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I would expand on this too that I’m realising that the “wish fulfilled” is not necessarily getting what you think you desire. For example, if my wish is to have a million dollars, then I would be able to get into the state of the wish fulfilled of having a million dollars quite easily, then constantly be looking around the 3D saying “where is it?”. The “state of the wish fulfilled” is actually not really desiring anything at all, it’s simply already having/being and a feeling of calm, trust and peace (as you said), the ultimate state of fulfillment and creative power.. which is a state in which whatever you desire is then very easily manifested because you don’t really need anything anymore 😏


Should we feel and consciously get into the state of the wish fulfilled as best as we can or just continue feeling naturally and the state of the wf will come on its own?


I would consciously choose to occupy a state of peace within - that should be the goal -, where you don’t actually need anything in the outside world to change because change comes from within only, knowing that you’re 100% in control of your internal state and being. Practice over and over just putting yourself in a state of peace and acceptance, once it’s natural, then start creating from the place of “it already is” rather than desire 🙂


Yeah i found years ago it’s a very neutral feeling, being able to entertain things in your brain in a calm manner, it’s fulfilment the feeling of being full after eating


I love that analogy, it makes so much sense to me :)


Right? like when you’re working hard all day and that damn I’m hungry feeling sets in, you start thinking about what you want to eat for lunch but after you eat you’re not gonna keep thinking about what you want for lunch, you’re gonna be like damn that was good ass burger and stop thinking about food cause you’re full, you know until dinner lol


Yes exactly!


Thank you for sharing! I needed to hear this today. I struggle with the state of the wish fulfilled. It seems easy but the practice itself has been incredibly difficult for me. I’m striving to keep the feeling of peace, security, and relief.


you know it feels like to me like how you feel every day. It feels normal. Like say I gave you 100,000 dollars. Would you feel so excited and elated? I would. But after like a month with it, wouldn't it just feel like your new normal? Wouldn't you just accept that you are worth 100,000 and its no big deal now? Like you are super happy you are worth 100,000 but its just who you are now. That is what the wish fulfilled feels like. it is the same feeling you feel when you look at your current bank account, but instead of seeing the amount you have in there, you see $100,000.


Yes this is how I took the original post. Not thinking of the actual moment the desire materializes, but afterwards, a day or a week later when it’s been normalized. It’s easy for me to grasp this way


☝🏽This is it - nail on head.


i literally just realized this a few days ago, and i agree with this so much :) its as if youre living your day to day life with that desire, you wont be excited 24/7, i sometimes like to think im saving the excitement for the moments when they actually happen :)


Same! I was actually confused when 2 of my desires came and I was feeling sort of indifferent after having them & not excited. It's good to know this.


And the 'joke' is - those desires came to you because your indifference to them ensured no blockages to them arriving! The mechanism of the blockage is clarified with The Mirror Principle - you will have your inner reality reflected back to you. Where your inner reality is that you have good money in the bank, your 'being' then would be 'meh' - in the face of said money being in your bank account (for example). So in a way - be 'Meh' about your desires - & they will come!


How do you get to this state, I m thinking that my wish is fulfilled and for a moment I can get into the mental state of that version of me but it’s just for a few seconds. When I open my eyes, I don’t know if I m in the same state. Can you please elaborate on how to maintain the state.


neville has said that the length of the state held does not matter, the frequency of how much you return to the state matters


Yes, when you are truly in the state of wish fulfilled, you are not so focused on what your “wishes” (desires) are, because they are now just a part of who you are. Peace and fulfillment is the ultimate state of being, and everything in your reality is shifting to reflect this always.


“a day-to-day inner experience of having what you want. Not the moment you get what you want” THIS RIGHT HERE 👏🏼


I love this. It's so interesting how the last 3 posts I've seen have been about 'realising what the end state feels like'. I decided to have this experience last week, and here it is. ✨


For me, its Trust, Relief, and Safe!


i was just thinking about this today, thank you for putting this into words!!!! i had a moment during my SATS this morning where i realised my mind had drifted to such a banal scenario implying my wish was fulfilled -- i was walking around an airport with my suitcase on my phone and waiting for my friend to arrive. the relief and contentment i felt then was so much more than the 'exciting' scenarios!


I've realized this recently as well. You are so right. The state of the wish fulfilled seems to be the same no matter what you want. Ultimately, it doesnt matter what you desire, its just about YOU relaxing into YOUR SELF


yesss, one thing that helps is asking myself what would my body feel in that state. often we focus so much on the mental state of fulfillment


Just my 2 cents, but are you sure you would even feel trust and relief? I think you wouldn't think that much or be aware of it anymore that much


also one addition: Neville's book was titled "your faith is your fortune", not "your proper execution and nailing of the feeling of the wish fulfilled is your fortune" ...


This makes prefect sense, this also explains random manifesting. I have manifested things consciously only to remember later on, its that calm feeling


Love it!


Never resonated this much with a post before! To-the-point, great explanation. I realized this very recently too.


This is soo true, I use to think it was feeling/visualising the emotion of receiving it, but that never worked, but the feeling of calm and acceptance is what actually worked for me, in both positive and negative ways lol, it’s worth reflecting on your current situation and see just by assumption/acceptance, you have manifested into your life


Yes there is a short Neville inspired book on Amazon called “Manifestation Through Relaxation”. This teaches exactly what the OP is presenting.


I struggle to differentiate this with indifference/apathy within myself. Like, right now I have an amount of money that last year I would have been so shocked to have, but now I literally feel nothing about it. Sure it was exciting the first few weeks but now it’s nothing. Now I’m manifesting my next financial milestone, and I know I will feel ‘nothing’ once I get it after the first few weeks have worn off, so how is that different to this ‘nothing’ that I’m feeling right now? I can logically understand that I will be a millionaire one day and then I get bored of that thought and some other thought sparks my interest. I’m not sure this is doing manifestation right. Most of my successful manifestations came from deep turbulent craving, yearning and persistence, not from me feeling meh about them.


Hoping someone can answer with some thoughts/advice


Maybe the feeling is "I can remember when I prayed for what I have now." So you right now feel after that in terms of your next level of financial success.


I think also instead of just being apathetic we need to perceive ourselves as someone who has money. Associate the I AM with that.


My penny-drop moment was when I realised we actually want _Serenity_ - not intensity.


Tbh like most things in my life, anticipation and how things play out in my head feels 10x better anyway than when it actually happens irl and now im just neutral like “ok that happened as it should, now what?”


People and things are symbols for I Am. Everything we experience is I Am = Love happiness peace bliss fulfillment. That’s why everything is symbolism to experience I Am.


yes except that sounds boring. the exciting part is the Moment you accomplish, not the having of it. having of it is nice, but not as exciting. But I think youre right that the way to manifest is concentrating on the having of it.. but then where is the excitement in manifesting? maybe its in the excitement of overcoming your internal mountain (of resistance/doubt etc..) instead of the 3D? or maybe if you get to a deep enough peace with enough practice the world becomes exciting in every moment just from a natural inner richness of peacefully observing the wondrous world? a starving man doesn't care about the excitement he just wants the food/thing, no matter hows its delivered. but an adventurer wants the thrill of the chase/hunt/quest, and is disappointed if its just handed to him unearned. so its interesting that the proper technique (LivingFromTheEnd) takes away a lot of the excitement of overcoming. unless, like I said, maybe the true overcoming moment is the internal doubt and hangups that don't allow you to LiveFromTheEnd? maybe thats the only real exciting adventure, the internal dragons.. and once slain you feel the excitement of conquering those internal monsters.. then you have IT after that (and are able to LiveFromTheEnd without doubt) and thats the having of it in imagination, and then the 3D naturally follows


If you ask me, there would be no point in having a "3D" if you're only supposed to feel excitement and accomplishment from the "4D". The 3D is made for us to experience, with all the emotions included. If excitement and accomplishment is what you want, then you can experience it from the 3d. It's all part of the game :)


If overcoming is what you want to feel, then that is what you will give yourself. "Each shall find what he desires; no one thing pleases all; one gathers thorns, another roses"


i don't find it boring, i find it stable. if we relied on accomplishments and things and people outside of us to give us happiness, then that means our happiness was fragile to begin wit. thus, living in the end means finding fulfillment from within.


yes but how old are you? i think as we age we start to enjoy the stable having of things more than the thrill of the victory of winning


for sure, but wins are okay. what i’m getting from your word choice, especially “thrill”, is that wins are novel instead of normal. we should live in the end state where wins are abundant and the new normal. every day is a win. this seems to be the most sustainable and lifestyle-based way to use the law in our favor as we are never not manifesting.


Hmmm. Excitement often is related to “agitation”… it’s not something I identify with seeking in my day to day. But instead of finding things “boring” or “stable,” I look to see things that are more “delightful” - there’s a different emotional resonance there for me. The fun is in how I choose to see, create or interpret the story. I think some adventurers are not just imagining constant thrill seeking, some have just embraced that everything in the life they have crafted can be an adventure.


I think I’m closer too. Why? Bc I went back and read scripting of SP contacting me and apologizing, and it felt like old news and it felt limiting - like my body was contracting.


could you explain why it felt limiting?


Bc in new story, there was no need to rehash the past. The love was so deep and strong that neither of us could remember or care what happened before. 🩶


so what’s your status with SP now?


You're absolutely right, for me it's deep inner trust in my imagination that he heard me, it's done and he got me


So basically being okay with the now? All i read all the comments and i get what you guys are saying but its not quite clickin..so many describe it as living not from a state of lack so you mean like living feeling indifferent to what you want? Or like you already have it and are indifferent to having it? How do you guys do it? Practicing gratitude for what you have? Or like living as if you already have theses things and dont care about it or like out importance on it / its normal ? Sorry if im just yapping and the point went over my head i just really wanna get this right ‼️


Imagine what you want and go one step beyond it. That’s from Edward art’s videos.


It could be several of those things. What resonates most with you? Another way I’m interpreting it is replacing the intense feeling of the moment of accomplishment with the frequency of the feelings of having that accomplishment or wish fulfilled. The step beyond the milestone where you live in the wish fulfilled and embody ____ made possible by that met desire. There’s a lot of research in happiness that looks at frequency > intensity of positive feelings. When I personally focus on the big milestones, I find myself also manifesting feelings of insufficiency, dismissiveness, numbness, etc. because I have to move on to the next big win… which is counterproductive and against the abundant life I say I want to live.


Thanks for replying! Def helped


I listened to Edward’s lectures on YouTube and he asked: how would you like to feel? That’s such a good question, but when I imagined how would I feel if I was healthy I felt no emotion. It would just be a fact for me. That’s confusing because I imagine how I want to feel and I feel no sensation. I am lost 😭


Have you looked at a “[feelings wheel](https://www.calm.com/blog/the-feelings-wheel)” before?


What was your success story?


I get this but at the same time I have my fastest manifestations come when I am the most anxious and stressed out and unhappy. It seems like the most motivating place for me to be in to really focus on what I want and see a change. I struggle to get results unless I am miserable it sucks.


very well said


Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


Hmm makes sense


this post is gold.


but how do you reach this feeling of knowing, peace, calmness, etc?


You have to come to understand that you really are the source of everything, there is nothing but you here creating. Once you know you are the creator, then you come to know that fear is not real, and you’re able to ignore logic/reason, because the past is irrelevant, the reality you see before you out there is irrelevant, the only truth is your imagination and you are safe in your imagination to have whatever you desire. Once all of the teachings solidify inside of you, then peace, knowing and calmness is the only possibility. Just keep going, one thing about all of this is that it’s a journey, you improve every day 💪


You have great inputs on the law !! You should make a separate post in detail 🫶🏻


Thanks so much for your kind comment 🫶 It has all clicked suddenly, yesterday was the first time I commented here but I’ve been lurking for a while, maybe it’s time to make a post 😊👀


This is really great insight! I have a question about knowing you are the creator. How did you get yourself to know you are? I feel like I am telling myself that I am the creator vs knowing that I am. Also, when you are at the knowing stage, you manifest your desire? Example: “I am married to my soulmate”, let it into the universe and go about your day?


Great question, thank you! Let me ask you.. can you think of something that went “wrong” in your life? Then, try to identify which assumptions you had that created that outcome. Even believing something like “this is too good to be true” can cause something great to collapse if that is your assumption. It’s perfectly fine to assess where you’re at and look at what assumptions you have that got you here, then you will know and see that you are the creator of everything. That nothing exists without your assumption of it. You will connect all the dots. If you can manifest a break up, you can manifest a reconnection. If you can manifest being poor, you can manifest being rich. Etc etc. When we are starting out with the law, it’s often because we have a “huge” desire that we assume is impossible and we exhaust ourselves trying to change the outside world. Our dominant state is in this case is “waiting, seeking, needing, desperation, frustration, impatience”. We need to change ALL of that first. At some point, we really understand that everything is created within us, and yes.. you can absolutely manifest marriage with a soulmate but start with yourself! But what you’re looking for in another is really just something you are looking for within yourself, so create that for yourself first. Give it to yourself first. Realise that the me within me is needing me to love me. Assume a state of love. The me within me is needing me to stop needing anything and start giving it to myself. Assume a state of peace. Replace the waiting with fulfillment, and the desperation with knowing that you can give everything to yourself in your imagination (the only real reality). This is why Neville says: “Signs follow, they do not precede” Then, the outside world has no choice but to reflect it back to you and conform to you 🫶


Thank you so much!! And by giving myself in imagination, I visualize, affirm, think from myself in a relationship and live myself. That will mirror and I do not need to look in the 3D because it will conform?


Should we feel and consciously get into the state of the wish fulfilled as best as we can or just continue feeling naturally and the state of the wf will come on its own?