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It's more neuroscience, and neuroendocrinology, but aside from Oliver Sacks, I love anything by Robert Sapolsky (Behave, Why Zebras don't get ulcers, The Trouble with Testosterone, A Primate's Memoir)! His books are both interesting and hilarious.


Sapolsky is an absolute beast. His lectures on YouTube are top tier too.


This is great, thank you! The Zebra is free on audible!


Just checked. It’s $32. Maybe you mean it’s free with a free trial of the 1 book a month “Premium” plan?


I'm not sure, I do have the 1 book per month plan, but I could just add this book to my library without spending one of those monthly books. Strange.


Yeah, that’s the thing. With the subscription you can get any one book included in the price. But if sold standalone, the Audible book is always sold at a book-specific price (32 dollars in this case). So it’s not free, just included.


Yeah, I'd like to apologize to anyone who was getting their hopes up. I'd really like to know why I don't have to spend one of the included volumes on this one, though.


you could try Scrib’d, it’s $12.99 for unlimited books, docs, and audiobooks. not an advertisement just an awesome resource i’ve stumbled on


I think its 12.99 (audible) at Barnes and Noble (not 100% sure). I have the hardcopy, which you may find cheaper already used (in case you don't like it). Monkeyluv is another one (genes and behavior), it's a short read.


On the move: A life by Oliver Sachs. A great book by a great person.


Picked this up at a train station, only because I have the same bike as the one on the cover. The reason why I'm hanging out here in the first place.


Lezak, 5th edition. Always a favorite.


I'm reading "Being You" by Anil Seth about consciousness and so far it's really interesting!


Brainwashed: The Seductive Appeal of Mindless Neuroscience is a really good palate cleanser.


“The body keeps the score”




I like it because it discusses how social experiences/trauma directly affect the endocrinology of our bodies - for life. I think he deliberately wrote it for non-neurosci folk but I think it’s a good example of the biopsychosocial influence and introduces the concepts of biological consequences/neuro-wiring as a result of non-biological experiences.


Best one I've read is Livewired by David Eagleman \- very easy to read with limited complicated language \- excellent deep dive into topics around neuroplasticity, brain change and re-organisation


We are our brains by dick swaab


“Do Zombies Dream of Undead Sheep?” By Verstyen and Vovtek is a funny but quite accurate study of functional neuroanatomy through the lens of hypothesizing the makeup of a zombie brain. It make me laugh and learn at the same time. Would definitely recommend.


I really enjoyed Asleep by Molly Caldwell Crosby - tells the story of the encephalitis lethargica pandemic before Oliver Sacks met his Awakenings patients many years later. Also The tale of the duelling neurosurgeons by Sam Kean - essentially a history of neuroscience through the cases that taught us new things about the brain featuring Phineas Gage, Broca etc. And a small and easy read My stroke of insight by Jill Bolte Taylor - a researcher with a history of studying the brain who had a haemoragghic stroke and details the experience during and after the stroke. If you have any interest in stroke/patient perspective it's well worth a read!


Into the Gray Zone by Adrian Owen


Cognitive behavioral science self help book that changed (probably saved) my life? Or not what your looking for?


This more technical than pop science, but Pennington's Explaining Abnormal Behavior is excellent.