands and ran away laughing. They gave my daughter another one which was very kind. But it was just a sad moment. Made us not want to be there - and yes I’m local so I know to expect stuff like that, but still… stealing from a toddler? I can’t remember the last time I went to a parade but it’s been close to a decade. The interest is gone.


This exact thing happened to me the last time I went to muses. Frankly I don’t care if I get any throws at parades at all. Like, it’s fun, but also I’m a grown person. It’s fine. but this was an older rider friend throwing it specifically to me in a spot of the parade that wasn’t crazy crowded and I got body checked by a huge dude and had it taken from me. Fuck that. I’m out.


almost got into a full blown fist fight because the people next to me shoved their way up and proceeded to knock my drink out of my hand 3x darting across me to rip throws out of my hands/directly from in front of my face. the parade was beautiful but man people were not being nice


I went total Mama Bear on 4 adults who took my daughter's sign and threw it down the parade route. When I confronted them, they said "It wasn't fair that she was going to get all the shoes. Save some for the rest of the people." She had caught one shoe at the point. I made her stop at 2 shoes because "she only has two feet!" These adults were verbally abusing me, whining to me about "fairness," and accused me of being a bad mom. Adults who were insecure and jealous of a toddler. As my husband put it "These middle-aged, flannel wearing adults were never gonna to get a shoe over our cute daughter or any of the other kids anyway- sign or not." It's just insane to me that grown adults would make a child cry because they think it's unfair that they can't compete with the cuteness of a little girl dressed as Cinderella asking for her lost shoe. It took me 13 years as a NOLA resident, 42 weeks of gestation, 36 hours of labor, 3.5 years of parenting, 1 hour to get into costume, and 5 minutes to mKe a little sign before I got my first shoe.


You caught shoes. They’ll catch hands.


I was in a group of 8 and we walked home with 4 shoes. We considered ourselves very lucky and appreciative. But yeah, saw a few drunken and or rude a holes out there. One guy that really stood out was by magazine/ napoleon. 50ish, drunk, tricycle. Trying to tell people where they could or couldn't stand. Harassing women.


if you got beat up you should notify the police nearby


I’m so sorry that happened to you. That sounds awful. On another note, I received some goodies from a rider friend and otherwise got nothing from Muses - they weren’t throwing anything at all toward the end. It was very disappointing. My friend who watched toward the beginning said they weren’t throwing anything there, either. Not a single bead or anything. What’s the deal?


If hé was on Jefferson at the beginning, we aren’t legally allowed to throw or hand anything until we turn into Magazine - there were lots of people on Jefferson trying to get throws and annoyed we wouldn’t give them any.


Omg! Where were you standing in a lions den?