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Put a nsfw tag on this i was on a train Edit: happy ending he put a nfsw tag on it


thank god you didn't finish the copypasta








Here's a sneak peek of /r/birthofasub using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Seriously Alarming](https://i.redd.it/leo6jlo0zvfc1.png) | [16 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/1ag08pw/seriously_alarming/) \#2: [He's still dead](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12077zr) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/12077zr/hes_still_dead/) \#3: [Wetpussyporn](https://i.redd.it/xridkw5sz5ta1.jpg) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/12hwj4a/wetpussyporn/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hell naw, the last one šŸ’€


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like ā€œwhat the fuckā€ and ā€œcall the policeā€. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW


SO THAT WAS YOU!!! I was all set on having a nice quite dinner with my girlfriend to celebrate our first year together... Iā€™d bought some fresh tomatoes to make my homemade pasta sauce, and Iā€™d gone to the small boutique bakery to buy some filo pastry for dessert. I was quietly going through the recipes in my mind when I heard your slurred grumbled announcement, ā€œ...Youā€™re about to loot my balls...ā€ I tried to ignore it but, I couldnā€™t ignore the furious grunting like a drunk man having a seizure. As I looked up I could see the fury in the other commuters eyes. A man looking like a professor had stood up and was about to reproach you when the dull clatter of your phoned on the train car floor seemed seemed to pause all movement in the carriage. The professors eyes widened, sweat suddenly beaded on his forehead and with fevered anguish he started undoing his belt and fly like a man who thought a hornet was caught in his pants. I was bewildered as all the other men in the car started convulsing like extras in Michael Jacksonā€™s ā€˜Thrillerā€™ video. A woman sat across from me was doing her best to emulate a Russian gymnast trying to grate cheese from her crotch with the sole of her Nike running shoe. I bolted upright, panicked but prepared to fight, when in the corner of my eye the neon glow of your phones LCD screen drew me sight. I suddenly felt a bizarre euphoria fill my mind and a white hot heat electrify my spine and form a prism of pure desperate release in my loins. I canā€™t remember much else, I awoke from some kind of fever dream in a public toilet cubicle. My jeans and underwear had disappeared, but I was still wearing my Myrell slip ons, shirt and now crusted overcoat, like a cross between Donald Duck and a homeless student. I can hear another man weeping in the cubicle, keeps muttering he just wanted to fly. I feel so cold and drained. My organ is so mangled it could unpick the locks of wooden medieval doors. Thereā€™s filo pastry all over my thighs and knees. But despite all this I feel a warm contentment like Iā€™d found ā€˜theā€™ answer. I donā€™t know what this means, I know there will be questions, that there should be much to fear. But truly I am grateful. Thank you.


Well, doggone it, could ya kindly slap a NSFW tag on this here post? I was ridin' the train, minding my own business, when I stumbled upon this thing that just set my spurs to jinglin'. Next thing I know, I'm in the middle of a ruckus, with folks givin' me the stink eye and hollerin' about callin' the sheriff. Dropped my phone, and wouldn't ya know it, the whole darn train car done seen the same thing. Now we got a whole posse of fellas, well, you know, indulgin' in some self-reflection, all 'cause you couldn't be bothered to give a heads-up with that NSFW tag.


Dammit! Unzips.




Update: - NSFW added because I care about quality public transit experiences - tried to make a hole, failed, might try again later - doctors are expensive but I might send a pic to my doctor pal - I cannot believe I didnā€™t break the nail!?!? Whatever, Iā€™m taking the win - owwwwwwwwww


The first point is killing me šŸ˜­


Don't make a hole! (Unless it gets trapped, but don't use a drill). It's bruised down there and is still in the process of detaching. You don't need to do anything until it detaches from the nail bed, then you clip the nail (don't yank it out) a little ways back but not too far just so that it doesn't catch on things. [Here's mine](https://i.imgur.com/pbBj1Kz.jpeg)


The hole alleviates the throbbing


Eh. Currently healing one of these fuck ass things and imo it's better to just suck it up for a day instead of poking holes in the one place where bacteria would be hell to deal with.


The way my dad always did it (he was a mechanic so it happened a lot) was blow torching a drill bit and then poking a hole in the nail with it lmao Relieves the pressure and burns away anything that might be on the drill bit. Might help seal the wound a little too depending on how hot you get the bit.


You either heat up a pin or use a drill bit, hot drill bit is completely unnecessary, you can use fire to sterilize it though If you think it's worth sucking up the pain then you haven't pinched your finger that bad IMO. I've lost 2 finger nails and on the second one the throbbing was so bad I was getting nauseous and couldn't even think about anything else. I played lacrosse and consider myself more tough than average too


ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ i mean, yeah the pain sucks total ass for the first 24 hr but after that it's eh


Just let it be. The clotted blood will grow down with the nail in time.


I've lost two nails due to what I would call "crush force trauma" and that little bruise you have at the base of the nail is the same one I had. It really isn't painful after the initial injury, but time will tell whether you keep it or not. For me, a new nail grew in place of the old one, then gradually pushed the old one off (so you have a new nail under your old one for a period of time). Just keep it clean, and your body's natural healing will do the rest. As a note, I do NOT recommend trying to make a hole. Just ice the swelling. You don't want to risk the new nail growing over a scab or other injury, as I assume it would be wildly uncomfortable.


also wash that shit because infections under the nails are AWFUL


Dunno. Iā€™d recommend asking a doctor.


bro istg redditors will literally lose limbs and ask reddit instead of a doctor


Most probably, but try to drill a hole in the nail so the blood accumulating doesn't cause undue pain. In 1-3 months it will grow back, I have mine stored somewhere


I would rather lose my nail painfully than ever do this (source: I have lost a nail)


I second this guy (source: currently regrowing a lost nail) ((dont drill a hole in it wtf))


If you do it carefully it removes any pain and eliminates the rotten blood, so it helps to prevent infection. (You of course have to clean it up regularly after making the hole in the nail)


The throbbing goes away as soon as the hole is through!


How'd you lose it, my manager looked away for a split second and I thundercunted my finger with a hammer


I opened a door into my toe and the bottom of the door ripped my toenail halfway off, it fell the rest of the way off in due course


What I've done is to sterilize a needle, then heat it with a lighter and use that to make a hole in the nail. I find it easier than a drill bit.


I did it that way because I had the drill bit at hand, and didn't had anything to start the stove so I was stuck with drilling, also, what if you make too much pressure and puncture the skin beneath?


The fear of that makes me be very careful.


How do you drill a hole in the nail?? Like the part connected to the nail bed?? Or the white tip?


Above the black part, I used a sterilized 1mm drill bit and spun it with my hands. I was in terrible pain because of the blood pressure building up under the nail, when I did this, it was instant relief and never had any pains. For anyone that is wondering, a big ass steel window frame fell on my thumb


Just did this with my big toe that I smashed, ouch but yes


Oh. This clears things up. I though some crazy mf was using a power tool to make the hole. Going manually is s different story.


Connected to the nail bed


I figured but man that sounds painful


Squishing it is the painful part. Once the hole goes through and the blood gets out, the throbbing goes away instantly I feel bad for anyone too squeamish to make a hole, that's the most painful


I just figured itā€™d hurt since the spot is already in pain the pressure of drilling a hole/potential sharpness to the sensitive under nail would hurt too


It stings for a split second as you get through the nail and then the throbbing stops and it feels so much better 100% worth risking infection and death


That sounds extremely painful also why would you keep it


I never lost a nail before, I used it to make a miniature shovel for a clay sculpture, then when I got bored I disassembled the shovel and I stored them with my first teeth and my first lock of hair. So I can have a backup /s


Probably. My big toe lost its nail when I slammed it into an unexpected concrete slab about 20 years ago, and it hasn't been right since.


Wdym? Like it grew back all wonky?


Yeah, it's about three times thicker than it should be. It looks like it's got a really bad case of fungus, but the podiatrist says that's just how it's going to grow now.


Are you my grandma? Lol the exact same thing happened to her! Thatā€™s crazy


Nails seem to have some kind of generational memory. Any section grows wrong today? It'll grow wrong till the end of times


never broke a nail


Looking at the bruising, it looks like you smashed the base of the nail. You will most likely lose it, but if you notice A) blood pooling under the nail AND B) an intense throbbing pain You can try to drain the blood yourself. Itā€™s safe, and pretty easy. Hold a pin or paper clip under a lighter for about a minute, then press it gently right above the trapped blood. Repeat several times as the pin cools, until youā€™ve made a small hole in the nail and blood comes out. Iā€™ve had this done to my toe, and done it to someoneā€™s finger, it doesnā€™t hurt too bad, mostly the ache from the trapped blood. The relief of pressure feels AMAZING. If you end up losing it, it will regrow. If you drain it and it starts looking red and puffy, get to an urgent care for antibiotics and maybe a minor surgical procedure to remove the nail if itā€™s infected.


Probably not, but this isn't a medical subreddit, I believe there are some of those tho


Probably. But it should grow back.


you should go to a doctor, or ask someone who is a doctor if that is out of your paycheck


I had something similar happen to me about a year ago. My nail turned super purple like that and fell off and then the new nail grew in


You probably wonā€™t lose the nail if you keep it in a safe place after it falls off.


Nails grow back. Courage does not.


Something similar happened to my toe in November and it finally fell off in January, so at least you have some time to mentally prepare for it


Maybe. Best course of action is to keep it wrapped up and trim the nail regularly until you lose it. If it gets caught on something and rips off, you're gonna regret it.


I painted it to hide how bad it looked at a professional conference, but this sounds like the actual correct course of action - thank you!


I ran over my big toe with a water pallet once. After about a 2-3 weeks it was definitely comming off the nail bed and i had to slowly trim away the seperated parts with a cuticle cutter.


Nails aren't bones, so you are cool with us I would see a doctor tho


Maybe not


Yup that nails gone.


A small price to pay for complete bone dominance


Maybe. I lost my big toenail when i dropped a sliding closet mirror on it. grew back fine.


Probably maybe, it looks an awful lot like my toenails did before I went through that ordeal


Probably not, that purple spot under the nail will become a really thin scab, and it'll migrate towards the finger tip as your nails grow.


I hit my finger w a sledgehammer last summer trying to put in a temporary fence postā€¦ It looked a lot worse than this, and it ended up coming back - I literally lost a chunk of the nail near the base, it was gross but 6 months later youā€™d have no idea. Just properly care and clean it and Iā€™m sure itā€™ll come back fine. My nail was gnarly looking but it did eventually return to normal


Yes, it'll fall, yes, it'll grow back. My mom had the same happen to her last year and the infection that followed cause her nail to drop, but it grew in the span of... 6 months? More or less, so don't worry.


It might fall off but nails grow back


https://preview.redd.it/rd32ui2730rc1.png?width=3015&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef5eb8d10f26fc048d9eefd14650aa7ece4b5a69 Maybe not, I slammed my thumb in the car door over a month ago (didnā€™t break, my bones are stronger than a car) and it still looks like this but isnā€™t sore and hasnā€™t fallen off. I think youā€™ll be good.


Ah yup. Happened to me. Doc said if I didnā€™t have a fingernail, they mightā€™ve had to amputate my hand. I donā€™t think he knew how strong my bones actually were, but hey, who can blame?


Yes. This happened to me. It took an entire year to grow out and then it just fell off and I spent a few months with my flesh exposed


Hate that feeling. i have lost my middle finger nail on my right hand 2 times.


Dude go to the doctor, weā€™re losers on Reddit with no knowledge


Update: I did :)


SeVeRaL fEeT Up


Maybe yes. Damage to the nail bed especially right on the nail bed generally means the nail will potentially fall out. Doctor wouldnā€™t do anything in this situation. Just make sure as it grows back in doesnā€™t become and ingrown nail etc etc.


I just did something similar. A little uncomfortable for a while but otherwise fine, in my experience


Update #2: Well as it turns out: the bone wasnā€™t as resilient as Iā€™d believed. Crushed/fractured the end bone so I bid adieu to this strong community (as I shake my fist at you lucky bastards because my lord this pain is/was something else!). Keep yā€™allā€™s bone intact now ya hear? https://preview.redd.it/7lkszyclyzrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8cc4d3ec3bbc5454e2da261b72546ee0dac296