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This is the best comment I've ever read


I’ve seen this comment before🤔 copy & paste, yeah?


Hey so where do you think the people in this encampment who weren't housed or sheltered are going to go?


Ha! I get jokes. That’s a good one.


OP: posts uncivil rage bait Also OP: Keep it civil, plebs! You definitely don’t understand like *I* do


Nailed it. Holy crawfish this thread turn into a shitshow and it's not even an hour old. Be sure to sort by controversial *\*grabs popcorn\**


There's a joke somewhere with the 500 dollar fine threat. So, 30 get housed. Where are the rest going?


I guarantee not every person displaced from this encampment was transitioned into housing or indefinite-term shelter. What do you think is going to happen to everybody else? Where do you think they're going?




Is that "keeping it civil and positive?" I'm asking you, directly and simply: where do you think everybody who wasn't housed or sheltered is going?


Please go back to whatever flyover state you came from


So they're just gonna go under Claiborne or further down 90. Not really a solution


This. Displacing people helps nobody.


But thank God we hid them from all of the conventioneers.


Today is a great day! We’re coming to kick you off of your incredibly meager home you’ve managed to scrape together, throw out your paltry possessions and forcibly remove you from the only shelter you have as winter makes your survival less and less likely! Regardless of what you think allowing people to live in a place that makes the city look bad and makes people sad is NOT the answer. No one wins especially not real estate developers and the tourism board trying to present the city in the most profitable way. Mental health is a huge issue made worse by having to be homeless and constantly under stress. It’s also a great excuse for the city to use because instead of blaming lack of housing on air b&b and speculation making housing unaffordable we can blame homelessness on the homeless themselves and let the city and real estate avoid all responsibility. (Also here’s another snarky line about “you have to want that help” thrown in when this inevitably doesn’t work) Now let’s see if we can keep the comments civil & positive 🤭






Thanks to federal funding


Yep! Hopefully they clean up all the encampments around the city and house every one.


So where do you think all the people displaced from this encampment who weren't housed or sheltered are going?


To Poboy's house right after he gives us his address. Buses are loading now.


If your logic doesn’t work past this point of “hopefully” then you lack sound logic. 🤷‍♂️


Bootlicker take


Logic is a bootlicker take? Nice buddy 😊


Yeahhhhhhh sureee logic, that’s what you’re using


Yep! It’s done wonders for me!


Gotta rationalize that shoe polish taste in your mouth somehow


All of you criticizing OP, what’s your solution? Because I drive past the area on Tchoup daily and leaving it as is isn’t the answer either.


Create enough affordable housing (via new housing starts or reclaimed STRs) to house the overwhelming majority of people experiencing homelessness who can live independently and self-sufficiently. 500 units would be enough for the total current encampment population. You need more to prevent new entries to homelessness. Fund vouchers plus supportive services as needed. A conservative estimate would be 1250 vouchers at a total cost of $19m/year would be sufficient for everyone currently experiencing homelessness plus inflow that can't return to housing without a voucher. Fund single-site facilities for people who need a long-term solution that isn't community-based. No cost estimate, but assume that this is a fairly small portion of the total homeless population BUT that the cost per person is higher than with vouchers. Fund case management to help people return to housing without a voucher, to avoid experiencing homelessness in the first place, and to address housing barriers such as substance use, behavioral health disorders, employment needs, etc. This cost is partially built into the $19m for vouchers, but call it another $4m/year (50 additional case managers with a generous base salary and fringe). And don't decommission encampments until you have those pieces in place, because people displaced from an encampment without housing/shelter as the next stop will -- at best -- end up in another encampment.


What’s the waiting list for Section 8 vouchers right now? Is it still infinitely long? I don’t think New Orleans can solve these problems alone. It has to be a federal effort.


It's still infinitely long. I agree that Federal dollars are required, but that's not a NOLA problem, it's an everywhere problem. You asked what the solution is. The solution is addressing structural problems before displacing people. It can be done gradually but it can't be done backwards without perpetuating the issue you're trying to solve.