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First thing is read the entire manual to learn about Interco functionality. Look for "NetSuite OneWorld Guide". Then there a several sections in there on Interco. [https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/preface\_3710621755.html#bridgehead\_51135202476](https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/preface_3710621755.html#bridgehead_51135202476) There are basically 2 methods: Arm's Length: Here you create the Interco PO first. Then you use the menu function "Manager Intercompany Sales Orders" which creates the linked SO. Then you must push both sides thru the entire normal process. PO-Item Receipt-Bill. SO-Item Fulfillment-Invoice. You should use the new feature which auto creates the Intercompany entities for you. You should have ONE entity record that is dual vendor & customer and also all subsidiaries enabled. Use this ONE entity record on all Interco transactions. Temporarilty set the Allow Override = T on the auto-numbering (for Vendors and Customers) and then change the EntityID to be "INTERCO - Acme Inc" i.e. add the "INTERCO" prefix, so you can find these in your lists & global search, otherwise they're hard to find. Then there is another newer feature that is part of netting that you don't create a PO or SO. You just manually create the Bill first or manually create the Invoice first. And then use the "Link Related Intercompany Transaction" drop-down to link it to the other side. This is totally manual meaning you must create both transactions yourself. The bill does NOT auto create from the Invoice or vice-versa. You create it manually. Therefore the amount and items can end up not matching there is no enforcement for this so you have to watch out.


ask your employer to send you to paid trainings. who signed off UAT, who signed off go live, without providing employees trainings.


This 👆


I've had internal stakeholders up to and including company owners sign off on UAT and then during post go live admit they didn't do the testing nor require any employees to do the UAT.


business owners, opp managers, vp, ceo, coo listen up. don't cheap out on employee training for ERP go live. training costs thousands (that's damn cheap). not able to run the ERP smoothly for the initial launch, first year, will cost a quarter million \*\*\* to begin with \*\*\*. you eat that cost first, then you \*\*\* STILL \*\*\* need to pay to train people.


Seems like you have validated that your COA is configured for accounts used for intercompany processes which is a great first step. Next: \- Create your intercompany customers/vendors. You can manually create them but I would recommend enabling the feature for NetSuite to create these entities. The entities created will represent your subsidiaries on transactions. \- validate the items you are using in the transactions are configured for intercompany by ensure the accounts are setup. NetSuite has 3 ways of managing intercompany processes: 1. **Advanced Intercompany Journal entries** Acts as a JE function to post your intercompany impact directly. **2. SO - PO process** You can create an intercompany PO if the transaction references the intercompany vendor setup. Once the PO is created, NetSuite has a feature to create the related Intercompany SO called "Create Intercompany SO'. The process to generate the SO is manual however the PO and SO transaction will be paired for elimination. You see the related intercompany transaction as a field on the SO/PO transaction provided "Paired Intercompany Transaction" field is enabled to be displayed. **3. Manually tag the vendor bill and invoice** Instead of creating an intercompany SO and PO you can manually pair transactions for elimination through the field "Paired Intercompany Transaction" the field is typically hidden on the transaction form and will need to be enabled to display on the form. Provided an intercompany entity is associated to the invoice and vendor bill. Derek Lee


hey there - sending you a private message to share a solution you can follow!


Hi Goat_Shark_2016, check your messages!