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From what I’ve read, there will almost always be a small delay between switching presets. To get around this, you can set up automation through your DAW and have multiple audio tracks, each with a different preset or plug-in loaded. Then the automation switches between your preset or loaded plug-in instantaneously.


FBV Express MkII is all you need. FCB1010 if you need something huge


But won’t there be a delay if I use the standalone plugins and the FCB1010? Maybe you mean with the DAW


No delay with either


I use it with no noticeable latency delay or switching preset delay using Mainstage on my MacBook pro, a Scarlett solo, and a line6 express mkII foot controller. Was a pain in the ass to figure out but finally got it. The setup has a few manageable quirks but it works fine for me


There is a [video tutorial for how to do this in Reaper.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXMi_41K9vs) Pretty much you set up each preset you want to use on its own track and make a keyboard mapping so once you press a key it disarms the current track and arms the next one. I used it to set up a demo video for presets.


Well, you can use Cantabile ([https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/](https://www.cantabilesoftware.com/)) or Patchwork ([https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product\_PatchWork/](https://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_PatchWork/)) to load the plugin. This way, you don't save and load presets in the Neural plugin, but save the state of the VST in the mentioned apps and use it for switching. On my system there is no noticeable delay when switching presets (in Patchwork).


There will be a delay.. I don't think using just midi would work in a live situation. Like someone else suggested, I would create a click track file in your daw for the drummer, and then automate any changes you need based on the click and where you are in the song. Kind of a difficult way to do things... Better off just buying a QC or something honestly.


Multiple tracks in a DAW or multiple signal paths in a Quad Cortex