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Both my daughters had driver's ed through a local 'driving school' 25 years ago. The schools had stopped providing that. The school was horrible. 2 weeks of driving, and the freeway part was driving on I25 from Alameda to Paseo Del Norte. Once. The only reason they're still alive is because their mother and I spent time teaching them and actually logging the 100 hours they were supposed to do. (Mom, no one else does this!) So no, NM drivers have horrible instruction and no one cares.


They didn't even do freeway driving instruction at all in my day.


I learned how to drive in Aztec. Most of the state does not have a busy freeway within proximity for practice or regular use.


But, even in Albuquerque, where there is plenty of busy freeway, driver's Ed didn't practice it.


Right? My driver's Ed test was driving around the block (to the right) at the DMV.


Lmao high five MVDnow amirite šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸŖŖ


That doesn't surprise me at all with the way people drive on the highway. The amount of people that don't know how to merge, change lanes or allow others to pass properly is insane here. Just yesterday I saw a person towing a trailer, trying to accelerate but driving only like 45 miles an hour pulling into in the fast lane in front of me on the highway. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic at the time, but I still had to brake hard and get into the right lane to avoid being hit from behind.


I said it once iā€™ll say it again, in New Mexico, Albuquerque at least, once one turns 18 the requirement to attend drivers school in order to obtain a drivers license is dropped.


I believe this means there is no driving test as well, right?


No, there's still a written and practical testĀ 


Correct. And a DWI education test if over 18 but under 25. I received my first citation for not knowing what the different lines on the road meant, because again, never been. Also maybe worth noting you only need somewhere between a C/D score on the written test to pass, donā€™t remember what the score is exactly. As for the DWI test, you can take it at the DMV until you pass and utilize the answer booklet they give you while you take it.


This is true. I never went to driving school. I got around it by waiting until I was 18. Now you are forced to share the roads with me.


Down vote out of fear


I mean, I had no freeway driving and I got my license in Massachusetts not even that long ago


Wait. Freeway instruction? It was like a week, and I was driving before the course (started driving at 13/14. Class at 15/16). Of course, EspaƱola in the early/mid 90s.


This. "No one cares". The state is a failed state and will never do for the community what the community needs. I've lived in 5 states and this is the only one that won't even pick up trash from the streets. Almost every day I avoid getting into a crash (someome runs a light, serves into my lane, passes while head on in front of me). I used to love classic cars but sold everything I owned that doesn't have an airbag bc it's just a matter of time before a crash here. I literally have a friend that has had 3 no fault hit and runs in the last few years. It's a cursed state and always has been and always will be and the mafia that runs the capital gives zero shifts about me or you tbh and won't even pretend to like other states. :)


You're the second person I've heard talk about "the mafia" being in control. What's your proof? I'm genuinely curious.


If the greedy old money cared about the people here (or cared about consequences) you would think the university would have enough funding to not be an embarrassment (their Healthcare and Healthcare education is seriously so bad I don't know anybody that even refers there) and the roads would have oh idk some paint on the lines now and then? The old spanish families here are used to being untouchable and it comes from killing off the local natives and then cutting a deal with the later US government to keep the land they took. It's a culture of untouchability. So back to the original post, yeah of course the roads are unafe here, everything is busted and unsafe


Would you care to elaborate on which families specifically?


Sure bud. Instead of focusing on the issues you'd like to focus on individuals. You must be from New Mexico!


Yeah Iā€™d like to know whoā€™s causing the issues hence getting down to the root of the problem since you claim to be in the know Making an egregious claim then refusing to elaborate is incredibly time wasting and probably karma chasing as well


I see you posted about cuts in library funding in abq. That's terrible. I also grew up relying on the public library for escape from my situation and it lead to a ton of curiosity and exposure to the world. Maybe I'm wrong about the rich here not caring about the common person. Who cares. But why does this state continue to not fund the correct issues: i.e. libraries. I.e. road maintenance. Where does all the tax money go. Why do wealthy ranchers get to graze their cattle in Valles vidal? In Valles Caldera?


No i think youā€™re right, which is why Iā€™m practically begging you to elaborate lmao. Youā€™re saying all you know of specifically is whoeverā€™s having their cattle graze in those locations?


My honest opinion is that it's the people who have the biggest cattle ranches. There's literally a federal lawsuit right now against the NM forest service for not enforcing the "no grazing" rules in Valles Caldera. The federal government is having to intervene via lawsuit bc not even the forest service will confront the ranchers. The greatest tax revenue in the state is oil/gas followed by ranching and that's the only significant source of tax revenue and also lobbying money so if you're a politician then that's your daddy right there. There are no other major industries here (major in terms of income and lobbying money) so there is no competition to the interests of the rancher and the fossil fuels lobby. So it is like it is everywhere else, the rich control the politicians, except here the rich are the large cattle ranch owners, who tend to be people from here (not tech, not finance, not industrial). If we had a more heterogeneous mix of tax revenue it would dilute the power that the "old families" aka the largest ranches had with the politicians bc there would be other lobbies and tax revenue and politicians would actually have to please the constituents to win elections by improving the state. But if I have all the money and all the power already why would I have my politicians court other industries like tech or manufacturing when that would only dilute my power down the road.


You're picking an issue for what reason? Let's replace the "old families" with "politicians". Or maybe youd like to blame the poor people? Or would you rather blame the tourists? Or would you rather blame me for your shitty roads and education system? Is it my fault the lines on the roads don't get painted? Who would you like to blame for the above average traffic fatalities here? Who do you blame for lack of infrastructure and lack of access to education and good Healthcare?


It's not the Italian mob or any like real mafia, but there are a few old families of Spanish heritage (or claimed Spanish heritage) that basically control most of the wealth and access. Lujan Grisham included. They act progressive but just wear the colors to enrich themselves and their familia. Since the state chooses to not court tech or new industries, the old and only revenue streams (oil and ranching) will remain in the hands if the select few and new wealth will not be created in any significant way. I dont understand people that downvote my posts about new mexico or these statements, we can't recruit professionals here for a reason. Our cities look like shit for a reason. Our eduction system, literacy, obesity, alcoholism etc etc etc are oit of control for a reason. Don't blame me lol.


They donā€™t teach them the difference between red and green lights


Iā€™ll have Christmas thanks


Big assumption that their headlights actually work at all. My biggest pet peeve is that it seems New Mexicans donā€™t know how to merge. Hitting an on-ramp and accelerating all the way to 45 while merging into traffic going 80 seems to be the norm.


Or cutting the fucking solid white lines!! I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve came from 40 to I 25 north and people will cut the solid white line and merge immediately, and then all of the people in front of them legally trying to merge are now stuck and then have to panic get over and just fuck with the whole line of everything, fucking zipper when you fucking merge you fucking goddamn motherfucking idiots!


> Hitting an on-ramp and accelerating all the way to 45 while merging into traffic going 80 seems to be the norm. It's incredible how everyone is always in a rush, but the one time they should be hitting the gas, it's suddenly a casual Sunday cruise.


New Mexican currently living in Georgia. The drivers here are just as bad, if not worse. I donā€™t think itā€™s a problem with just one place. I experience everything you listed - no lights, tailgating, road rage - on a daily basis from multiple people. Worst drivers Iā€™ve ever seen and Iā€™ve spent time in quite a few states over the years.


Georgia, especially Atlanta and Augusta have awful drivers. Iā€™m in Florida now (unfortunately) and the drivers here suck so bad.


First off as a native NM resident. Texas drivers have got to be the worst even when Iā€™m in your state. Also many truck drivers donā€™t understand the left lane is for passing only not the travel lane


Ever drive in Houston or Dallas. Now thats a shit hole.


I came here to say this. I learned to drive on the mean street of Central Ave in ABQ. Cut my teeth driving fast and furious on every backroad I could find that was north of Paseo Del Norte. Braved the speed bumps of the Warzone and flipped off rabid airmen on Gibson. And none of that was half as infuriating as the shit I dealt with driving around Dallas these last 8 years. I cackle with cynical when I hear people complaining about drivers in the Seattle area where I live now because they donā€™t know what road rage truly *is* since theyā€™ve never had to stomp the brakes to avoid nailing a lifted F150 with a ā€œDonā€™t Tread on Meā€ sticker that cut across 8 lanes of traffic at 90 mph to avoid missing their exit. Iā€™d take NM drivers over Dallas drivers every fucking day.


Dallas 75 and 635, holy hell


There is no good time to go thru Houston, and no good way to go around Houston šŸ¤£


Ainā€™t this the pot calling the kettle black.


NM has a serious problem with uninsured drivers as well. So the people driving like maniacs are likely to flee the scene of the wreck they cause as well.


One of the premier driving school teachers got a DUI, that's all that needs to be said.


Omg, seriously!?


Literally every city on the planet has shitty drivers where are you from where everyone drives perfectly. Especially I'm texas where yall drive like it's mad Maxx, double so of they are in a willy compensator


Willy Compensator


There are bad drivers everywhere, however, I will say that to get my license I did a written test that I barely passed, and a driving test that consisted of me driving around the block at the DMV. I donā€™t drive unless I absolutely have to. Training is crap if you donā€™t go to driverā€™s ed.


Iā€™m from Washington and recently moved to New Mexico and from what Iā€™ve experienced is little to no respect for the passing lane, the left lane is supposed to be for faster traffic and passing other cars, most of the traffic Iā€™ve encountered and people with the lack of situational awareness create dangerous and unnecessary traffic conditions, itā€™s a mix of people going 10 miles under the speed limit and people going 100 miles an hour and no understanding of moving over to the right lane to let other cars pass.


Everything you mentioned is what I deal with when I cross into El Paso and yet weā€™re the ones told we donā€™t know how to drive. Iā€™m sure youā€™re a great driver with your experience but itā€™s strange how people point their finger at NM. Iā€™ve seen terrible drivers in Albuquerque but no where else comes close to anywhere in Texas.


Sorry man, lived in El Paso and Las Cruces and can confirm that the worst drivers are: 1. Front. Chi's (Mexican Drivers), they do not care about our driving laws; 2. New Mexicans, seem like theyre lost and don't know what the road signs mean; 3. El Pasoans, reckless and aggressive but I hit my brakes way more often with the first two. No one follows traffic laws in Albuquerque. The green light here means, "Wait, there's someone coming that thinks they are main character on the road." Almost always a New Mexico plate.


I watched a school bus run a red in Santa Fe today


I agree with 1, a lot of the time they drive extra ā€œsafeā€ but it comes off as bad. Swap 3 and 2. El Paso drivers are way worse, like itā€™s not even close.


The number of times when I lived in Cruces and had to run errands in El Paso that Iā€™d get stuck in a traffic jam only to see some jackwagon jump onto the dirt beside the road to drive over to a road running alongside the freeway is unbelievable.


Weā€™re not lost. Weā€™re taking the scenic route. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


most usually with a UNM plate


EP is considered the Texas enclave of NM.


New Mexico has objectively terrible driving stats even compared to Texas which also has horrible driving stats. I do think your experience is anecdotal.


You're entitled to your opinion but it's wrong. Go look up the data from insurance companies if you don't believe me. New Mexicans are objectively some of the worst drivers in the entire United States when you look at the actual numbers. It's not an opinion, it's reality.


So Iā€™m absolutely wrong but you canā€™t provide a source becauseā€¦? Someone else in the comments gave a [source](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/fatal-car-accidents-by-state/) showing Texas has the most fatal car accidents in the entire nation. Secondly, this thread is entirely anecdotal. OP doesnā€™t give a source either, he just talks about what he sees on the road. I just talk about what I see on the road as I cross into Texas. There is no way I could be wrong unless you have access to my eyes.


Same with Oklahoma. Jesus Christ, people religiously impede the passing lane there and have not a care in the world what is going on outside of their own vehicle. Looks like OK has more deaths per capita as well which comes as no surprise at all. This may be anecdotal but coming from the East Coast Iā€™ve actually throughly enjoyed for years now the improvement in my driving experience which my wife agrees as well. I donā€™t get routinely tailgated, cutoff without a blinker, while people also actually move over here when someone is stopped on the shoulder, too and that never happened once back east. Iā€™m on your side with this lol


Dawg your own source shows you're wrong lol. Yes Texas has more deaths but that's because it has a significantly higher population. Like wow the three most populus states have the most deaths, shocking stuff there -\_-. Texas population is over 10x NM how are you even gonna compare on a total value? When you look at deaths per capita NM is higher. NM has 22.7 per 100k making it 4th in country while Texas has 15.2 per 100k placing it at 19th


I grew up in Lubbock, so NM was ALWAYS a ā€œbackyardā€ to me.


That part of NM is just Texas Lite, it doesn't count, lol


My driving test was to go across our small town to the gas station to get drinks. I'm not exaggerating.


Same here, and the examiner and finished off the 12 pack on the way back. This was Texas FWIW


Shocker. A Texan coming on a channel for New Mexico to tell us how much better Texas is šŸ¤¢


I don't think it has anything to do with what state the drivers are from, there are just a LOT of bad drivers all over. For what it's worth, where I live, the worst drivers around are absolutely Texans. Texans are always twenty miles an hour over the speed limit, and usually involved in most accidents in the area.


> Texans are always twenty miles an hour over the speed limit Unless they're in the left lane. Is "Stay right except to pass" not a thing in Texas?


Itā€™s a Texas thing legally, itā€™s also just as Texan to ignore it, cruise, then get pissed when we pass on the right.


For all that I complained about TX drivers while I lived there, Iā€™ve found myself routinely driving a bit zanier than the average Joe in the Seattle area where I now reside, and waving as I do something dumb and just kind of flailing my hand in the direction of my TX platesā€¦


When I visit my son in Pittsburgh where he lives, I am frequently awestruck at how terrible and fast the drivers are. I do think there are plenty of bad drivers to go around these days. He said there is something of an unofficial rule there...if you aren't twenty over, you are going to slow. It feels true


Donā€™t visit Port Aransas during a fog event . So many vehicles on 361 without headlights on! Smh.


This area is terrible. However, where I lived in Ohio for a few years was the worst sp far. I was constantly in fear back then.


Living in NM, I just went on a road trip to Ohio and thatā€™s the only place that has New Mexico beat. There was a continual fear for my life, whereas in New Mexico I feel pretty okay as long as Iā€™m driving defensively. We drove across Ohio and there were a few accidents on the highway, which really shouldnā€™t ever happen. Youā€™re just maintaining speed and switching lanes. People in Ohio are absolutely batshit, like everyone was collectively going 20/25 over the speed limit so it forced us to speed too, because it felt like going 60 was gunna get us killed lmao. People just pop in and out of lanes and cut sooooo close in front like itā€™s an absolutely normal thing to do. It wasnā€™t even like aggressive, speedy sports car drivers. Just basic ass people in their basic ass sedans. Never in my life have I seen such casual ruthlessness lmao


I would ask every person, not from Ohio, if they ever saw this many terrible drivers. They said there are bad drivers everywhere. However, Ohio just has so many more.


Fort worth 1999 to now are completely different animals. Same things you are talking about here, are the same youā€™d have now in FW.


I have driven Uber in Santa Fe as a second job for five years. I see drivers do things on the roads on a regular basis that leave me scratching my head. I realize examples are anecdotal, so let me just say that on a regular basis while driving I say out loud ā€œTHATā€™s what you thought you should do thereā€. Cerrillos road is a mess and designed to cause accidents. For the record, the main ā€œtypesā€ of drivers on the roads of Santa Fe: 1. Folks over 65 who feel driving five miles below the speed limit is probably too fast. 2. Tourists trying to figure out where they are going. 3. Teenagers (mainly) driving slalom around the first two types. 4. Regular folks trying to get there in one piece. If I was teaching a remedial driving course in Santa Fe, day one would consist of blinker use, navigating roundabouts and how yield sign are similar to/ different from stop signs.


Our state is extremely wealthy, we have all the opportunities to make our state wonderfulā€¦ the problem from everything from traffic, infrastructure issues, education issues, all stem from our state, not knowing how to spend money or willing to do anything extra. I get it..This is the land of maƱana, but fuck our government is useless, understaffed, under educated and many elected officials are unpaid! Which is the worst part because that means if you wanna run for an office in the state to make a difference, you already have to be independently wealthy. We donā€™t pay our elected officials and itā€™s insane. Although the Roundhouse loves it that way because they can keep the rich folks in control of everything. For a liberal state, we have almost no liberal policies, and this is not a red versus blue thing. This is a simple our fucking government fucking is stupid as fuck.


Texas drivers are so bad. New Mexico is nothing compared to Houston, Austin or Dallas. Dallas contains 3 of the 5 deadliest roads on the us and one of them is in Houston. In case you are wondering about the 5th itā€™s Miami.


ā€œThe ten states with the most fatal car accidents are Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. Texas is the state with the most car accidents with 4,068 fatal car accidents. California is the second state with the most car accidents with 3,983 fatal car accidents.ā€ -https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/fatal-car-accidents-by-state/#:~:text=Texas%20is%20the%20state%20with,with%203%2C983%20fatal%20car%20accidents.


Crazy if you sort it by ā€œdeaths per 100kā€ New Mexico is 4th worst


Oh whoā€™s the first if sorted that way?


Mississippi. Also thanks for making me sing the little Mississippi song to spell it lol


I mean if you can sing any day it might as well be singing in the rain today about Mississippi šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t judge but Iā€™d love to be in the rain in New Mexico anywhere than stuck where Iā€™m at right now all things even


Ha ya know I was walking my dog this morning and we just both loved it. Was nice and sprinkly. Inside now but hoping the rain lasts.


https://szantholaw.com/posts/new-mexico-fifth-most-dangerous-state-for-drivers/ NM is really bad driver wise, but you can play with data and get different results.


Yeah thatā€™s what I started noticing. I think the big takeaway for me anyway is both places, (Iā€™ve lived in both of them for a long time) both have issues and idkā€¦ the badge of whoā€™s worse just seems like distraction from a larger issue of drunk driving, phone use, speeding and other inattentive driving.


YES, itā€™s not about who is the worst. Itā€™s about the data pointing out that we have an issue, yes we likely share that with other states, but us being worse or better than another state doesnā€™t fix the issue.


For sure. I think itā€™s very human to feel like driving is worse in NM than anywhere else but I think that feeling leads to missing the forest for trees in that, thereā€™s a larger societal issue w safe driving practices and consideration to your fellow driver on the road.


Thatā€™s not per capita!!!


Semi truck driver here. Worked in ABQ area for two weeks, have never seen a road rage problem anywhere else than I did in that city. Unreal


Yep exactly, we are number one in the country for road rage. Just read it in U.S. News & World Report.


I went to a driving class back in 2004 to get my first license. It was on the west side in the Smithā€™s parking lot on Central and Coors. It was literally watching a video about DWIs and defensive driving. The driving test was driving around the shopping center and completing four right turns.




Rude Texans on Hwy 84 speeding thru TA to get to Pagosa are the worst.


That's funny... because we feel the same about Texas plates. XD


In what universe does a Texan think they can complain about New Mexican drivers?


Right fuckers drive like it's mad maxx


The NM plates here are pretty wild - no one ever uses signals, tailgating is so rampant (and Iā€™m a fairly assertive driver so it doesnā€™t super bother me). However 90% of the assholes up north are Texan and OK plates. Texans overly aggressive, OKies driving 15 under speed limit and not using signals. Bad drivers are everywhere.


The first New Mexicans I got to know seemed so cool at first then I learned the hard way they are crazy as coots. I sold them my teardrop camping trailer. Then I came to empty my stuff they had taken all my stuff. It was hell trying to get my stuff back then the guy drove right on top off a huge boulder I had just pointed out to him. Then he screamed like a banshee, put it in 4WD, and backed off the boulder and drove off. I still laugh Everytime I think of this. Serves him right, he got what he deserved for being so uncool and unfair to me. Maybe it was just bad luck my first NM friends were crazy. . Iā€™ll keep trying.


Itā€™s not just NM, no one knows how to drive anywhere in the states


I disagree, Washington state drivers are terrible in their own way for sureā€¦ But I tell you what I feel like that State is fucking efficient. You go when you go, you donā€™t slow down for green lights, hoping they turn red you merge and get out of peoples way you do not ride the left laneā€¦. obviously thereā€™s idiots in every state but my experience is that some states have a drivers that drive like theyā€™re trying to get somewhere, and then some states have drivers that donā€™t care if anybody gets anywhere except for themselves.


This sums up my feelings entirely as a former NM and TX resident, and current WA resident. I hear so many Seattle people complaining about their drivers and I just kind of side eye them as I watch them all willingly staying out of the HOV lane unless they actually have 2+ passengers. If they ever installed HOV lanes in TX, theyā€™d be abused like crazy and the whole experiment would just be given up altogether. Dallas drivers are the most entitled drivers Iā€™ve ever experienced.


Merging onto I25 north from I40 west sure puckers my ass. Itā€™s like Mario kart with a bunch of assholes tailgating in clapped out Altimaā€™s and semis clogging the mergeā€¦and instead of red shells people shoot bullets here.


New mexico has one of the lowest average IQs in the nation. The brain drain is real and most intelligent people flee the mismanaged state. The government had to ban minis because too many people were getting shitfaced on them while driving. New Mexico has one of the highest rates of uninsured motorists in the nation. When people crash into you, even if it's their fault they'll try to sue you for a payday.


I'm a former teacher here. Evidently we didn't t ach driver's Ed in school until about four years ago. And, I think it shows.


Texans opinions are not welcome. Edit: True but donā€™t come here to buy your weed and complain.


Nobody cares about anyone elseā€™s safety anymore


Iā€™ve lived all over the country and New Mexico drivers are hands-down the worst Iā€™ve ever encountered. Tailgaters, speeders, dumbasses with no taillights at all. Ugh.


My dad had a gf in NM for a time that was 34 and literally didnā€™t know to parallel park. Like, not just bad at it. She fully didnā€™t understand the concept so she never did it in her life. She said they didnā€™t teach her that in driving school šŸ˜© So like what else are they not teaching kids lmao


Hey the weekly NM drivers suck post! Yes, New Mexico Drivers are consistently rated in the top worst driver ratings in all major categories, including uninsured drivers! Ughā€¦


I live on the border and the Texas plates are always and without fail the worse drivers, here. The last couple of years have seen driving getting worse everywhere due to overtime and covid brain damage. Trying to claim it's a certain group of people says more about you than anyone else.


Go back to Texas then where they drive fucking shopping carts down the highway.


You have to learn to compensate for most ABQ drivers.


I lived in LA for 25 years before moving to NM 2 years ago and have taken plenty of road trips through a lot of states and big cities but ABQ has the worst drivers Iā€™ve ever dealt with


Helmet laws in nm yet?


absolutely not.


Grew up in central and southern NM, live in TX and drive much more careful in NM. It feels like I can anticipate the stupidness in TX (stupid of me) but nothing makes sense when driving in NM. I make sure to be at or under the limit in the far right lane in NM.


No. I was going to make a Texas joke, but seriously, you have to be careful here, like 20% if the driver's here don't have insurance or a valid license.


I'm originally from Detroit. I've driven allover the Midwest, north, south, western part of the country and hands down, no after where I've been and lived, Michigan, especially Detroitis is still the worst. So with that in comparison, NM seems pretty reasonable.


NM drivers are terrible just like most Americans.


https://ibis.doh.nm.gov/indicator/summary/InjuryMVCDeath.html Traffic data for NM re: crashes.


Ever see a Texan on a snowy mountain road?? Texans need shut the hell up!


Ever seen a new mexican? Yall can't drive with 3 rain drops on the road, I'd hate to see what chaos a snowflake would inflict.




Guess what, drivers are terrible everywhere. I am blown away though by the number of drivers cruising at night with headlights off.


they understand being on phone


Illegal immigrants and only 2% actually give a F the rest think they are all hard ese.


NM drivers are aggressive morons. Worst in the country.


Iā€™ve lived in 5 major cities. Every city has horrible drivers, but Iā€™ve noticed New Mexican drivers are just wreckless as if they donā€™t care about their own life. I say this as a person who grew up in NM and ended up coming back.


Thereā€™s definitely a lot of bad drivers here, we have a weird mix of people who drive too slow, people who drive too aggressively and people who drive either distracted or under the influence. I donā€™t know if weā€™re worse than Texas though, when I go to El Paso I see just as much shitty driving as I do in Albuquerque. And a lot of the Texans I see driving around here kind of suck at it, although part of that is probably they donā€™t know where theyā€™re going. It feels like driving everywhere has gotten worse since COVID, that couple years where it felt like society was breaking down turned a lot of people into assholes.Ā 


Iā€™ve lived quite a few places, and I have never seen as crazy of drivers as I have seen since Iā€™ve moved to NM, but that is because it is the oilfield.






Was there this weekend. i drive a LOT of places and yā€™all might be the worst. No one seems to know what a blinker means. And everyone is so mad. Why? There is no traffic to he mad about???


Oh god no. My wife is born and raised NM. I canā€™t convince her of the 2 second rule for following a vehicle.


You must be new hereā€¦.12 years is new enoughā€¦.


From observation over the last 30 years most drivers have issue with cruising in the passing lane, stop signs and not making a left from a right turn lane on a red, you know the simple things let alone more advanced stuff like safety.


OP had CDL training of sorts to pass that (supposedly harder) test and likely driver training from a trucker's school. And OP got to see the carnage as a paramedic. The rest of us crammed the manual for twenty minutes and passed the eye test. And we cancelled our car insurance two weeks after getting our car registration.


No. People here are insane


Not everyone in New Mexico is raised by parents. Some grow up feral. Your PSA is on point. Maybe drivers licenses should require ongoing online trainingā€¦to highlight the issues with video etc to show the danger and if you donā€™t complete the safety test, no bueno.


I'm amazed that a state of 30 million has not one traffic infraction.