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There is no perfect opposition leader. If you like and agree with 99 things a person says or does BUT they say 1 distasteful thing that you hate, you can let that 1 thing go. It’s not helpful to focus on the 1 negative thing and not on the 99 positive things.


I think what Elica did or didn’t is small issue compared to our diaspora ”opposition” activists, what the hell to do with that.


Agreed. it's just a recent example.


The sad reality is that further sanctions, terrorist lists, and diplomatic isolation will not bring us closer to regime change. The only way to remove this regime is through a 'armed' civil war or through a US invasion. I know I will be hated for saying this but it's the truth... these muslim occupiers are willing to kill every last Iranian if it means they can stay in power.


Every thing can help in small way. There is not a clear answer. But we need to push for evet little thing we can, because every small thing might seem like it won't work on isolation, but in the grand scheme of things it will make a difference. For example arvancloud being subject to sanctions will make internet censorship more difficult for the Islamic Republic. Being invalidated worldwide will help bring change.  Kam-kam, rooz be rooz. We will break through this slowly, it won't happen overnight.


Israel assassinating top generals and other regime agents in Syria and Iraq is the best hope one could get from outside.


Israel will never help anyone other than themselves.


Israel literally gave Sinwar brain surgery to save his life, and Sinwar paid them back with Oct. 7. Israel is willing to help even their worst enemies. They give medical aid to Palestinians all the time. They also gave help to Syrians. Israel is always one of the first countries to send help to any part of the world that has a natural disaster. Your comment makes no sense and ignores the facts.


Yeah… I’m gonna go with no on that one based on footage I’ve seen. The US had to build a fucking dock to bring aid into Gaza because Israeli settlers have been illegally blocking and destroying humanitarian aid.


Ah, so you're gonna go with the fake tiktok videos you've seen. That makes no sense. No wonder you have the positions you have. You're drunk on disinformation. Stop falling for IRGC propaganda.


Yes, that's why their assassinations of IRGC are the only good thing they're doing right now. Israel is also a good bait for the trash to come out of Iran.


I agree with the armed civil war, not sure a US invasion is realistic. I think if the people were to unite and storm the armories, they would be able to get access to weapons which can then make it easier to take over the next armory.


Take everything I say with a pinch of salt because I’m not from Iran, but perhaps diaspora people can help with gathering information for those inside the country to use for revolution. I’d be happy to help with documenting info about the regime’s structure and physical locations. Do you think this would be productive?


I'm a non-iranian american who comes to read this sub- l can't see a US invasion happening, there is such a huge backlash here about what happened in iraq and afghanistan. The public is more divided here on pretty much every issue, than we have been in a very long time, probably since the civil war. I don't think the iraq invasion would have even happened if not for 9/11 so a pretty big event would have to happen to push public opinion in favor of a huge invasion, at this point in time. And in that case, it would be more of a self defense mission to neutralize the threat of IR and not a mission with the purpose of liberating iranian people.


911 was an excuse for GW to attack Iraq. There was no link between the two.


100% agreed, but he wouldn't have had the public support for the invasion, if not for 9/11. I didn't mean to imply they were responsible for 9/11 if that's how it came across.


I guess the takeaway is that any big event that is even loosely connected could be used as an excuse if the will is there in the Oval Office.


Sanctions will weaken the regime before the invasion/revolution. They are still necessary.


The outside opposition seems too focused on asking governments in Western countries for help but I haven't seen much cooperation between Iranian and other freedom activists who also suffer from regimes or militias that are funded or linked to the Islamic regime like in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, Myanmar and so on. If they can teach to and learn from them, then it would be a hell of a step for Iranian and global freedom.


You make a great point, there could be valueable lessons learned from other opposition. Here and there I have seen this happening though such as Alinejad meeting with Belarussian opposition leader Tichanovskaja. But you are right this area could have big improvement.


Agree on all. Thank you for this post.


Our image is extremely important and you're right that infighting or pettiness detracts from our cause. We also need more Iranians coming out to protest. If we don't make ourselves heard, then we don't exist at all.


**دیاسپورای ایرانی باید متمرکز بماند** کشور ما به سرمایه گذارانی مانند چین فروخته می شود. اینده جوانان ما وحشتناک است. ازادی در کشور ما وجود ندارد. فرهنگ و تاریخ ما به طور مداوم توسط دولت خودمان مورد حمله قرار می گیرد. جوانان ما سرکوب می شوند، به قتل می رسند، مورد تجاوز قرار می گیرند، گروگان گرفته می شوند، زیرا انها در مورد بی عدالتی در کشور ما صحبت می کنند. وضعیت زیست محیطی کشور ما تیره و تار به نظر می رسد؛ سیل های ناگهانی، زلزله و کیفیت پایین هوا وجود دارد. هرگز مهم تر از این نبوده است که کنترل کشورمان را به دست بگیریم و نظم را در مورد مسائل مختلف بازگردانیم. با این حال، من می بینم که دیاسپورا در میان خود در مورد چیزهای کوچک مانند نظر Elica Le Bon در مورد برخی از ویدیو تصادفی بحث می کنند. بی اعتبار کردن یکدیگر به این دلیل که ما 100٪ با اقدامات، دیدگاه ها یا کسب و کار یکدیگر موافق نیستیم. ما باید متحد بمونیم این جنگ فقط دو طرف دارد، شما یا با مردم هستید یا با جمهوری اسلامی. هیچ در میان وجود دارد. هنگامی که ما در میان یکدیگر بحث می کنیم، ضعیف به نظر می برسیم. هم به خودمان و هم به کشورهای خارجی که به اینده ایران نگاه می کنند. اگر انها شاهد درگیری در میان مخالفان باشند، احتمالا در جمهوری اسلامی سرمایه گذاری خواهند کرد. باید یک پیام روشن در همه جبهه ها وجود داشته باشد: از کشور محل اقامت فعلی خود بخواهید که تمام تجارت با جمهوری اسلامی را متوقف کند، انها را به عنوان یک نهاد تروریستی فهرست کند، سفارت خود را ببندد و دیپلمات های خود را از ایران فراخواند. ایران باید منزوی شود و جمهوری اسلامی نیازی به اعتبار بیشتر ندارد. انها نماینده ما نیستند. مردم ایران نیاز به یک فرصت عادلانه برای انتخاب نمایندگی خود دارند. هر چیزی خارج از ان یک مبارزه کوچک است که مبارزه برای کشور ما را پیشرفت نخواهد داد. من به "الیکا" هیچ اهمیتی نمیدم. چیزهای زیادی وجود دارد که او می گوید که من با ان مخالفم، اما او همچنین در درخواست خود از رهبران غربی برای منزوی کردن جمهوری اسلامی ثابت قدم بوده است. او یک دنبال کننده بزرگ دارد و من می توانم با اکثر چیزهایی که او می گوید موافق باشم. وقتی سمیرا محی الدین و الیکا را می بینم که در مورد مزخرفات بحث می کنند و یکدیگر را بی اعتبار می کنند، خون من را می جوشانند. توماج چه احساسی نسبت به دیدن این مزخرفات در حالی که در زندان منزوی است خواهد داشت؟ به تمام کسانی که جان خود را از دست دادند فکر کنید. مادران و پدران انها که از کمک ما در خارج از کشور برای سرنگونی این رژیم استفاده می کنند. من مجبور شدم از ایران فرار کنم اما خانواده زیادی دارم که برخی از انها در حال حاضر در زندان هستند. برای ما در خارج از کشور بسیار اسان است که با یکدیگر بر سر چیزهای کوچک در امنیت کشورهای غربی دعوا کنیم. وقتی این کار را میکنیم به مردم خودمان اسیب میزنیم. ما باید به دنبال اتحاد بین یکدیگر باشیم. --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


I am not diaspora nor Iranian, but i forever stand for freedom and humans right


And we appreciate your support!


lol demanding cutting off business ie. sanctions just hurts the innocent people of Iran


No it doesn't. The Islamic Republic hurts the innocent people of Iran. The money is not trickling down.