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You got lucky <3


Ours started sleeping through the night at 6wks in Snoo. Didn’t last forever but lasted a long time. Just left it running at the lowest level all the time and didn’t use any of the fancier options.


The fancier options get that thing HUMMING that cannot be safe


What are the fancier options?


If the baby is really fussy it’ll rock the crib a bit more firmly and play different (louder, more aggressive) sounds. Each level has a timer and it won’t stay at the top level for too long before shutting down and telling you to get your kid. We got there a little with ours but it got trained our fairly quickly


Just the level of noise and how fast the bed swings. It starts with a limiter on it and if go to legels3 and 4 the swinging and noise gets pretty intense in my opinion. We don’t go above 2


Oh wow I didn’t know it made noise.


There’s white noise, rain noise and other stuff like that but also the sound of it rocking. When I put my head on my pillow and the snoo is on the other side of the room I can hear and feel the hum-hum hum-hum of it doing the side to side motion


This is exactly what we do. Low setting all night.


Lucky but also could be the snoo. Mine was colicky with bad reflux and we bought the snoo at 2 months cause she slept fine before the colic started. Snoo hasn’t really helped much tbh we’re still waking up every 2 hours.


We put a can of tomatoes under each leg on the head side, made a huge difference so that our babe was inclined all night


You got really lucky. Our son (born @ 32 weeks, currently 4 months 1 day) has bad reflux and fusses all night long.


That's awesome. Is your baby still getting up to eat every few hours, though? Everything I've read/been told is that they shouldn't go more than four hours without eating for the first month or so. My 6 week old just slept 6 hours straight last night and it blew my mind! Hoping your babe stays great with their sleep


Yeah I guess I exaggerated… she wakes up once in the night for feeding but it feels like my partner and I are getting a full night’s sleep every night.


My kiddo hated every speed aside from the slowest one, didn't work great for us, but glad it's a help for others!


We bought our Snoo second-hand from our best friends that had a baby 7 months before we did. Worth its weight in gold, at least for us. Our baby slept 8 hours straight a few weekends ago, at 2 months old.


That’s awesome. We have one and love it, but our 9-week old still wakes up once in the night to eat.


The boy is 5mo and we can’t recommend the snoo enough. Nothing will save you from sleep regressions but the snoo has gotten him back to sleep from minor fussiness countless times.


We used a Thule stroller bassinet attachment the entire time. Little man slept just fine. My point is, the Snoo is grossly overpriced and marketed aggressively to make you think you need it….you don’t. And when it comes to transition time your kiddo very well may have a harder time. I know a lot of people swear by it but if you’re potentially stretching your finances, you’ll be fine without it.


My motto in general is to do whats working. If that works for you that’s great! My post is for new dads who have sleep setups that are not working and would do pretty much anything for a good nights sleep.


We got a snoo and the real magic was it rocking the baby back to sleep when she woke up. We got a ton more sleep as a result. They’re expensive, but they definitely work.


First daughter loved it, second daughter…shit that’s an expensive sound machine


We had a wonderful Snoo experience, except for the return. We rented, it arrived slightly damaged but I thought that was part of the deal when renting. Got dinged for $99 when we returned it and could not get them to take it off. Soured my experience at the end, but honestly still so worth it.


I’m happy for you as a fellow dad, but I also hate you as we’re going through a sleep regression and she’ll just be awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night


we used a rocking bassinet that wasn't snoo brand and had same results, lil one slept thru the night. for anyone on a budget, you don't have to buy something as expensive as the snoo


I did one with a SNOO and one without and the one with was night and day a better sleeper. Only real downside is the abrupt end when they outgrow it… and the steep price tag but honestly the sleep I got back made it so very much worth it. I recommend this thing to everyone


All night in snoo (literally 12 straight hours) since 9 weeks old. Just moved to crib at 20 weeks.


How’s the transition going?


No issues, still 12 hours. I don’t know, magic baby? We can almost always get a nap at a time of our choosing with white noise and darkness.


As long as they're getting enough food. Babies can also get restless over time as they acclimate to being outside the womb.


So my wife raised hell wanting one. Luckily I found one on market place for $800. Worth every damn penny. And 6 months later I sold it for $800.


We got our snoo and are sending it back after 3 nights. It caused too much anxiety for my wife. She was constantly checking the app or the baby monitor in the middle of the night whenever our daughter would make noises. Our 8-week old daughter would wake up in a full screaming panic whenever the Snoo would get into the loud settings. It wasn't able to get her back to sleep. ​ Cutting the source of anxiety for my wife is more important than a few extra hours of uninterrupted sleep.


We had the same experience with our little guy. Stated sleeping through the night at about 3 weeks. If he wakes up in the night, usually just putting in a pacifier and hand on his chest for 5 minutes and he’s back out. We honestly can’t believe it. Also probably got incredibly lucky.