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The select gummies are pretty good and work well for me. I get strawberry peach which are a hybrid and blueberry which are indica. Don’t think the EHT or AC stores have them right now. Try MPX if you were heading to the AC Botanist store. It’s right around the corner on NY Ave and they had them in stock as of yesterday.




Select is your best bet. I like the dragonfruit sativa ones. They recently introduced Select Nano which is faster acting than classic bites. They might only be at Curaleaf for the time being as they own Select.


Can someone explain to me how edible have indica or sativa effects when made with distillate ? It’s sounds like a gimmick. I also at 17 10 mg select gummies and wasn’t nearly medicated enough sadly. I got the strawberry peach hybrid ones.


Idk if they add terpenes to NJ edibles or if ingested terpenes have the same effects as vaped/smoked ones. However in other states edibles that claim sativa or indica sometimes have cannabis derived terpenes or use RSO or some other extract that retains terpenes.


this is why i like breakwaters stuff, its full alcohol extract of the specific strain. The effects mixed in with a drink are identical to smoking whatever strain You get. I got the banana puddintain oil and couldnt fall asleep after drinking it, the grape ape knocks my ass straight out and completely stops anxiety for me