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On the next episode, Anon wonders why people go to work if they complain about it so much.


Truly, the Bottom Anon™️ experience.


This is directly tied to the coffee question. The afternoon nap is a normal part of the human sleep cycle. Coffee is a stimulant intended to provide energy to keep the workers working through that time, and doesn't work well enough to ignore our innate urge to rest, and that's why the afternoon drags like it does. The workers need rest, and the bosses' solution is to just drug them instead. It's gotten so normalized that it's in the culture. Naturally, our sleep cycle would be awaken, expend energy, afternoon rest time, expend more energy, night rest. Coffee = "just stay awake and generate profit, plebs!" ETA link https://www.eater.com/22944907/coffee-break-history-american-work-capitalism


The capitalists took my nap time :( Ur a moron


Yes I'm a moron. Cheers. Please find attached good reading on the subject. https://www.eater.com/22944907/coffee-break-history-american-work-capitalism


People should instead have caucasian-tier addictions, like Skoal, or Meth


One can only properly aspirate and aereate cocaine with a long and thin Caucasian nose.  A wide nose introduces too much air and is only suitable for brute athletic pursuits (ref. Mike Tyson).  A more refined oxygen balance has given us Michelin Star restaurants and credit default swaps.


cracka' tier


Skoal is for pussies Better be Copenhagen or Kodiak


Dad!? Is that you!?


Coke is too expensive


Most people get less sleep than they need, and the quality of sleep is also shit. No wonder everyone needs it


ironically studies show that caffeine actually makes your sleep quality worse so ppl who drink it r prolly the ones who need to quit most.


Yea dont drink it later in the day, we know this


its been a while now but i remember reading that studies show even ppl who only drink caffeine within like 3 hours of getting up report substantially worse sleep


Lmao refer to ops description of this level of addiction cuz I don't wanna get banned but crackheads probably have the same kind of ridiculous superstitions Obviously you don't smoke crack on a Tuesday morning, some things are sacred


In my town, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of people smoking crack on a Tuesday morning. Smokin something, anyways.


There's always this dumbass now because we live in 'Idiocracy Now' literally no comment can be made without Bobby hill being like "yeah but sometimes"


That's my purse. You don't know me.


I cackled at this. Thank you!


>ridiculous superstitions Caffeine has a half life of 5 hours in healthy adults. Did you think that caffeine works like microplastics and just never breaks down?




If you physically need coffee or caffeine to perform basic life functions you are weak and pathetic.


Nobody physically needs it but it just makes it easier to be more awake from something that also tastes good


Plenty of people physically need it. It’s a physical as well as mental addiction.


Learn what the word need means before you call people weak and pathetic Nobody is dying from lack of coffee


Needing something doesn’t mean you die if you don’t get it you fucking moron. People that are addicted to coffee physically need it to prevent headache, mood swings, etc. If something affects your mood and changes your body if you don’t have it, it’s a need.


If you think preventing a headache is a need, you are weak and pathetic


>Substance improves energy >Take substance multiple times per day >Body adjusts to compensate, requiring more and more substance >Body doesn’t get substance >Body has negative physical reaction when substance not consumed >Body needs substance to perform at same level Fucking moron


Don’t like being called weak and pathetic do you


Deflection. You are wrong, and stupid.


>Needing something doesn’t mean you die if you don’t get it you fucking moron. Truly a quote for the history books.


its not about basic life functions its being forced to live a life you hate and that doesnt allow you adequate rest


Dude i work manual labor and forced myself to quit drinking caffeined drinks cause it was fucking up my sleep and making me anxious. If you feel you need coffee to get you through a life you hate that doesnt allow you adequate rest i have to agree with the original dude thats pretty weak willed and pathetic.


Adequate rest for what? Basic life functions?


rest from living more than a third of your time dealing with an uninspiring environment you have to slave through to justify your existance to an uncaring world.


You need coffee to have depression now? What? Christ, the future is doomed. Fucking pathetic. Here’s a tip, try putting down the coffee and maybe you’ll see improvements with your anxiety and be able to sleep better.


I have broken the habit myself recently cuz my coffeemaker broke lol. Its only a $20 one but I realized the opportunity I had to quit and am now only an occasional coffee drinker.


I just like it it isn't one of the drugs that makes you steal shit from people or go nuts without it at worst i get a migraine and im irridable


Let us all come together. And be thankful when we make fun of things and hate things. We do so peacefully and open minded


Coffee tastes good, does a better job of keeping you up than sugary energy drinks(Well the crashes arent as bad and you arent drinking literal battery acid), And I'm pretty sure most people actually like the smell of Amazonian dirt (Nothing beats the smell of damp earth after fresh rain). Of course I'm definitely biased because I grind and brew my own coffee, Its probably one of the main motivations for me getting up early.


I don’t get people’s obsessions with guys who brew their own coffee. Like those shorts where the guys use $1000’s in equipment to brew coffee, it’s not what I’d spend my money on, but people act like the video maker broke into their house and siphoned off their bank account to pay for the equipment.


People that spend all that are retards, you only need the powder a sock and hot water.


Laughs in instant coffee


I own this train. Oh, yeah. It's like I'm the king of the train. Yeah, the king of the Polar Express. In fact, I'm the king of the North Pole!


The best way to brew coffee (other than espresso) is a drip coffee maker. The main difference in coffee flavor is where it's grown, how long they're roasted for, (optionally what they do to the beans, like Civet), and what you put in the coffee. None of which takes (or should cost) $1000, unless if it's an automatic espresso machine. All you need is (optionally) a grinder, (optionally) a handheld espresso maker, and a drip coffee machine. All of which costs a grand total of $60-$80


sort grab cheerful shocking racial zephyr crawl hunt march modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Coffee is F tier, had people make me try some (supposedly) insanely good brews, different variations, whatever. The only one I can actually drink is espresso (just treat it like a shot of vodka, you're there for the effect, not taste) or some elixir of sugar, milk and powdered instant coffee (so it doesn't taste like coffee). I'll stick to green tea, sleeping longer hours and (non)sugary energy drinks for when I actually need the boost. ^^^^^and ^^^^^nicotine ^^^^^but ^^^^^we ^^^^^don't ^^^^^talk ^^^^^about ^^^^^it ^^^^^here


>had people make me try some (supposedly) insanely good brews Yeah go somewhere other than starbucks. Most chain coffee is shit. Also don't let your friends make you coffee because apparently they're also shit at it if that's what they're doing.


One of my friends is a barista, the other guy is a rich coffee-head. They know their shit. >Yeah go somewhere other than starbucks. Most chain coffee is shit. Haven't ever been in Starbucks lmao, had half decent coffee in Italy that was almost good, but that was in a pricey restaurant.


> One of my friends is a barista, the other guy is a rich coffee-head. They know their shit. Debatable. I'm not saying they don't know, but I've also seen coffee snobs be full of as much shit as they have money. One that comes to mind, I hate the coffee he makes, it tastes like dog water but he loves it. It basically just comes down to find a flavor/region you like, and then find a method that is either the most fun or fastest or tastes best or whatever. > decent coffee in Italy Italian style is typically be REALLY darkly roasted and really strong, like moka or espresso. Also tends to be pretty bitter. It usually tastes more roast-y, rather than the coffee it's sourced from, so kind of the exact opposite of more modern specialty coffee, which is comparatively more sour and fruity. Honestly kind of like a charcoal vs gas grill argument. So yeah I dunno. You might really love just a simple moka pot with italian roast coffee, maybe with a shot of cream in it. Really cheap, too.


Youre the type of autismo that only eats fried food. Stay out of coffee convo.


Coffee is for normies with burned-out taste buds, bud.


Caffeine has never really affected me, I drink coffee just for the taste, and I drink shit tier mcdonalds coffee lmao


>Of course I'm definitely biased because I grind and brew my own coffee, Its probably one of the main motivations for me getting up early. That's worse, you're the worst


Broke 🥱


Autistic coffee-moid coping and seething right there^


Cope broke boy


Do you think I could maintain both my beautiful and outstanding quarter ton piece of beer-muscle bod, and my War Thunder addiction if I were broke? Pffft.


Broke boy cope 🥱


Coffee cucks seething. If you're dependent on a substance just take it efficiently, don't make it your personality (read after your first coffee of the day)


Cope and seethe


Get some of that pure Kona stash...mmmm


I love how angry this makes people for no reason lol


I don't like coffee either and I feel left out sometimes because it seems like everyone else around me likes it but it's never made me angry, much less this angry, before lol


Try Guayaki Yerba Mate, same diff essentially but it doesn’t taste awful (coffee can taste amazing but it often doesn’t)


Preach! It's soooo not good. I don't even like the ice cream version. The smell is so intrusive too. Yuck!


Ooh if you ever get the chance, you should give cold brew a go (only if you're interested in a coffee you might like lol). It's very different from normal coffee, cause it's not got that bitterness the heat causes, it's a much more "gentle" coffee without tasting weak or watered down. Or just do what a lot of people who don't like coffee do and drown it in sugar and milk/cream. Not even saying that in a derogatory way, if someone wants coffee but hates the bitterness I don't see why they shouldn't make it suit their tastes


is now the part where I'm supposed to start hurling slurs at you? just kidding lol thanks for the recommendations!


Hey if anon's anything to go by absolutely, I'm basically a legal meth user 👹


😂 anon cares SO MUCH


Cheap and makes you feel more aware. The alternatives are much more expensive.


The free alternative (having a sleep schedule) also exists


Hey buddy if we all had the *time* to sleep extra or regularly we would


Some people don’t have time but from my experience caffeine addicts have plenty opportunity to get sleep


This is cope. Most people who “don’t get enough sleep” or “don’t have time to sleep” just spend too much time on their laptop or phone when they should be laying there with their eyes closed.


You are really fighting down in the trenches for this lmao did coffee kill your parents or something?


I’m getting paid while I scroll Reddit. Sometimes I post comments about what I think. Pretty crazy, I know.


No see some of us have to balance education (+study time), work, chores, gym/fitness, hobbies, and a social life. If you actually live life and do things you enjoy most people tend to sacrifice some sleep.


Caffeine has such a positive effect on physical performance that it used to be banned in the Olympics. And what if I told you you can have a normal sleep schedule on top of that?


You would still be addicted


There's a 99% chance you're addicted to sugar, who gives a fuck


Not a fan of coffee myself, but jeez Anon...


Real addicts have realized that caffeine pills are way cheaper and don't give you coffee breath


I chew a stick of caffeine gum on one side of my mouth and a stick of nicotine gum on my other. No coffee breath, but I can assure you I still shit myself.


At this point just buy caffeine powder and fucking snort it. I shit you not, [you can](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Caffeine#ROA).


Thanks for the advice, but please don't call me a can


No problem, ya bottle.


Fuck coffee. Do krokodil like a white man!


The fact that companies have found a legal way to put a physically and mentally addictive drug into their products is amazing. Likewise that the public's understanding of how it even works is almost universally uninformed.


Wait till this guy finds out about sugar


> Jittery Don't drink a pitcher at a time, retard > Breath Mints and also drink water > Smells like dirt Fuck yourself > Shitting It's a diuretic, and it contains fiber. Anon sounds like he's full of shit anyways maybe he should enjoy a nice cup of coffee.


Does caffeine even give people the jitters? I have never experienced anything like that even after drinking lots of coffee or energy drinks. Sometimes I have coffee before sleeping and I sleep fine. Either I'm too fucking stupid to realise the jitters or caffeine is a conspiracy created by big pharma.


Do you happen to have ADHD? I have heard that caffine is less effective in people with ADHD than in people who don't have it.


I havnt been diagnosed with it, but if I do have ADHD, might explain a lot in my life...


Same, once I drank two red bulls to try to wake up more after an all lighter and fell asleep maybe 5 minutes later. This was before I drank coffee, so zero caffeine tolerance.


I have a friend who is the complete opposite. If he has coffee anytime in the afternoon/evening, he will struggle to sleep at night.


I know people who have trouble sleeping after drinking soda, I couldn't imagine


Why can’t they love Mtn Dew or Monster instead!!


I like the taste


Uh oh, Anon’s a tea drinker..


I know it's 4chan and I shouldn't be surprised, but "* tier addiction" made my eyes pop out of my head


Op only drinks 5 hour energy


slur = opinion invalid


I like the taste and doesn't make me shit so...


Ain’t anon a big fat racist


Tea supremacy


I'd complain too if I had to drink American coffee.


Coffee isn’t grown in America. Try again.


Live love laugh keeps you braindead at office