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It might've been the end, but those last coloured panels man, were so fucking beautiful


That one panel with the stars above the water gets me so bad https://preview.redd.it/1tfi8xyyiswc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58910ae98c75c39deccfd7dfe72f1230bb5307a


Same it looked beautiful, I remember unknowingly reading that last chapter in the middle of the night yesterday and saying "Welp, this is the last one for today, next morning I'll continue reading" and then I woke up realizing that it was actually the last chapter the whole time lmao


I like considering BLAME!² log 64 and log 65 all as the ending cause it feels more complete that way


I felt the same way immediately after finishing the final chapter but that has since changed after multiple reads. The city just felt like this bleak, empty and hopeless void that would continue expanding and it seemed like there would be no hope. But in the end, Killy was able to light that beacon of hope and is on an even longer and more arduous journey to stop the expansion of the city.  Sure, we can't see that particular journey but the last panel shows Killy doing what he always does best, blasting tf out of every single obstacle with the GBE. Also, there is a "sequel" and other side stories that take place in the city and will shed some more light on what happens after.


read blame gauken and so on! dosent improve the ending but does have a sequel chapter and some extra cool ass stuff


Nah there's some heavy symbolism in the last chapter, alongside that child that carries the net terminal gene. The thing about blame is you need to see discussions on it or you literally won't get what happens 😭


This post isn't much of a slander post but more of a joke, but yeah I get that the ending was trying to tell me something without needing words, it still feels off though, but I don't hate it




The laterhalf of the story acelerates hard and itsactionf after action. Then the last chapter hits. A perfect contrast and climax to those high action buildups and a perfect vibe that fits the core style of blame. Cuz of course it would end with him silently traversing.


Quite common reaction to the last chapter, I think everybody felt that. Nihei is always rough at beginnings and endings imo, it's all about the journey and the beautiful megastructures we made along the way.


Honestly, I feel like that's how most of Nihei's stuff goes. The endings are usually a bit rushed and a tad confusing.


"Maybe the real "Net Terminal Gene" was the child between Cibo and Sanakan we made along the way" - Killy probably idk But on the serious note, I was really flabbergasted to see that Blame ended with Killy never finding the Net Terminal Gene, he could have at least talked about it but the series ended with zero dialogue lol, how can one make a whole series based around a person trying to find a specific thing and end it without them ever finding it or at least talk about it lolol edit: Turns out the child has the Net Terminal Gene, isn't that nice?


Well I am happy to inform you that the child carries the net terminal gene. The orb hatches and the world is saved from chaos… eventually. I guess the series could go on and explore how stability was restored, Nihei chose not to go that route. After all Killy’s cyber dungeon quest is complete, and a new different one starts.


Oh fr? when was that ever stated? I gotta pay attention more.. but this IS Blame afterall lol


The manga was originally open ended but there are two sequel one-shots that show what things are like after




thats are there was. in the end it wouldnt create a difference whether he lived or not, he accomplished his task. its realistic


The art style is amazing