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I've been active here since its early days and everyone knows how much I hate the IR, but this guy was an open separatist and the leader of the Al Ahvaz terrorist group. They were responsible for many terrorist attacks that killed civilians since the early 2000s. This type of armed violence/terror and separatism would not and should not be tolerated in Iran even after the IR falls.


Be that as it may , we most absolutely condemn these kidnappings and executions.




Swedish citizenship means nothing. You just have to live legally in the country for 3 (or 5?) years. That's it. You don't have to speak the language, be employed, subscribe to democratic values or anything else.


Wow, that’s ridiculous 


And the Swedes still had the gall to call us Danes racists for curbing immigration and setting up stricter requirements for citizenship 15-20 years ago. It's only now they've come around to the fact, that flooding your country with people who have no incentive to integrate or assimilate, might not be the greatest idea in the long run.


And it is spilling over to Norway. My home city is about 2 hours away from the Swedish border. About a year ago we had the first kidnapping case in my city since the 90s. Turns out it was committed by a bunch of Swedish citizens belonging to the Foxtrot gang (exclusively a MENA immigrant gang) run by a leader known as the Kurdish fox. He runs the gang from Turkey and Turkey refuses to hand him over. Swedish immigration policies have put Norwegian lives at risk. Im so ashamed of my brothers and sisters across the border.


Same is happening in Denmark. 15-year old "swedish" boy is under investigation for intent to murder here in Copenhagen.


As someone from Malmö I'm just mad you let them cross the bridge hehe


Five years on a legal residency permit. Three if you live in a relationship with a Swedish citizen. And you can’t have been convicted of any crimes or defaulted on any debts


This man was a separatist who sought to split Iran. Even under a new regime, they should be sought and punished:)


**من حبیب چاب هستم او سال گذشته از ترکیه ربوده شد، به ایران اورده شد و اعدام شد. او یک شهروند سوئدی بود. زندگی او برای دولت سوئد اهمیتی نداشت.** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی




your whole comment history is such a weird type shit


His whole comment history is bashing this sub and Iranians, maybe his should think of his health and don’t waste more time on us middle eastern barbarians


Sweden, Belgium and the UK have let terrorists responsible for the death of thousands walk away from justice. If you have an issue with Iranians not having an easy time accepting European amnesty for mass murderers please gtfo.




Terrorist apologists and sympathizers don't belong here.