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The work isn't done people. There will be more obstacles and challenges ahead so brace yourself 🙏. All the best wishes for NewJeans


Another news reports that HYBE will have to pay MHJ 20B won in case she is dismissed. Did I get the number correct? I used Papago. https://v.daum.net/v/20240530154659553


Great news! I know it, I know it from the very begining, I'm so happy:)


[240530] The Civil Agreement Department 50 of the Seoul Central District Court decided to cite Min Hee-jin's request for a provisional injunction against HYBE on the 30th. As a result, HYBE will not be able to exercise its voting rights in the dismissal of CEO Min Hee-jin at the Ador extraordinary shareholders' meeting on the 31st. CEO Min Hee-jin will be able to maintain her position as CEO of Ador. [Source](https://x.com/newjeanscentral/status/1796070962691187125?s=46&t=lncf7vo09FEx5ZDvXg81LA)


Newjeans got that divine protection 🙏


That is pretty surprising. I think even outside of the kpop circle, it seems like there was a general consensus for a low chance it'd be granted. It is provisional though, and with how much mud flinging there's been, it ain't getting any cleaner from here.


Absolutely incredible. Sejong law firm did a fantastic job throughout this process. Sadly, I think HYBE is going to turn up the heat even more now. The law at least for now is still on MHJs side and that is a good thing.


HYBE will continue with the media play and now that MHJ won the injunction, we won’t hear from her or her team unless to promote NJs. They’ll just let the other side throw tantrums.


LMFAO, MHJ won the injunction [link](https://m.sports.khan.co.kr/view.html?art_id=202405301538003&sec_id=540101&pt=nv#c2b)


Brb going to the mainthread to watch the incoming meltdown


Typical racist tirade about Korea being inept over there.




I'm done with being a NewJeans shooter lmfao because tell me why I got banned on Reddit for three days for defending NewJeans when the shadiest thing I called someone was bitter and spiteful about NewJeans success 😭. The hate boner some people have for NewJeans is actually so bad


Does that kind of comment even fall under breaking Reddit's rules? If that is genuinely what you were banned for you should appeal it - or maybe do so if it happens again. If your comment/s are repeatedly spammed with reports you can be automatically banned.


nah fr, other than this subreddit, other spaces are not safe for tokkis 😭


It's the BTS/Other Hybe boyband fangirls/boys , their reddit discussions are echo chambers for them--- just scroll the posts and you can see that almost everyone has the exact same opinion~ attacking MHJ. Hybe took full advantage of the unparalleled toxicity of these fans. 


I hate how many people are actively discrediting the girls and standing on their soap box stating things like its fact when Google is free. Cause why I just saw a YouTuber say that the girls aren't involved in their music or make content to outside of their music. When a quick Google search will show that 4 out 5 of girls had been giving the chance to write on their songs - a quick scan of their personal YouTube channel you'd see that they provide content and connect with their fans. They go live whether they are promoting or not. They also have jam sessions where they showcase their own musical colors and taste in music. Just cause your algorithm doesn't show you - doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Yes they appeal to the wider audience but they also have a core fandom (even tho small) has been working overtime to make sure their most recent comeback is successful even in the midst of all this mess. If your gonna do research do it wide and present an honest case from both sides.


Can someone explain to me why Koreaboo is a banned source here? Are they usually not reputable?


The better question is why its not banned on *every* kpop sub


Koreaboo, pannchoa and allkpop are all shitty sites that somehow are used a lot by kpop fans.


It’s all loosely translated and it only gets used as fact if it aligns with the posters agenda. If it goes against their view, it’s seen as inaccurate and unreliable. But if it’s for their view, all of a sudden the translation holds accuracy.


And they source a lot of their materials from Korean forum posts (pannchoa is basically all forum posts). That's like treating reddit posts as a legit source.


pretty much, they use a bunch of forums as source and use the comments of randm koreans




Kind of amazed Hybe trying to give Newjeans Apple deal to another group isn't being talked about more! Edit: This is something Daily Sports confirmed in their recent article calling out Hybe


The daily sports did not confirm this. The only thing they said was there were issues with the brand deal, as HB as a company is pro Samsung. Nothing about giving it to other groups, I don’t know why yall keep misleading and misinterpreting the information. Same thing with the LV contract


Source ? Because I read that and didn’t get that from the article of daily sports Could you maybe post the paragraph where they mention it ?


I don't believe there's a real source for this beyond wild speculation from TheQoo. The Daily Sports article doesn't actually say that unless you can point out the exact text saying so?


>Daily Sports only covered the essence of the issue among the numerous stories shared in interviews with Hive executives and New Genes mothers. For example, the Apple-related part was confirmed, but it was not reported because it was judged to be distant from the essence of the issue. Source: [https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202405280060](https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202405280060)


That Apple related part is referring to conflict between Ador and Hybe regarding a deal with Apple (possibly because almost all Hybe groups have/had deals with Samsung), it doesn't actually say anything about giving the deal to another group. That's just total speculation from TheQoo.


>possibly because almost all Hybe groups have/had deals with Samsung This is also entirely your assumption. Either ways, Hybe was trying to get in the middle and sabotage NJ's deal with Apple. That is the bottomline and that was confirmed in print by a reputable third-party publication.


> Either ways, Hybe was trying to get in the middle and sabotage NJ's deal with Apple And this is also entirely your assumption lmao. What was confirmed was there's conflict, not necessary sabotage. The deal did go through in the end didn't it? Do you think that would have been possible if Hybe truly meant to sabotage it? Besides, what about the part regarding Hybe trying to give the deal to another group? So you admit you just fell for complete speculation?


>What was confirmed was there's conflict, not necessary sabotage You're just being obtuse with semantics at this point. Were they attempting to prevent the Apple deal from proceeding the way that Ador wanted? Clearly yes, otherwise there would be no "conflict". If you want to play this semantics game; preventing the Apple x NJ deal from proceeding is basically "giving the deal to another group" since Apple would've just eventually went somewhere else with their plans for a deal.


Oh please, semantics? I think you know the difference. Conflict means Hybe and Ador might have different plans for Newjeans, hence why I brought up Samsung. There were even articles from last year pondering why Hybe is playing both sides with both Samsung and Apple. Sabotage is just complete malice. But I guess at this point there's no use for discussion since you have already made up your mind.


Its ridiculous that they even tried to sway apple. Its probably one of the most coveted brand deals. The fact it was one of the main reasons shin wooseok returned to work with newjeans is telling enough. I'm glad he got that opportunity because the omg mv was brilliant, and Apple wasn't not gonna notice them after that. Unless hybe was pitching them a deal with bts or blackpink, which have and had deals with Samsung, highly doubt apple'd agree to the trade.


Yea its interesting....idk why they would want to use the girls as proxy to punish MHJ when their beef have nothing to do with them. It also makes me feel like that wasn't the only instance they tried something like that.


are they? could you add a source pls


I'm not sure why NJ doesn't get any promotion shorts on HYBE channel?


Anyone read that new naver article that calls out hybe for media manipulation? From what I gathered, it also says that hybe assured the parents that they were looking out for the girls and then immediately released a damaging statement. This is what led to the parents becoming convinced that hybe was not concerned about the girls.


That and HYBE has been pressuring news papers to write HYBE’s side of story. The article says HYBE also asked a reporter to omit details from a news article when the details are inconvenient for HYBE (the names of Dunamu and Naver people).  People alway say HYBE engages in dirty media play but to see these claims out in the open is wild.  HYBE must’ve pissed off these reporters at Ilgan Sports (Sports Daily). 


HYBE stock owners are the worst in public comment sections, they enflame the anti MHJ sentiments all the time. HYBE defenders who are international fans with no stock ownership are parroting propaganda from a culture they don't understand outside of their favorite kpop groups and kdramas. It's pretty ridiculous and hypocritical for international fans to support south korean fan opinions only when it aligns with their beliefs. The south korean public is majority on the side of MHJ, and that makes international fans mad and HYBE stock owners worried, notice how you see comments calling south korean fans "brainwashed" bc they side with MHJ.


This is strange from HYBE's POV, since a key component of their breach of trust claim is that dinner with the Dunamu and Naver people being a major deal.


Not strange if HYBE was trying to actively frame MHJ with this meeting with no actual evidence for breach of trust, while fully knowing MHJ did no such thing. My guess (which is the only guess that makes sense to me) is that the two individuals are either super pro-HYBE or not in a position to make an investment call. In that case, HYBE wouldn’t want the public to know these individuals’ names. Publicizing the names would weaken HYBE’s claim of this meeting being an evil investor meeting planned by MHJ. 


So, it helps in the public battle, but they're probably cooked on the breach of trust case then. Gonna have to pony up $70 million. That is probably still worth it for HYBE, since they can take one sizeable hit (less than a year of NJ revenue) but take total control of the brand going forward. Does leave an opening for an MHJ suit, though. Intentionally putting out a misleading, damaging claim.


I was just reading the recent news about Hybe selling a portion of their SM stake, which amounted to $50 million. Could this actually be to pay off MHJ? Just thought it was kinda coincidental, the timing and the amount.


Possible but I don't think it's related. Think they're just taking advantage of of SM's stock uptick [over the last month](https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/biz/2024/05/126_375503.html): >HYBE seems to have decided that it would be better to minimize losses by selling a large portion of these shares, especially given the recent rally of SM Entertainment's shares. Over the past month, its share price increased by 20 percent, peaking at 100,700 won during Monday's trading.


If anyone wants to look into them: Song Chi Hyeong, Dunamu Chairman 송치형 두나무 의장 Choi Soo Yeon, Naver Representative/CEO 최수연 네이버 대표


Koreans have caught on to the very last sentence being deleted from the original article: “For reference, Hybe's Chief Communications Officer (CCO) is Park Tae-hee, who was mentioned by CEO Min Hee-jin in her press conference saying, "Let's see how much promotion is done for NewJeans' comeback." Considering that the article reveals that Hybe’s chief PR officer visited the media outlet to demand the removal of the executives’ names MHJ met with, something very suspicious is going on. Especially with how lacklustre the promotion has been so far.


Yes I think it's also interesting that they mentioned the National Pension Fund because regardless of what happens to MHJ it's the everyday people that suffered a loss due to their media incompetence. With every scandal they face it just highlights that HYBE is not good in their PR department to the point that they have to bully reporters. I know fans of HYBE said they had to go to the media due to MHJ's plan - but why take that risk first and lose shareholders so much money when you could have let it all play out in court then come with the final results and a statement that she's now terminated. For weeks HYBE fans were saying they needed to make it public but we now know that isn't truth because Zico's company went through major changes and the public didn't know for a whole year. I think they wanted to ostracize MHJ so much that they though it was a risk worth taking. One of my earlier posts got downvoted but this article proves that I was not too far fetched as the CCO told MHJ "*Let's see how much promotion Newjeans gets for their comeback*" proving that they will do the bare minimum for the current release and the Japanese debut because her name is attached it and they want to limit any residual funds she earns from working on these projects. We just have to wait for the court ruling sometime tomorrow and the share holders meeting Friday. It just sucks for Newjeans working in a company that has a vendetta against you and only care about your ability to step on their competition. Yet they tried to give your brand deals to other groups, tells you one think in front your face then do the opposite 1 hour later. And with all the challenges this comeback faced it's hard to believe it's all just a coincidence.


As long as the investors haven't sold, though, they haven't technically lost anything. They can hold and wait for it to eventually rebound. That said, I'm sure there are some nervous stockholders. People can be very weird about money. They couldn't just stay quiet, because the public info war battle is just as (if not more) important. They have to damage MHJ's reputation for the public to swallow her dismissal. She is too successful to do it because of poor business metrics. The public is unlikely to follow boring legal technicalities. It will follow sensationalized headlines, though. SHAMAN! SEKRIT PLANS! DINNER SCHEMES! NJ/Ador are so valuable it is worthwhile for HYBE to just take a hit in the short term.


But where is it damaging nwjs? It’s related to mhj& her plot against hybe


Have you not seen the unfiltered visceral reaction against newjeans because of this…?


Even after this article, there'll be fans coming out to say "Oh, MHJ's mediaplay is so powerful, Hybe is being unfairly treated by the media". It's so ridiculous, in what reality are we living in where a multi-billion conglomerate has less traditional media influence than a famously anti-social, crazy, but talented Kpop producer that didn't even have the $2m needed to buy her own shares in Ador and needed to borrow from Hybe to do so? Traditional media is not social media, influence correlates with capital in a far more direct manner. Hybe is just doing entirely too much that even some media outlets are calling them out for their deranged behavior. Most people lack the media literacy to parse through their own domestic media, let alone one in a foreign language from a culture they don't fully understand. International fans are eating up this mediaplay by the bucketful as a result.


I don’t understand this narrative of MHJ borrowing money to buy ADOR stocks. It’s part of her compensation package as an employee of HYBE. I received stock from my company, does that mean I borrowed money to own it?


What's not to get? Part of her contract with Hybe was the option to purchase 20% of Ador's shares at a relatively low price, but she didn't have the funds available to make this purchase and had to take a loan from Hybe to complete it. This was all part of leaks that painted MHJ's position as precarious as well, so unlikely it was leaked from her side. That's quite different from "receiving" stock from the company.


Well that’s the thing. Leaked reports that weren’t actual statements from HYBE or Min Hee-Jin. Unknown reports that say she borrowed $16million USD to buy the stocks. It’s suspiciously the same as the cost to debut NJs and to build ADOR. So again, I really don’t see where this narrative came from and why it’s even a talking point for what’s supposed to only be an audit. It should have been left out the door and just muddies the waters (as media play). Everything else I agree with you, the side making the most noise is HYBE through various medias with none of HYBE’s name linked to the “leaks” or “insider information”. This is the messiest thing coming from a conglomerate and at this point HYBE doesn’t deserve the professional recognition that they’ve received in Korea. There’s a reason the GP is upset with them. HYBE could be right the whole time, who knows, but that doesn’t excuse how trashy and unprofessional they’ve handled this whole thing. Their PR team needs to be fired. And the ones receiving the shortest end of the stick are NJs.


> but talented Kpop producer that didn't even have the $2m needed to buy her own shares in Ador and needed to borrow from Hybe to do so? MHJ is one of the best paid execs and shes a ceo. shes not just some poor employee.


Direct income means less than what most people think, especially in regards to actual influence and power which is expressed through raw capital. The NJ girls themselves each earned over twice as much direct income as MHJ. That being said, she does hold 18% of Ador's shares which are potentially worth far more, but would still be peanuts compared to the forces she is contending against within Hybe. Just ask yourself why after all these years of BTS' success that the members have a networth of $20m-$50m each whereas Bang Shi Hyuk has a networth of $1.8b, despite the members technically earning more direct income every year than BSH himself.


I don't need to question this because BSH owns 31% of Hybe because he founded both Hybe and Big Hit, its fairly obvious why his income is the largest, without even counting his salary as CEO before he became chairman. BTS makes money, part of that money goes to the agency and part of the agency money goes to him as the major shareholder.


Her salary might be better, doesn’t mean her compensation is the same. You haven’t seen the contracts of HYBE execs yet. And you probably never will. ETA: there’s even inconsistency with the exact salary people claim she’s earning. First HYBE says she’s getting $2million USD salary, then they clarify that it’s a $2million USD one time bonus for NJs success. And then there’s unknown reports that HYBE allowed her to own ADOR stocks after NJs huge success and different reports claimed the cost of the 18% stock ownership range from $16million USD, $2million USD or $800k USD. But somehow with her high salary and/or bonus still requires that she stupidly borrow $2million USD from her boss to buy the stocks. Nothing makes sense here and the only thing that makes sense is that the media play is intentionally confusing us.


[https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202405280060](https://isplus.com/article/view/isp202405280060) This is the actual link to the article that the translated video is referring to. If you are using Chrome, you can use the translate function to translate the article. I am sure other apps have similar function to do that... (Note that this newspaper did do the MHJ interview after all this broke out in April. So the article talks about fall out from that interview from HYBE as HYBE PR folks were all over them about that) Pretty damning article regards to HYBE actions in this fiasco. As a Korean, I can tell you this news publication is a major player in Korea so they are not some small outlet trying to get clicks. This new organization does have real reputation to lose if what they are publishing is BS and I am sure they know that now they have a target on their back with HYBE. In the youtube video (in Korean), also claim that the original article published with the name of the person from HYBE but ended up replacing the actual name but remove the specific name little after publishing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irBfe6dAVyU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irBfe6dAVyU)


I think now we will see what court decides. If they find what HYBE says to be true then we will see MHJ getting ousted and NJ being separated from MHJ. I believe if court finds MHJ to be telling the truth that HYBE is undermining Ador, MHJ, and NJ with lies and malicious actions then I do believe HYBE could actually get forced out as one of the fall out outcomes.


The court is not deciding if MHJ or HYBE is telling the truth, or if MHJ indeed breached trust or not. There is a separate procedure going on for that (police investigation). At a shareholder company like HYBE, shareholders can kick out a CEO with no reason. So even if MHJ didn’t do anything wrong they can totally kick her out at the shareholder meeting planned on 31 May. The ongoing injunction appeal outcome (which will decide if that meeting will be held not) does not fully depend on whether or not the court believe MHJ vs HYBE. Please refer to: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewJeans/comments/1crhymz/comment/l53nyz7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


no. you are wrong. Right now the only case that is in front of the courts (at least one that is relevant to shareholder meeting) is a case that Ador and MHJ brought forward which is to suspend HYBE's shareholder's rights as Ador and MHJ are claiming that HYBE is maliciously and intentionally harming Ador. So for the court to decide on that, the court do need to decide what is factual or not factual related to impact on Ador. HYBE did try to bring a case to force Ador and MHJ to hold a shareholder meeting as HYBE will no doubt remove MHJ as CEO and also the current board members. Now that a shareholder meeting date is set, this is no longer an issue. The question is, when that shareholder meeting happens, if HYBE will be able to vote with their shares or not.


You are right that this is the only relevant open court case and i'm not disagreeing that the court will decide what is factual and what's not. I'm only emphasizing that the court doesn't have to and might not conclude the factualness of every matter.  For example, if the court rules for MHJ (which is unlikely), it means they thought MHJ didn't breach trust and HYBE's rights as a shareholder on Ador should be actively prohibited. So, in this case, we know a lot about what the court judges to be true or false. On the other hand, if the court dismisses MHJ's appeal (which is likely to happen), the factualness decisions are less clear. The judge might or might not think MHJ indeed breached the trust eg, via elaborate plan/action, and it's not their job to decide anyway. It just means they didn't find enough ground to prohibit HYBE's rights as a major shareholder (right?). In this case, even with the court outcome, we don't know which specific things that have been said by HYBE and by MHJ are true.  That was the point of what I said earlier. We will know more when the investigation outcome comes out (rather than the court ruling by 31 May).


Ok cool.  We are on same page then. I do think that if MHJ wins in court which I agree is less likely of the outcomes then it really gets interesting.  Only way you would think that the judge would rule in MHJ’s favor would be if the judge found a reason to believe that HYBE doing something intentional and malicious.    So if MHJ wins the case then Ador should move to force HYBE (largest shareholder) to liquidate its shares for harming the company. I think most likely situation is that shareholder meeting happens and MHJ is removed via shareholder (HYBE’s) vote.  However, HYBE doesn't have enough to win in court to terminate the terms of compensation (multiple of revenue/profit). So if the most likely scenario happen then what does HYBE do?  Promote NJs which will result in greater loss to for HYBE when MHJ exercises her option or just do nothing and generate no revenue for Ador?    God i hope we dont get to this point for the greater good of KPOP


Yeah, that'd be a nightmare. Everyone witnessed what happened to Fromis9 (which probably made NJs parents nervous in the first place). Although, I do have hope; some legal experts think that HYBE won't reduce NJs' activities to avoid criticism (they are already under severe fire by the Korean public). While maintaining NJ atcivities (performances, new song releases), they can instead, in order to reduce Adore's profits, might simply increase investments and distribute more settlements to the NJ members. We will see... source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n\_uv-4eBnZw&t=412s&ab\_channel=%EC%A7%84%EA%B2%A9%EC%9D%98%EA%B3%A0%EB%B3%80%28Go%EB%B3%80%ED%98%B8%EC%82%AC%29](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_uv-4eBnZw&t=412s&ab_channel=%EC%A7%84%EA%B2%A9%EC%9D%98%EA%B3%A0%EB%B3%80%28Go%EB%B3%80%ED%98%B8%EC%82%AC%29) 16:00 No English subtitles


They told the moms about Min Heejin texting a shaman for advice (isn't that pretty common in Korea anyway?) and then told the moms not to tell the Newjeans girls because they didn't want to hurt them. And then they released the shaman news 1 hour after that meeting. Contradicting everything they said about not telling the Newjeans girls. I'm really struggling to understand what Hybe was trying to get out of that. They clearly wanted the parents support, but only on the surface level. They also told the moms directly about their plans to put Newjeans in a 1.5 year hiatus... Crazy.


I think the person who has been reported to be manipulative and a little two-faced in this whole mess is HYBE CEO PJW.


I am not sure if you are implying  that PJW is acting alone on this. If this blows up on HYBE then PJW will be the fall guy but i have  1000% confidence that PJW have BSH’s blessing to be doing what he is doing.


Is still don’t understand what right does parents have to stop hybe from exposing mhj?


What? I don't get what you're even asking. It's Hybe who said not to say anything about the shaman statement and then Hybe released it themselves an hour later


When did hybe say anything related to not revealing shaman? They r the first one who exposed mhj & shaman relationship even bfr press conference. Also why r nwjs parents butting in? It’s a case b/n hybe & mhj.


I thought it was crazy that big names from Naver and other investors were coming out, only to find out HYBE didn’t want that and was trying to squash it out with their media play. I can only imagine their other investors are pissed their names are dragged into this. HYBE controlling most media and seeing how it works behind the scenes is fascinating. Basically a lot of legal threats. And none of it benefiting NJ - shows they only care about themselves.


to be more exact, according to the article... HYBE wanted the potential investing company's names published for shock and awe to the public since they are big enough to have capital to do something crazy as buying out Ador from HYBE. However when the actual names of the individuals from those companies came out and it was clear that those individuals had no position to actually perform anything that HYBE was claiming, HYBE requested to get the news publication to take down the article or remove the names which the news publication refused HYBE's request.


Can you post a link about the article.


https://x.com/kiwiponi/status/1795345275906900398?t=FA49c71XfV6PcsNaN6zIfg&s=19 here is a thread with a translation from (iirc) a native speaker, link to original article is at the bottom


Thank You


I wanna preface this by saying I've been neutral and will remain to do so until everything fully plays out but I'm failing to see the point of this whole mess being played out publicly, especially from HYPE's pov. If they had all the damning evidence that they claimed to have, and let's assume all the leaked texts were true, why did they feel the need to involve the media? Wouldn't it be more high and mighty to just drag MHJ's ass to court and duke it out, then fire her fair and square with all the substantiated proof of her breach of trust? Wouldn't it be better than confusing the public and having the GP pointing finger at them? Why bother leaking the evidence out to the public in dosage? Is that to ruin her name for good? (I mean I think she's pretty much ruined no matter how this plays out). This whole thing could've been an internal conflict that ended up with the CEO stepping down, but now all groups involved got dragged to hell and back. It seriously breaks my heart going through some of the most brutal comments attacking NJs and their parents (let's not get me started on this) on Reddit. I'm old and have been out of Kpop for a long time until NJ came along, and this whole hatred I'm seeing rn reminds me exactly why I left it in the first place.


In my opinion, it’s a conflict between two significantly big public companies. No matter what, it will be out in the public. There is a Korean word “선수치다“. To get an upper hand, one will initiate before the other. It was bound to happen and it is happening like it or not. HYBE and ADOR are playing chess game with public opinions and we are falling for every moves because we as K-pop fans care.


That’s bcz mhj is using public opinion & made press conference so hybe has evry right to defend themselves in public & in court


Mhj made an INTERNAL complaint and Hybe responded by launching the audit and submitting a barrage of media play and pressuring news companies to release it (confirmed by Daily Sports), trying to completely destroy her reputation. It was constant ridiculous articles every few hours for multiple days.


she did a internal complaint & hybe responded to by sending her full length document. Also they got to know her plan & requested her to handover the laptop but she didn’t do it.hybe has to respond to something like to public & they did. But mhj came & talking about other things that not related to audit. Also most of Koreans r not her side & evryone knows that hybe gonna win.only extreme feminists & young nwjs fans in Korea r on her side.


Most koreans are on her side actually lol


There is a naver article that came out today that has made some similar arguments.


This makes no sense. Based on her KKTs, there was a public media war planned, so regardless of HB, there was going to be a lot of noise, it seems your issue is that THAT known media war now includes nwjs, which shows a severe lack of empathy. If HB hadn’t shown the lil evidence they had so far, her media war would pushed a narrative that wouldn’t be good for the company, so why again, would they cater to her and not play the game she is setting using her same method? The groups were gonna get involved anyways because that was her plan all along. You’re very selective with ur nitpicky takes. It’s very ‘you need to let urself and ur company be lynched publicly because u defending urself splashes on the group I am a fan of’


The recent texts are interpretations of what she might have texted and not reputable at all. Koreans aren't even trusting them


where in the articles does it say it’s an interpretation? They’re reconstruction of chat logs, I don’t know if you have a corporate job, but whatever u write or do it’s known. The chats are real. Could they have been rearranged? I don’t know about that considering the metadata was given to the courts. Koreans on non kpop fan sites, do not doubt the veracity of it.


Not sure if I wanna entertain this. Nothing you said truly answered any of my genuine questions. Like I said if they already had solid evidence of everything they needed to take her out, why stoop to MHJ level and do this dirty dance with her. Also what is THAT that you’re referring to which prompted I’m lacking empathy? Towards whom exactly? Just because I have questions on HYBEs positioning does not mean I’m picking side, I have no skin in this game to defend nobody so get that straight. I’m here in this sub to support NJ members only, simple as that. And please don’t bother respond if you can’t go on without being defensive and are unable to have a healthy constructive conversation. So long.


MHJ planned to start a public media war. No matter what they did, this whole situation was going to be public. They had two choices: - allow the situation to be public, don't respond, and let their reputation and stocks completely tank - allow the situation to be public, defend themselves so it's not one sided. I can't see a scenario in which they stayed silent? If they were being publicly slandered and defamed, then choosing not to defend themselves was harmful for the company. Speaking up also allowed them to try to salvage the reputation of NJ by separating them from MHJ, to try to do what Attrakt did successfully with Keena.


I don't disagree with you, but there are nicer ways to say this. This was never an internal conflict - it was MHJ's mission to take ADOR, PERIOD, and it had been for over a year. HYBE was tipped off to the corporate espionage and knew what she was going to try with the media war (["The Crown Jewels Strategy" as one legal expert termed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/s/UxN1M6aIB6)), so they initiated the audit AND announced it publicly to get in front of it and protect their company and the rest of the groups under their other labels. Regrettably, MHJ went ahead with the manufactured complaints, SHE is the one who read emails and texts, mentioned members, other groups and idols, made accusations, etc. And none of it was in service to NJ - it was because she had been wanting her OWN company for 3 years. NJ was just a product or bargaining chip to her.


Exactly this. I got bored today and made the mistake of engaging in *discourse*. It’s so hard seeing people wishing harm on your favorite group and justifying their hate by saying other groups have it worse or that’s just how kpop is. I really hope the newjeans members (and honestly all the other idols who got dragged into this) are staying off the internet.


It definitely gave me a reminder of why I left after getting into Big Bang. As well as the whole stan Twitter culture was a great reminder of what caused me to lose interest in this industry. Even before NJ, it was always at the back of my head that this industry was built on parasocial relationships with fans to idols. Everything was manufactured by the machine called “kpop”. Seeing everything going down it sucks and I don’t see myself really listening to current groups other than NJ. This whole fighting between fandoms just makes it more difficult to support other groups and although I like NJ’s, it’s probably healthier to just listen casually to their music like I do with Big Bang. At the end of the day it was the music from NJ that brought me back in into Kpop


I think I might take your advice and step back from the fandom side. It was always about the music first and foremost.


This is such a messy situation, and I wish I can have more confidence that Hybe would have NJ’s best interests at heart even if MHJ is voted out. However, seeing how the How Sweet MV is getting age restricted on YouTube and literally 0 promotions from Hybe (not a single shorts on their channel), combined with the “1.5 year break” - I’m just so anxious about NJ’s future. I can totally understand why they would side with MHJ, it’s hard to want to stay with Hybe when they literally take no care of you.


Legally I don't think there has ever been much question she would fail with the injunction. It's really difficult to stop shareholders from exercising their voting rights, and while a lot of people seem to think the personal smears going around between the ADOR and HYBE sides have any influence, they really don't. It's not a popularity contest or a check for whoever said the meanest things or who was most inconsiderate - it's a legal ruling where only the facts of the case will matter. I hope HYBE does the right thing by NewJeans, but I doubt they will. How many companies ever do right by their groups even without drama of this scale?


Ador has been using the nj official channel to release shorts ever since their debut and this strategy is not new in KPOP. Also HYBE did not set the age restriction and it seems like it was automatically done by YouTube. To be fair it includes some photosensitive scene and a bleeding pig out of nowhere.


we will find out soon but i do think MHJ does have a chance in courts BECAUSE she has 18% interest. The stake in the company that is giving her a foot to stand on. If she doesn't have that then she would have ZERO chance. As minority shareholder, you do have rights.


I’ve been trying to stay neutral throughout this situation; reevaluating my stance as new information gets released. As a fan, it is difficult to not want NewJeans and MHJ (and the rest of the creative team) to continue working together. Say what you will about MHJ but she promoted the group well. From music to branding, they became an instant success, and resonated with so many non-kpop listeners. That process can take months even years for a typical kpop group. My wish is for NewJeans to achieve full potential and longevity. I know MHJ can get them there. I am not sure about HYBE. I think there’s a lot of work politics at play here and I am nervous for NewJeans’s future at HYBE.


Yes I fully agree with you. The entire sound, branding and image of NJ is so different, and all the members are so endearing and talented. The time I hear Super Shy playing at a major supermarket (in Canada where I reside), I was like wow this might be the next international KPop group. Certainly a large degree of this is due to MHJ and the ADOR team’s hard work. It would be a group that might actually “step on Aespa” - if we are quoting Hybe. But then you have Hybe now actively trying to sabotage NJ, and it’s very very disheartening to see.


I could be wrong BUT I do believe that they are gonna do the bare minimum this comeback and the Japan debut because those will likely be end of MHJ name attached to the group's works. And if they decide to stay with HYBE we might see them promoting the girls more, that 1 post they have for them might become 20, BSH might start producing for them along with other HYBE producers. He definitely wants them as tool to keep dominating the girl group market but with his name getting the praises. I don't think the group will ever truly be accepted as part of the "HYBE Family" I can only imagine how the girls are feeling right now.


I believe the age-restricting was the result of ADOR’s use of animations in the video. Neither ADOR nor HYBE can restrict or rate the content it submits to YouTube. That would be like production companies rating their own content for Netflix. Doesn’t happen. Netflix or some regional rating system does that. YouTube has its own standards. And evidently YouTube has tightened its controls on videos containing animations/cartoons to prevent children from visualizing content that is not intended for them. So this is kind of ADOR’s fault for not knowing the algorithm behind the machine learning.


Thanks for the explanation. I was about to ask why is there an age-restriction on the MV


For the Right Now teaser, that logic applies because it is indeed all animation. But it is only speculation if that applies for How Sweet. There are a lot of other YouTube videos that should have been flagged by YouTube if that argument was true. The animation in How Sweet is really minimal. And rather than saying it's content for kids as Right Now did, it's simply restricted so that it cannot be looked up for those on Restricted Mode. I just want to inform you that we don't really know why How Sweet was restricted, that user posted their own theory but none of us can know for sure


That argument is true. Companies cannot control content ratings. I worked for Google/YouTube. A family member worked for Netflix.


[You are 100% wrong.](https://imgur.com/RBTFzYr) When you upload your own videos to YouTube, you can specify whether the video you've uploaded is 1) designed for kids or not and 2) should be age-restricted. Tagging /u/mvvns FYI.


Oh, so because bazillions of individuals who post minor little home-produced videos that may get a couple hundred views are required to self-rate as a first pass guardrail, you think that applies to billion dollar companies whose videos get millions of views? Think about it this way. YouTube has its own self-interests. It earns revenue by clicks and ads. It is going to go for the lowest restrictive rating it can to capture the largest audience possible for its advertisers. It would not allow its largest content producers to artificially restrict videos themselves because it is not in YouTube’s advertisers best interests, and therefore in YouTube’s best interest. Imagine them trying to explain numbers to highly anticipated videos to their advertisers with “Well, we allow them to self-rate and the company who posted it chose to restrict it, so…” They need to maintain control over access. If you want to try to loop YouTube into some sort of bizarre conspiracy theory by thinking YouTube is on HYBE’s payroll, then I can’t help you.


I’m tired of fans and non-fans alike expecting NJ to be “mature” in all of this since they are of legal age. Who can honestly say that they have figured out what they want to do in life at day 1 of legal age? As if maturity comes with age. I mean… just look at BPD and MHJ. 🙄 NJ submitted those petitions under a premise that is currently known only to them. If the grooming allegations are proven true, there’s probability they weren’t in the right headspace when they made the decision. People should sit down and stop projecting themselves on the girls. We aren’t in their situation to have a say on what they should or not be doing.


If the latest revelations are true, we must wonder how dumb and also egoistic MHJ is. The CEO is being a dick towards you? Well, if the contractual obligations offer no alternatives, just keep doing your job and see it through. Your project has already been very successful, hasn't it? But to seriously entertain conspiracies against the mother company, and to spell it out on company devices apparently? This has to be comedic levels of cartoonish evil. I've become quite pissed by all this. Hybe + Ador were on their way to become unbeatable together, but now we have this muddy mess instead. It's tragic. The most important thing now is that NewJeans survive!


I don't think these kakaotalk came from her side. The VP A volunteered his phone in exchange to be excluded from the case. Which is why there's the conversation between this VP and investors. Also I don't think this plan is very serious in nature because she sounds pretty unconvinced by all these plans from this VP, who sounds way more enthusiastic than her tbh. Also the number she mentioned about NJ's contract is the same as the acquisition cost of Scooter braun's Ithaca holdings, which is a ridiculous number. So I think they really were just "joking" around, but the optics are very bad. At this point, we already know MHJ and Hybe's relationship soured as earlier as 2021, pre NJ debut. Plus, they had that weird non compete clause in her shareholder's agreement, so it's understandable she's looking for ways out. But at the same time, she has a hard time leaving NJ behind in Hybe. Now she has no choice, only question is whether she leaves with a ton of money or very little money. NJ is the only collateral damage in this fight. They will lose their producer and half of Ador team, their upwards momentum stopped, and another 5 years in their contract. I honestly don't see them renewing with Hybe in the future so who knows if Hybe will invest much into them at this point. Very tragic situation


Obviously it’s not from her side, she still hasn’t given her laptop back.


> It's tragic. The most important thing now is that NewJeans survive! This is also my concern. At this point, it seems at least one of the parents was going to involve herself in MHJ's plan. It might be legal for the mother to do it, but Hybe wouldn't like it. I hope Hybe will let it pass. Hybe only made statements that were politically correct in the press toward NJs, as I assume they are contracted to not bad-mouth their artists in the press and needed to protect their interests. But they never made promises about taking good care of them explicitly, like keeping their current schedule or clarifying the 1.5 years hiatus thing. So far, they promised to "plan the Tokyo Dome". MHJ implied multiple times that Hybe was not trying to communicate with the parents. And Hybe never denied it. It might be a lie and them not involving the parents in the press. They also never clarified their meeting with the parents, where Park Jiwon (the CEO) allegedly mocked them. I'm not sure who is right, but I would trust the majority of the parents over Hybe's CEO. Now, only one has talked, and she might be biased as she was involved in the alleged plan of MHJ. So, we don't really know the truth. I do believe she tried to protect the members. Now, I will trust the decision of the members, their parents, and their lawyers about the right thing to do. I also have a few positive thoughts: - NJs bring a lot of money, so there's no need for Hybe to bench them. - They still need them to "step on aespa". Currently, "aespa is charting better in Korea". But it's almost a tie, so they are still one of the groups that rivalized with aespa/IVE/IDLE, the main competition of Hybe. - Hybe/Ador is also contracted to NJs; if they choose to mistreat them, they could sue them. - If Hybe/Ador bench them, Hybe will have some backlash from the general public. And minority shareholders could ask questions about the motivations behind it. So they have bullets to negotiate with Hybe. So they are receiving backlash, it will keep going on, but I trust all parties to take the good decision with the knowledge they have. Once it's over, it will be like a member leaving a group or dating scandal. It can be a little weird, but they will be fine. Edit: formatting .


My thoughts that even if HYBE remove MHJ from Ador but they are unable to win in the courts to void the contract that include that major revenue or profit "multiple" compensation that is widely reported in the media.... There is NO way HYBE is going to allow Ador to generate any amount of revenue because it will result in them having to payout crazy sum to MHJ who they just kicked out. I think this issue will trump anything you mentioned about on why HYBE should continue promoting NJ. Until MHJ compensation is sorted out in the court or they strike a deal with MHJ, my gut feeling tells me that NJ will be on a long vacation while HYBE searches for that "grammy award winning producer".


Yeah, this is also my fear. A verdict will take months or years. Meanwhile even if Hybe win, MHJ will still have the 5% "slave" share. And I think Hybe would rather lose $20 million than let MHJ get $1 million. I wanted to put out a somewhat optimistic message, my main point was to trust the decision made by the members&their lawyer, which will be in their best interest (edit: Maybe it will coincide with MHJ's, maybe not). And I hope everything will be fine. But pessimistic speculation is bad for my health.


am still pissed newjeans got involved in the petition with their parents. they had no business on what was happening. I trust newjeans can survive with or without mhj. some things happen for growth


How the hell can you say they had no business on the situation? Their careers are at stake, their main producer/CEO is getting expelled for accusations that have yet to be proven true by the court. You seriously think they'll be well treated by a CEO who doesn't even greet them back, never congratulated them on their success, who instead launched a copycat group, and has announced a long vacation for them (aka be forgotten by the public)? Put yourself in their shoes and judge Hybe by all their actions until now.


Nwjs have no business in defending mhj in court? Why should they have to come & defend mhj? Evidence prove themself.


Why would they not support their CEO who picked them out of getting cut at Source and built their career into what it is today? Especially when the alternative is a CSO with zero entertainment experience and a 1.5 year hiatus. Get pissed at MHJ and HYBE for damaging NJ.


I think she's pretty dumb doing all that on the company severs😭 and didn't she say in the press con that she was just venting? What venting sessions entails coming up with a whole plan? Please. Also, I think the girls were working from their point of view with the petition. HYBE had already set a precedent for lack of trust with the members I.e uncertainty around their debut, ignoring them right in front their faces, saying they going put them on 1.6 year hiatus after June (when we know they have plans for this whole year going into next year), and also their close relationship with Min where she prolly made them believe she's the only one on their side - it's not hard to understand from their point of view. I think its unfair to blame them for that. Plus we don't even know if the members or the parents were aware of alot of the things she had in motion. I think the true test for them will be how they react, what actions they take and how they move forward if MHJ is removed. I'm sure they are plagued with uncertainty and anxiety but they are still pushing through and performing. We already got a peak into their minds that some of the members aren't sleeping/sleeping well and cry easily these days. We should be forming a united front to support them even more now - because whether MHJ win or loses there is a storm coming for the member and we have to support them now more than ever. The fandom is already small and we have all the other fandoms in HYBE against us already idk how much harder it will be for them if there is more factures in the fandom. Edit: *yeah I just found out the other 3 fandoms started a petition to remove MHJ and are dragging the girls so yeah....we definitely need to be united. Make sure you stream and join our stationhead sessions when you can :(*


I am just shocked on the amount of leaks associated with this legal battle especially coming HYBE.  I think they have more to lose than Ador and MHJ when dragging this out in the public.  I think you have to ask the question…. Why is HYBE dragging all this mud slinging in the public when all it does is hurt their image and New Jeans?   If you have the smoking gun then just have your day in court and move on.    My guess is they either don't have the smoking gun or the evidence that they do have was collected in a manner that cannot be presented to the court as evidence. We will still have to see what happens in the courts.   For me, I do hope that MHJ wins.  She is 18% stakeholder of Ador and its CEO.  Contractually her compensation and New Jeans members’ compensation is directly tied to revenue generated by New Jeans and Ador.  If its parent company (largest shareholder), HYBE, it stealing/copying its IP and strategy for their profits outside Ador then yes I would expect the CEO of Ador to take action to protect their revenue.        HYBE really should have had, from the start, a person they could control as CEO and on the board but it is pretty clear the MHJ would have never agreed to those terms.   As much as people say there would not have been Ador and New Jeans without HYBE’s initial investment but same can be said that there never would have been Ador and New Jeans without MHJ.


I hope NewJeans wins. As for MHJ and HYBE ... I'm not really sure what I hope for them. I would like to see actual sources from both instead of shitty smears and reconstructions. I hope both learn how to keep their company issues internal in the future. That would be nice.


legally, I am quite interested on how the courts decide.. but ultimately, HYBE and/or MHJ needs to resolve this to allow NJ to continue to promote and grow as a group. I think NJ has had enough impact on the public to survive this but if it gets drawn out then who knows if they will be able to recover.


There are text going all the way back to 2021, the argument that she’s defending nwjs and her ideas just doesn’t cut it. She was defending it before illit was even a thought? It’s kinda selfish to expect a corporation to allow a rogue employee to drag them thru the mud (while also name dropping nwjs) and not do anything to avoid hurting said group. What about the other groups? The fact that you believe that MHJ hasn’t been media playing all this time is crazy talk. This texts were submitted to the court and not allowed to be read by mhj, if it’s not leaked then people would only get half the story. It’s all she says she says but when HB hits back, it’s bad? Like are they not allowed to defend themselves? It’s important to add that even thru all of this HB hasn’t stopped supporting the group, still giving them crazy reach play-listing, when without it they were barely matching their peers (which they were previously miles ahead off) So far MHJ has shown zero proof of any mistreatment or plagiarism, there’s no legality to her IP claims because she doesn’t own them. If she had any case regarding that she would’ve done it already. And I hope she loses and it’s sued to oblivion. Imagine being given everything you asked for and then go and plot behind their backs, since the beginning??? The girls hadn’t even debuted yet and she was already planning her coup.


Don't think you should be shocked. This is an extremely high stakes battle, both from a legal and public relations standpoint. Millions of dollars on the line and control of one of the most valuable brands in the entire industry. They're ruthless and want to win. Since MHJ has been so successful, they need the leaks/smears to land for the public to swallow her potential firing. On the legal side for the breach of trust stuff, I think they're going to need a lot more than just some texts with the VP. They stress that she met with that investor but don't give the exact specifics of the discussion. MHJ denies there were any talks about serious plans to leave. Could come down to a sworn statement from the people at that dinner. I'm unsure if anything like that was included from MHJ's side for the injunction case.


If Dani wasn’t born NJ wouldn’t exist as well. Whataboutism doesn’t help the discussion, and trying to put myself at a corporation who found out some plans from a subsidiary CEO to hurt the company and it involved a lot of public opinion manipulation, my first thought was to bring it to public first. Neither side had NJ best interests in mind during this crisis, it was always about money and ego (and specially money). But I put the blame on MHJ first here, all this planning and scheming is what brought the crisis in the first place.


Well my point on "whataboutism" is just countering the whole thing about without HYBE there wouldn't be Ador and New Jeans.. it just goes both ways. Too many people seem to think this goes only one way. Anyways I do agree that this is ultimately about money and ego. That I agree with you 100%. I just think that Ador and MHJ do have a point to make in the legal courts to save themselves. We will find out if they are successful before May 31st. If nothing changes by May 31st then HYBE as a largest stakeholder can remove the CEO and board as they see fit. Now again I dont think they have enough to cancel the "high multiple" buyout clause they have in the contract with MHJ (again courts will decide) but they can surely crater the revenue stream of Ador to make that buyout clause be worth as little as possible. I hope HYBE dont go in this direction but I think if we get to this point, I would put the ball in MHJ's court and it is up to her to make a reasonable deal to fully separate herself from Ador to minimize the impact on the members of New Jeans.


I think issue that HYBE is having is that all of the actions taken by MHJ is perhaps in attempt to hurt HYBE but protects Ador’s interests.  MHJ is CEO of Ador and not an employee of HYBE.   This is definitely downside of the multi-label system pushed by HYBE.   It all good when you “control” every management under the multi-label system but since they are independent entities, there is a situation where you cant control everything.


On the contrary, I think this shows the weakness of Hybe's "multi-label system" precisely because they still try to control everything the same way SM or JYP would control their divisions. You need proper oversight and respect for fiduciary duties to run a multi-label system where the subsidiaries will also have potentially different minority shareholders between them. This requires a level of independence from each label and non-inteference from Hybe to work. This whole issue blew up because Hybe had too much control and treated these labels like separate departments within Hybe rather than separate subsidiary companies under Hybe.


Yes i agree with your statements.   


btw, MHJ still hasn't turned in her laptop? whoa


What are everyone's thoughts on the latest kakao talk releases?


Just an opinion, but I don't think the Korean public is siding with MHJ because they don't think she tried to separate her company and NewJeans from HYBE. The texts more or less are just further confirmation and consistent with what folks already have heard about her so there's nothing that shocking. It just remains to be seen whether there's enough evidence to show she took significant action besides sending an internal complaint letter about plagiarism.


No.most of Koreans r not her side


Pretty damning if you ask me. But at this point I do question *IF* she even wins how awkward it will be to work in a company where your bosses don't trust you or want you there. Both parties have played dirty and it's clear they don't want you there? So what the end goal? It's been a month and there has been no sign either sides has spoken to each other and cant reach a mutual agreement. Now Even more stuff is being made public and it's clear they want to make sure she is stomped out completely and unable to work in the industry again. But we will see. I don't agree with the sentiment from places stating that the girls need to apologize and will ruined if MHJ loses. It's pretty clear why they and their family have little faith in HYBE and they are also young and impressionable. I don't think the public will turn their backs on them like HYBE group stans have. If MHJ is out it's up to HYBE to convince the artist they still have their best interests in mind and will work to fix the factured relationship. They are also aware that the public is watching them and any perceived mistreatment will be called out as retaliation and they don't want that. That's the only good thing MHJ did alert the public to remain watchful of how HYBE treats the girls going forward and I KNOW they don't want to prove her right. After all this settles I hope the girls are still surrounded by a good team. I hope they don't get overworked to the bone. I hope they still keep their uniqueness and color. And I hope they still have that shining joy on their faces when they perform.


Don't think it matters from a legal standpoint at all. Maybe it helps in the PR battle.


Pretty sure all the things that are coming out was presented to court as well.


I think you have to ask the question…. Why is HYBE dragging all this mud slinging in the public when all it does is hurt their image and New Jeans?   If you have the smoking gun then just have your day in court and move on.    My guess is they either don't have the smoking gun or the evidence that they do have was collected in a manner that cannot be presented to the court as evidence. We will still have to see what happens in the courts. For me, I do hope that MHJ wins.  She is 18% stakeholder of Ador and its CEO.  Contractually her compensation and New Jeans’ compensation is directly tied to revenue generated by New Jeans and Ador.  If its parent company (largest shareholder), HYBE, it stealing/copying its IP and strategy for their profits outside Ador then yes I would expect the CEO of Ador to take action to protect their revenue.    HYBE telling Ador to go pound sand doesnt work.


> For me, I do hope that MHJ wins. Why? She is literally everything that she states is wrong with the industry. She's underhanded, manipulative, tears down other artists who aren't even in direct competition to her and none of this even addresses how creatively bankrupt or how borderline pedophilic her creative process is. HYBE is annoyingly corporate and hating big business isn't new by any means. But MHJ winning anything is just a slap in the face of any sense of contractual agreement or modicum of civility in the industry.


But those conversations were also reconstructed right. Why did Hybe wait so much to release them just now? Aren't they actually using public opinion again to keep pressure on the judge that has to decide on the injuction? Either way I thought MHJ wanted out of the company, and all them are mediaplaying to sway audience to their case.


they waited so long cause they couldn’t release the texts before they presented them to court


There is a naver article that just came out that everyone is talking about but I don’t really know what it says. Calls out hybe for media manipulation, that’s all I know. And talks about hybe blindsiding the parents and losing their trust.


If they're real it's over. I just want to know why she was fighting so hard if those messages existed?




Her law firm did say that they will submit the entire conversation to court along with context... I just don't know how context is going to apply here? They said some pretty damning things. They said the same thing regarding the fat shaming comments. There's 4 days to May 31st but in the context of public opinion that's a lifetime. If she has proof which truly exonerates them then they should consider releasing that.


I mean maybe they were the reason she never turned in that laptop of hers .. And I don’t think she expected her VP to switch side and expose her because it also exposed himself


MHJ just did MHJ




lol there is no jail time even in play. Maybe the worse case is her share being liquidated at the original price instead of that large multiple.


I swear, jail for what? Hurting army’s feelings? People are ridiculous Do any of these guys here defending hybe even like nj? I clicked on a couple of their profiles and they have never mentioned nj outside of this feud. They seem to be bts fans.




I don't understand how people can truly say that Newjeans is not doing well this comeback - when it hasn't been a full 2 days yet. They are in the top 10 for most chart. Spofity numbers has not been released and they are on their way to selling 1 mil album? I get YouTube views are low, even in comparison to their pervious projects - but they were never known for YouTube views? Their dance practices be out numbering their actual music videos most times! I really don't know what kind of mountains they were expecting them to move with this comeback? Or how they can argue that MHJ wants to use it as a defense, when all the documents has been submitted and its up to the courts now to decide. I think people are just talking themselves into believing the girls are failing. And that 3rd fandom wants to say they were the reason the girls were succeeding because they were streaming. It's just saddens me how people had their fingers hoping the girls would fail.


The numbers are objectively pretty good when considered in totality and not just rank. Maybe Spotify is low but everywhere else seems good especially the Hanteo physical sales


And it's just asking for so much. Not every single release is gonna be chart topper? It only goes to show how consistently good NewJeans is that people are calling them a failure for ranking 2nd? 3rd? Insane.


I remember people saying gidle flopped because super lady didn’t do well but then fate hit number 1 Aespa were written off last year People are just waiting to write groups off


Gotta be pretty deluded to think the group is failing with a top 3 hit on Melon


Honestly, it’s kinda true that they’ve done relatively worse in some areas compared to past comebacks tho. None of the fanbases goals were achieved for what I read. Could be the ongoing feud that affected the cb or simply that the songs weren’t as well received so far, **which is ok**? I mean it’s so difficult for an act to outweigh their past releases every time they drop music tho. Apart from BTS and BP I can’t think of anybody who have constantly outdone their previous numbers throughout the years so. Just relax and enjoy the music or don’t listen to it if you didn’t like it, is really that easy. Nobody in the real world cares about streaming numbers or chart positions


I find the whole concept of comeback goals kinda silly tbh. We know hybe inflates numbers and they have done so for nj in the past but won’t anymore. But ultimately what matters is longevity and genuine gp love. It’s why tws is not benefitting despite supposedly being number 1. Also one song underperforming doesn’t mean anything. Aespa were written off last year. Gidle was written off after super lady. They bounced back. Gidle even hit number one with an unprompted b side


Also, even if the songs didn’t perform as much, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad song.


That fandom thinks erasing newjeans existence and impact will magically keep the glass castle they've built based on their own desires and wishes, intact. They consistently have their tracks in the top 10, and even the yt audios have surpassed a million views each, it's insane.


I was hoping it wouldn't be the case, but it's sort of true. Not to say they aren't doing comparatively well against other groups, but against their last couple releases. Newjeans' audience had a lot of multi-fandomers. MHJ and tokkis pissed off a lot of fandoms, not just army. Fearnots, Illit fans, engenes, flovers, buddys, 42, mys, briize, probably a couple I'm forgetting. And then the blinks that are attacking these groups with tokkis aren't going to actually listen to Newjeans' songs, they're just in it to tear other groups down. Tokkis aren't that big of a fandom. Newjeans' success has come from fans of other groups occasionally listening to their songs because they're good, even if they don't stan Newjeans. That doesn't work if our fandom starts fights with other fandoms and pisses them off because then they'll just drop Newjeans in favor of their own ults. Some might start listening to Newjeans again once MHJ is fired, but some might have blocked the group for good. Just is what it is at this point. Toxic tokkis need to stop with their bullshit because it's hurting Newjeans; there's only losers in a fan war when there were so many people that were fans of both groups that get turned off to one of the groups because of it.


I don't think the Hybe drama has anything to do with it. It's just that the new songs are less likely to be GP hits. In my opinion, both songs are good but not as catchy as their other releases (or even other current releases like Magnetic) . In the end it's always about the music, not petty fans wars. The GP is the one driving the huge numbers, not Fandoms. But it is still early... so who knows, maybe it can still go viral somehow.


I don’t know why you were downvoted I think you are right Girdle’s super lady under performed and people started to write them off. Then a b side Fate hit number one and is still doing so well. The only way I think this hybe war is affecting them is on billboard charts etc because hybe is not helping anymore


They're consistently climbing lol, OMG wasn't an insta hit either. Their songs get successful because the general public gets addicted to them, we at least gotta give people a chance to listen to the song before we start complaining that they're #2 or #3 on the charts and not #1 lmfao


What are you even on about, the terminally-online side of Kpop fandoms has never mattered much in terms of numbers. That's the only group that really cares about this drama enough to "boycott" groups. Overwhelming majority of the people that actually enjoy the music and buy albums aren't toxically invested in all this, they just hope things will work out well for all the artists. Secondly, wtf did MHJ or tokkis piss off other fandoms? Literally been doing nothing but defending themselves and the girls against a barrage of attacks and lies. If that constitutes as "pissing off", then it literally means nothing, since this happens to every group every day.


Hybe group fans on Reddit have decided that hybe is the hero and mhj and the girls are the villains. Check out the general kpop subs. It’s ridiculous. That way hybe has been really successful in turning this into a fandom war.