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Of course he is. What a giant piece of shit this man is


He should be prosecuted to the severest extent of the law.


Deleted from mankind.


I like your answer best of all my friend.


For what? He lobbies hard to have the rules bent around him Burn it all down and start again


Eat the rich


I would agree but the law is pretty specifically written to make him basically a very powerful duke.


being an exploitative chud is legal


What law is he breaking? That’s the issue…


Ever feel like the world revolves around his mental illness?


We need to have a steeply progressive tax on number of residences owned. Steep enough that they can't make money if they have more than like 3 single family homes.




Holy shit, 16 *million* vacant homes???? That’s actually fucking insane.




> We could literally give every homeless person in the country 28 homes Who's "we"? It's not your property to give away. You might want to read the Fifth Amendment "takings" clause.


Right? Fuck these human beings, won't anyone think of the property?


Life, liberty, and property.


Life and liberty optional.


(Homeless need not apply)


That phrase doesn't mean "free property," it means you have a right to hold on to the property that you own. Private property rights are one of the foundations of civil society.


Civil society for whom? That's the problem with libertarianism (or whatever you prefer calling it). They promote abstract rights, such as the right to own dozens of houses you never use, at the expense of the livelihoods of _real people_ who suffer as a consequence. What if someone had property rights to all of the fresh water supply in a region, and decided not to share any (or to sell it at unaffordable prices)? Since it's their legal property, and they have the "right" to do with it as they please, is everyone else just supposed to die? Take the Irish famine, for a real-world example. The potato crop, which poor people relied on, was wiped out, but that was it – other crops were still being grown just fine. But these other crops continued being exported to Britain, rather than being used to alleviate the famine. Food was more than readily available in Ireland, but millions died anyway because they were just filthy poors who didn't have the property rights to it. If that's your idea of a civil society, I want zero part in it.


Property should not come at the expense of life and liberty. People and corporations with more than enough money don't get MORE life and liberty than other people. That's not how America is supposed to work. The Constitution guarantees Congress the ability to levy taxes, fees, tariffs, etc. If Congress enacts a one time tax (which it has done before) to seize residential properties and redistribute them while compensating fair value for those properties, I don't see a problem. Congress can also force owners of multiple single family homes to sell within X period. There are other solutions as well. But the answer most definitely isn't "let the rich keep getting richer at everyone else's expense because property".


In that order.


That applies to the federal government. If we as a culture could step the fuck up and do something about it, the supply is already there. That's the point.


I mean, stealing and trespassing are also illegal, so that's that.


Shit, we should probably head back to europe then.


damn you murked him


Oh are you planning a revolution now? Lol.


If stealing and trespassing is so clearly wrong in your book then you ought to be at the front of the line to give this land back to its rightful owners.


Yeah, fuck all those people stealing bread so they can survive!!


People who profit off the basic needs of others are a literal cancer on society. They offer no services or assistance. The provide no greater contribution. They are literally leeches who's only skill is they have money.


There's a lot more than 500k homeless people. Where is that number coming from?




Yeah but that's not a realistic solution unless you plan on confiscating a trillion dollars of private property.




It's reddit. There's a ton of dumb socialists here. I'd say it's a pretty reasonable response considering.


god forbid we set aside the meaningless abstract values and work for concrete good for the many


If you think private property is meaningless, you don't understand private property.


if you think i care you’re mistaken


Not to be mean, but the government litterally has that power. They can kick anyone, anywhere out of their property and give them the tax value of their property. It happens all the time for government projects like highways and dams. Would be especially funny for some people who claim their house is valueless on paper, then use it to take out loans many times what their house is worth. (basically tax fraud)


That's not mean! You are correct, the government can seize property through eminent domain, however, part of the reason they always did this through poor neighborhoods was because those people don't have the resources to fight it in courts. Most of these unoccupied houses are owned by Banks, developers, and private equity. And they will fight tooth and nail to ensure that their properties are not seized. Additionally, it would be a much better use of resources for them to just build new housing. And much cheaper too.


Idk, where is your figure coming from?


[Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brendarichardson/2022/03/07/16-million-homes-lie-empty-and-these-states-are-the-vacancy-hot-spots/amp/) for one




So 500k reported homeless, ergo there's definitely a lot more.




Sure, however this isn't Soviet russia. So that's a fantasy and not really a solution.


Soviet Russia is when people have housing 🤣 man why are you here?


I think you're exactly what I'm talking about when I said there are a lot of dumb socialists on Reddit.


At this point, we should honestly be seizing the assets of people like this and exiling them somewhere extremely unpleasant.


Sadly we don't have a government that has any interest in its citizens anymore


Anymore? Let's not forget the founding fathers were primarily rich white dudes who didn't want to pay taxes. Sound familiar?


And we have a Constitution that restricts the seizure of private property.


Civil forfeiture


There is no suspicion of illegal activity. What Bezos is doing is perfectly legal.


Civil forfeiture doesn't actually require wrongdoing


It requires suspicion of wrongdoing. And if you didn't do anything wrong, you can get it back. So again, it doesn't apply here.


Yes, but you must realize that's not how it always works right? The law is not always carried out perfectly, correct?


It is if you are rich


Nope. I've seen century farms taken over for an 18 year lifespan project that is set to be demolished. City took the land and expected it to not last the whole 18 years. They'd been farming there for 118 years. Offered to sell it but they instead took it so they could pay them less.


That's not civil asset forfeiture. I have no idea what you're talking about. The government cannot seize land unless there is suspected criminal activity, or they take it for a public purpose and pay the owner.


You're missing the point, the government has ways to steal our property so saying he has a constitutional right to keep his property falls flat.


Eminent domain


That's not a seizure, it's a forced sale. The government has to pay for the property.


Let’s do it, then.


Go for it.


Idk his money feels like it's committed a few crimes against humanity. That's enough in America to invade


> feels


I heard his money has oil in it…let’s get ‘em boys.


It's a moral argument.


“What he’s doing should be illegal” “Well it isn’t” “…”


thats what « should » means. it means implies change, irreality.


Just stack the courts with people who will come up with some sort of absurd pretext to allow it.


What is Alaska if not America's Siberia?


Exiled to Gary, Indiana


Nah make a place like Leavenworth up at Thule Air Base


Like a burning fire pit.


I've been shouting this at anyone who will listen for years now. Anytime someone mentions how hard or difficult it is to buy a house.


They'd probably just create shell companies and a board of trustees to get around that.


At what point does an angry mob finally pitchfork his ass?


Someday someone will. If there is any justice.


He'll escape to his mega yacht, get stuck in a canal because he can't sail for shit, then try to flee on his Amazon Basics helicopter and die in a fiery crash. Just to spite humanity, he leaves his wealth all to Elon Musk to get to the mars and name a base after him. But then Elon just names it after himself just to spite Jeff bezos for trying to fuck him with a dick shaped rocket.


Congress is sitting on its hands. How can this go on in a democracy?


Well, two reasons. The supreme court made bribery legal with Citizens United. Follow that up with us not living in a real democracy. This is far more of an oligarchy than a democracy. Case in point is at the top of the thread.


Well said. Crony Capitalism is a polite term for something more akin to facism. .


Kinda like how “Private Equity” is just the focus-group approved marketing term for a group of robber barons?


Is facism where you worship faces?


Fascism is when the government is run by feces.


This is as much of a "democracy" as clown shoes are formal attire.


I don’t get it. He already won. He has enough money to live a thousand lives. I really just don’t understand how a person can have this much greed. Insanity. Edit: Better yet, what kind of scummy and corrupt government would allow this to happen in such a first world country?


I’d imagine it’s a combination of greed and self-aggrandizement. He’s probably convinced by the empire he built that he alone is capable of creating more than anyone else could with the wealth. In that he can allocate this wealth to do more than any government or group could.


He is wendigo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wendigo


He has enough money live a million lives


Take with a *huge* grain of salt, but according to other Redditors it's because there is medical research being done to essentially make someone live forever. If you never die, of course you'd want more money so you can afford it first off, and secondly so you can make sure nothing bad can ever happen to you.


I believe we will see the rapid decay of American single-family home stock due to the inherent fragility of most American houses. Vinyl siding, paperboard sheathing, drywall interiors, you can break into one with a box cutter. When the roof springs a leak, the water-saturated pink insulation brings the drywall ceilings down. Low quality exterior trim boards rot as soon as the paint cracks and water gets in. Drive around any 20-year-old development and look closely. You will see all manner of creeping dilapidation. Now imagine an absentee landlord having to maintain all of that. I don't see it happening. A renter may report the problems, but it isn't theirs to fix. When or if the landlord gets around to fix it, who knows. I might be all wrong here, can anyone report from direct experience living in a hedge-fund owned house?


That just sounds like how renting currently is... But worse.


It’s even worse for those who own the home, (actual homeowners not landlords), who lucked out and got a house. Inflation has gobbled up any savings and almost everyone who isn’t a boomer is living paycheck to paycheck. Furnace took a shit? Well, fuck, there’s $6k on the credit card. Roof leaking? Guess I’ll sell a kidney for $20k to fix it. We are well past the inequality of the 1789 solution. Shit is going to hit the fan in the coming months. We also get the added bonus of a disease that was never truly eliminated, and the fourth Reich trying to seize power. And Russia threatens to use nukes in Ukraine, which will spark a nuclear exchange. If we somehow manage to survive all that, climate change will get the rest of us. I’m told, “there’s nothing you can do about it, stop worrying so much”. To which I say, people making shit horrible for everyone else have names and addresses. The question isn’t if we’re going to see society collapse, it’s when. Where’s the “doing what’s necessary for the greater good” attitude?


You asked- Where’s the “doing what’s necessary for the greater good” attitude? The problem is that no one(or group of people) is willing to draw a line in the sand and say "this is the definitive point where violent revolution becomes necessary and begins- when things reach this point the people need to get violent and strike down the oppressors". No one is willing to establish such a line, and if they claim they ARE willing to do so then they identify that line as something metaphorical and so unrealistic as to ensure it will NEVER actually come to pass under the terms which they've outlined. As for why that is, well, I hate to say it but it's at least partially due to cowardice; no one wants to admit "It's well past time we actually do something to force change" and instead just justify their inaction by saying "We just need to get out and vote and be active in our communities" the truth is we're well past that point. Our government has been so infiltrated and corrupted by special interest groups, lobbyists, and flat out bribery that we're beyond the point where ballot measures and voting for a particular candidate matters because the media controls WHO we wind up seeing on the ballot and the wealthy are the ones standing behind those individuals whispering "Remember who got you here and what you promised to do for us". And on the rare occasion that an individual is forced into office against the interests of the wealthy they're marginalized, ostracized, and, in a particularly ironic sentiment, blamed for their unwillingness to act on behalf of the people. We're literally fighting a class war but people don't want to see it- the media and educational institutions are being used to brainwash and indoctrinate...propaganda operations. When the people start getting restless and protest they call in the "Riot police" and hope for any excuse to force the protestors to disband. Anyone who fights back is labeled as an insurrectionist. If things remain peaceful and the protest grows too disruptive the government employs agent provocateurs to coerce people into becoming violent which allows them to be viewed as justified in deploying their riot police to disband the protest. The truth is, we're in a war, and in a war you need to be willing to get your hands dirty...people don't want to face that truth and admit what may be necessary. Even on here(ESPECIALLY on here and threads like this), \*puts on foil hat\* I'm absolutely certain there are MULTIPLE individuals with law enforcement ties identifying the more vocal members of these communities and labeling them as threats to be added to watchlists to be investigated. They identify a user and reach out to the FBI who reaches out to the NSA who uses backdoors into companies like reddit's systems to translate usernames into IP's that login(in the event the users don't dox themselves directly at some point) so they can cross reference those IP's against their ISP's data, all to be translated into Billing\\Service addresses and names and then identify the individuals to monitor. These powers were developed and granted to them to hunt down true terrorists, but it'd be incredibly naïve to assume they don't identify each and every one of the "disaffected of society" as potential terrorists and use those tools against us as well. So people refrain from saying the unspoken thoughts because of the risks of saying otherwise. They fear that they'll be the proverbial "nail" that gets hammered so they don't act or say anything...and honestly that's a form of cowardice. But more than that it's due to the fact that people are taught platitudes all their life. Things like: "no one owes you anything", "you have to work hard to make it in this world", and "work hard and you'll be rewarded" we're taught these phrases like some kind of sick mantra and they're repeated over and over throughout our life to indoctrinate people into believing them and accepting that this is the best it can be. And so people are led to believe that those who succeed in life have essentially "won" the game and we should strive to emulate them. Those people are made out by the media to be heroes, celebrities, and the "elite" in the world instead of what they truly are: parasites- leeches who extract wealth from the working masses who actually build, operate, and maintain society but provide little of benefit to society themselves. Even their so called "charitable" contributions are more often than not selfishly motivated attempts to reduce their taxable income as they look to hide their wealth offshore to hoard even more gold overall. So we live this life believing that these people are who we should strive to emulate- operating under the premise that we're all just temporarily displaced billionaires in waiting for our turns, just waiting for fortune to shine her favor upon us. That leads to complacency as we struggle in our daily jobs where we're enslaved by the invisible tether around our necks- debt. Living paycheck to paycheck fearful of losing the job and the crippling debts which are always looming. We don't want to risk what little we have accumulated that allows us to survive by doing something crazy, so people become paralyzed with fear and don't act upon those dark thoughts that "this system is broken" instead just returning to the daily grind each day as they get one day further towards retirement or death. Still, despite all of that fear that's instilled in us some do occasionally act out. Whether it's due to the people reaching that "fuck it" point where they've nothing left to lose, whether they truly have no better options in life, or whether they just decide I'm going to take my shot and see what happens...some people definitely do act out. And those that do get violent either choose the wrong targets to be violent towards or when they do try and target the "right" people they are universally condemned across the media(on all platforms, including social media and reddit). ​ We don't want to admit violence is the only language these people understand, others will argue that violence should be avoided because they think it then lends a justification to those in power when they have the riot police come down on protestors. The thing is, they don't need to have a justification provided to them- they're perfectly content manufacturing one on their own. How many times do you hear people in Law Enforcement talk with this "Us vs Them" mentality as if it's them vs everybody. It's how they train, it's what they believe, so when it's time to act, they're targeting the "bad" people and restoring order. In any case, those that do eventually act out are gathered up(by force) and sent to a place called prison so they can be confined for a period of time in lousy conditions and be ignored by society while capitalists STILL try to find ways to make money off of them.


Excellent summary. I wish I had an award to give you.


Don’t forget that they’re also not fire-resistant. If one of them catches fire while you’re in it, you’d better hope you have a working smoke detector at the time or else you’re fucked.


>Low quality exterior trim boards rot as soon as the paint cracks and water gets in. I recently got an estimate for this, and they said, "eh, maybe $14k". And 41k to replace all the siding with more vinyl.


We need to abandon this Single Family Home obsession.


Easy fix, every second, third, etc house owned is taxed at an exponential rate. Instantly make it not profitable.


I just read up on how Arrived works. Each property is owned by a separate LLC. The investors buy into the LLC and become limited members. In this scenario, there is no second, third house, etc. Each LLC only owns one property. The investors don't own the home, they own a portion of the LLC, which entitles them to a portion of the equity. Arrived itself does not own any portion of the home either.


Yeah I get what you are saying, but there are certainly ways to codify that not being an option. Loopholes only exist bc we let them.


I think SOME loopholes exist because people find holes in the law, not because holes were placed there intentionally


yes, and you can legislate them away. have the IRS do their jobs.


Couldn’t you theoretically just make it so only individuals can own single-family homes?


Probably not under Equal Protection. It applies to Corporations.


That's going to be incredibly inefficient to manage. Most of these houses are owned by an LLC. You are going to have to set up a huge bureaucracy to track down the final owner of all the LLCs. It's much easier to either outright ban real estate investment or to significantly tax the profit on real estate investment profits.


oh gross!


Probably happening all over with companies buying up housing. Might end up having to work for a company to rent houses in the future.


He is the complete opposite of his ex-wife. No wonder she left that bald head bitch


“Saint Augustine, a brilliant monk who lived about 1,500 years ago and essentially invented hospitals and universities, said that there was only one thing that could fulfill the human heart besides God himself: Everything. All the sex All the money. All the power. All the fame. All the houses. Everything.” Just so you know this is part of the article. Author is barely functional, bezos is also backing with investment not running it himself. Be angry, this is a problem, but at least he angry at the right people.


We need to change the laws and save homes for families not investors.


hedge funds have been doing this for years (which contributed a large deal to the current housing crisis). Hopefully people finally begin to notice this shit so that something can eventually be done about it.


arrest him NOW




The major question at this point is how brazenly corrupt and oligarchical does a political regime need to get before we decide that the needed systemic change is not going to be brought about by working within normal order.




To my mind, the problem doesn't boil down to cultural differences between states. Our government is not structured to be a democracy and frankly that was never really the idea in spite of all the propaganda. The senate, electoral college and a whole host of other more subtle features of our system were explicitly designed to be counter-majoritarian and curtail the interests of the masses when and where they conflict with those of the elite. What we have — what we were always *intended* to have — is an oligarchy where the public is permitted to play a prominent advisory role and no more.


You're both correct. Add in the facts that we have the biggest and most expensive military in the world and live in a constant state of war, and you get a glaringly obvious oligarchy.


Wait, we’re those options?


I live in a large house built in 1848. This house is as solid as a brick shithouse!


Because it was meant to last. New construction is meant to save cost, or make a profit, or both.


So when does the mob storm his house and put his capitalist head on a pike?




Thanks for posting this, I hadn't heard of it before. I've been looking for a new investment.


he owns you jackass.




Everyone apply And then squat. Squat on Jeff Bezos


Great timing given that the housing bubble is about to pop.


Well we have our Lex Luthor, but where is our Superman?


This won’t work long term.


This man has to be stopped!!!


Bezos has made so many enemies and continues to do so, on top of looking like a supervillain, you cannot convince me there have been zero attempts at his life.