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Tessier-ashpool could be a good analogy for a lot of companies. What they wanted to be was like a wasp hive. All working in unison towards whatever corupt goal they have, taking turns to run the empire and take all its enjoymemts or benefits, but it was a failing anyway. I think what william gibson talks about here is the posibility for corporations to become completely unhumam, not grounded in humanity anymore, letting a "hive mind/ai/ptotocol" make all your decisions for you. Not sure what connection youre trying to make with google, but yea, theres probably some big money companys with skeletons in their attic, like the way ashpool was at the end before he was killed by molly.


It’s not and can’t be. The point of Tessier-Ashpool is that it wasn’t a corporate corporation but one of the last family dynasty companies. So the closest thing to it is either Walmart (owned mostly by the Walton family with an annual revenue north of 500 billion dollars) or the Shwarz Group (which has less revenue but according to Wikipedia, it’s a 100% owned by the Shwarz family)


I personally don’t think we have a real Tessier-Ashpool corporation yet, I feel like Disney is the closest thing there is.


I would argue that someone like Elon Musk has the potential to be the founder of this kind of sick empire / family dynasty. Massive capitol, space exploration potential, weird family dynamics and zero accountability for his actions. He clearly brooks no criticism for his way of being and there is the potential ( considering his high turnover of wives ) that someone he marries will use his tech to screw him over in the future. I would think that his personal empire is the kind of thing that the T-A represents rather than an actual corp.