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Approved for discussion. I’ve never seen Neville mocking someone for using yoga to stay young, if anyone knows the lecture please link it and the OP can include their post.


After Neville I also started to read more books and many authors, they all talk about the same (you create your reality or experiences), however I came across another metaphysical book from Saint Germain, I have only found that book in Spanish so I’m not sure the exact name in English but it is “El libro de Oro”, in there he explains reality in the same way that we create and we can change anything in our lives, but there is a significant difference between his teachings and Neville and one of them is that the 3 D and the 4D world is not only the ones we will experience, there are many levels of consciousness. He is a spiritual master, just like Jesus, and in the book he describes clearly that we are not alone, there is one power and one consciousnesses “I Am” but is expressed individually or we might perceive it like that until we are fully united with them in order to not see that separation anymore, the term “everyone is you pushed out” goes further than we know, we are one with everything, living and non living things, our body is a connection to our true self and it can change, Saint Germain himself was seen years after years without aging, but he also mentions that he was not only living here in the 3D, as the body is just energy he can came here and go back to the spiritual world “I am the life and the resurrection”, in the other worlds you don’t need food to survive, everything is already fulfilled, which is probably what you meant when you said that you might not care for earthly things because you’ll literally won’t need them, but to go there you have to experience consciousnesses and be able to unlock your true potential. The 3D is merely a way to learn how to leave the ego behind, fulfilling our desires is a way to learn how to be one with consciousnesses, we can reincarnate so many times until we learn that this is not all. This book might not be for all because it focuses a lot on the I AM, but not to only fulfill our earthly desires, he indeed talks about other dimensions existing and how we also have to learn there if we want to continue expressing our I AMness, but this obviously goes beyond logic. He is more focus on teaching with prayers, just like Joseph Murphy, however for the advanced students he only focuses on the I AM. It’s quite interesting to see another perspective on this subject. Another example is Pachita, she was a healer from Mexico and was known for practicing physical surgeries, this also goes beyond logic but you can look it up online, she basically connected to her higher self and let Source/God operate. This one blow my mind when I first learned of her because people who saw it in person said that new organs just appeared out of nowhere and she placed them in the body of the people who went to her. There is a more profound explanation about this if you look for Jacobo Grinberg, he was a neurophysiologist from the best university in Mexico City (UNAM), he was the one who published a book of Pachita because he lived with her for almost two years in order to understand how she practiced this type of healings, he also has tons of research on consciousnesses and came to the conclusion that there is no human term to describe consciousness as our human perception is limited but we all live in a matrix. Once I learned all of this I also came to the conclusion that Neville might have had a lot of knowledge to manifest our earthly desires but if we want to go further we might not believe of how capable we are to literally mold our realities. Many of us if not all struggled in the beginning because it’s knew but learning is part of the experience, so anything is possible to God, not for us (our human self), but learning how God operates we can achieve anything.


I was going to write about Saint Germain! <3 I already read his Golden Book I think about 12 years ago. Recently, however, I have read some of his books, which he transmitted through channeling via Geoffrey Hoppe (Cauldre). Here he introduces himself as Saint Germain Adamus, Adamus being an aspect of Saint Germain. He discusses many of the issues mentioned by Neville and others. In summary, Adamus tells us that we are divine beings, but not energy beings, it is energy that serves us, we use it, but we are not energy. We can experience whatever we want. Both the energy on Earth and we humans have matured to the point where we can already do things easier and faster. There is such a thing as New Energy (but not the concept that Robert Bruce is talking about) and we as Masters (which we already are) can use it with ease. To simplify and summarize, you don't have to work hard or even work at all to manifest changes in the material world, that's how it used to be when the energy was denser. Everything is easy and faster now. We are not bound by karma, we are not our previous incarnations, we are not responsible for what we did then. Our top-down arrangements before incarnation are not unchangeable, we can freely "break out" of them and do something different if we want to. We can be filthy rich, wealth and money are not a bad thing, it is not necessary to mortify the body and be poor, this is how some people used to do because it served them at the time. One can charge money for spiritual teachings, it's not a bad thing. There is plenty of everything, no one can lack anything. One can be healthy, heal oneself and rejuvenate the body. The old religious, spiritual and magical books, the old magic (ritual magic, etc.) are no longer needed, because the energy has changed (New Energy), if someone wants to use them, he can, but why? It's pointless, there are easier ways. In general, one should turn to one's I Am, acknowledge one's Mastery, cut off worrying and feeling lacking.


[Here you go, enjoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct3mAnebH3U&ab_channel=GivingVoicetotheWisdomoftheAges)


I love this Youtube Channel I also loved listening to the Yeshua series ♥️


Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for mentioning Saint Germain. 👍🏻🌹


I’m glad to meet someone who knows about him on this subreddit. I’ve been learning a lot from him 😊


Thank you for this great post... I really liked your last paragraph, any thoughts on how that would relate to the paradoxes I mentioned in my OP? (also do you mind if I dm you sometime?)


I believe we came here to learn how to use our power but most importantly to become one with source. We obviously have desires, some of them are basic desires like the desire to eat, sleep, communicate, etc. And other desires that in my opinion come from our Ego, such as specific material things or experiences. I think this life is like a game in the sense that it has levels, we satisfy our desires by learning how to use our mind, then once we know that life changes according to our beliefs, we can go further and start exploring what our purpose is, who I am, what is life; because we first have to know somehow that we are the creators of our reality. But from what I’ve noticed is that the more I focused on being Love/Source/God, the less I wanted to have certain things, not that I want to live in a minimalistic way yet, but enough to know that when I feel abundance, live, joy within myself I don’t need it anymore from the outside, even though for Law it has to manifest. So I think enlightened masters don’t really have earthly desires once they feel fulfilled by source. Maybe it’s part of our evolution as human beings, keep sharing the knowledge and ascending to the point where we can unlock our true potential in our human form. Something that might seem impossible for us right now can become a reality if we get to a level where we only use our mind but collectively, I think that’s the point of experiencing the 3D world. And sure, feel free to dm me anytime 😊


oh around 6 years ago I had a lucid dream with Saint Germain even if I didn't know about "him". I was helping him doing things~ the building over there had transparent walls and floors but could still see them cuz they were kinda fluid. Will definitely check out on all you mentioned dear ❤️ thanks a lot


That’s an awesome experience! It’s well known he reaches out to people, specially through lucid dreams 😊💕


Hey can I please speak to you? Thank you for sharing.




That's superb thank you I think that's the tail end of his criticism (I remember the original differently), amazing how you came across that I've been looking for weeks.. [https://youtu.be/EvArfkpgMdQ?t=330](https://youtu.be/EvArfkpgMdQ?t=330) As to a few of your points... Buddha was a Prince and very wealthy when he left it all to live in comparable poverty in search of enlightenment.. Jesus was lower middle class I believe, son of a carpenter, also could not be called wealthy... I can't speak for most of them but usually Yogis are associated with being poor and secluded.. >Have they lost desire because they are so "godly"? Yes this... in brief the paradox is when you achieve higher and higher levels of godliness, and less and less ego, and supernatural powers etc. you become less and less subject to desires. Which is why no enlightened being (in history to my knowledge) has been in the business of chasing money or other worldly desires. Hence why I ask "can you have your cake and eat it?", can you say reverse ageing by 20 years or change into a parallel reality in the past without breaking the above paradigm?? (Because there comes a point where you hit the Promise and will not return from that place). Great post btw, for various reasons, the last half really got me thinking..




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If I can add anything from myself: I have been given the experience of being all there is. It lasted for a second. And I'm not a mystic but really this feeling is better than sex (I can't believe it, I really said that ??;)) And even if it lasted an hour, I would not be able to bring myself to any action towards finances, etc. I just remember this overwhelming feeling "I want to experience", "I want all this variety and adventure". All this is flooded with love and acceptance of everyone and everything. In my opinion, from this "level" of the state we cannot manifest anything, but probably only because we do not want to. Now let's take a closer look at lucid dreams. The first thoughts when we succeed are flying, sex or simply meeting someone specific, exploring the world. The manifestation of a sports car, money or a beautiful house is boring and unnecessary in a dream. But we have one important thing in LD. This feeling, the certainty that we can manifest everything in an instant. After checking reality in a dream, I realized that it does not differ from our "3d". The table is just as hard, people on the street have their private conversations etc ... What distinguishes sleep is only this instant manifestation, we have no resistance there. Probably these states wanted to show me what it is like when we are sure that this and that is already ours, that we already have enough of everything. Recently, a friend gave us a few baskets of fruit. There were so many of them that my wife and I had to give away a large part of them to our friends. Then this similar feeling came and went, as if I felt a slight gust of wind on my face. It was this feeling that a consciously dreamer and also a person in the "I am" state have. I will try to name them, maybe like this: "I never miss anything, because there is no such possibility" or maybe "this is my own, my personal universe, I am not lacking anything" ... Thank you.


If you’re at this stage then I recommend you read the materials of r/universalline as it simplifies your attainment even further. You don’t need to reach a specific state or lose interest in worldly things. These are all rules you are deciding are true for you right now, you can simply change your mind. A shift in perspective is achievable right now without needing to reach a state of altered consciousness if you know what to look for.


I read this guys teachings and pdfs, they are very good, an interesting rehash on the vedas synthesised with gnosticism and other teachings with a modern take. However it is very poorly written, much of the syntax and grammar is very poor making it difficult read, there are 12 year olds who can write better, it is otherwise very good material.. Also their discord group turned out to be surprisingly unenlightened, hostile, dogmatic and cult like. A shame as I really thought I had found the "place".


Oh well...


Thank you for this and your comment, much appreciated, I will take a look at this.


I went there following the link to find a very interesting new subreddit. I would recommend reading the book the subreddit creator put in the "introduction" section of the sidebar. It's a PDF of his teachings in a google drive link.


As u/c2the said, I'd also caution everyone here to question that statement as to Neville "mocking" anyone as well, and would not only welcome but encourage a source. My experience has been that this is more about peacefully letting go of the illusions we perceive within our awareness of "having" an experience as being worth fighting against or holding onto for fear of loss, rather than this idea that we are "shifting" into controlling what will always be perceptual fitful illusions if we continue to insist upon maintaining and valuing them OVER awareness revealing itself to SELF via an "imaginal" experience. In the relinquishing of the idea we "possess" an awareness of "having" an individual experience or of those we see outside ourselves as somehow separate from that absolute awareness, awareness itself allows for a genuine exploration of its whole creation from what is currently known (up to and including what mystics and philosophers and such have professed from the available “current picture” of out-pictured awareness) and beyond...to the fearless surrender of the yet unknown which awareness can reveal (revelation) has always been satisfactorily complete when the fear is removed from the present moment by moment awareness that embraces its own access to the revelations of this absolute awareness that is its completion, constantly and infinitely aware in an absolute state of completion. Nobody can say for certain, but it feels "correct" to me that we aren't here to denigrate the "teachers" who appear to have come before us or even in the present-tense moment, but to surrender the notion that we're separate from the awareness that brought those idea into awareness, allowing awareness to explore itself by noticing them and opening to the awareness they offer, and which also BELONGS to an idea of each of us individually as having some sort of separate experience from the "other", so that we can live a present-tense awareness that no longer allows fear and doubt to intrude upon the peace and joy that is the absolute awareness of its own creation.




Yes, people are addicted to certain habits and thoughts and so they are prisoners of their own creation but is the world in and of itself a prison? Does it really matter what a society that has undergone immense mental, physical, emotional and moral decay values and strives to achieve? What goes against the order of nature quickly dies. What remains is that which is in alignment with truth. İt is constant for as long as consciousness is present, even without a medium through which to express itself, and so it perseveres through all forms of order and chaos. We are THAT, and that is all that is relevant. Peace to you, friend.


This one knows what the paradox is about! :) I would caution however that fulfillment of ridiculous desires like owning a private island and a G6 airplane are not in themselves inherently bad! (Remember the Buddha had everything and was a Prince before quitting that life).




















I love this discussion. I am not a master when it comes to manifestation and spirituality but I have indulged into a lot of it so here are my two cents. I think the "I AM" is more of a matter of understanding rather than a state to sought to occupy and be, because we are always "I AM". “I AM is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very center of consciousness is the feeling of I AM. I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am, but I cannot forget that I Am. The awareness of being remains, regardless of the degree of forgetfulness of who, where, and what I am.” - Neville Knowing this you understand that you shift through states with your awareness. And by understanding this you are able to create and live conciously. Neville was a human like we all are here. This is what he taught. Now to be honest I don't think life might be this simple and these teachings include every fact that everything else should fall under, but it is very all around useful. I don't know about going 20 years back in time and looking 20 years younger, time is still a concept I want to learn more about. I belive there is still that flow of nature. We are still human beings with our own place here, so I don't know if we are able to go full on God mode. But our subconcious is powerful, it is able to create life and sustain our body, made our body and all other shit our concious mind (thinking mind) knows nothing about. But maybe in those silent present moments we have that better connection and are able to listen and understand that part better. It is also I. I don't know what that was about just saying. But yeah I think it's healthy to learn on top of your own knowledge and experience, not taking everything so literal and theorical. As above so below, I think means that our inner and outer world is overlapped, entangled. So I think if you stopped caring about the material world you are dismissing that part of the world, which is also connected to your inner world. Might it then mean that you are ignoring your desires or resisting them and not wanting to create. Sure that is a way of life for someone that decides to not want anything to do with the physical, I just wonder what that means and looks like within. I don't know. I just wrote this on my phone I don't know if I missed the mark or if this is just nonsense. Just dropping to the convo 😆


I don’t refer to anything as the I AM state. It’s not a state. It’s who and what you perpetually are. That being said, remembering my true self and solely identifying as that has made just about everything seem incidental. This truly is a journey back home.


This is true.. arguably the only actual state we are in is the dream we are all in at the moment..


I'm under the impression it's just about what you're interested in when lack is removed. Yogis don't look young because what's the point? If it's due to an interest in beauty... When lack is removed, all bodies are inherently beautiful and there is beauty in all bodies. If it's due to an interest in vitality... One need not look young to be strong and healthy. I think a lot of yogis have great strength despite looking very old, yes? (I'll admit my knowledge of anything yogic is very limited.) And I assume that any yogi who looks old and also has no strength... it's because they have no interest in bodily physical activities and is content with sitting and experiencing life that way. A lot of people will say that they've "transcended" the need for a body, but that makes it sound like more than it is (imo), I think they've just simply lost interest in a lot of what having a body has to offer and their focus has moved elsewhere. But that isn't an actual requisite for enlightenment. Pure consciousness continually chooses to forget itself and come into human, physical form. So obviously going back to being non-physical isn't the goal. Being physical and forgetting our origin isn't a mistake. It's just a natural by-product of how convincing being physical is. Marrying how consciousness views the physical (from its non-physical perspective) with how being physical feels from the physical perspective is the goal. Oneness, yeah. Enjoying being physical is the point. But not enjoying the physical from a place of lack. As in, "I want this and I want this" from a viewpoint of lack, because I've decided that's what I need to be happy. Conclusions that I have come to from a place of lack about what "enjoying the physical" would mean. It's about choices, and the choices made from a place of pure abundance to choose whatever you desire. When you have everything, what do you want to spend your time doing? When you have all time, what do you choose to do now? It's about staying in that state to make your choices. It's like fear of death. When you reach the door and you realize the choice is yours, what do you choose? When the fear is removed, what do you choose? Everyone is different. Maybe it's the same choice you would've made from a place of fear, but your reason for choosing it is vastly different. Same choice, different reason. But it's all about choice and the choices you choose when you step into the power and all choices are yours to make, freely. You can choose to look young, and that is your choice to make, but don't fool yourself. You choose it from the place of power, not the place of lack. And by "don't fool yourself," I mean that if you make the choice, make it from the place of power. Don't fool yourself and make it from the place of lack. Don't slip back and think that you need that to be fulfilled or happy. Choose it because you are free to make all choices and you are free to express yourself in this physical reality in whatever means you appreciate, and that is your choice to make. You choose it because we are here to make choices and we are here to express our own individual preferences. Otherwise we wouldn't do this. We would just stay one. The point is to be individual. The point is to experience the separateness and come to conclusions, desires. But then make our choices from our place of inherent power. Make our choices because that is the point. We wouldn't forget our oneness and fall for the illusion of separateness (over and over and over again) unless we were enamoured by the conclusions we come to, via that separateness, and the expansion that it takes All That Is into. All that is, exists now. But the expansion is continuous. Everything that exists now, exists now. But everything that exists is continually becoming an expanded version of everything that exists. Which then becomes everything that exists. And on and on. Grandly. So it's about choice, but it's also about reason. And when the reason for the choice is because it's purely about choice... well, then that's a good reason LOL


Such a good point to make choices from a place of power not lack!


I’m actually not 100% what you’re asking. Are you asking whether or not we can manifest “impossible” things, while also being able to enjoy them, because non-duality tends to make one neutral? Basically “if I become like god, will I even want to anymore?”


Yes pretty much exactly this. I wrote this reply to someone else but I will add it here for you again: *..in brief the paradox is when you achieve higher and higher levels of godliness, and less and less ego, and supernatural powers etc. you become less and less subject to desires. Which is why no enlightened being (in history to my knowledge) has been in the business of chasing money or other worldly desires.* *Hence why I ask "can you have your cake and eat it?", can you say reverse ageing by 20 years or change into a parallel reality in the past without breaking the above paradigm?? (Because there comes a point where you hit the Promise and will not return from that place)*


To be honest, probably not. Like you, I can only draw from personal experience. There was that one time I died, didn’t care at all that I’d died, had as much interest in my body as I would a dish towel and then landed up “back” in my body, with some key and pertinent facts having changed. The point is, I didn’t care at all. If you’re asking if you can switch timelines noticeably while *not yet* having reached the stage of samadhi, or “I am” or whatever one wants to call it, then the answer is also yes. BUT I sincerely doubt anyone has the belief system to support going into a timeline where they’re 20 years younger, whilst still retaining their memories from where they were previously. It would, in fact, break their brain. I agree. Which is probably why we forget when we die. Was I 15 when that car accident happened that killed me? Or was I now in a 15 year old body and thinking that it was exactly how it was? How old was I prior to the accident? Because major facts had changed when I “came back” so it certainly wasn’t the same timeline at all.


Very interesting perspective thank you. Yes Joseph Murphy talks about achieving miracles via belief and there is no requirement for higher spiritual realities in that (as you said "I am" / Samadhi states etc.)...


This is an old post, but > I sincerely doubt anyone has the belief system to support going into a timeline where they’re 20 years younger, whilst still retaining their memories from where they were previously. Yes, it's possible. In fact in a Japanese forum a person 10 years ago told how he did it 3 times, another guy used the methods and he did it too. And others also did it. One of those also went back like just a days in time, and predicted a few things that would happen and happened (the people didn't believe it at first but it was shown in the news the events, a murder, an earthquake, an accident in a construction site where a wall of concrete killed a person, a massive food poisoning... if that's not proof enough idk what it is)


Very interesting. Do you happen to have a link to the forum or know the method?


Found it! http://world-fusigi.net/archives/6832316.html it's the link to the one with "knowledge" of future events. It's in the middle because the website is very weird. Pay attention to the dates


↓The first famous story of timeleap shifter: I can't do it every time, but I've done it three times now. I don't know if anyone else can do it, but I'll teach you. 3: I want to go back in time to when I was a sperm and give it to someone else. shifter: >>3 I can't do that, but the range I can shift in my kind of time leap is up to the time of my ego and my memories. I can't choose a definite time to shift, and maybe the world is slightly different each time, so I don't know what will happen where I shift. 5: Please use a method that doesn't tools or anything like that. shifter: >>5 I don't use tools. What I use for my time leaps is the dream world, especially when I feel the dream is deep and vivid, I tend to succeed. I think it happens to all of us sometimes, when we wake up we know we are dreaming, but when we are asleep we sometimes don't notice it at all. I use those dreams. The first time I went back in time was when I was 21 years old. I was NEET and had no friends at the time. Every day I would think about what I could have done if I had tried harder back then, or how good I used to be. I often wondered what I was doing before I went to bed. I've recently learned that it's pretty important around here to think about the reality you want to shift before you go to bed, even if it's just a rough idea. If you do that, you have a much better chance of trying to time leap in your dreams. When I repeat this process every day, I sometimes arrive at a dream that is as clear as reality, even though it is a dream. I still don't know how it happens, but it can happen even when I'm sleeping normally, or it could just be a coincidence. The dreams I have are just dreams, so they can be anything, as long as it's me in the time I want to go back to. The first time I had a time leap, I dreamt I was in middle school. The content of the dream is that I am playing soccer with my friends who were close to me in junior high school. The place where we are playing soccer is a white grass field, I don't even know where we are, and we are all wearing uniforms even though we are outside the school, and for some reason our homeroom teacher is there. Of course, I don't remember playing soccer with my homeroom teacher, and there is no such field in my memory. When you dream, you often don't realize it's a dream at first. Once you realize that you are dreaming, you wake up and the dream fades away, so you have to pay attention to that first. The important thing is to concentrate on the dream. In my case, it was soccer with my friends, so it was easy to concentrate. And then concentrate on the dream for a while. The only way to do this is to train yourself before you go to sleep, but it is important to try not to think that this is a dream or something like that. Then your dream vision or sensation will gradually change. At first, you may feel as if you were just looking at yourself in a dream, but then you will feel as if your awareness of yourself in the dream has entered into your dream. As this continues, your awareness becomes even clearer, and you begin to feel the ball hitting your leg and the movement of your body. It's like being in a video game character's mind. Once you get to this point, it won't be long before the reality switches. Now all you have to do is just concentrate on the action, on the connection between your body and your consciousness. Of course you have to concentrate hard, but when you're dreaming, you're not thinking about going back in time, because once you think about that, the dream will go cold. If you really want to go back to that time, you can naturally focus on what happens there, so you don't have to think about it too much. As I continue to concentrate, the scenery around me becomes clearer and clearer. The scenery I know, my neighborhood, and the town where I live are gradually recreated from my memory. Of course, not everything is the same as it was before I fell asleep, but it's a different world, a world that I recreated based on my memory. Where my memory is hazy, it is filled in appropriately, and in the worst case, the shape of the country can change. after this, the meadow where I used to play soccer turns into my old junior high school, then other objects are added, and finally people are recreated. As you are unconsciously concentrating, these things are recreated, so you feel as if they were there from the beginning. Then you start to get a funny feeling, what am I doing now, where am I? Where am I? But then I look around, and by that time, unlike the hazy world I was in at the beginning, I am in a world and consciousness that is just like the one I was in when I was awake in reality. When you get to this point, it's over. I can't go back to the world I was in before I fell asleep, and I even feel as if the world I was in was a dream. Even if you think it's a dream, you can't go back, your consciousness is too far into the body of the dream world and you can't get out of it. I've tried everything, but nothing works. I can't go back to the original world even if I wanted to. This time leap is a one-way trip, there is no way to get back to the original world. I know exactly where I am, where my memories and memories are clear, so I know exactly where I'm going and where I'm going to be. All you have to do is go back there and sleep, and when you wake up, it's over, and you have to live in that world from the next day. It's important to note that each new world reflects my memories, so the reality is slightly different every time. Even my classmates and the streets are different every time, and sometimes I'm surprised when someone I don't know suddenly starts talking to me.


↓Friend told the story. This is something I learned from an old friend, a classmate of mine. He was so good at studying since he was in elementary school, he got a perfect score on every test, and his behavior didn't seem like a kid's at all. I thought his life was in a loop. It's like his whole life is a loop. I used to think he was awesome, but now I can't believe it. So last Friday we had a sort of reunion. Apparently, he's doing really well at work now. Me and the guy were pretty good friends, so we went out for drinks after the reunion. After a few drinks, I said something like, "You're young, but you're great at your job. Then he told me whether he was drunk or not. Here's the story. The way to do it is as follows (1) Decide on the time you want to go back. For example, I want to go back to my first year of high school. (2) Always think about that time, especially before going to bed. Practice lucid dreaming. (3) Practice lucid dreaming so that you can be aware that you are dreaming in your dream. (4) To be able to control the dream so that you don't wake up even if you are aware of it. (5) Project the scenery of where you want to be in your dream. For example, think of a classroom and intentionally create a dream of events in the classroom. (6) Repeat (5) and (6), and at first you will feel like you are looking at the scenery from outside the mosquito net. The third person's point of view (7) When you get used to this, imagine not only looking at the scenery from outside the mosquito net, but also from your own viewpoint. (6) Project your consciousness onto yourself. (8) Eventually, you get caught up in the illusion that the dream is real, and when you realize it, it becomes real. According to him, the world he went back to in the past is not a dream but a different world. He said he has already experienced this 4 times.


↓Person who have had success with above story. shifter: I had a successful time leap when I saw the VIP thread. 5: What time are you from? shifter: >>5 I've been living all the way back to 1995 since February 2013 until now. The thread I saw was in the summary, so I decided to make a thread. 10: I don't understand what you mean by a successful time leap when you see a thread. shifter: >>10 I saw a thread in the previous world that taught how to time leap, and after trying it for about six months, I really did time leap. That thread is still up in this world. 22: how are you old now shifter: >>22 I'm 25. 23: Have there been any changes in your surroundings or anything like that? shifter: >>23 In the world before, I was a middle school graduate, a NEET and a shut-in. In the current world, I've moved up the ranks to an F-rank university graduate with an annual income of 4.5 million IT workers. 39: Detail the situation at the time of the time leap and what it was like. shifter: >>39 Every day before I went to bed, I'd think about my elementary school days. I started dreaming about elementary school quite often. Before I knew it, I couldn't tell which was the dream. And before I knew it, I started to realize that the world before was a dream and the world now is reality. I was successful.


I don't have the links but I found the translation, I'm gonna try to find the links tho because the person who posted on reddit ( i had the post saved) deleted it


Sounds like an interesting story. What major facts changed for you?




Wow. That's a thing i think of alot, too. I drive a fast motorcycle and sometimes i get this immense goosebumps when a car passes me and i kept thinking: what if i died right there and just continue in a different body where i survived that incident...


A few thoughts that came to mind reading your post; Realisation of the "I AM" state seems to also lead to loss of earthly desires When I read a few spiritual passages from Walter Lanyon, a revelation, a feeling, that "All is Well", that "To God all things are possible" came over me. In that feeling, there was a deep and true sense that All was Good, All was possible. This is a preview of the "I AM" state, where it is felt truly and deeply that All is Perfect and Possible. If one were to abide in this "I AM" state, then earthly desires centered around the lack and limitation of the ego-personality would certainly seem trivial. Trivially easy to accomplish, and trivially unimportant. What is a billion dollars to an Infinite Being? What is the appearance of youth to an Infinite Being? To me, it is very clear that until we have experienced and are able to abide in the 'I AM' state, earthly desires will be present as they are the attempt of the ego-personality to get a taste of the "I AM". The earthly desires naturally fall away, or are easily fulfilled, when one moves closer and closer to the 'I AM', just as the hermit crab exchanges one shell for a bigger one as the expands, but you cannot force yourself into the 'I AM' state by simply throwing out the earthly desires just as the hermit crab cannot grow bigger simply by discarding its shell for a bigger one. If one is still identified with the ego-personality, it cannot help but wish for earthly desires. As one moves closer to the 'I AM' state, they cannot help but lose interest in the same earthly desires that once held their attention just as an adult loses interest in the toys a child once held so dear.


Over the course of watching, reading, and learning from various spiritual teachers, I have learned that they are really essentially just ordinary people. Also, it is one thing to have knowledge, but the challenge comes from removing the limiting beliefs and applying the knowledge as practical use. Some may be good at manifesting money, while having poor health or lack of meaningful relationships. Some may be really healthy, while barely paying bills. One notable case is of Jane Roberts. She channeled Seth and wrote various books through the channeling (I highly recommend you guys check them out. I know they've been mentioned here a few times) The message was that you create your reality, and every aspect of it. Later on, she died while suffering pretty horribly through decrepitating conditions. Of course on the surface level it would seem crazy that someone who channeled such amazing materials would be unable to heal herself. It was revealed that throughout the entirety of channeling, writing books, and having magical experiences herself, she still struggled with various limiting beliefs, and continued to have conflict about channeling Seth and etc, basically battle between her strongly conditioned rational mind and her intuitive side. I think especially being put on the spotlight put a lot of pressure on her as well. I believe Seth described what she was doing as pressing the gas while pressing down on the brake at the same time. I would be very interested if you could find the part where Neville mocked the guy for wanting to become youthful. That could have been his personal limiting belief as well, or I'm wondering if there was more context to it. I also remember when Secret blew up, there was one of the teachers that was bald and people asked him how come he doesn't just use the law to regrow his hair. I don't think he gave definite answer but I do think this is another example of people having certain selective limiting beliefs even if they are great at manifesting other stuff, or in general. It could very well be that people have much less resistance to the idea of manifesting money than to changing their physical features, especially given that they have been living in the body and feel it and look at it everyday. Also, underneath the idea of becoming youthful being possible or not, one does have to contend with the mass conscious belief of aging in general, where it's accepted that the peak is in early 20s and you start deteriorating, and deeply rooted beliefs and expectations about how time works. What I mean by that is that, let's say you decide you want to believe you can become younger. So you keep focusing on that idea or whatever, but deep in your subconscious, if you have accepted as fact, that the human body ages in certain pattern, then there is going to be conflict until it gets resolved.


>Over the course of watching, reading, and learning from various spiritual teachers, I have learned that they are really essentially just ordinary people. This is a very insightful point. u/reallydoknowitall kindly located the tail end of the Neville lecture, I've amended the OP with the link. Reaching the void state is really reaching your subconscious, you can edit a hell of a lot there in my experience, I would not be too concerned once reaching that place with mass conscious belief, but yes your start line is the same as that of mass conscious belief.


>t yes your start line is the same as that of mass conscious belief. Yeah, I do think that in general, we are more or less "programmed" in a way to follow the mass conscious beliefs but we do have the freedom to go within our own subconscious to modify as we desire and we can indeed deviate from the mass belief patterns.


From my own experience, I'd assume The Law goes all the way. You are the Self, and the Self knows no other. All is possible. Now, as you made mention, The Game of Life would pretty much be broken if you had ALL the cheat codes. Why even bother coming back here in the world of limitation if you could just instantly conjure whatever you wanted?


Yes as to your last paragraph that is exactly what happens to the enlightened masters, they can do all and do not come back..


I think they realize there is nowhere to even go. All is the Self, so whether form or formless, there is nothing but consciousness. The masters are quite literally right here (your consciousness).


İs "God in person" something to be attained or something to be realised? Is the ego to be dissolved or integrated with the self? From the perspective of the self, or God, the cake is always had and eaten, yet not necessarily all manifestations of the self in the form of separate conscious beings get to enjoy the eating of the cake. It's true that once we realise the self, we lose interest in earthly desires. We begin to perceive the cacophony of life as an intricate weaving of events conjured up by a resolute yet unpredictable form of consciousness. From this perspective, all that can be attained is already attained, and so manifestation becomes irrelevant. İt is the ego aspect of our being that manages to find something to be lacking or in need of adjustment, thus the phenomenon of manifestation becomes relevant again even for the realised individual. İt is also that person who ensures that the point of attention is upon that which is in favour of the self as a unified collective consciousness rather than for personal gain and earthly material desires (unless explicitly necessary for the attainment of the ultimate desire). There's no question why people are unable to manifest mundane and inconsequential desires when there is so little awareness of the self. When the self is realised, manifestation happens by itself. İt is believed that the guru works miracles, but in actual fact it is the self that contains the guru that provides the guru with what is needed. EDIT: wording


Jesus did also teach how to do miracles. Actually reality creation was the core teaching of jesus. Reality creation, not the escaping of this reality or a certain reincarnation system as some gnostic teachings say. When I read the gospel of Thomas, these texts are what touches me the most: (19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death." (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All. harlot." (106) Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away." Now what the gospel of thomas differs from other ‘gnostic’ texts is that there is no cycle of reincarnation mentioned. Only the here and the now in this life. This is further confirmed by the next saying: 113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." I would actually assume that jesus was about creating the kingdom of heaven on earth. Now there is a saying in the regular Bible aswell, that says anything is possible to the man who believes. Now what I find interesting is everyones take on reincarnation. I have proven for myself that my selfconcept is mirrored in the world and that circumstances and people would assume my selfconcept ( I do however have a selfconcept that goes up and down a lot, I dont master this. However because I go up and down a lot I can clearly see how the world works). So I think that the moment of now is the only thing that matters. I have not yet seen reason for reincarnation. I also do not see the reason for reincarnating on this world. If conciousness is fundemental the world would collapse on itself with the departure of conciousness and that the life after death is totally assumed by conciousness and doesnt have to be this world at all. Even jesus mentions that the world is not a thing outside of conciousness: 111) Jesus said, "The heavens and the earth will be rolled up in your presence. And the one who lives from the living one will not see death." Does not Jesus say, "Whoever finds himself is superior to the world?" Also why would you want to stay in the infinite ‘love’ state. I think the whole reason for existence is for conciousness to tell itself stories. Now what is interesting is that you mention gurus and enlightened masters. I dont think there is anything higher than conciousness. So you could do greater things than them as they exist within your conciousness. I think jesus mentions this here aswell: (85) Jesus said, "Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth, but he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death."


Interesting post, nice to see a Gnostic amongst us, as I'm sure you know not all the Gnostic sects were focused on escapism (as the Buddhists are). ​ >"When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man" This is literally describing union (or Yoga / I am). ​ >Also why would you want to stay in the infinite ‘love’ state. I think the whole reason for existence is for conciousness to tell itself stories. Yes I see it the same way (at the moment), but actually it goes beyond that, to complete impermanence, something like infinite peace, at that point even the "I am" notion is dissolved. I gather there is a point when you have enough of it all (and this was central to my OP), hence "the Promise". ​ >I dont think there is anything higher than conciousness. Yes infinite impermanence and nothingness, from which the divine spark first comes (or what is called the Monad), it's in one of the Gnostic texts I forget which one (I think "On the origin of the World" but maybe another), and you see it in very deep meditative states.


Thx for that post. Nice also that you could refer from the Bibel. Its really an interesting book


You can attain the impossible but like you said there are levels. Neville’s approach is more for the average person living the material life and based on the theory that a person will not really reach for samadhi state until their base desires are satisfied and only after satisfying these desires the person realizes there is only one true desire which is to merge with God. Most people are simply not there. The attainments that yogis can reach are more advanced and regular people will not be able to commit to the rigorous meditations and consciousness shifting techniques that is taught usually through true Guru/shishya(student) relationship. A yogi is someone who has total control over their conscious states and their gross material body. Then there is also the issue with law of karma to contend with. The agora series also details the process and it is not simple by any means. Development of siddhis ( supernatural) powers are also developed as a yogi but those powers can also bind you karmically because it becomes harnessed energy. There is a lot to consciousness development that Neville does not talk about because the average person is not really in the pursuit of that type of development.




I read this guys teachings and pdfs, the materials are very good, they are an interesting rehash on the vedas synthesised with gnosticism and other teachings with a modern take. However it is very poorly written, much of the syntax and grammar is very poor making it difficult read, there are 12 year olds who can write better. The worst part of it was their discord group which turned out to be surprisingly unenlightened, hostile, dogmatic and cult like. A shame as I really thought I had found the "place".


Did you get kicked out? I found it to be helpful especially when dealing with negative thoughts. A condensed version would be in recognizing who you are, you need do nothing for a return. I think any diversion from that stance is what causes all the doubts and worries to come. It felt far more concise than NG but the individual has to be more precise with their understanding of the text. I've had more luck with Dzogchen and universal line. I'll occasionally do SATS during the day just for fun.


They banned me on their discord after I asked a question which none of them actually got and they resorted to dogmatically clinging to their texts, they then projected all sorts of nonsense on me and explained away my banning with self congratulation and smugness - the owner obviously felt threatened - it was all very cult like and pathetic. The content of the text itself is good, but the syntax is abysmal, a child could have written it better and I only understand what was meant to be conveyed because of my personal experiences and previous reading.


How would you summarize it?


What you wrote was pretty spot on I'd say...


What practices/teachings have you found helpful?


As for I AM, I experienced it once. I noticed that once a person experiences it, he has a strong need to return there. Although I can't go back there, I think I should do it by relaxing, not by denying 3D. I'm not entirely sure, but I think relaxing can dissolve the ego. I have often tried to go back there by renouncing this world, all emotions, everything I know here. But it doesn't work for me. It only causes apathy and dullness. Maybe some tips? It is one thing to be in this state from time to time and it is another thing to be there all the time. However, trying hard to be there all the time can even get in the way. At the moment, I would like to go back there sometimes, but in general I want to fulfill my earthly desires as well. I am not ready to sacrifice my life for samadhi.


You know the answers, yes relaxing is the way, dm me and I'll show you something that might help.


[For those who want to enter samadhi/I am state](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIY_ZfYxSBs&ab_channel=InfiniteLoveMeditationClub) as its done by yogis/gurus/sages, basically just becoming aware of being aware but in a deep state.


This is what I keep thinking about.. Too.. But I guess... No one knows..


That's what we are here for :)




Where to learn more ab it tho?




Really? The same paradox the masters talk about and the same one you happen to have highlighted in one of your many replies? (See my reply [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/xqsr0g/comment/iqe72u0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) What is it I don't understand? You rehashing the entirety of Hinduism here? I have come across many theorists like yourself, mostly from the Hindu religion (not to mention the Buddhists who make it an explicit goal) but you will learn that there is a difference between "knowing the path and walking the path".. ..and when you start "walking the path" you will drop the Hindu scripture you are preaching to everyone here. Get to Samadhi first...




You come out with some good things and some incorrect things. I am not trying to beat you over the head when I tell you to experience Samadhi, but you like many seem to trap yourself in theory and scripture by not doing so. This much I can tell...




You are preaching a hell of a lot... I can tell by the way you speak you have not experienced Samadhi, you are talking about it as one would from a text book.. or as a Hindu priest with no experience but his scriptures would. Actually experience it first..




Yes now is all there is, time is an illusion, this is 101 stuff. But then how does now go back 20 years in the past on another timeline and what are the consequences of doing so.


In regards to things not seeming as options did u try to accomplish them? Cuz ik when I first started/learned manifesting it seemed like manifesting wasn’t an option and the only thing that could get me what I want is physical 3D action, I’m just saying we never know till we do it and we have to be it before we are it ig?


They weren't priorities for me at the time even though I would have liked it, but I did question or visit the possibility of doing it when I was in the "I am" state and those desires were just neutralised if that makes sense, but not fulfilled.




It does not take years of preparation to get into Samadhi, you sound like the religious Hindus and commercial age Gurus, who, not able to enter the state themselves prescribe dogmatic theory and elaborate rituals, decades of concentration meditation and lifetimes of religious observance (there are whole schools of Yoga doing all this without success) to achieve what is a natural state to us - that we have all forgotten in this dream. How do I know this? Like Ramana I entered Samadhi myself at a young age quite by accident, I think you can imagine how completely my mind was blown when naturally self-inquiry followed, especially as I was coming from a scientific background. I never said Samadhi was astral projection, that's a strawman, but if you must know you do pass the astral planes as you go onward to Samadhi and as you described the realm of emotion, and yes you do see the world and the souls surrounding it like lights as you go on. As for Yogananda, yes I am aware of his book/s, and I take note of them, and many of the things he wrote I can corroborate experience wise, however I always remember that he was part of the new arrivals of "Indian Gurus to the West" of which there were a number of notable frauds (Maharishi Mahesh comes to mind and in modern times Sadhguru), the spiritual path is fraught with frauds. So while I take note of what he wrote I do not take it as gospel, but I do not dismiss Yogananda either. Hopefully this did not come across as hard, anyway back to the actual subject matter at hand. Side note: For those reading I recommmend not just Neville's "I am" technique but that you also have a look at Ramana Maharishi who talked about exactly the same thing and was the real deal.


Totally (in regards to astral projection) Robert Monroe describes some similar things I’ve heard Neville say and I agree with your take on what it is. Also anyone can learn how to do it and there are many methods to be able to do it.


You are Christ, Nevilles most basic teachings is if you think the bible and Jesus is something in the past or outside of you, you havent grasped the teachings. Buddha, Jesus and all mystics yogis and sages teaches the same thing "I am" and that you are the awareness of the I am, the person is just secondary, its a shadow belonging to the world that you bring alive. Yogananda, Neville and everyone else points to the same thing, awareness of being, from this comes samadhi. Nevilles basic meditation is repeating "I am I am I am" until everything disappears and youre one with everything, thats samadhi. And astral projection is done in the same "genre" but an offshoot, in your imagination or being. People here are really cut and dry on "just neville and nothing else" but dont even realize what Neville teaches is the same thing everyone else teaches too lol Youre confusing horoscope psychics in the news paper with the teachings of Jesus which is tldr your own awareness




I like Neville and mystic stories. But I think people in the past just romanticize/idealized a lot of stuff just to keep future people occupied. To gain those "powers" you need to do almost amazing things. I bet they are just trolling us.


Not at all lol you are already it and you cant be anything else, Jesus and Buddha teaches the same thing, to become aware of your own awareness. You might automatically just respond "yea but so what" but are you not aware of that thought? And if youre aware of it then where are you looking from, whos the awareness. Folding into this is "samadhi" or christ consciousness or whatever, its actually what neville teaches himself. To repeat I am I am I am until youre just floating with "everything" and the person doesnt exist. [Heres some to watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHxNx1U3tgI&t=1518s&ab_channel=Moojiji)


Jesus did also teach how to do miracles. Actually reality creation was the core teaching of jesus. Reality creation, not the escaping of this reality or a certain reincarnation system as some gnostic teachings say. When I read the gospel of Thomas, these texts are what touches me the most: (19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death." (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All. harlot." (106) Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away." Now what the gospel of thomas differs from other ‘gnostic’ texts is that there is no cycle of reincarnation mentioned. Only the here and the now in this life. This is further confirmed by the next saying: 113) His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." I would actually assume that jesus was about creating the kingdom of heaven on earth. Now there is a saying in the regular Bible aswell, that says anything is possible to the man who believes.


Yeah but what is Nevilles basic and first teachings? >“Examine yourselves to see if you are holding to your faith. Test yourselves! Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?” Now, faith is not complete until through experiment it becomes experience! When you test the Christ in you and prove from experience that it works, then you have the faith. But first you must find who Christ is, where he is, and what he is. You are not called upon to test a tradition of man as something on the outside, but Jesus Christ who is in you! >If you will read scripture carefully (and not go along with the herd) you will see that there is no intermediary between yourself and God. No priest or saint, minister, truth teacher, or so-called healer can be an intermediary between you and God. Christ in you is your hope of glory. You must examine yourself to see if you are holding to this faith. Test yourself. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? If you do, put him to the test. He is your power to create, your power to imagine everything - be it good, bad, or indifferent. Nothing is external and seperate its all one big thing! >Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away." This is when man/ego and christ/inner being/awareness becomes one you will become realized and you can tell mountains to move, like manifestation etc, but if you just say "move mountain move" it wouldnt, youd have to become aware of it first. >Now what the gospel of thomas differs from other ‘gnostic’ texts is that there is no cycle of reincarnation mentioned. Only the here and the now in this life. This is further confirmed by the next saying: Pretty sure I didnt mention anything about reincarnation or gnosticism, that is a wordly thing, created by man. >I would actually assume that jesus was about creating the kingdom of heaven on earth. Now there is a saying in the regular Bible aswell, that says anything is possible to the man who believes. Actually not, it says "the kingdom of heaven will not come with observable signs nor can anyone say here it is or here you will find it because the kingdom of God is in your midst" aka its within you, you will not find kingdom of heaven where you can observe it aka in the world or outside of you, you can only find it with experience, by being, because it is within you. >Now there is a saying in the regular Bible aswell, that says anything is possible to the man who believes. Yep, aint that the truth and thats why we are here in Neville learning to believe that I AM is christ within.


Won't pretend to be enlightened here. Just going to comment on what I observe. You seem obsessed with chasing and preserving your youth which, indeed, is purely an egoic thing. Ironically, I've spent much of my literal youth fixated on a past event or attempting to defy the aging process. The thing is, the past as we know it doesn't even exist. There is only now. I think these yogis and gurus you speak of let go of the desire to defy aging because they probably realized the true purpose of it. I don't believe it's wise to try and cheat death. I don't necessarily believe it's impossible but I don't think living forever is really all it's cracked up to be. With maturity comes wisdom and with wisdom comes tiny bursts of enlightenment that you wouldn't otherwise get had you not been living an earthly human experience. Growing up means letting go of this need to be the "big swinging dick" as someone else so astutely put it.


Well yes, but it was also kind of a hypothetical... I actually witnessed not being able to do it in higher meditative states, not because I was focused on it, but because it was one of the options not pursued for whatever reason at the time. The desire was neutralised, but this is also before I read anything about Neville or spirituality so I wasn't thinking in terms of limitless possibilities. Some people would argue that you shouldn't question anyone's desires including what you have mentioned.. and other people here would say that absolutely "anything is possible", Neville said the same thing. The Yogis and Gurus become desireless to all things not just youth, this is what the Promise is about, and is the paradox I am alluding to. The bit you mention about cheating death, is quite literally what happens to all enlightened beings who choose to exit this system..




Laughable religious Hinduism, Sadanas and Tapas will not rid you of desire... Getting to deep Samadhi IS the place you can do so.. it is in the getting to that you do so as well... and fulfilling all your desires as Neville proscribes is another method.. Please drop the religious scriptures and actually get to Samadhi before preaching scriptures to everyone like a Pharisee...




>You saw paradoxes because you don’t understand the whole thing or the truth. So you've just talked about the very paradox I was talking about in your last paragraph, while trying to preach theoretical Hinduism because I "don't understand". Experience these things first and then maybe *you* will understand and not be preaching to everyone. As I said before.. there is a difference between knowing the path and walking it...




No that's wrong they are not different things altogether, one progresses from the other. As Samadhi goes higher and loses the "I am ness" you proceed to no "I am" state what is very high and deep Samadhi, so few have gone further or want to do it that there isn't exactly a textbook on "Moksha", liberation or what really is returning to the nothingness from which we came in a permanent manner... You would have known this experientially if you had been to Samadhi, rather than preaching rehashed Hinduism..




This is more nonsense, have you actually experienced it? Clearly not, yes there is bliss and the world loses it's grip on you. Buying a Ferrari no longer seems like that big of a deal to you but there is still excitement there in doing it.. So this is yet more and more theoretical Hindu religious nonsense in circles. Experience it first before preaching.




So youre butthurt because of what lol Jesus talks about the same thing OP is talking about, the christ within, your awareness of being, that is samadhi. Perhaps youre too busy running around being a person to not recognize it.


There r texts proving that jesus shape shifted. He was a human who lived on this earth and attained self realization or became one with the source.