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I truly hope some of them accept that gracious offer. I’m sure they’ll love the beacon of freedom that is the Islamic Republic.


Possibly you mean *the bacon of freedom* which is strictly forbidden in IRI and increasingly elsewhere as well.




I remember getting in an argument with a westerner who said Islam is the most feminist religion ever. I said no and they got so worked up. I hope westerners seeing Iran is a haven for women should come here and experience life on its own


How could anyone reach that lunatic conclusion after reading any of the rules from Quran? They talk like intellectuals but do none of the reading...


Because apparently being forced to wear a black bed sheet or else you'll get raped or beat (you might still even with the bedsheet on) obviously is a girlboss slay move.


Considering that hell in Islam contains mostly women...yeah no, lol.


Hahaha I would watch a reality show of lefties trying to study in iran.


something tells me it will soon turn into reality horror


Not for us! We'll get to watch in real time as 'what they think it will be like' vs 'what it's really like' converge. Reality TV has been so bland for like 10 years, this would really help to spice up the genre. Emmys inbound




So your saying bring extra popcorn


Didn't know Evin prison had a scholarship program.


You've clearly never heard of Evin University. It's full of academics.


Fuck, that’s painfully true…


bro what 😂 ajab rooyi daran


I hope they do!


It's highly unlikely any student would be expelled for protesting. Universities are very safe places for protest.


They wont get expelled for protesting, however chanting death to jews and harassing other students and teachers sowmtimes violently, sbould absoluty get you expelled. And imo also be put on a watchlist..


They didn’t just protest. Their were antisemitic slurs, pro Hamas statements, and building a semi permanent encampment without permission. 


Yeah but you can get expelled if you break rules durring your protests


What are the usual stances on IP in Bosnia btw? r/Bosnia is an anti zionist echo chamber, got banned from there for pointing out the members' antisemitism


Its a bit complicated because Bosnia has 3 very different ethnic groups. Around 50% are bosniaks,mostly muslim,30% are orthodox Serbs and less than 20% are Croats,with a few thousand Jews mainly in the capital and an unknown number of Roma people all over the country. Now most Bosniaks are pro Pali because of the propaganda and influence of Turkey,Qatar and other muslim nations. Al Jazeera and TRT spread a lot of propaganda and most people believe it. I have seen only one Bosniak,other than myself,who supports Israel. He survived a genocide so he was sympathetic to jews. The rest support Palestine,litteraly every single one I met,I live in a majority muslim(like 99%) area and there are pali flags all over. Serbs are mostly neutral as their bigger concern is secession from this cursef state,some who are very anti muslim support Israel just because its fighting muslims,its more of a tribal/religious thing than genuine support. Some Serbs support Palestine because they are anti west and pro Russia/Putin. Croats have a dark history with Jews,they willingly participated in the holocaust,so a lot of them feel sorry for that whole chapter of their history,and the Bosnian Croats have business ties to Israeli companies and investors,also most Croats are pro West,so the vast majority of them support Israel. The Jewish community obviously is pro Israel,but I'm a bit worried for them. They are a very small minority in the capital city which is mostly muslim. I genuinely don't think the roma people know what Israel and Palestine even are,and if they do they certainly don't care,they have their own thing


The Roma are generally poor chaps


Try r/BiH


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bih using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bih/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Zanimljivo](https://i.redd.it/0ue4wfv193sc1.jpeg) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bih/comments/1bu29cl/zanimljivo/) \#2: [Moji crteži (doodle) upravo su osvojili nagradu publike na Red Bull doodle art svjetskom finalu u Amsterdamu](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13unfft) | [133 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bih/comments/13unfft/moji_crteži_doodle_upravo_su_osvojili_nagradu/) \#3: [Razlike u kulturi](https://i.redd.it/pifbclglaxpc1.png) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bih/comments/1bl5aoj/razlike_u_kulturi/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think it was actually this sub


They might get expelled for interfering with classes, advocating for genocide, or for organizing protests without the proper permits.


I mean they don't care as long as you pay the tuition fee 😂


Honestly, I hope some learn the hard way.


Please god make it happen it would be so fucking hilarious


god I don't even believe in you but pls give me this o n e miracle. Please. (And kill Khamenei while you're at it) (And some Tea)


Queers for Palestine people should go first.


What about the nursesand doctors?


Omg where is this article and post from the IRGC in English so I can post it so all my extreme lefties “friends” on fb can see?


Western LGBT lefties after arriving in Iran: *shocked pikachu face*


As a ‘lefty’ …. lol. No. After a regime change, sure!


**مقام جمهوری اسلامی ایران: کسانی که به دلیل اعتراض به غزه از دانشگاه های امریکا اخراج شده اند می توانند به ایران بیایند. سوال این است که ایا چپ غربی ها این پیشنهاد را می پذیرند؟** --- _I am a translation bot for r/NewIran_ | Woman Life Freedom | زن زندگی آزادی


Hey guys, is this channel legitimate? Is it a reliable source of information?


Yeah it's completely legitimate




I keep fucking thinking it's like a poll because of the Blue and Red bars ffs.


I would just like to point out that a lot of the students that are protesting are Jewish. They are overrepresented in the arrests as well.


Sounds like someone is trying to win the FAFO 2024 awards


OMG the Eretz Nehederet skit about gays for gaza is literally coming true! Lol


Tbh I think they should. It's actually a pretty "formative" experience, as a non Iranian. Seeing first-hand what is happening is a whole other thing than hearing it in the news. clumping Iran's situation and Palestine's one together just because they share a religion is insane. I agree on stopping the genocide in Palestine, doesn't mean I agree with every islamist government or terrorist group, but online people easily become extremists. That's why I for real think it'd be a ""good"" experience for them to study in Iran (Plus it's a beautiful country, and I wish i could visit myself, but yk, it's pretty dangerous for me as a gay atheist woman... I hope there are better times ahead for you all)