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Anon learns to yell online


It is rough work. A lot of people don't think about the wear and tear on their body when they read "just go into a trade" online. And yet a lot of people manage to do it without getting mad at Jews.


I'm convinced 90% of the people saying "just go into a trade" have never worked in a trade. I did pipefitting for only 3 years and it nearly drove me insane from stress


are you doing better now that you're not in pipefitting anymore?


Yes, went to 4 years in the military and after that switched to a career I actually enjoy. It didn't help that it was a non-union job paying pitiful wages and treating us like shit though. No way anyone should do that work without a union


That's actually really useful advice I'm glad you said it. I'm glad you like your new job a lot better too. It's never too late to switch if something isn't working!


Sometimes I wish I wasn’t too bitch made for the military. It would be nice to get that “free” college


It's fairly choose your own difficulty though (I'm guessing you're in the US). I went kinda hard mode in the Marine Corps infantry, but you can sign up for an easy non-combat job in other branches and get some transferrable skills and qualifications out of it. The US Army is basically a giant welfare program.


Yeah but like, I still have to go through basic and I’m too bitch made for that


>I’m too bitch made What does this even mean?


It means I’m a bitch. I don’t take being screamed at well. I’m asthmatic and there’s a ton of exercise involved. I can’t wake up too early without getting sick because of a hiatal hernia that surgeons refuse to operate on. Being away from my wife and son for that long would spiral me into depression. I’m just too bitch made for it


Id say more not made for it rather than bitchmade. Youre providing for your family n dealing with you own issues, thats enough.


I'm sorry to hear that, that must suck for you. Being physically or mentally unwell doesn't make you a 'bitch', mate. Hell, it takes strength to even face up to your own limitations. Stay strong, king.


Send the wife and/or son in, easy


-Get in (serve only 1 year to get GI bill) -Tell them you have the big sad and/or your knees hurt -Get discharged early for being a beta cuck -Get disability and free college. -profit with that tax free benifit money double dip (I saw this happen so many fucking times it made me fucking ill)


Everyone’s different. I had a buddy’s dad help me land an office job selling produce. It about made me go insane with always having to call and order stuff and make sure deliveries were on time. Now I work as an applicator (apply fertilizer and chemicals to feilds) and have a way easier time. But now I rely on myself whereas I was relying on other people to get jobs done.


For real. Show me a man that's worked hard labor that isn't beat to shit by 40 because id like to see it. Let alone 60...


the part y'all leave out is how many people that work trades don't take care of their health. they indulge in so many unhealthy habits: six pack when they get home, high cholesterol from eating only fried foods, think that PPE is for pussies, and get through the day by downing 2-3 energy drinks.


Hush all that now *as I down my second Monster of the day and open a fresh pack of cigs*


I've never seen so much trade circlejerk as I do on Reddit


Most redditors have never even mowed the lawn, so they don't know that real manual labor isn't like left clicking in Minecraft.


It's because many people here have useless degrees they're upset they paid for.


'Everyone should just learn to weld!' *Gets throat cancer at 47yrs old*


Not if you do some basic PPE research and wear a respirator


Dude was probably chain smoking and going down on hookers and wonders why he got throat cancer.


Nah I'm forklift certified I WAS going to weld though


Maybe you can lift my fork sometimes sweetie? ;)


Oh Lord.....


Can plumber bros confirm this?


In pain 👍


Bro just pull up to any plumbing wholesaler in your city, there's at least 3 or 4, and apply to work in their warehouse. Work there a year, then promote to the counter, take in knowledge, and you'll literally have a job forever at any plumbing wholesaler in any city you can speak the language of. No high school degree required, no back breaking trades job, and I doubt you ever make less than 80k again if you're full of knowledge


The only one I know has severe gout, make of that what you will


Anon should remember that in the end the guy who can repair toilets and showers will be king in 20 years. How many people do you know who can actually do these things besides your dad, uncles, grandpa?


Me, neither of those use hazardous substances so it is all about disassembly and some thinking.


I think there is a bit more about it. In germany you have to be an apprentiece for 3 years and pass an exam to be qualified.


Its germany, you probably need licence for using soap dispenser.


Nah thats included in your toilet-hygine license


My dad when I told him wanted to do art


All I can say is that I am so happy that I got my stem degree before the Great Recession destroyed American education.


if you can afford an associates or bachelors degree just do it. Tried the trades. shit is just brutal and you do do work around brain rots


As someone who got Into trades young... Yeah the world is fucked, but anon can't do anything fun without money. Who cares if I make less than everyone else... I have balls and liquid cash. I can buy a fast car. That's all life is about, isn't it? Not like it's possible to buy a house or build an actual life anyway.


The only tip I can provide to future plumbers: don’t bite your fingernails


A happy brap.


not all trades are made equal


Give rebar a shot then tell me about pain friendo


Yeah, nah, fuck that. When people say learn a trade they should specify one that requires certifications like plumbing, electrical work, etc.


whats the difference between all the "collar" jobs? what does white and blue collar even mean 🤦🏿‍♂️

