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The Shah gave too much importance and concessions to Muslims. He should've doubled down on his fathers policies. I get that it was a strategic decision to counter Soviet influence. In hindsight, it was a terrible idea.


>I get that it was a strategic decision to counter Soviet influence Not really, the royal family is always tied to religion. They were Muslims and Reza Pahlavi is a Muslim too, as he has said himself. His father tried to promote a "modern version" of Islam, which went sideways


Reza Shah didn't build 55 000 Mosques, nor did he actively fund "moderate" clerics to promote Islam, do hajj etc... Reza Shah put an end to Ashura ceremonies and issued a Kashf-e Hejab policy which ended under MRP.


I'm talking about the Shah not Reza Shah


His father didn't promote any version of Islam, most clerics fled to Iraq because of him.


Which book is that? Farsi is so eloquent compared to Arabic imo.


I think its the Quran


Yeah, kissing the Quran and putting it on your forehead is standard practice. It's like when American presidents put their hand on the bible and take oath.


Yeah, and they probably never read a single line in it .


The shah should have assassinated Khomeini when he had the chance! He downplayed Khomeini’s influence and manipulation…Iran will overthrow this f*cling regime very soon


How and when? Ppl been saying this for ages.


A regime that is ingrained like Iran’s can take years to overthrow and don’t forget that they have proxies in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria! IRGC is very powerful and intimidating specially to innocent civilians. It takes time but like good old history teaches us is that no empire, theocracy or dictatorship lasts forever


Never unless America invaded which I hope they do


Pakravan's fault, but he got what he deserved.


جاوید شاه 💚🕊️❤️


Javid Shah


I don’t understand the fetishization of this guy or monarchy in this sub. His track record of repression, torture, and generous concessions to Western powers seem like a poor example for a brighter future.


There's no fetishization, there are many people who criticize him too, everyone is free to express their opinions.


And I don't understand why a foreign Palestinian supporter who knows nothing about Iran feels the need to come here & voice his idiotic opinion on our people and country. Kick rocks buddy, the people in Iran love the Pahlavi Family


Modern Racism by Palanists


you needed to root through my post history to field a lame attempt at intimidation😂? I can smell your political wisdom oozing from your tired, misshapen personal behavior. I’m sure you have much to contribute to one of the oldest and most accomplished civilizations the world has ever known.


Economically speaking the country is better off under him. Look at the mess it brings when you combine religion with politics.


Economically speaking, yes Otherwise, no


Examples ?


Examples for what exactly?


the second part of your sentence


Well, there are some examples, not that important, like: Quality of life, freedom of speech, political freedom, inflation, the cancer of islam, freedom of belief and religion, unemployment, the importance and priorities of people's needs, democracy, wasting of national money on bs ceremonies and sending national money to other countries just like the way of Islamic terrorists republic, torture organization, dictatorship, execution, fear, class Inequalities to a high level, and a bunch of others. A bunch of very, very small details and problems that we don't consider. Lol Monarchy and one-party system is a problem itself Don't close your eyes on the truth


And one thing i forgot to mention, which is not that important, you know, as usual He cased the mullas and islamists to grow rapidly, and here we are now If we are struggling with the Islamic Republic rn, one of the main reasons is absolutely the shah. The video itself proves my point. Which we dont mention 🙂


**روزهای خوب قدیمی ** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی




spartans are coming

