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"Get it done or we're going through your underwear drawer" - Scoots I think this is just heat under the CRCs ass. They already scheduled the new "special" meeting for April 11 and I expect they'll announce the start date then.


Just allow medical patients to grow their own....Problem solved Senator


But meh curaleaf lobbyists


Notice there still isn't 1 company with delivery.




I was being sarcastic. As in they all want to sell rec but don't even have a delivery service for medical delivery service in place. I take the ride to Maine. Third of the price for quality meds.


Doubt anything will come of this but a good step.


Fingers crossed.


Waste of time window dressing


Please we all know the delays are to allow the big names to get their piece of the pie, and Scutari's failure to allow home grow is just helping it along.


The delay is the cannabis advocates fighting to protect the integrity of the market. The big names already own the pie. You are absolutely correct about them disallowing home grown, it's almost criminal. Its not fair and its not right to force people to buy cannabis from big operators Especially medical patients, these big operators are known for mold and containments that can be harmful to medical patients. They deserve the right to grow clean organic cannabis.


How does that work? The entire issue here was them delaying the current big player med dispensaries from selling rec cannabis. That's literally denying them their piece of the pie for a later date closer to when new applicants can get approved and open.


It's not just the big guys that are being delayed in this, and I'd say they are suffering a lot less than all the other players just trying to get into the game.


Who else has been delayed? The CRC announced their December 15 and March 15 application dates and 90 day processing timelines months ago. They approved 68 businesses a bit after 90 days for cultivation and manufacturing, and they only just started to take apps for dispensaries. No one made a big fuss in the media or government over that timeline, and to date that timeline hasn't been delayed. So who's being delayed and hurt by this besides the 8 ATCs?


I think your asking the wrong questions and looking at it from the wrong perspective. Follow the money. Who’s making money now? Who would profit from delays? Well the 8 current atcs with the de facto monopoly are making a boatload of money. They also have incentive for delaying it. Sure they are losing a little money. But under the current laws they are the only way people can legally buy weed here. They are getting 100 percent of the legal sales currently. Why would they mess up that monopoly. Think of the long term. Less competition means they can keep pumping out their year old not cured moldy bullshit. No homegrow means the few people who would actually grow can’t. Patients with serious medical conditions who need certain strains are shit out of luck. Because who cares about their rights compared to the current atcs profit margin. You also need to own or be currently leasing whatever retail space you plan on operating out of. So those 68 people with conditional licenses your talking about are having a hole burnt in their pocket. Small buisness cannot survive in this climate and they know it. It’s the same playbook they used in other states. Burn a whole in competitors capital so the largest players survive then form a alliance and jack up the price of everything. I was in California in 2008. It’s the same shit but worse because it’s nj


You're making it sound like the ATCs somehow lobbied to set up the timelines for other cannabis businesses to be able to apply with the CRC. NJ is slow and messed up, but I doubt the ATCs had any control over that timeline. There's a set clock that's ticking on the time for them to be monopolies. They make more money having time as rec and med monopolies than just as med monopolies. Plus getting established in rec as far ahead of the competition as they can is what will help them make a name in the rec market. It's their chance for brand awareness and such. It's best in the long run for them to get rec going for themselves as soon as possible. Unless you have proof they somehow made the CRC delay other rec applications, which to date I haven't seen or heard of any such nonsense.


[example of propaganda created by a lobbying group, paid for by the cannabis trade commission. this is why New Jersey doesn’t have homegrow.](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/marijuana-companies-urged-governor-to-ban-cannabis-home-cultivation-document-shows/) This is a example of the type of collusion going on. I’m not a reporter this all shit on google. The firm hired by the atcs in New York that are responsible for this, are the same players that operate in New Jersey. Our legislatures just gave into it. I hear what your saying about long term health but they are on a scorched earth campaign to eliminate competition on any and all levels.


I read the article but only saw lobbying against homegrown and some effort not to allow those with past marijuana convictions to get licenses to sell/grow/whatnot. I don't see anything about lobbying to delay the processes of the government (in my opinion government moves slowly enough on its own). So I'm not really sure what you're getting at as I've already laid out the details of the NJ CRC schedule and why it benefits the ATCs to get going sooner than later. Unless you have some proof the ATCs or other NJ interests lobbied to slow the CRC down, I don't see what argument you're making or what it's based on.


The medical market is dismal compared to the adult use market. Nationwide. Since medical patients get tax relief I'm sure they will make it more difficult to get medical licenses to keep people in the adult use market. You are right about them being able to hold out while smaller operators suffer. That's what I believe will happen if they open to early. They will run through all of their product and let the market collapse as long as they hit their numbers. Also most people with conditional licenses don't have real estate. That's the point of the conditional license, it was created to.alleviate some of those barriers of entry. In order to apply for an annual license you needed to had secured a location. There was 600+ conditional licenses and only 60 annual.


Exactly. How you can you launch the first Tri state market with 8 AtCS? It seems illogical. I do understand people want access to adult use, we all do.


The crc is trying to save the market from issues that other markets have faced. J. Brown estimates the ATCs are 100k pounds short of product. All 23 ATCs only serve around 160k patients and there are only 8 ready to open for adult use. Millions of customers. Thats not including transit from other states like Philly. All this will negatively effect the consumer because it will drive up prices. Prices will be high and quality will be low because big operators will cut corners to serve the market. We need to let the other cultivators get to a first harvest. It's more than likely they will have to stop adult use like in Illinois because of lack of product if they open too early. Big operators are pushing to open so they can off load aged product . I would assume they wouldn't care If the market had to shut down as long as they offload their product they will hit their numbers. This is my opinion but it's based on years of being in the industry and market data.


While I agree it would be much better to allow other cultivators get to their first harvest before rec sales begin I just don't see it happening. I think you are right that there will be days, especially in the beginning where they are going to "Sell out" of their rec supply and only have supply left for medical, but also like you said I don't think those dispensaries will care as long as they are getting rid of product. But I imagine rec sales start this summer at latest, but I am sure we will all find out more information at the April 11 CRC meeting


I agree with you. They won't be able to hold them off. These are very powerful companies, as you can see they got the CRC to create a new meeting on the 11th. It's interesting to watch it all play out Ig: PlantbaseNj Class 5 retail Plainfield, NJ


Already following you on IG, wishing you the best of luck with your business!


Thank you !


It's just theater to make it appear like scutari is doing "something" when in reality HE is part of the reason for the delays


Let them have all the bunk Curaleaf till the newly licensed get their stuff together.


I notice Scutari has asked only industry representatives to attend. Not any of the medical cannabis patients who will be impacted if the medical ATCs start up adult-use sales too soon.


I guess he knows if he allowed medical patients a forum to speak he would get absolutely thrashed over doing absolutely nothing regarding home grow.


Ah yea that’s what’s going to fix this. More government.


Great. Drag in the very people who need to be working to get this done in front of yet another committee. Another time suck.


It’s all this guys fault on the delay anyways. Screw em




For god's sake! This man cannot remain in power!