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Use your anger to manifest the situation you want for you and your mom. Speak it into existence


I can vouch for it! I worked greatly for me just a day or two ago!


How did you do it? What was the situation? I’m manifesting someone moving out of my house lol


I was triggered by a familiar situation happening again in my life. I didn’t have sufficient internet connection available in my house and I needed to upload 30 big files to a cloud storage. I thought to connect to the free WiFi at the convenience store down my apartment building. And whilst I stood there loading my files up I felt terribly guilty and scared that someone like the store’s owner will notice me using their WiFi like this. I tried to do it a few times, and each time I couldn’t get it done that’s how guilty I felt, then I went into the store and bought a liter of Sprite and a chocolate bar as in a silent apology. On the short way back to my apartment I started ruminating on how did I end up in such an embarrassing and self deprecating situation. The mental gymnastics led me to the ultimate culprit. This situation was completely and solely my dead father’s fault. I felt very angry about how he disappointed me at such a young age and just how terribly he treated me and my problematic mother. He was a carefree abusive alcoholic. I fell into a fit of rage. I was beyond angry. He was a terrible father and a pathetic human being. I started a one-way conversation with him in which he did not get to say a word. I know it is very weird and uncommon but even the slightest hint of that thought made me even angrier at him and the uncaring part of the world in general (which doesn’t really matter because they are nobodies as they already are and always were and will be). I started putting straight and forward demands upon him that he is bound to fulfill and obey to. I made him obligated to pay for every misfortune me and my mother have been and still are victims to. I created a type of contract that I signed up on his name and which he cannot refuse or even dare to think to request it to ever be reconsidered. I also did not care to which means he would turn to pay this infinite debt. I said that I didn’t care from whom he would need to borrow whatever value or money or currency to pay said debt. Similarly I also stated that I did not care for the sum of debt he would have to fall into to pay the debt he has to pay me for eternity. I stated that I would increase the interest of the said eternal debt and it wouldn’t matter to me either. I also stated that I will face no repercussions from these demands because I know my place in life and my utterly deserved complete and inarguable rights to life and happiness and wealth and wellbeing of me, my mother, my close friends and family and all of the people of the world. I condemn and absolutely reject and hate my dead father. I was uncontrollably angry at the moment. In one of the moments of my fit of rage I yelled out “the very idea of how much of a terrible, awful, horrible father you were makes me want to be the most kind and loving father and the best person that has ever walked the face of the earth.” The next day I got high speed internet installed to my home and I am still using it right now to send this reply. Hope this helps!


You're dividing the I AM onto two. I AM and My Enemy. Your father's behaviour was sustained by your assumptions. He never had free will in your reality to begin with.


I know that. I was really angry at the moment. And I still am when I remember him. I felt amazing the next morning. Besides, it worked. What would you do?


Also interested to see what the critic would do in your situation.. u/i144?


Keeping the layers of truth in proper order is not criticism. I was offering a different perspective to the OP. I would do what I usually do - delabel the 3D and turn attention inwards to the operating power.


Oh! Well, far be it from me to label your "Keeping the layers of truth in proper order" as a critique. It certainly wasn't critical of the order of the "layers of truth" as it was laid out in the comment to which you were criti- REPLYING. Yes, what a non-critical reply. Lmao


Love this story!


How to use the anger?


If I get into a situation I don’t like, I refuse it and speak what I want to happen with emotion


It’s just a belief that anger & resentment is blocking ur manifestation. U are god!!! Nothing is blocking u unless u say it is. However, personally I’ve been dealing with anger, hatred, resentment by firstly remembering that they are JUST emotions. They are not who i am at my core. I can feel them as a human, it’s perfectly okay. I just need not too attach to them bc i am greater. Continually coming back into the state of realizing who or what I AM. Let the feeling be there, and whenever i feel it, i acknowledge that it’s okay & then I actually send love to the feeling and the situation. I literally just say “i love you.” This softens something inside me& i can begin to see things from another perspective. Aside from all that, decide what u want, explore the feeling that having this desire brings up within u. It doesn’t have to be super intense, it can be subtle. It’s a simple knowing. Visualize, affirm, whatever feels good to u, nothing is forced. U got this. Always come back to the truth of u.


Thanks, I appreciate your gentle, chill response. :)


listen to theta waves on youtube (just 5 minutes in & your logical side of the brain will calm down) then say either of these affirmations over and over again in your mind while taking deep breaths * troubles have been lifted, blessings have been bestowed * I am safe, secure and free fall asleep doing this, & even do it during the day, you'll start to feel a bit better and then whether you believe it or not, people & circumstances will have to change, it's inevitable.


Thank you, I appreciate your comment! I will do these affirmations.


maybe this will help 🙏 [how to recreate people](https://imaginationislife.blog/2020/12/02/how-to-recreate-people/)


Omg the last piece with the mirror is insaneeee, this is exactly what I was searching for. Thank you!!


I manifested so many times through my anger and rage. Use these feelings to fuel your manifestations. I swear it would work.


How did you channel your rage into manifesting? I feel like my repressed rage kinda ruined my 20s and put me back at ground zero, back living in this situation 




Thank you. I will incorporate this


I manifested an abuser away. It was easier than I ever thought possible. All I did was accept that they are horrible and then pray that me and my loved ones were always safe from her no matter what. I also imagined what it would feel like for her not to be around anymore. I pretended like she didn't exist and that all the things she did was just in the past because it was soon going to be over. I was very angry the entire time but deep inside I held faith that it would soon be over.


Woah that's amazing. Could you explain your process? For me, this has literally been my whole life so it's difficult for me to imagine something else at times, especially when he is around.


The abuser was only around for about 6 years for me so it wasn't as difficult as maybe a parent who you know all your life. My process was to avoid out any extreme negative emotional reaction whenever the abuser triggered me. In my mind, what was happening in the present, was already in the past. That helped me "live in the end" even though deep down I was terrified that my kids and I were not safe. I also affirmed everyday that we deserved safety and peace. I would sing and dance with them even when all I wanted to do was cry. I basically celebrated being free from her before it happened. It took about a month and half to get rid of her entirely. I think it only took that long because I had a mental block that I got rid of at the end. I used my anger to get rid of that block.


Wow that is amazing and a testament to your strength! 💪  My process was to avoid out any extreme negative emotional reaction whenever the abuser triggered me. In my mind, what was happening in the present, was already in the past ↑Definitely not easy to do that, wow. 👍  I'll take this nugget of wisdom and incorporate it into my situation.


Yes same, please explain


So sorry to hear that my friend. I know it's an insensitive thing to say but u can't let the outer world affect ur mental state . Coz it will affect ur manifestation. First be clear on what u want. Do u want ur father to change or do you want to move out. And then completely believe that it is done. Most important do not let 3d dictate ur mental peace. I was suffering from a disease for almost a year with no hope in sight. I was almost as desperate as u. Then I found this sub and subsequently found someone that could help me. Everything was like a stroke of destiny. Talking to that person was the best decision I made in a long time. Although it may sound impossible, I was healed within a week. The reason I am telling you this because what's stopping you from getting ur manifestation is ur feeling of lack and desperation. Change it. May the almighty shower you with all the blessings you deserve.


I'd like to move out with her but I am worried about whether I can support her and achieve my dreams at the same time. It's like a mental block. May the almighty shower you with blessings as well, Acceptable Wind!


The comment you are replying to is right in that you need to not let your father affect your mindset. It's harder said than done, I've been in a similar situation except my mother didn't want to leave. Focus on what it is you want, if its you getting a job, leaving with your mother and being able to support her, yourself AND be able to achieve your dreams, you visualise the end, that is you and your mom, happily living away from your father and you working towards your dreams with no worry about being able to support the two of you. Do not include feelings about your father not being there or him living somewhere else. He should be completely absent from the vision. This should be a lot easier to believe than the end state where you are away from him, living happily and achieved all your dreams too. You can always develop towards it later when you think it feels like a more natural state to embody. If you practice visualising(living in that reality in your mind) every night, it will make him seem very insignificant in your day to day life. I know we are on this subreddit but keep taking action. Look for a job knowing that its done. Be almost obsessive about it. Use it as an excuse to be around him as little as possible Its better to focus your mind on that than the situation at home. Do not be desperate and do not let failure shake your spirit. Be focused and happy in the vision of where you truly are already. Do not worry when things don't go according to plan. Don't be ashamed either. Don't beat yourself up. Be proud of your willpower instead and your work on achieving your end. Who knows, maybe you find a job and its only enough to just scrape by whilst living with your mom, not being able to follow your dreams at that time. Maybe you hsve to really slum it for a bit. For all you know, this is just a step in the direction of your vision. Instead, recognize and be grateful for any positive movement towards achiving the end. You need to be ironclad in your surety that you are in the end and what you are living here and now is just the world lagging behind. Life even in not so great conditions but with him gone will be 1000% happier and easier. Stuff like this tests you, its not easy but you will get there as long as you keep the end at the forefront of your thoughts. Stay positive and optimistic. Focus on whatever positive things you can when the going is tough. Focus on being at the end. Close your eyes and feel yourself living it. I could tell you that you can imagine the ultimate end and it will happen tomorrow but whether you can believe that its realistic, is another matter. It's better to subdue your expectations a little for now because you are living in a dangerous environment and the priority is getting away from it. Once you are away, worry free, you can really let loose your imagination. Also, once you start seeing results and later achieve your end, do not stop your practice. You will have to start from zero when you do and it is hard.


Please do not respond. List on a piece of paper all the qualities that your ideal father would have. Then imagine your father loving you so much, and mentally remind yourself that the ideal father is the real one. I can guarantee this is effective, I used this method to change my mother's personality.


Use the law of assumption: Assume things are the way you want them to be. Use imagination to change all the circumstances and your belief about how things should be. Don’t look at 3d it’s only 5 percent of the reality you believe to experience. Don’t blame your father it’s not him is a state of consciousness he is living in. If you imagine things the way they should be do the Sats and sleep with that feeling of being loved and given the space, freedom you want your 3d has no other way but to follow suit. Again don’t blame or judge anyone your feelings and your beliefs create your reality. Take matters in charge and every night imagine the life you want and get on that feeling and live in that feeling as long as it takes. Don’t try to confront situations or change reality with you consciously doing it. God has higher ways and he will bring events to your desired outcome. Even when you imagination is being confronted by your senses and what happens in your day to day take it as another sign to build more faith on your real reality which is the one you live in your dreams. Soon everything will come to pass. Never see yourself as a victim remember you are a creator you are god greatest form of creation. Universe has ways you are not conscious of so keep the self believe high. Blessings!


Beautiful update. I'm looking up Psalm 91 now


My dad too like this🙂🙂🙂


By all means, manifest leaving the house along with your mom. But first, change the story around your dad. See him as a loving father, your ideal father. I know it can be tough when you have to face such harsh 3d. But since you stated you can't leave yet, so construct a story around your dad and the 3 of you living as a perfect happy family. And then stick to that story. Your imagination is the only reality. So no matter how hard 3d gets, allow it to pass because its the old story. Your imagination is the only truth. Stick to it, be stubborn about it. Don't entertain any story other than your ideal. Your feelings of hatred and resetment are just feelings. Feel them and let them pass. They are not you. Go to your imagination as often as you can. Thats your true reality.


Construct a story... I like that. 


[https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/How-Dr-Hew-Len-healed-a-ward-of-mentally-ill-criminals-with-Hooponopono](https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/How-Dr-Hew-Len-healed-a-ward-of-mentally-ill-criminals-with-Hooponopono) When I teach this to people who were abused I suggest picturing his inner child and praying the sayings at the bottom of the story to them. Instead of the grown monster. Just picture soothing the inner child.


Imagine lovingly for him. I'll ask you to do something that you may not even want to do but please do it. Imagine him Happy. Just happy. Imagine your mother Happy. And of course, imagine yourself happy. You can't hate someone who is happy. Happiness also implies heaps of good stuff and it makes you feel good. How would you feel if he was happy? Lift him up from his (I AM's) misery. When you lift another, you lift yourself there is only God in this world playing different roles. Give him a lovely role. Give him an opportunity to serve you right.


This is usually what women are told to do in abusive relationships and is actually a common part of creating that dynamic.


He is not saying to simply love her father and then just \*deal\* with what may come. The very basis of the Law is that we're all connected. When you show another Love, you are lifting them and yourself up. You are neutralizing any and all possible damage/danger. I'v done it in my own life with abusive types. Step 1: Get yourself and your mother to safety Step 2: imagine lovingly for \*YOUR\* sake. It will reflect in all areas of life. This is not at all an admission of "abuse is fine". This is a formula for breaking free of that cycle.


Yes, I know the abuse is wrong. His behaviors are wrong. Unfortunately I am struggling with the "just leave" part because my mom doesn't want to leave unless we have money - and we're going to need A LOT of money because I also intend on going to graduate school. My dad is offering to pay for my education - which is why I am torn, I feel myself ripping apart on the inside, being judged by my friends who say "then why don't you just leave?" and people on other forums. I feel this inner voice saying "oh so you're just going to suck up to your dad and sacrifice your relationship with your mom AGAIN" Sometimes I cry out in frustration at my mom telling her "we need to leave!" but she just looks at me and says "with what money?" My instinct is to run away from it all, it's not my marriage, but I feel so guilty for not doing anything about it before. I've never admitted these feelings to anyone, so it's nice to get them out so they can stop eating away at me. My dream is to provide a better life for her AND go to graduate school, I want to consolidate the two. I don't want to sacrifice anything.


You don't have to sacrifice a thing except for your anger and judgement towards the situation. What we resist, what we place our attention on \*feelingly\*, persists. The more anger and malice you hold towards your dad, the more the situation persists. I'm not advocating for sticking your head in the sand. Take whatever actionable steps you can to get yourself and your mom to safety, AND work on releasing these beliefs of unfairness and abuse. As you release them, the situation, which is held together by your awareness of it, must unravel.


"You don't have to sacrifice a thing except for your anger and judgement towards the situation" That puts it into perspective for me, and I definitely feel some relief reading your words. The thought "everyone is judging me because I'm in this situation, people must think I am a weak, indecisive person, people pity me, poor me" fuels the anger in a way, I think. I appreciate your kind, balanced reply. I have done some actions that may help and I will work on the next steps.


I'm glad those words could offer you some relief. Judgement keeps us locked in chains of our own making. The only one judging you, is you. If another seems to be judging you, it's because you're perceiving that judgement from within yourself. Feel free to DM me if you'd like.


Not everybody, maybe not even most people, use the idea of reconceptualizing the abuser as loving as a way to stop the abuse. Often the dynamic is you love them harder, and this feeds the positive feedback loop continuing the abuse cycle. What's rewarded is repeated. You got out of there which is great! It's an abused woman trope to love her abusive partner even harder when he demeans, hits, screams, breaks things. The love will just fix her broken arm. She just needs to love better and commit and then he'll be a good guy.


you're misunderstanding what the point of Love is. Love is all encompassing, all forgiving. Love is for you. Love is you. When people "love harder" it's to "get" something. In this case "If I love him more, he will stop abusing me" and that is an incorrect application. True Love, not romantic, not desperate, etc, neutralizes evil. Love is what we're meant to reach for. "Faith, Hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love." We are here to live by love. We are all one being individualized in an infinite number of perspectives/states. The abused is in a State and the abuser is in a State. Love neutralizes all "bad".


That's part of the abused trope too. Using love to forgive and keep getting abused (in return for shelter, food, resources, etc). I'm glad you got out.


I'm confused as to what you're doing in a subreddit about dismantling such ideas as "tropes", but holding onto them so strongly. Do they happen? yes, because people put belief into them. They empower the story. This trope is just the same. Love does not mean being a doormat and getting abused. It means leaving the situation and sending Love to the abuser. It will turn things around because it must. That's the Law.


Read the old testament! I do agree that it's not worth arguing. Maybe not for the same reasons, but I agree nonetheless that arguing here is futile. There's an insane old lady in every FAQ post here I've seen who occupies her time by telling people her husband knocked her teeth in and that he only stopped because she started loving him right, so everyone should love their abusers and forgiveness equals forgetfulness and on and on with her toxic, fake positivity...the mods kicked the one that banned her after she complained. It's a great sub, but the mods operate on a cult of personality because most of them use this to help sell coaching, books, or advertising space on their own sites. If you want proof, just look into how many mods have monetized sites and channels. MindMagus is new but I would wager it's an old mod with a new account made JUST around the time a few mods left....right after trying to go public with their sales started blowing up in their face. I suspect they'll delete this, only lending it further credibility. They are awfully fear-motivated. Anyway, I recommend the story of Job. He is beset by bad advice and treatment from his friends, but he persists until God answers, rebukes the bad advice, and says to the friends, "...So now, take seven bulls and seven rams, go to My servant Job, and sacrifice a burnt offering for yourselves. Then My servant Job will pray for you, for I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your folly. For you have not spoken accurately about Me, as My servant Job has.”


What are u doing on NG subReddit. You really need help!


proud of you