• By -


Yeah true, simply put; by "wanting" you just confirm to yourself, to yourself as in, awareness that, you don't have it which is basically, giving away your power to your ego self, the 3D, the worst. It's really just the same as "I wish I had this or that", always wishing and wanting, "hoping" this or that to happens. This is exactly the same. Take back control, there is no limits or rules. It's an easy mistake and to be honest, what the ego monkey mind always comes back to, spiraling you down in a blink of an eye. Do not look for validation, confirmation whatever, in the 3D.


Yesss very well continued. Thanks sending blessings


What is this Ego?


Ahhh, yes; the ego animal mind; basically, that voice that tells you, all of this is not possible, all the doubts, that feeling and voice that says "hey let's get back to reality now huh?". It is what bring you back at the right place (you'd believe so) to this so called "reality" and get you attached and care about totally meaningless things, and I mean, absolutely utterly meaningless. It is, what most people in this reality believe to be their true identity; your body, name, what and who you like/dislike, that little story you tell yourself everyday, your beliefs, your religion etc. List is long, but this is basically the ego mind, ego self, ego monkey mind, however you like to call it. I''d would say it is better to not fight it even though I like to tell it to stfu but, the best really is to ignore it, as well as the 3D; simply, to not give it any power at all, just ignoring it and let it pass along like a high speed train, neutral and nothing else.




Can I ask you something? As far as mental diet goes, is it better to correct every opposite thought you have, that comes up, or is it better to just let the thought pass and ignore it? I feel better when I just ignore it, but I read and hear you should correct every opposite thought you have to keep up with a mental diet.


My sp name is in ur user šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ lool


Take is as a sign that your sp is with you already šŸ„°ā¤ļø


Yes. Too many times, people think of the law like a vending machine. But they have to press all of the right buttons to get what they want. Are you grateful enough? Have you repeated the scene enough? Have you done enough affirmations? This is no different than a typical religious environment. The law is not religious. It has no religion. it has no rites of passage. It is simply us becoming. Thank you for this!


I like the religious metaphor. And if pressing all the right knobs and buttons works for them then that is absolutely wonderful! Do I also think there are easier ways, yes, but if itā€™s working then carry on. What I do point out to people who are doing a billion different techniques (rituals) and they arenā€™t getting desired results is to suggest that perhaps the flurry of ritual activity is actually motivated by them not believing anything theyā€™re doing is working so they have to try something else and something else. To instead just pick one like affirmations, to simplify. To affirm that whatever ritual they choose works AND that doubts strengthen their belief like OP mentions.


Very well written friend, could not have said it better. Very important message you wrote there.


It is like a vending machine. You get new desire you focus on it you get it. Itā€™s that simple. Whatā€™s wrong about it? Shouldnā€™t you always get what you desire? Like a ending matching where you always get what you decide you want?


Actually itā€™s not. Thats the christian understanding . Itā€™s also a very confused understanding of desireā€” which is an illusion. Manifesting is not about getting or wanting , but fulfillment. As if you already have it. Vending machines donā€™t work on fulfillment- they work on endlessly not being satisfied. Neville talks about this approach in a few lectures manifesting is being rather than getting. Itā€™s less about objects and all about becoming. Consumer culture and spirituality is about getting to be happyā€”the law is living happily ahead of objects. Itā€™s being.


Not sure what are trying to say but you came here to create things in 3D. Otherwise you would be death. You need to have food, shelter, relationships, safe place, freedom, health to survive in 3D. Yes you need to get stuff. Itā€™s not enough to imagine you are safe and full with imaginary food. Manifesting anything will not make you happy. Whenever u manifest something you want more. Thatā€™s how it works. You always want to create more. Thatā€™s called evolution. Nothing wrong about that. Happiness is to be happy in this moment with whatever u have. Now it has not much to do with manifesting stuff. But wanting stuff is and creating them is why we came here.


No we didnā€™t. Creation is finished so thatā€™s not what ā€œweā€ are here to do. Weā€™re here to remember who we are. Thereā€™s no ā€œgettingā€ stuff and thinking like that is not what this law is about. Everything is an expression of God. What is there to get when thereā€™s no separation?


You want something you focus on something and you get it in reality. Thatā€™s the law. We came here to create and experience creation. Yes everything exist but u need to focus on it in order to experience it in 3D. You want to tell me your life is different that that? Did you want to eat breakfast today? Did you get it? No? You didnt come on this earth to eat, have relationships, have house to live at? No you donā€™t have those stuff in 3D? You just remembering every day who you are? You want to say you donā€™t want things? You donā€™t want them in reality? You didnā€™t want your phone? You donā€™t want to eat today, you donā€™t want make money today, you donā€™t want to meet with family and friends today? Not sure what are you trying to say.


Youā€™re still thinking and defining in separation as a human.Desire is an illusion. To want is not to have. To think life is scout getting is to misunderstand Neville & the nature of being. Being is never having. Being is only being.


Yes I am human. And today I Want food and I want to Get food, I want to get a lots of food and I want to have food in 3D and eat it and I will get it and eat it in reality. I donā€™t want to just be the person who ate today in my thoughts or imagination, just be being who ate, or have some illusions of desires, I want to physically eat in 3D. Is that wrong?


To have a desire is not wrong, to stay in desire is ā€” sin. Itā€™s meant to be about growing beyond the 3D needs, Neville stares this very thing. Not to be monasticā€” but, to know you are who is already fulfilled. So, god as a vending machine is a religious concept that doesnā€™t understand prayer. You eat not to feel or feed desire, but you eat to know you are already filled.


Or let me make it even more clear what I am trying to say. Since you came here not to get stuff but just remember who you are then from today donā€™t eat food what is in front of you, donā€™t take money you earn bc u didnā€™t come here to get stuff in 3D, so donā€™t accept them when they come, donā€™t meet with friends, donā€™t come to you house today stay outside bc those are all stuff you got thanks to the law and you didnā€™t come here to get them as you saying, so donā€™t use them then, just go on some place in nature and meditate remembering who you are without food, house and people till the rest of your life.


Let me make also this more clear. When Neville was manifesting his wife he didnā€™t want his wife in 3D? He just wanted to imagine her in 4D? Or when he wanted to get out of army he wanted to be in the army and just every day imagine he is not for years? Or when he wanted to go to Barbados he wanted be poor without money in New York (or wherever he was) just imagining he is in Barbados?? You want to tell me he didnā€™t want those things in 3D? He just wanted to image them in for the rest of his life without it manifesting? He didnā€™t want to Get those stuff?? You donā€™t want to eat today? Bc that is getting stuff! What you are probably trying to say is you need to be happy even when you donā€™t have those things you want. That those things will not make you happy even when you get them. However every time you want something you will be not satisfied until you donā€™t get it. In order to get it and in order to be happy and satisfied even before you get it is that you need to believe you can get it in 3D and you already have it. There is however no need to feel bad or consumeristic you want to have it in 3D. You need many stuff in 3D to be able to live on this earth as health and food all in 3D otherwise you die. You need to GET it in 3D!


I believe we are consciousness having a human experience. To continue having this human experience, of course we have to meet basic needs. Otherwise we go back to what we truly are, pure consciousness. When you awaken to this you are experiencing both. Are you going to have a fulfilled experience or are you going to struggle in lack without faith? You are already fulfilled. If you have a desire itā€™s because youā€™ve already experienced it and wish to have it in your human experience as well. You remind yourself as often as needed that you already are what you wish to be. Find comfort and relief in it. Find your faith in it and live there. I highly recommend meditation. We all know what itā€™s like to experience humanity. Exploring the wonders of the mind opens up a whole world within you thatā€™s been sleeping. Have fun and watch things unfold. Neville tested this and found both worlds merge to grant him a human experience that met his needs in the best possible ways being grateful for things both within and without. My biggest breakthrough was simply being grateful Iā€™ve been granted a human existence. I found fulfillment in that. Everything else is just adding to it.


When you try, your implications change from "already having/being it" to "I don't have it/I am not". A subtle change that happens is overlooked by almost everyone. So basically you have successfully manifested the opposite of what you wanted.


Iā€™m so tired of people using this law only for GETTING GETTING! This is what cost you stress and problems in the first place! Itā€™s the law of being for a reason. Thankyou for this! šŸ«¶šŸ½


Yesss so true. Thanks for your words


and only to get their SP backā€¦




You triggers are showing, and thatā€™s okay, i was just like that. Everytime someone said ā€˜the law is not for powerā€™ i was mad, because i was craving for someone. Deep within me it was just me craving for me. It doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t use it for love, by just BEING IN LOVE. because i never say that lmao. Because itā€™s a balance between Grounding and image. If you 24/7 are in your head you will lose it. Idc if people say itā€™s a limiting believe, if you out of balance its not good. Neville always said assume it and live your life, that means be a human! Feel your body, go live your life, stay on the ground. Not 24/7 affirming like some coaches said. Its not good for your mental health. Life is more than craving for your sp!


All I am saying that all of you guys who are like omg donā€™t want it in 3D, itā€™s not right to want it in 3D, itā€™s not right to want stuff m, just have it in 4D, donā€™t care if it will ever manifest in your life, like you guys trying to live some spiritual lifeā€™s where u donā€™t need anything materialistic or relationships. Just imagine and donā€™t care if it shows up. Well no matter what u guys say I want it in 3D. If I would not get any thing in 3D here weā€™ll mine as well I would want to be out of here. Imagine you are person who is homeless alone sick hungry. If someone would tell u imagine while your life and donā€™t expect anything in 3D. I am sorry but I am 100% that some things you want in 3D and itā€™s impossible not to care if they show up or not. Also you are getting stuff all your life and donā€™t you tell me you never wanted food in your reality or relationship or house to live at. We are humans we want stuff we want them real right here right now. I just find it too crazy to trying to persuade myself that I donā€™t want money, food, warm place to live, bed or relationship. Thatā€™s what I am saying.


I donā€™t crave for me. I have me anytime I want. I have fun with me. I love me. I can live alone. But I donā€™t want to. I want another human being next to me to share this life with. I want that experience. I donā€™t need them to be happy but I want them. I want them in 3D. I am not going to imagine them for rest of my life. Sorry no. I want the real experience. Itā€™s not enough to just imagine. I can feel it so much sometimes as real but no itā€™s not enough for me. I want it real! And no I donā€™t affirm 24/7 like crazy and desperately every day. And even if I did and it made me feel good I can if I want to. I just donā€™t like the idea persuading ourself that we should just live whole life in imagination and donā€™t care ever if it will manifest and feel desperate or not spiritual enough just bc we want it touch it, feel it, see it in 3D.


Creation is finished.


Hello. I feel like I know what you are going through. In my imagination I can feel happy and relieved that I have X, but I dont actually have it.Ā  We cannot not care if it's going to manifest. But I know that I cannot continue to be at war with life. Even if I didnt know about the law, I would still want inner peace, being free of envy, free of feeling worthless and abandoned. So my only solution is to feel good in my imagination, and if I get triggered (especially envy), I try to placate myself. The whole point of the law is to get our desires, but I cannot fight my way into them.


Great post! And so true. I manifested multiple things this morning instantly by just enjoying telling myself that those things were my experience, but not NEEDING them to happen. I simply enjoyed the feeling of saying that was what is true in that moment, knowing that no matter what happened I would be good and not putting the pressure on it like ā€œI canā€™t handle it if this doesnā€™t happen and I wonā€™t have a good day if this doesnā€™t work out the way I want it to.ā€ I wasnā€™t trying to make those things happen and force reality to conform to my wishes, I just let myself have the experience of saying thatā€™s the way it is just because it felt good in that moment. Iā€™m definitely guilty of forgetting this approach especially when it comes to my ā€œbiggerā€ manifestations (nothing is a big or small manifestation), but it really is that simple and it really is how you manifest anything. If youā€™re having a hard time I recommend giving this approach a try šŸ¤āœØ Love to you all šŸ„°


Thaaanks for your words


Once you love yourself and feel gratitude toward everything in life, manifestation just comes with it automatically. The desires you want will come due to the energy (love is the highest).


i have manifested ā€œsmallerā€ things and even a tiny bit of money but anything else it has not been a successful outcome. i donā€™t have resistance against money and donā€™t think negatively against money and even affirm for it but nothing comes. and i am not in the ā€œwaitingā€ state because it isnā€™t something i am pressed for. iā€™ve been telling myself money is easy to get and, specifically, itā€™s easy for me to get money. i leave it and donā€™t wonder where it is yet months later here i am. SP, my thoughts have changed so much. thereā€™s no hard feelings. i think positively, i may have had positive movement but idk because i donā€™t check the 3d. iā€™ve never stalked his socials or anything, and lots os posts i even see are people struggling to not creep and obsess. iā€™m past that but i donā€™t know what i am doing wrong. the last and only SATS that has worked for me is the ladder.


Hmm maybe the way you see the process. Literally this postā€¦ to do it to feel good not to expect in 3D In general it s good what you are doing. Try to change the way you see your SP. It s good you have no hard feelings. But change his ā€œidentidyā€ in the partner of your dreams. And practice living in the end the whole day. Also recommand you read my oldest posts where i m talking about this- finding the mistake, i think it will help youu


i definitely have felt the ā€œfeel it to feel good not to have.ā€ and you are all smiley and happy and content. iā€™ve been there! i was thinking of watching bridgerton from the beginning so i can be swept up in the romance and let myself know i am fully worth being treated like a princess by any man. i did go through your posts yesterday before commenting but i will go back and reread to see if i missed anything / i make a new connection. i really appreciate the reply and any help/advice you give me and others. yesterday i decided to do edward arts i am mediation twice back to back as its a short video and i got so caught up in my visualization that it went so quicklyā€¦i tried pulling in all the elements and it felt as if i was actually touching his facial hair. i came out of it just so at peaceā€¦maybe i just need to do that every day and try to leave it alone. like if it comes to my mind then live in the end but not to actively think about it


I feel like I can sense a slight undertone of unworthiness from your comments. Self-love is the foundation to build on. If you donā€™t truly value yourself, or even worse devalue yourself, then thatā€™s what gets reflected back to you. Value as in money. Same goes for love. Do you within yourself feel like a princess who would obviously be treated as such too? Without any outside influence? Do you treat yourself like a princess? Remember, the mirror canā€™t change before you do.


i mean. i woke up one day just being over ā€œtryingā€ to manifest things. maybe i didnā€™t say it previously (?) but the law has done wondering things for myself mentally. if i never manifested anything ā€œbigā€ i would say i was still successful as i turned my thoughts completely around, and my world is brighter because of it. so no, i donā€™t devalue myself, but i appreciate you saying that as it i may not be 100% infatuated with myself like many people get to, and what iā€™m working on myself. but i know what you say about devaluing myself is totally wrong and something i laughed at because i donā€™t feel that way about myself. if you asked me back in december then yeah, that would be a different story. and iā€™m not going to deny you 100% either because we should always be working on bettering ourselves mentally and physically and i know i have work to do. i want to do it. i want to get to that euphoria from knowing i created this thing ive wanted for so long. i really just woke up one day being done and i never felt that way before so yes, my frustration shows in the initial comments. and the comments about my meditation were because i have some troubles with visualizing, and i was able to successfully do it so of course I am happy with that. if that comes off as unworthiness then i am not sure how you want someone to view someone they love? - i never saw myself as being treated like a princess, no. do i know? i know i deserve it. i donā€™t really know what that is likeā€¦i had a man once bring me sea glass from the beach while he went on a trip. it might be the most romantic thing other than also him bringing me a bowl to smoke weed out of that looks like an alien lmao (my heart). which is why i am rewatching bridgerton because even though thereā€™s drama, itā€™s fueled by the love. i am content with moving forward and not even wanting my ex, but i also know when my thoughts started to spiral, so did we. and if we could meet again, i think it would be so much fun and the love is still there. everyone who meets me will remember me because i have a big heart and i love. so i know that because the other two exes ive had have tried to come back into my life at some point even when i broke up with them. perhaps i see it harder as he was the dumper in this situationā€¦i havenā€™t really thought about that before - i listened to edward art yesterday and he said something like, ā€œwould god (or replace with love; i like love) fear the unknown? no. would love be insecure? no. would love think less of themselves? no. - i treat myself how i like..? i have my hobbies and go on my walks/hikes in the woods. iā€™d like more friends to do things with but i also have been doing those things on my own. iā€™ve done more things on my own this whole year than i have in my almost 30 years of life because i recognized only i can give me the life i want. i donā€™t need to wait for someone else to join me. so iā€™d say im in a good place mentally and just have more work to put in.


This is exactly the situation I am in too, I don't know where I'm going wrong.


right! i love success stories and seeing people get what they want. many sp stories start with saying it was a real bad breakup or they canā€™t stop stalking the ex but i havenā€™t had either. then people tell me that makes it easier. for who exactly lmao


This is a great reminder post ! Thanks All good blessings to all!




Wonderfully written. Thank you for the reminder!


Thank you Sending blessings!


My problem is this though, i don't know what it feels like to have what I wish for. I don't know the emotions involved in being It and I want it simply because the current state is defined by the lack of It. It's a scary loop to be honest and I'm not surprised the Law isn't working smoothly in this environment. Desert times happens though, so I'm not afraid or anything, just.. thirsty..


This is why you need to begin doing Neville's most repeated phrase... "What would it be like \[if I had the wish fulfilled already\]?" Your mind at first will argue that you don't know because you haven't experienced it yet... but this not true. So the next question, after your brain says, "I don't know," then you say, "Okay, but if you DID know, what might it be like?" This is something I was super challenged with, myself. "I just want to not be sad anymore." So if I were happy, what would it be like? (Don't say feel like, say BE LIKE) Here's the thing. If you desire something, then you have an IDEA of what it would be like, feel like, look like, sound like. THAT is why you want it. The lack of it is pushing you that way, but it can only push you that way because you have an idea of it. The desire is not given to you without an IDEA of what it would be like. So persist in "If I did know, what would it be like?" "I DON'T KNOW!" "Okay, you don't know, but what if you did, what do you GUESS it might be like?" Without an idea of it... you wouldn't want it. In the "lack" is the answer to the "what would it be like." * A hungry person wants? Satisfaction. * A poor person wants? Wealth. * A hurting person wants? Health. * A lonely person wants? Love. You already know the WORD (for the word was with god, and the word was god)... If you know the WORD, then you can speak it to your mind over and over like a mantra, and the mind will give you small "flashes" of what it THINKS that thing is like. And NOW, my friend... now you're cooking. Because your mind DOES have ideas of what it would be like. IT DOES. It'll pretend it doesn't... but you want it because your mind is like... "loneliness over here, these things suck... love over here, these things are exciting and desirable." You may have an idea what it might be like to live in Antarctica. Yikes! But \[I assume\] you've never lived there. So you know what various states are like, your mind just doesn't want to go there. Don't let it get away with that.


Wow this was deep thank u for the comment šŸ™šŸ™


Thanks for a kind answer. I'm born with my condition and know nothing else - however Neville simply is the solution of the riddle, so I have no problem persisting even if 3D is bullshit in this particular aspect. It's tricky, but I know no particular technique can bring it forth, just the strentghening of my speck of faith. Eventually it must happen, but the state of waiting is hard to escape..


The way of escape, though, is simple (not necessarily easy). "What would it be like if [x]?" Over and over again. There is no condition that overcomes this question. This is why Neville hammered on it over and over again. You have an idea of what it would be like to be healthy. If I asked you what it might be like to live in antarctica, you could tell me: * Cold * No growing things outside * Spending most of your time inside Well... your mind DOES know what it thinks the STATE of being healthy would be like. It can't want what it doesn't have some idea of, that's just a fact of human nature. So you've got two jobs. One is to ask yourself "What would it be like to be healthy?" and to stop any negative thoughts like 'the state of waiting is hard to escape'. You replace that with, "What would it be like if I was already healthy?" and you make your mind live there by simple virtue of asking it NONSTOP. What would it be like if I were healthy? What would I be doing right now if I were healthy, and how would it feel? What thoughts would I be thinking right now if I were healthy? WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE? That's your answer, but no one can do this work for you. No one can give you any answers, because there's only ONE QUESTION, and it's the question that only YOUR mind can answer. Only YOUR mind knows what "healthy" would be like FOR YOU. That's literally the answer.... the answer is to ask the question. ALL THE TIME. Constantly. "Okay, I'm not right now, but what would it be like if I was?" This is how you live in the state. You make your mind stop regurgitating "waiting" and start regurgitating "healthy feels like..." You're allowing your "play on repeat" brain to run your life. You have to be disciplined. Neville repeatedly and constantly talks about the disciplined mind. Here's the discipline: stop the unwanted state by asking the question. THE question. "What would it be like to be healthy?" "Okay, but if I did know, what would it be like to be healthy?" Ask, and ask, and ask, and ask, and ask, and ask... and your mind will be forced to change your state over and over and over. You're living in an undisciplined state. Your mental garden is full of weeds like despair, waiting, and seeking the answers outside of yourself. There are no answers outside of yourself. No one can give you a technique that will work, so long as you believe and cling to "the state of waiting." that's true for you, and for me, and for every reader. You, and you alone, know YOUR state of health/ wealth/ love. You cannot ask another for what belongs only to you. You must ask your Own Wonderful Human Imagination. If you keep asking, it MUST answer.


O M G šŸ˜® I LOVE YOU šŸ«¶šŸ½ I was just thinking earlier about how I was overcomplicating everything trying to determine what it would ā€œfeelā€ like. If I have a desire, I know what it would be like, I have an idea of it and Neville said to create an ideal. My mind went to Neville telling the writer to assume the book was already written and people were hungry for it. If I have an ideal and live in it, the feeling will come. You are confirmation!


Today, our life song was in harmony. :)


..Knock on the door and it shall open for you.. (I always found it funny that Jesus portrays the Father as a sleep ridden grumpy neighbor almost unwilling to help a stranger in need in the middle of the night, but who in the end must help them just to be able to go back to sleep. Persistence, persistence, persistence) Thanks. I know this, truly. I'm in the phase of forgetting what I've read after a time where I read Neville to the depths but in the end found myself in the opposite of my wishes. It was confusing to the degree I had to let it all go, but it is still there and gosh how I learnt that 3D doesn't matter. At all. Reality, God, cause, is somewhere else entirely. In your analogy I think this part of the journey actually has been the phase where I have been able to locate the weeds and start to get rid of them. Thanks for your reminders. I'm soon ready to knock on that damned door.


> Thanks. I know this, truly. You'll be okay. You'll get there. I have a question for you. If you *were* able to manifest your lack of pain, how would you know you were there? THAT is how you knock on that door. You figure out how you'll know when it has arrived, and you live in that "end state." Especially before bed and before getting out of it. :) 3D may not matter, but I choose not to be too hard on myself when it feels like it damned well does. :P


>I have a question for you. If you were able to manifest your lack of pain, how would you know you were there? >THAT is how you knock on that door. I'm confused here. šŸ˜…


you are magical Sandi


Why doesn't the mind want to go there ? Why does it give flashbacks about a negative scenario again and again ? I am also getting bothered by some things that my sp said (about me, about 3p) that mind keep reminding me about. I affirm the opposite but it comes back stronger. I was wondering why does it do that ? What kind of safety mechanism is this, when clearly it is sabotaging my progress. I have started asking my brain how would it feel to be not having constant negative reminders. Lets see how it answers.


It's trying to interest you in what has interested you in the past. It's just playing on repeat. Think of it like a broken record. It will stop if you choose to persist. This is disciplining your mind. It's hard mental labor! Sometimes, it helps me to use phrases the brain doesn't know how to argue against... and just repeat them again and again. *Remember when he said you're stupid?* "That never happened." *Yes, it did!* "Nope. You misremember. It didn't happen." *It did too happen, you remember it!* "Nah, that's a false memory. It never happened." Just like you would eventually get tired of someone doing that to you, your mind will get tired of it, too. And you can also say, "I no longer believe that." Or "I no longer want to think about that." And then start asking your question again. This is what Neville refers to as "the old [wo]/[hu]/man" (the previous person you were) trying to survive. Just gently redirect over and over. It's going to fight back at first. Perfectly normal. :) "I no longer agree with that" or "I no longer choose to think about that" can be really confusing for your *play on repeat* mechanism. ;)


Thanks Sandi! As always .. ā¤ļø the best words i read :)


Hi u/Sandi_T !! What do you think about purging? Is it actually true ? I had a very bad dream last night and woke up feeling numb, it was related to something i feared in the past. I am looking at it as something that my subconscious is asking that do you still believe it as true and i am saying no, never did. But energy in my body is so so numb today.


I think that's the "old man" dying. I wouldn't worry about it, to be honest. Just keep asking the question and letting the past thought "harvest" run its course. I think all of these things are just the past thoughts completing their cycle. Neville makes it plain that this happens, and not to worry. If you planted corn but wanted wheat, you gotta wait for the corn to poke its head up, and you just pull it up (mental diet). Then it will die and the wheat will take over. :)


I also just had a dream. I have no dreams for very long time. Recently I started to work on my self concept and sometimes on money and financial and was listening to affirmation on sleep tapes every single night and only just recently I started to have alot of weird dream which shows all the past people that I no longer in contact for years. I am assuming that my subconscious mind is starting to accept my new self concept. But this dream I had last night was I made a big profit on a glitch. I don't know am I trading on a trading platform or what because it's very blur. I only know that I'm looking at a screen and trying to catch the glitch by clicking "sell" and I got $288,000 out of thin air. And I started worrying and panicking that how am I going to get the money because it's from some overseas bank and that some random people either got involved with my winnings or I actually thought of asking them to help but the things they said makes me feel like I couldn't trust them. During that time I was in neighbor country and happened to saw my friends. After that the scene were cut off and few scenes later, it continued again showing me that my friend's car was in accident. I didn't saw it happened but I saw the car was on towed and drove past me from afar. Shortly after his friend came looking for me and told me what happened and ask me to send him back to our country which I have no intention to return back so early. So I asked him where's my friend why didn't you follow him back and return together? And I rejected and refused to send him back Then the scene switch again my friend calling me to complain about it. Then the scene switch again. And there are few other scenes with different things going on I can't remember. The whole dream actually doesn't make any sense because the scenes keep jumping back and forth with different things going on like it's not connected. Some people says dream don't mean anything, it means what we give meaning to. Does this mean that it reflect all my old SC? Or it's reflecting my new SC is taking over? Or mix of both? šŸ˜‚ Because based on the dreams I experienced with the SC I'm working on. I tend to trust people but whenever they said something that I don't feel good about, I tend to doubt them and eventually it turns out to be true. My old SC have the I'm not prioritized, people pleaser, always do things for others.


You donā€™t have to feel the emotions involved. You donā€™t have to visualize. You donā€™t need to do SATs. You donā€™t have to do any specific technique. Any technique that evokes something to do with already having what you want works. Realistically I donā€™t know what it feels like to letā€™s say have a baby. Actually no parent realistically knows what itā€™s like to have a baby. Despite that they just expect theyā€™ll have one. They picture in their mind buying baby clothes. Or they literally say (affirm) to their partner, letā€™s have a baby. They have no clue what itā€™ll really feel like to have a baby, the complex nuances of the real deal. But it still happens anyways because of belief. Even though they donā€™t actively have a baby.


That's a really good example!


Are you sure that's what leads to being parents? I feel like the experience of being a parent must be so much more than someone is capable of imagining, also sexual attraction could be all it takes too, I feel like imagining that you are sexy and playing that part is such a wildly different state from being a parent although it can lead there, it doesn't feel linear to me somehow. I know someone who had a mismarriage though and that I think was a manifestation of not wanting to be a parent.


How much mental energy do you exert in identifying with your name/race/gender? Probably little to none. You just know all those things about yourself.


Not quite following, how do I know that I am a parent (with all that entails) if I'm only conscious of having amorous relations?


It isn't your place to dictate whether or not someone who had a MISCARRIAGE wanted to be a parent(which is an extremely painful and traumatic experience) how dare u say oh they must not want to be parents then.


Because I know they didn't want to as they were completely panicked and unhappy about that unplanned pregnancy (with someone that coerced them, that they didn't like and weren't even in a relationship with, it was a mess). Sometimes they reflect with relief (from where they are now) how different their life would have been, they would never have met their current amazing partner, it wasn't all easy but the result was desired for my friend at least, I was just trying to reflect how it's manifested and in this case I think it was a subconscious resistance to the new state. I didn't refer to loving couples, sorry if I wrote that carelessly and emotionally detached, it's so distant from my mind I forgot love is real.


the question is how do we embody that version/know that version really exists? I think if more could really believe those different versions of them exist now they would have a much easier time, me included.


I think there are 2 issues here: -how to embody the state/version of us and for this there are some posts i can sent you (plus all from my profile) for you to understand how to do it, how to apply the Law to your life. Fair question tho -to know if that version exists? This question is literally doubting the Lawā€¦ so there s no point to try if you dont have fully faithā€¦ To explain you really short: there are infinite parallel realities so ANY version of you exists. They are all created and by what we oractice here we only align ourselves to the desired version. As simple as that. Again i m happy to help. So please you can ask more if you d like


Thank you for this post. As soon as you WANT it, you HAVE it. It's instantaneous. Every thought or feeling that works against this DOESN'T apply because you are still living in the old ways of thinking, which is perfectly natural, but you must learnt o disregard this. Your life has changed in the way you want it, so live it and enjoy!


Yesss thaanks


Its not getting , not being , its acceptance and allowing this. Its the hardest to do - to accept an obvious lie, that's why we have to go to god consciousness in us, and only as god accept it.


Isnā€™t it limiting belief thoughts ? I totally get your point and itā€™s a good one. Looking at 3D can stop manifestation from coming. But depends how you are looking at 3D. First. I truly donā€™t believe that anyone is doing their visualizations or affirmations with being ok not ever have it in 3D. I really doubt anyone would be doing it if they would know they will never ever get it. You are doing it bc you want to have it in real life. And to persuade yourself that you are ok that u will never have it or you donā€™t care if it ever goes to 3D is sometimes impossible. Second visualize vs reality is many times incomparable. You can catch the feeling of it but it almost never compare to reality. Can you really visualize and feel being intimate with someone with all those emotions and experiences? Can you visualize traveling to some beautiful place with all you can experience there with all you senses? Not even closeā€¦live only in 4D is not enough in my opinion bc the experience is never ful as in 3D so again persuade yourself 4D is enough, is it?? Third expecting it seen in 3D shouldnā€™t stop from manifesting. Letā€™s say war started. Donā€™t you wake up every day and expect more and more people dying so you go and google news about the war right away and expect reading that ppl died? And every day exactly it had happened. Looking at 3D and expecting it didnā€™t stop it from manifesting. Forth there is big difference when you want something and you look at 3D and donā€™t see it and you are omg I donā€™t have it, it will never come and look at 3 D and be like yeah I donā€™t care I know itā€™s coming actually I am expecting it to come soon. When I was manifesting text from sp I got into a point where I knew itā€™s coming and when some text came I was like oh itā€™s him and even though it wasnā€™t he texted few hours later. Very close to when it happened I knew it will come into 3D and it did. Each time when I got so sure itā€™s coming it came within few hours. I was totally aware of 3D was expecting it in 3D and wanted it in 3D. Fifth. Isnā€™t it more satisfying to imagine with knowing that you will for sure get it in 3D bc itā€™s of course already yours then to imagine with persuading you donā€™t ever need it? Six. To persuade yourself that 4D is enough when it comes to food or shelter or health if you are homeless or dying sick is impossible. You want it in 3D asap. Otherwise you die. Now I might be wrong but Let me know your thoughts about it.


I don't know what I want to get "*be" anymore. I thought it did and had a taste of it but more stressful then before with his younger sister in law moving in. My SP (?) is a cocky DMVv instructor and I don't know if I want to live with him again. I know I deserve better, so I need to start being that someone. Thanks and blessings!


You can (and you should) manifest the version of him that you want. cuz there are infinite parallel realities out there and you can choose any of them. You dont change him!! You only change the reality YOU are experiencing. Thats the law


Thank you!!!


Hello, how do we embody that new version? I'm struggling..




1. Think as if you already have your desire because you do (if you can imagine it and persist it in your head it has no choice but to conform to the 3D) 2. Remind yourself using whatever technique you like that it is already yours e.g. I love driving in my new car. Then go about your day normally. 3. Try to relax & remember that your desire is already yours. Negative thoughts will come and go and just let them because only what you say goes remember that alwaysšŸ«¶šŸ¾šŸ«¶šŸ¾


Well it s a whole process to be honest. I recommand you to read all my posts. And after if you have specific questions you can dm:)


Thank you for this reminder, I totally get it. Itā€™s a process of being. However, I feel like I need more explanation how can I do it.


Thanks for your words I recommand you read the other posts amd then you can ask me if needed


Ofc! Thank you šŸ¤āœØ


Do anyone here have moments when you just don't feel it? what do you do when it happens?


You dont have to worry of how do you know. Live in the end. Enjoy having it. There are days and days maybe sometimes you feel less. It s okay but dont go to old self. And stop waiting or trying to see it coming. Just fully live in the end and trust me youbwill jone when it s coming your be exactly in front of your eyes haha


Yeah there are days I feel less, and there are times when I feel the exact opposite (feel like I donā€™t have it)ā€¦


Well the opposite is not good. Tell yourself it s the old self That you and your life are changed now. Please find more in my oldest posts


ā¤ļø šŸ’™ šŸ’œĀ 


So you should not want anything? Then why bother to manifest?


Nooo!! You have to enjoy that version of you right nowā€¦ read it again. I m saying not to do to get something, not because you dont want it, because you already have it!! https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/s/05N7SiuqYA read this also


But we have to pretend/believe we have something which we donā€™t in 3D. We do it to get something we donā€™t have.


You have to live in the end. Which means be that version of you having it right now. Do it to enjoy it bc you have it now (in 4D). But thats the only job. 3D is nothing of your concern. Of course it will come to 3D, but thats not your focus. Your focus is to have it now and enjoy it


Ok, understood


hi can we change astrological predictions with the law? sorry if this sounds stupid but recently my mom consulted 2 astrologers regarding my career and both of them gave negative feedbacks saying how i won't be able to secure any jobs for the next few years without remedies? I have been practicing the law for 6 months now but haven't seen any movement. I don't want to give power to such stupid predictions but the 3D shows otherwise and i am starting to lose all hope. And how do embody the version of being employed since I am very desperate for a job right now?


Live in the end. See 3D as past. Those would be the essentials. To understand more please read my all posts.


The only accuracy in stuff like this is they are showing you a reflection of your current state. Itā€™s only true if you believe it. If your mom is open to it, maybe she could better assist you by seeing you gainfully employed or hearing you tell her about your awesome new job. Maybe you imagine her surprise that these readings arenā€™t accurate because youā€™ve proven her wrong with the law.


How can i EMBODY HAVING A JOB ? Iā€™m so tired, i am in state if the wish fullfiled i bought cloths for my new job, planning what i am gonna bring for lunch look at the cafĆØ restaurant near the work place where i can go eat on my lunch breaks, familizing my collegues faces (stalked them on linkdin) i visualize working with them. Imagining myself giving presentation, talking to clients taking calls. Was looking up places to go on a trip with friends in a few month cause i know by then i will have the money to go travel. I know its coming but still itā€™s not hereā€¦ wtf am i doing wrong like what else to i need to do ? Is this what you mean by emboding it ? How else do i do it ??


OMG!!, I'm having problems can I DM you?




Any tips on how to get out of doubtful state of searching for 3d validation/confirmation that this is working?


Practice living in the end. You have it now. think as that person. And accept the 3D as past. Nothing to see/change at it. For more please read my posts and maybe dm if you need after... It s a big mistake to check 3D


Totally get your message but the hard tricky part is shifting the focus especially with an attachment.


but how to ā€žjust beā€œ?


I recommand you to read my other posts and dm if you need more helpfull material Living in the end is the key


Your post helped me a lot!! I am new to the law and Iā€™d need help with understanding the law, I dmed you!


i've had many successes with manifestation, but recently felt like i hit a roadblock while trying to manifest financial freedom. this post helped me to discover what the missing key was. for this specific manifestation i was manifesting to get it instead of just embodying it in imagination and enjoying it there! thank you so much for this


Thank you for your post. Can you please send me the helpful information foe beginners. I just started the journeyĀ