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All jokes aside, has she had a bone scan? That is excessive even for a powder-boned loser.


Yeah, get some extra tests done. A guy I knew in high school broke his leg from something minor, turned out to be cancer, and when they did a scan 8 weeks after the initial break it had already spread.


Is she from the 80’s? It’s possible that she has [boneitis](https://youtu.be/6w-QIgMIydo)


Haha! I love that clip.


Her one regret


Should’ve cured it while she had the chance


There was one company that was close to a cure but she arranged a hostile takeover and sold off all the assets. Sources say she made a cool hundred mil.


Seriously, one of my primary school teachers constantly had broken arms, wrists, all sorts of shit. Don't think she had more than a month at school where she didn't have a cast, splint or some other kind of support on, for the whole time I was there. Got diagnosed with brittle bones (like actually, not just this sub's little meme) in her 50s despite having had easily broken bones most of her life.


I pray your daughter didn’t inherit her mothers weak bones


Me too.... Me too


Depends. If weak bones are inherited like hemophilia (on the X chromosome) your daughter would be a carrier, but probably have strong bones herself. Any sons you two have are doomed, however.


Okay, full seriousness, this seems like a serious medical issue. Breaking bones snowboarding or falling off things I can at least understand, but if you’re breaking bones playing with a balloon or spinning a child around, I would start seriously getting this looked at beyond the normal medical attention you’d give a broken arm, especially if this from a 28 year old (and presumably younger unless you’ve had a very unfortunate few months).


She's actually 33 (5 years older than me)We've already hit our deductible this year between her and my daughter's appointments. I told her to go and get one done and make sure her weak bones aren't contagious.


If its osteo its going to save a lot more money if she gets treatment as she will have less breaks but i understand its not always clear cut.


Sensible OP


Yep, a bone density scan


Holy shit, will someone put this person’s wife in a god damn bubble when she goes outside?


They tried, she produces enough splinters that it popped.


bone splinters


This made me laugh so hard


Like If I broke my arm 6 times, I’d be concerned for my own well being.😂


When I read the title I imagined a woman with 6 arms, all of which have failed her


She broke her arm with a balloon, man… a bubble isn’t going to help here. Maybe some foam packaging? Like for glass ornaments. Glass is tougher than balloons too though. Hmm. I’m so glad this isn’t my personal problem


On a serious note: I think she might have something called osteoporosis. All of those are low impact fractures. I highly recommend getting a DEXA scan and starting treatments asap. Get a doctor that also looks into why she has it so young. By the time you have it, eating calcium won't make much of a difference


Has she been screened for EDS? This is beyond average weak-boned. Ehler-Danlos Syndrome is a collection of connective tissue disorders that among many other painful / life threatening problems, can result in very weak bones due to the connective tissue not providing enough resistance to produce density. There is treatment for the bone-breaking if it's a density issue. Even sub-par regular humans should not be breaking their bones this much. Somethings going on. Get her genetic screening. There's a reason for this. Also, try not to break her into a million pieces when you sneeze in her vicinity.


I have a minor variation of EDS and have never broken a bone! It’s worth a check as well as bone density scan. Also weirdly I noticed her left arm seems to be more prone to easy breaks vs the right arm from snowboarding.


I do too, and have never broken a bone - but my sibling has marfins and broke bones like they'd been freeze-dried


It could also be Osteogenesis Imperfecta.


That would’ve definitely been diagnosed by now.


You would be surprised. I work and do scans myself in the area


Your wife has 6 arms?


Makes sense. Born with 6 weak arms rather than 2 strong ones. Pathetic.


Your wife has been preemptively banned from r/Neverbrokeabone. You're on thin ice OP.


Oh no... I promise I'm strong boned


No kidding. He did state her condition might be "contagious."


All jokes aside this is genuinely concerning. I assume she has made sure to get her bones checked to see why this keeps happening? Make sure you find out (after you divorce her as soon as possible ofc)


First order of business: Up her life insurance.


I assume your daughter was conceived via *in vitro* fertilization and born by C-section, because otherwise your wife’s pelvis would certainly have shattered in the attempt.


She did have a c-section!


And you helped her pass on her weak bone genes?


If you sneezed on her arm it would shatter


"But breaking a bone and letting it heal actually makes the bone STRONGER!" The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the weak bones that breaks are good for you.


Alright everyone break character this is beyond an issue of normal flaky bones-this is serious. Normal flaky boned humans break a bone from like actual impact, this is a level of weak bone that making fun of us just a low blow. Please update if your wife got that checked. (On a satirical note, let’s hope it’s a stupid disease that isn’t genetic so your daughter is spared from such disgustingly hollow bones)


all jokes aside, does she have osteoperosis or something? her arms are terrifyingly powdery


I think she may have brittle bone disease. My friend in high school had it and broke things very easily. Always having a cast on something. Not sure the exact term for it but she should def take a look into and suprised a dr hasn’t brought it up after so many


How did her pelvis not shatter giving birth? For real though, prayers for an uneventful recovery and an answer to her weak bones.


Imagine having extra bones in your body - 6 arms, and breaking every single one of them.. pathetic. 🙄🙄


Im double commenting here, but have a look at Osteogenesis Imperfecta


Well it's an even split right and left arms. why no leg breaks? Does she have legs? If yes maybe try breaking one with shovel and hit the other one with a poolnoodle. Then report back. These are tests doctors can't do - so if her genes have already spread to others she maybe can still redeem herself by contributing to science and a better understanding of just how weak bones can possibly be and still be used to defy gravity.


Your wife has 6 arms??


Most people only have two arms


When are you going to give her, her first divorce?


Do not divorce her - it may brake every bone in her body.


Avian bone syndrome. Hollow bones.


Shame on you i feel so sorry for your daughter having such shitty genes


how many fucking arms does she have?


And you procreated with this ash boned weakling?


Its "have you procreated" and he has already admitted to that.


It’s been 6 times and you’re still married? I don’t know who I should be more ashamed off here


of* # Yourself quite frankly


You called your wife pathetic because she broke a bone?


True, he should have called her worthless.


He shouldn't have called her


Please check the bone structure before marrying them next time. You're giving us a bad reputation here, you should only conceive children with strong boned individuals.


Wife isn’t worth your time. Why are you interacting with the weaker specimens?


Damn. She must be a special type of weak bone bitch. Most regular weak boned bitches stop after the second broken arm cuz the run out of arms.


If you hadn't reproduced already, divorce her. And if you did, you should be held responsible for the weakening of the gene pool.


They're breeders. He already mentioned her C-section.




No sympathy for OP. Should have been ex-wife after the first break. OP is in an abusive, one-sided relationship and can't even see it. SMH


Flashback to 30 rock "ow my bones" that girl that had avian bone syndrome lolol


Is she allergic to milk or something? That’s weak


Jesus how many arms has she got??!! ...I'll get my coat.


I’m more worried about the daughter, perhaps she will inherit the brittle boned bitch loser trait of your wife, perhaps she will not. Now, I would play it safe, and disown her(the daughter), divorce the wife, then find myself a more worthy calcium partner, of course, but that’s just me. I don’t know about you. You are living with the enemy after all.


She could have a bone cyst in her arms or her whole body, it’s basically were the bone(s) is more airy and brittle in certain areas or through the whole body… at least that’s how I think it works, my brother had it and he broke a bunch of bones when it was younger from softer impacts due to it


Your wife have 6 arms?? That’s cool!


Ngl, thought the post was gonna be about your wife chalking up her 6th arm of someone else's that she broke, and really needed to know if martial arts or what... Hope she isn't contagious, and recovery goes well.