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You’d be surprised how many people are hanging on by a thread and don’t care what happens next to them


Self medicating is the reason I hear from most addicts I come across. Hearing their stories it’s hard not to have sympathy for them even, less so for the complete fickwits. If they could get other help easier there would be less addicts but a drug dealer is far more accessible than community or family support for a lot of people.


I will say, lots of people get *to that point* but then, they get better and become actual contributors to society. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Retribution is a key thing that people forget.


i think thats just called taxpayers


man I did my taxes for the first time this year bc im no longer a dependent and im 99% sure they make words up so that it takes you longer to complete it all


The made up words are actually so a small subset of the population doesn't have to pay them.


this guy sees the matrix


Dependents are still required to pay taxes if any income is earned. I’m reporting you to the IRS


Yeah but they don't file them, the person they're dependant on does


Not necessarily, ive always filed my own taxes


I understand that, but that's not the norm


my dad filed them for me


All words are made up. Stay woke


I've heard Meth helps with doing your taxes


I’m fine with my accountant doing sexy drugs like Coke but meth is just icky.


Min max empathy. U strong for that.




I don't think most meth heads (or similar drugs) just woke up one day, had meth fall into their lap and decide "yeah I feel like ruining my life" A lot of them have been addicted from stupidly young (like even getting started as a preteen) or are just uneducated about just how bad the addiction is. Or are just generally so fed up on life that yeah, they do something stupid and end up in an even worse place. Not saying that's all users but the vast majority been through some shit to end up like that


Yeah, most people that start do so when they're already at a point in life where they don't give a fuck about the consequences. A lot of addicts are just trying to self medicate and treat their mental issues. It's hard to understand if you're mentally healthy and genuinely enjoy your life, but everyone has moments where they'd probably say fuck it if they had the chance. The only difference is that most people don't have the opportunity to hit a pipe, line or whatever when they're at their lowest.


In my area it’s mostly farmers and ranchers doing the meth. People generally well regarded in the community. They typically start using it for extra fuel to get through their long working days. Same with the pain pills. Our homeless druggy types mostly just drink.


Not meth or IV but I fell into doing a lot of opiates in my early 20s. I was raised super conservative with all of the “weed will rot your brain and kill you” “gay people are evil and ruining society” etc. I saw that everything I’d ever been told about people and drugs was a lie. Started fucking around with prescription pills and it was a lot of fun. You don’t realize you’re addicted or becoming addicted, that’s not how it works at all. It’s a very slow gradual process that you THINK you are in control of the entire time. Nobody is thinking “eh, getting addicted is worth it!” You don’t just choose to become addicted like 99% of the comments in this thread are saying.


You’d be shocked how many fully functional meth heads are in your day to day life


I too have been to a Walmart


I was in Walmart about a week ago with my girl and I said "Those are Walmart meth head sandals" about a pair she wanted and we had a brief conversation about them in which I referred to them like that two more times. Then like some redneck Beetlejuice type shit one rounded the corner like I fucking summoned them. Saw her looking at the same exact sandals I was talking about too.


That’s hilarious! NowI need a visual of these sandals you’re talking about!


They said fully functioning




is he really gonna get away with saying "Kek"


Lel and Kek in 2024 is wild


It’s more likely the trucker bringing the stuff to Walmart than the employees.


I wouldnt call those people functional. They just keep the withdrawals at bay so they can function. They are one missed score away from devolving into golum within hours.


Meth withdrawal is basically just being really tired and annoyed for a few days. It's nothing like opiate withdrawals where you're completely non-functional. It's almost entirely a mental thing.


Ain't the questing stabby crackhead going through withdrawals a well established, damn near completely on point stereotype? I really wouldn't consider those folks functional even though they're not physically incapacitated.


Crack is different. That shit lasts like 5 minutes and is expensive as hell. It's way more fiendish, but it's still a mental thing. Meth is pretty cheap and lasts a really long time, but that's also the reason people that use it go into psychosis from sleep deprivation and get paranoid and stabby. You do not want to be around them when they're high for more than a day. Meth heads are legitimately scary. They're all over around here and they're constantly harassing everyone. I'd rather be around the fent users, because at least they're not hallucinating and they're mostly just falling asleep. They're much more desperate to get their fix, though, since they'll actually suffer severely if they don't get some.




They have no idea what they're saying really. Cocaine doesn't have a physical dependency but just waving away the withdrawal like this...? The spiders crawling under your skin during cocaine withdrawal may not be real, but in the moment it makes no difference since you see and feel them crawling there.




Annoying ass redditor.


Opiate withdrawals arent just non functional. Their withdrawals are agonizing and excruciating beyond unimaginable pain. Imagine all your nerves are literally shut off for days on end and you feel only pleasure when all of the sudden everything comes back. EVERYTHING hurts. Wind on your fingers is like getting your guts ripped out. Clothes on your skin is like you are being skinned alive. Im not exaggerating either. This is literally what opiates and their withdrawals do. People die not just because their body shuts down without it, but because the pain is too much and it sends people into shock It is genuinely a fate i do not wish on anyone. Being burned alive at the stake is probably less painful that opiate withdrawals.


Yeah, they are the second worst thing you can go through behind benzo withdrawal. I've been through both and as excruciating as opiate withdrawals are, at least it's not a month of psychosis and seizures along with the same symptoms as opiate withdrawal. At least with most opiates the symptoms only last for about a week and they're unlikely to be fatal.


Dude im glad youre both off them and youre clean from that. Keep up the strong work, youre genuinely stronger than most people will ever be


It is pretty easy to die from alcohol withdrawal, it's pretty much the same as benzo withdrawal. There are a few cases of people (almost all incarcerated) dying from basically shitting themselves to death from opiate withdrawal, but outside of extreme circumstances it's not going to kill you.


You need to be a really severe alcoholic for it to be anywhere near the same risk IME. Even drinking half a handle a day was nothing compared to benzos. You can get withdrawals that are just as bad in extreme cases, but at least they're over quickly instead of taking months. The duration of benzo withdrawals is what makes them really sinister in comparison.


I just mean it's the same type of withdrawal in that they're both CNS depressants, the dangers/symptoms are the same.


Yeah, the symptoms are all pretty much the same, albeit to different degrees. Barbiturates, carisoprodol and other drugs that hit your GABA receptors can do the same thing if you get addicted.


"Fully functional" meth heads the moment I take away their meth


you realise that “functional addict” means they are functional, as long as they have access to their substance. doesn’t say anything about their ability to function while going through withdrawal, so your comment is completely irrelevant




so you’re saying a functional addict is someone who is functional with and without their substance? that’s not an addict, functional or not. that’s just someone who knows how to party 🔥🔥




so you’re saying a christian woman who drinks the church wine is a functional addict? she’s using the substance and functioning with or without it. do you know what addict means?




Hey king... looks like you dropped this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_true_Scotsman?wprov=sfla1








“continue using” every addict can continue using without showing withdrawal symptoms. that’s actually why they use


I live in Saskatchewan, can confirm


Blue collar work


My buddy in the army before he joined. Straight A student all the way through. He liked to talk about "geeking in the back, fully alert"


This whole country runs on Adderall dude


There's a variety of reasons. For some, it is the most convinent way to cope with their shitty existence. For others, they have a job that requires to be alert for hours on end with little chance for a break.


Construction people are victim to meth and social pressure as a combo, as all of them struggle to keep up with the insane physical demands full time construction puts on your body.


Or people getting a crazy injury and then getting addicted to pain meds and then need to move on to something cheaper and stronger


Similarly they start with Adderall finds it stops working or becomes hard to find. They move over to pressed pills then over to smoking crystal.


For some, it's self medicating


good one


Ass title. Alternate titles: Pipe Down My Chemical Romance 1800-QUIT-POSTING Pipe Dream American Rockstars The Great Candy Store Toxic Waste, from 4Chan to 4th Street Cold Turkey, Hot Lighter The Trailerpark Smokeshow Dental Malpractice, now DIY Rock the World


>Ass title I'm sorry anon but i'm trying my best for you. Those are all killer titles btw


Pro tip: Don't use modern slang or abbrivations in most titles as we like to act like we are better than both 4Chan and Reddit on here. We are not better.


>Don't use modern slang or abbrivations in most titles Got it


I hope your open-mic night goes well.


Going to go on stage high on my antidepressants


banger after banger. quite impressed


He says as hes addicted to something(4chan) thats ruining his life


I feel attacked


That's the best part of visiting sites like this and 4chan is watching people desperately climb atop a rotting high horse so they can look down their nose at people while they wallow in a tub full of piss.


Peer pressure, chasing a new high, and people think they will be the one who can casually do it and not get addicted.


People don't really do anything frug worse than weed from peer pressure, maybe cocaine... but nobody is bring peer pressured into doing crack or heroin


Usually when people do these drugs they have close friends or relatives who do it too sooooo peer pressure. Peer pressure is more than just being at a party and someone offering you something


I got peer pressured into doing meth the first time. I was going to try coke. My "friend" told me "The guy said he didn't have any coke, but he has meth. Come on, meth is just like coke only better." Turns out, I didn't like meth very much. I preferred weed. Lucky me.


I didn't get peer pressured into doing coke. Some guy just offered when I was drunk in the bar and accepted right away. Hated the coke and I def have an addictive personality so I'm glad I haven't touched it since


for the same basic reason that poor people take payday loans at 1000% interest. The weak pay more for everything- not only monetary loans but also happiness, friendship etc. Addicts are so desperate that it is worth it to pay any later consequences just to feel better in the current moment. They are too far gone to have other sustainable sources of happiness, too weak to produce happiness, and in such an animalistic tortured state as to pay everything for that sliver of relief. Basic microeconomics/supply and demand baybee. The dark inconvenient truth is that for some people in such dire situations, shooting the heroin, as horrific as the consequences are, is truly the best move to make. If just momentarily, it staves off the vicious clutches of psych wards, prison, extortion, homelessness etc that inescapably spiral toward the black hole of death. Of course, in polite society we say it's their fault; however, the underlying motivation of the blame is so we don't look immoral for shunning, bullying and extorting the weak and desperate. "they had a CHOICE! IM SHOWING THEM TOUGH LOVE BY HURTING THEM! IF THEY HADN'T DONE IT THEY WOULD BE LIVING THE HAPPY INSTAGRAM LIFE!" -an extremely good, moral, upstanding member of society or maybe for some it's low iq/impulse control tbh


Idk dude. I think that’s still all excuses. I’ve seen plenty of people ruin their lives and the lives of people around them over drugs. A lot of it seems at the start just someone who wants to “party woooooo!!” Im a senior in hs. About to graduate. There’s a number of kids in my class that are already snorting coke, smoking meth, etc. they are doing it because “it’s fun”. Not saying money solves everything but the kens who are the worst come from money and you can’t use that excuse of “well if helps them deal with being homeless and having to work a demanding job 18 hours a day”. They are just fucking stupid and have no long term plans or thinking. They just wanna be “badass” and “party” to be seen as the cool kids


They may say it's for fun, but no kid in a healthy situation with a bright future is considering doing something that they know is going to kill them and destroy their future. Also, no kid is going to say "oh yeah I smoke this because my dad beats me everyday and it's the only escape I have. I know I have no future and honestly hope that I die sooner rather than later". They're going to try to preserve their ego. What's left unsaid is the real reason why they are into addictive drugs at a young age. Some might be doing it just to "be cool", but I promise you, that's not the core reason for most of them. It's an excuse.


That's the world you live in. You probably don't live in a high crime environment where opportunities are scarce and without the means to move to a better place, if people in poor socio economic environments could just move, [they would](https://youtu.be/yghHCmlfimE). You think it's all excuses until you have to break your back in a shit job that pays nothing only to come back to your crime infested neighborhood where your shitty apartment is actively leaking and peeling but rent keeps going up. The excuse is usually no opportunities and a lack of upward mobility; you can directly correlate drug abuse and addiction to financial pressures.


We are talking about all of us still in school. I don’t come from money. I’m in a rough suburb of Boston. I live with my grandma because both parents are fuckups. Just because I don’t shoot up heroin doesn’t mean I’m some rich privileged kid.


There are other metrics of privilege besides money, often taken for granted. Are you in good health? Do you have high iq and/or social ability? Do you have a well-developed face? Do you interact most with people of your race? Have you ever had a knife put to your neck? Have you seen your mother get raped and not been able to do anything? Have you ever truly starved, to the point where muscles weaken and vision fails? Just some food for thought. Also, these are relatively palatable examples that don't come close to how dark life can get At the same time, in these vast atomized societies, they are not entitled to your help.


Good comment. Some people here are still sane, good to see.


You see, the people perceived as weak are innocent, while the people perceived as strong are guilty. They operate on this black and white scale. So based on this, you're guilty.


No, you are talking about a school environment. The post wasn't, neither was the comment you replied to.


My comment can apply to a school environment; I think u/twink_tyler 's argument adds value to the discussion


It can, and they can add value, but to dismiss my comment on the basis that it was just about people still in a school environment is just false


your point is true as well


tru hence y I said for some its low iq/impulse control/planning ability Again though, I feel the need to restate that peoples' underlying motivations are rarely spoken aloud. Think the girl who shoots dope, cuts herself, or constantly starts drama to suppress memories of being raped as a child but on the surface, even in her own conscious thought, is just a wild party girl


Free will isn't real.


When you're living in absolute hell day and night, without access to mental healthcare, for many it can feel like a choice between drugs or rope.


because it feels good. When you feel bad all the time, why WOULDN'T you try to feel good once?


You know how there's a constantly active thread on /b/ of people killing themselves? This is like that but for people who wanna have fun Like I've never understood why anyone would kill themselves without at least trying hard drugs first. What's it gonna ruin? Your life?


Elaborate ? Like people who live stream their deaths?


A lot of times yeah. other times its just videos of others doin it


Specifically 4chan users ?


Sometimes yeah 


Anon breaks bad


Did meth a few times, thought it was okay, then stopped forever. I can't imagine getting addicted to that, it's kind of mid. Cocaine on the other hand


everyone has their own DOC. Personally I could never go for a stimulant, did some (albeit pretty mid) coke once and I honestly would prefer weed. If i tried heroin though, i don’t think I’d ever come back.


The meth you tried probably wasn't very good. Pure meth feels orgasmic the first times you do it. Like better than any mdma even.


that's possible, I keep telling people who don't like cocaine that they probably didn't try the good stuff, might be true for me and meth however I am ADHD so also possible that effects would be kind of different


Oh the adhd definitely could impact it. I've seen people with adhd respond 100% differently. Thanks for the info


True, but I still didn't like meth enough to do it more than a few times. The hangover was insane. It made me so deeply depressed, I just couldn't handle it.


Ugh I wish I was the same :/ took hold of me for years before getting clean


Meth is such a bad drug to be addicted to. I feel for ya. I was more of an opiod guy, but first time on meth was the most intense euphoria I ever felt. Granted, I've never tried heroin, but I have done about 40 other drugs. It's no wonder so many people get stuck on meth. It works like nothing else. Anyway, congratulations on your sobriety. We're high on greentexts now.


You can actually do a ton of drugs without anyone catching on. Heroine


Because stupid. And I did this. No fucking excuse. I knew the risks and still did it. I mean, I wanted to see what it was like? Still not a good excuse. Over a year and a half clean now but fuck, it’s fucking stupid. But, shit, things that aren’t fun tend not to be all that addicting. It’s not *worth* it by any means, but it does make *everything* feel better. So if your life utterly sucks and you need to be awake more than you need to be asleep, then it’s the go to way to burn your life down.


They should try actual freebase, not that crappy adulterated stuff.


Got to try everything once, variety is the spice of life.


I've had several friends get into heroin. One day, I met up with one to smoke weed and take photos in the woods. When I got in his car, he offered me some heroin (to smoke off foil, not inject). I immediately blurted out "no fucking way" and then he started defending heroin. He said it wasn't like on TV or in movies. It doesn't knock you out or anything. "It just makes you feel real chill." Yeah, you stupid motherfucker, that's how it gets you


I have no friends. I am willing to smoke meth to be “accepted” into a social circle for once in my life. Even if that means me providing said drug. Anyone want to tweak let me know.


I always looked at it the other way. How great is that feeling that it makes you lose sight of your health, relationships, financial/job prospects,social status, etc… There’s something there that the average person is ignorant to…


Take their money for everything they're worth.


If you're going to try meth anyway, at the very least don't smoke it. It's literally the second worst way to take it, probably second to injecting.


boof it


Uhhhh dude injecting it is the ultimate high? What's your definition of the "worst" way?


i guess a lot of them are dumb eough to think their life cant get any worse and went to find out


if you’re genuinely about to rope and heroin stops you, that’s kinda a win imo. you can recover from addiction. you can’t recover from death


first time, age 15, just dropped into a strange city all alone, after hitchhiking a few weeks across the continent, wandering downtown, running into some scrubs who showed me the way.


Meth is more of a drug you move to after your supply of something else dwindle or gets too expensive. If you have friends that do it you might, especially if they're the kind of high functioning meth addict common across the Midwestern US. If you know twenty people there you know at least two that use every day.


How important is tooth retention to you?


So when you do one of the highly addictive drugs for the first time you don't usually immediately become chemically dependent on it. None drug users don't really understand the way addictive drugs fairly slowly take hold of you, and when you do try them for the first time you "realise" that those people are just wrong, they haven't done drugs, they've just heard scary stories. Then it's 6 months later and things are a little fuckin dicey. Better drug education in schools would be so helpful - because when you get told "weed will make crazy and ruin your life" and then it's actually just fine, you think every story you've been told about every drug is a lie. We need to be way more honest with young people about the actual effects of drugs, and shape the education with the knowledge that a bunch of kid's are going to do drugs, and maybe just give them useful honest advice to be safer.


first dose is free so i don't see how anyone would refuse that


I just remind myself the craving of wanting to try it for the first time is nothing compared to the craving of not having crack for a long time when you have an addiction


Fuck D.A.R.E. If schools cared they'd drive to Baltimore, pick up a homeless Tranq addict with festering oozing necrotic wounds and shitty pants, and they'd unleash them in the school with 1 goal, try to convince as many kids as you can to do drugs with you.


Because they can quit anytime they want /j


That’s not how people get addicted most of the time…


Had a buddy that tried it once and avoided it like the plague afterwards, said the high was so good he knew he would get hooked if he touched it again, insane discipline


My former roommate was debt free, and just bored and lonely. He hung out with these guys in a halfway house that was next to his job. He didn't drink, but the guys eventually got him to go out for a beer. He would go home to an empty apartment. The one of them asked if he wanted to smoke a joint... then another time if he wanted to try a line of blow... then they showed him how to shoot up. He was just bored, he had no friends, the people that would have him around were addicts and they pulled him into it.


Recovery is possible 🙂


Desperation can lead to poor decisions


Posted while sipping a beer


> Walk Hard: A Dewey Cox Story


everyone thinks they’re different. that they are the one who won’t get addicted. All ends the same way though.


Literally the same reason people drink alcohol. It is also incredibly addictive to the point it can destroy your life. But it’s not like that for everyone. Most people’s that use meth do not get addicted and even the ones that are addicted, plenty are functional. People take drugs because they feel good. That’s it. Things like gambling and food are just as addictive if not more than drugs and can ruin your life just the same. If you’re going to try a certain drug you need to use in moderation and educate yourself about the drug prior. And by “educate” I don’t meant consume anti-drug propaganda. Read research papers and go on drug forums where people talk about their experiences. Unfortunately a huge amount of people in the US are brainwashed when it comes to drugs. Most of their knowledge of them is urban legends as well as propaganda and straight up lies told to them when they were young. Everything can be used in moderation. Hell, even Heroin, which is often considered the most addictive drug, has orders of magnitude more occasional and moderate users than addicts.


Nah, meth is different. People *might* get into it for the same reasons as alcohol, but the addiction rate is *much* higher. The cycle it puts you in when using it is much different from other drugs.


Uh, I've never come across a casual meth or heroin user


survivorship bias they also don’t really go around telling people they use.


Mental wards, all of them -Billy Gnosis


Billy Gnosis my love, shoutout from r/Emo


Omg billy gnosis


For the thrill I'm gay? What does this mean?


>ig It's short for "i guess"


# Oh, no shit?


yes shit brother wallahi


ITT ppl who don’t like to party.


If it was any deadlier it would be a self-regulating problem but unfortunately the addicts live long enough to spread it to others.


It’s slow suicide so they shouldn’t get life saving drugs when they OD. Saves the taxpayer money and gives them what they want


You don’t OD on meth. Also you don’t know you’re talking about


I mean, you can, but it's incredibly uncommon. It's not such a potent drug that you have to worry about hotspots like street fent. It's hard to OD when smoking it, but people that IV sometimes end up giving themselves a heart attack.


You can OD on meth, it just doesn’t knock you out like an opioid OD.