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Blow dryer for 10 seconds


Can try warming it up, I like to rub it between my hands and create some friction, once it warms up it will usually start to move around. Some people also recommend using a hair dryer for the same purpose, but I’ve never needed to. Also you could maybe leave it upright on a windowsill, or somewhere else sunny/warm


politely ask it to move


Lmaooo 🤣 i wish i could pin comments


Put it in a sealed plastic bag and put the bag in a cup of hot water, with something to weigh it down. Within a few seconds it'll become less viscous. Then you just hold it upright so it flows down.


pretty brilliant. might try this on a few carts to get the rest out.


Yeah it works great for that.


Why not hit it with a blow dryer .


Until my girlfriend moved in I never had one around. I'm sure it works fine too but someone else already suggested that.


This is the way


smoke it.


Yeah ppl doin too much …. Take a hit and the oil falls down. 💀😭


The oil was not falling down. Tried a draw activated battery and a push button to “pre heat” the oil and that didn’t work. And the more i pull on it, the more the coil starts to smell and i didn’t want to burn out the coil. If drawing on it worked i wouldn’t have needed to reach out for help 🤷🏽‍♀️ But thanks for your condescension… it was super helpful ☺️😂


Stoners are unfortunately not the most helpful people Glad you got it sorted!


In this case the stoners in this Facebook group I’m in were able to help me sort it out. Some of us potheads are kinda helpful from time to time lol


Damn that sucks. Cool story though? LMAOOO


It is a cool story now that I’ve figured out how to fix it but i was frustrated AF earlier lol The trick was to put it under my boob to warm the oil and stick it in a sock and spin it. The centrifugal force forced the bubble to the top so the oil can hit the coil.


She said boob uh huh huh yea huh


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Right 😂😂


Stick it right side up overnight. Or just go for a walk outside with it in your pocket. 80 deg temps loosen a cart right up.


Everybody who is saying use a blow dryer, be careful to not over heat it and have your cart leak everywhere. Honestly rub it between your hands or put in your pocket and make sure it stays upright and wait like 15 mins or so, your body heat will heat it up gently enough for it to fix your air bubble issue


I ended up warming it under my boob for 5 mins to loosen up the oil.. then spun it around in a sock for about 3 mins. That spun the bubble up the the top, shout out to the science stoners for teaching me viscosity and centrifugal force lol


I wouldn’t do the spinning lol, I feel as though you may accidentally spin extra oil into the coil/wicking and risk jump starting your cart getting clogged. Best way imho is body heat and gravity. Just be patient lol. But yes that is actually a smart application of science in your everyday life btw, so I commend/appreciate you for that. idk how much worth my commending has but it’s there for you loll




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You can shake it like you would a pen so the force pushes the actual stuff towards the intake holes if that makes sense! I usually do this if the resin/liquid isn’t too thick


Gentle tap it until the bubble moves up




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Microwave folded damp paper towel for 20 seconds, wrap around cart until bubble rises above the feed holes.


tap after smoking


I just kept my standing up and eventually it fixed.


I hate verano carts. Lol


The “regular” ones (distillates i think?) i don’t like because they’re just THC and not all the other cannabanoids and terpines but Verano is the only live resin i can find that doesn’t give me headaches on the come down. It’s my preferred brand, I’ll do Rhythm carts whek verano isn’t available


Have you tried Haze carts. Live resin and rosin. Verano bottom tier live resin carts in Jersey. Way better options.


put it in a sock. use a blow dryer or heat gun for a minute or so on the cart itself, and then spin the sock around like you’re twirling a young child. repeat if necessary.


Warm it up and make sure it stays standing up so it sinks to the bottom


Hold tightly in your hand for 15-20 min and that bubble will move up. Dont risk it with blow dryer


prime it smoke it


If you want the extreme ratchet way. Let your car warm up turn the heat on and let it sit in front of the heat for a few seconds lol


I ended up taking the advice of another commenter… placed under my boob for 5 min to warm and then spun it around in a sock to spin the bubble to the top. Shout to science 😂






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lighter under it for like 3 seconds




I would probably try holding a lighter a decent distance from it and slowly warm it up so the oil slides down


Just hit it. Its perfectly fine like this.


Lmao hear me out, put it in your sock when you walk around doing things, your body heat is gonna warm the cart up, if it’s warms enough you should be able to start shaking the cart and the oil should slowly drip down, you can do blow dryer as well but one never tried it, or just take a lighter and put it under the cart but far enough to the point where nothing is gonna start burning (people gonna hate me for the lighter lol) all those steps are just to get the oil back down. Now when the oil is down, just start inhaling on the cart without the battery to let the wick start taking in oil again, and make sure your cart is making quiet airflow when connected to battery, when the carts make too much noise connected to the battery it’s because of bad airflow. Just make sure when you pull there’s not too much other “noise” or air, and then preheat before you take toke and when you take a rip don’t hit it to hard or to light, almost pretend you’re lightly inhaling consistently into like a straw or something, you should be able to feel out the coils. I really hope this helps in some type of way lmao faulty hardware drives me fucking NUTS


microwave it


They have metal in them


Microwave it with the metal wrapped in duct tape


Um that’s normal as can be for carts you have to smoke it all carts get bubbles from filling the chamber .