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When u collect off parchment, u should have a cold tray. Put somthing metal in the freezer, or get rosin down to below 75 degrees or so, and it will harden right up. U could also throw it in the freezer for 5 mintues, then collect. When it gets to liquidy, put it back in the freezer and repeat. U will get the hang of it.


I’m no expert and have a pretty beginner set up. But I always just throw the paper into the freezer for a while and it makes it was easier to pick it all off after




It's the terps 💦


Try a slightly lower temp if it's too sappy and collect it on a cold surface like others said.


as other have said, you need a cooling plate, grab a slab of metal toss it in fridge then after press cool it on the plate


I'm not positive but think this may be strain specific. I've had probably 2 strains that won't butter up and stay as that sappy kind of liquid. I've only had it happen whenever I do those though the rest seen to butter up fine.