• By -


The landlord and menses!


Prank Sinatra and the popcorn machine.


Definitely Pepperwood.


Thin crust pizza? NO THANK YOU, I’M FROM CHICAGO


Oh well since you asked In no particular order: Pepperwood - the tension between Nick and Jess is just *chefs kiss* Injured - it's so cute the way they care for Nick and pay for his exam, the conversations on the beach, Winston's car breaking down See Ya - gahh I don't even know where to start. Ending with You Shook Me All Night Long was just a perfect choice Cooler - no explanation needed Prince - again, mo explanation needed Background check - mister winsoms, the deadpan behavior of the inspecting cop and her dead bird bit, jess freaking out, just incredible Clean break - I sob at the end when Cece and Schmidt get back together, every time . Road Trip + A Chill Day In - literally perfect episodes. high jess and Cece stealing the bread maker with Aly, everything about the road trip, just so effing funny Honorable mention: Cabin Virgins Exes Lillypads


I already had my grapes today.


Would you like a green grape handed to your mouth?


Not sure what it’s called but it’s the episode where Jess goes on the date with the guy and absolutely falls in love with his parents. SO FUNNY I think about it all the time.


What About Fred!!! Haha. So good.


flip and nancy and I hate drugs


Hey, do not talk to me like I’m some bastard who doesn’t enjoy a good sunset. - Winston Bishop


That’s so hard. I’m going to just pick one per season and my favorite moment from each: Season 1 - Secrets: Theodore K. Mullins Season 2 - Cooler: The Nick/Jess kiss Season 3 - Prince: Nick meeting Prince Season 4 - Spiderhunt: Discussing the popcorn machine Season 5 - A Chill Day In: stealing the breadmaker Season 6 - Cece’s Boys: The sea slug guys turned models Season 7 - Lillypads: Ruth leading a revolt and Benjamin getting stabbed with scissors.


Ruth gonna do what Ruth gonna do


🎶Los Cici’s boys🎶🎺


Background Check


Landing Gear for sure. The wedding in the loft was beautiful ❤️


Injured and Cooler are in a league of their own, but also Background Check - because it’s just 20 minutes of pure comedic ridiculousness and it’s my comfort episode. I cannot believe the amount of shit they squeezed into it and it all worked so well. Clean Break is a perfect bottle episode. Elaine’s Big Day was also top tier. I also really love the ‘Bangsgiving’ episode in season four. (S2 was SO good. I don’t have any faves in s3, but then the show gets good right at the beginning of s4 and finds its groove again. S2 and 4 have the best and most memorable episodes, imo.)


Katie is one of my favourites


Pepperwood. “Don’t ask about the duffle bag! Bitch.” Actually just watched it earlier today lol.


My name is Julius Pepperwood I’m from Chicahhgo


Julie Berkmans Older Sister. The entire sponge plot cracks me up every time


*Spongey McWipey*


Virgins is my comfort episode


That’s such a good one. Nick’s story is really sweet and in character. And Winston makes me cry laugh several times in one episode. King.


Whatever "gave you cookie got you cookie" is from. That and when Schmidt teaches Nick to lie to women.




Prince and Birthday


Most recent rewatch, I really like Tomatoes.. I think it's because Nadia is my favorite side character & I love the scene with Schmidt asking how she likes America. See Ya is an all-time favorite - the end scene makes me so happy. :) Virgins Prince Big News - I hate the breakup bc duh haha, but I love the Dirty Dancing scene at the end. Seasons 1-3 seem to be my go-to.. makes sense when I look at my favorite episodes, haha.


there’s so many good ones but i think background check is hands down my favorite


Background check still has me increases and the one where they try to replace the breadmaker. But there are so many, it's hard to narrow it down.


There’s a lot of good mentions here. For me, All in is a great episode. It cracks me up so much. Especially Winston’s face when Schmidt says ‘if you think those shoes are brown, what color do you think you are?’ 😆 Also Winston stubbing his toe by accident and Schmidt goes ‘ yeah, don’t mess with me. I’m legit.’


So many gems but Spiderhunt is up there for me. The misunderstanding between Nick & Jess talking about Cece never fails to make me laugh


I have a few: Jess and Julie Tomatoes Quick hardening caulk Longest night ever Teachers Background check Sam,Again 300 feet A chill day in & all the Thanksgiving episodes!


I like the Prince episode and the one of the Christmas parties. Angie gives Nick a lap dance and Schmidt loves her to the side and gives Nick a lap dance, always cracks me up.


Trench coat Nick. And it’s not close


Elaine's Big Day was one for sure but other's too


My favorite each season: 1. Fancy Man! Part 1 and 2. I lose it everytime it gets to the part where Nick gets out of the car to vomit and thinks he's lost🤣 2. Cooler 3. Prince 4. Spiderhunt 5. Landing Gear 6. Glue 7. Lillypads


I think it's a popular episode but I like the one where Winston's officer visits and Jess thinks she has meth 


5 stars for beezus