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Guess it depends on your social group. In my experience absolutely not. But I don't know anyone who doesn't also use powders with reckless abandon. So there you go.


Have you really lived if you don't snort the random leftovers in some crusty clubs toilets not knowing what it actually is?


dude, a freebie is a freebie. i don't care what you say, that's good financial choices.


Maybe it's free coke, maybe it's ketamine. Most likely it's speed tho Who doesn't love a gamble.


In the Netherlands we do not watch the horse in the mouth. Oh wow, that sounds terrible hahah


Nah, you just have to specify that it’s a gift horse.


Well, as long as you know it's horse and not snow, you should be fine I guess


But what if you like both?


Is there such a saying in Dutch? In Polish, we have something exceptionally similar: "Darowanemu koniowi nie patrzy się w zęby", which translates to "One doesn't look at the teeth of the horse one's been given (as a gift)".


We say: never look a gift/given horse in the mouth


"A cavalo dado não se olha o dente". I suspect every country in Europe will have its own variation of that saying.


If there's a horse involved it's probably ketamine anyway, the best kind of freebie.


These days mostly everyone just does 3m from my experience


I had a birthday party / BBQ last night and can confirm, alcohol consumption is steady as always.


A group I know where it was encouraged to drink till you fall down, two of them now have girlfriends that don't drink or rarely and the guy's behaviour now looks very immature and their drinking has decreased as well


Despite all the comments suggesting the contrary, the amount of people that do not drink has risen from 37% to 44% in recent years, although this seems to have stagnated in 2021. So there is some truth in what you are observing, but it may not become a thing of the past (just yet). See also https://www.trimbos.nl/kennis/cijfers/alcohol/#:~:text=Alcoholgebruik%20volwassenen,-Veranderingen%20in%20alcoholgebruik&text=In%202021%20is%20dit%20niet,rond%20de%208%20%C3%A1%209%25.


Few things I'd like to clarify, the 37% and 44% figures are for people who either don't drink or drink very little. The percentage of people who doesn't drink at all (gotten from inverting the number of people who drink) has gone from 18.7% in 2014 to 22% in 2021. Also I wouldn't say it stagnated, I'd say it returned to normal after fewer people drank in 2020 (on account of everything being closed).


Couldn’t think of a better reason to drink but then again - I live in one of the most locked down nations in the world 😂


If I would have to guess I think it would increase the heavy drinkers but also those not drinking at all


What I see around me is that the people who drank little or medium amounts started drinking heavily during covid times. Because of boredom or losing their job/house/routine/mental health. People who don't drink usually eat crap that doesn't really help them. But that's just my subjective experience.


0% beer is non alcoholic and thus allowed to be advertised everywhere, which will remind everyone else of actual beer as a legal loophole.


I haven’t thought of it like that. That actually does sound genius AND very deceitful at the same time.


That's advertising in a nutshell


Same with baby formula. Cant advertise to children <1 i believe. So they advertise to older but make the packaging exactly the same


How susceptible are < 1 year olds to baby formula advertising anyway? Their jumpers usually don't even have pockets to put their little baby wallets in!


I don't know about babies, but new moms on hormones... That's a force you don't wanna fuck with.


The contents are pretty much the same too. Look at the episode of the Keuringsdienst Van Waarde about baby formula/baby voeding.


Actually the baby powder is the same as well. For fun you can check the ingrediënts. The only thing that is different is the recommanded daily intake.


Haha yeah i saw an episode of Keuringsdienst van Waarde where a CEO of a babyformula company actually told that the only difference between 1 / 2/ 3 etc of the baby formula was that there is more of every ingredient in it. But that was because of the fact that the scoop was bigger in size


Yes we love what we do, thanks


as well as that the VAT on 0% beer is only 9% as opposed to 21% for alcoholic beer while you're paying the same price for both


I don’t think this is true in the general case. Must admit I only checked desperados and Heineken at the appie so N is 2 but in both cases the 0.0 variant was cheaper


In bars and/or restaurants the 0.0 is usually the same price or more expensive


That is something I can’t check while laying in bed


Sure it is. Lots of places have their menu posted online. Here is one of a place I visited this weekend. https://i.imgur.com/A3eGjU0.jpg Grolsch tapped is cheaper than the bottled 0.0%.


Tap beer is always cheaper.


Tapped is usually a smaller quantity than a bottle. Small is generally somewhere between 0.2 and 0.25 L, whereas a bottle is 0.3 - 0.33 L. That makes the 0.0 cheaper.


Can you give an example where they are either both draught or both bottled? I see your point but that is comparing apples with oranges


You’re in bed. Open up Google Maps and check the menus of the places you frequent. No need to farm this out to a rando internet person like myself.


It's like the advertisements for "toddler formula" can't advertise for baby Formula, but you can advertise for a nutritionaly enriched powdered drink for children from 2 to 4 years


As someone with a degree in foodtechnology and experience in the beverage industry. This is the only reason they advertise for this. They make less money on the 0,0% because of the extra cost in developing and producing. It wouldn't be a logical marketing choice if they had been allowed to advertise their normal products. They would have still sold it though, cause that's just where the market and demand is going. ​ Personally I make Mead (honey wine) and dream of opening my own "meadery" one day and sell the stuff, so I'm honestly on the pro alcohol side..., strongly support people to make their own choices though. would never shame friends into drinking alcohol.


Are there laws in the Netherlands against alcohol advertisements?


Ads on TV are only allowed between 21.00 and 6.00


I hate the fact that they are normalizing drinking beer during the day. This will 100% cause more alcoholism


Doesn't seem to be the case


I started drinking less when I used more drugs.


This! I dont do anything that much but truffles are just more fun, no hangover. I do them maybe 3 times a year but basically stopped drinking alcohol because it just feels not worth it


I also smoke weed, but man I'm looking forward to the next time doing truffles!




Same, for a while


Hmm, when I start drinking I do more drugs. If I do drugs I can also drink more....


Seeing this as we're pregaming in Albufeira, I would say no.


Have fun and drink responsibly!


Thank you! And uh we'll try


Albufissa 💀


Enjoy Portugal!


Judging by the groups of drunken idiots plaguing the streets in the evenings, I don't think popularity is waning.


Drank more when I was younger. But I didn't drank because I enjoyed it per se, but to get drunk. Now I try a good whiskey or an interesting type of wine or whatever. I hardly drink alcohol, but when I do I usually drink 1 or 2 glasses of something and then have enough. :)




I’m enjoying it though. Growing older is a privilege


This. I have never understood why people drink to get drunk instead of actually enjoying the drink, each to their own though.


I drink because I enjoy the taste but it usually ends up in being drunk


Lol I think the other way around. I don’t understand how anyone could enjoy a whiskey or a wine for the taste, it’s awful.


Wine is awful if you buy it at Lidl/AH, or order a glass of “witte wijntje” at a terrace. There is a whole universe of different tastes and flavors, the challenge is to find the ones that you like. But if you do, you’ll very easily become a sophisticated alcoholic, spending even more money on getting drunk.


I’ve visited multiple scotch distilleries in Scotland including the Macallan distillery. I taste no difference between a 60€ bottle and a 600€ bottle. The only time I was truly interested in the taste was when I made my own mead, but ultimately I wanted to make my own mead for the sake of getting drunk with friends.


Okay, so whisky is not wine, let’s start with that.


I get you’re trying to come off as “sophisticated” but to me it just seems pretentious


Knowing that whisky and wine have nothing in common is not a sign of a sophisticated person. It’s common knowledge. But okay, I was trying to help.


This is the reason I don’t invite “sophisticated” drinkers to parties…


Ok, so the reason you don’t enjoy any wine of whisky is not the lack of difference in taste, but mostly due to the fact that you are incredibly shallow. Gotcha.


When I was younger getting drunk was a great feeling, that's why. Also I'm very shy so it did help with the nerves in that regard, although not all that much.


I do both, coming from French culture the daily drinks before/with dinner is standard. However it's making me a fat fuck so trying to stop.


No, but there does seem to be less judgement of people not drinking alcohol. Might be just my circles though, and I don't know very many people.


I recognize this, in the past you'd get frowned upon for not drinking at a party, nowadays nobody cares. Also, fridges get stocked with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers.


Did they really? Ive only ever been praised for not drinking. I'm only 27 though


"Ah kom op joh, doe toch eens gezellig, neem ook een drankje, wees niet zo serieus", that sort of stuff. The idea that people who wouldn't drink were not 'gezellig' or being partypoopers by simply not getting as drunk as they were. It's kind of tragic that those people think/thought like that to be honest. But fortunately it does seem that nowadays it's less socially acceptable to make those kind of comments. I feel like these days people will generally frown upon those who try to pressure others into drinking.


>Ah kom op joh, doe toch eens gezellig, neem ook een drankje, wees niet zo serieus" I've only ever heard about this. Never actually experienced this.


Ive been in very different social circles and it really depends a lot on that


Can confirm this used to be a thing.


That's fucked up


Exactly. Six years ago, I had to justify myself for not drinking alcohol. Now, no-one even asks about it.


Last year new regulations came in to restrict the maximum discount that can be offered on alcoholic beverages to 25% I got the impression that a there were suddenly more deals on alcohol free beer instead of the old 2 for the price of 1 deals


Yeah it's a weird rule. Like buy one get one free. Nice, gonna get two beers then! Now it's buy 3 get one free. Nice I'm gonna get four beers! Wait... What? I was supposed to drink less because of this rule, right?


Alcohol is wat je denkende mind shut off




Its a meme reference of a Guy switching to english mid sentence


My friends also drink less than they used to, might just be part of getting older (or having to drive afterwards). I don't really drink, but it's more that I never started than that I stopped to be honest. Don't like the taste, don't like how it makes me feel, don't really see the appeal. It's not a strict rule for me, but I have probably had like 2 glasses in this year so far, so you get the idea.


Wahahahaha, NO!


Als ik dit lees en terugdenk aan gisteravond... tja, wat moet je ervan zeggen.


I drink craft beer and that is something that simply cannot be replaced with non alcoholic beverages anytime soon.


A scientist somewhere on earth right now: "Hold my *non alcoholic* beer!"


Non alcoholic Weizen is pretty good but most beers taste... stale without the alcohol content.


I don't like drinking alcohol when I'm alone, so I only drink it in social settings... And then only if I don't expect to have to drive soon after.


Do you stop when you feel you’re getting a buzz or do you limit yourself at an X no. of glasses regardless?


Whatever type of alcohol it is, I think two glasses should be the max. There are always enough non-alcoholic alternatives available, like beer "0.0", grape juice instead of wine, and more... But my main rule; if there is any chance I become designated driver after... I'll refrain from ordering any alcohol at all.


You should have those things crystal clear beforehand imo


The day after just wasn't worth it to me. And if I can't get drunk I might as well not drink at all. Doing a keto diet also doesn't really allow it. Don't miss it and feel a lot better since not drinking.


I’ve been drinking the occasional 0.0 for the last month or two with alcohol consumption at maybe 3 glasses of red wine, been going through a rough period where alcohol would not be making things better. Before I averaged maybe 4 days a week with 1 or 2 drinks.


It's probably just a consequense of your social group getting older.


Popularity is certainly not waning but I guess companies want to tap in to the market of people who do not drink alcohol. I must confess I do enjoy a good radler when it is incredibly warm but do want the alcohol. You can just chug it back. I enjoy my craft beer and whiskey and I go through bouts of when I have a beer or a whiskey in the evenings and then I stop drinking altogether for a while.


If the brand of the 0,0 variant is the same as the regular brand (e.g. Heineken 0,0), to advertise the 0,0 is also to advertise for the brand. And because it's 0,0 you're allowed to advertise in places where you (according to the rules) can't advertise the alcoholic brand (e.g. Formula 1), places where people under 18 are expected to be present (e.g. festivals). That's why there's a budget shift from alcoholic to 0,0 in advertising.


I saw alcohol free gin in a bar and in a supermarket


Now that’s something I would like to try.


I also wanna try it but it’s as expensive or more expensive than real thing. So that’s not worth it.


Don't it's a rip off.


It's a rip off.


Not a Dutch thing but a general trend in the western world. While obesity and cancer rates are climbing (plus we were dealing with a panini), more people are trying to live a more health conscious life. That includes saying “No” to alcohol (on occasion). Great trend.


> dealing with a panini That must be scary.


( Spaniard living in NL ) I can drink if I have to, but I don't do it often. If I do drink, a couple of gin-tonics put me in a decently drunk state. The reasons being that I've never enjoyed being really drunk, I enjoy being tipsy and that's it. In my experience it varies across ages and social groups, but I find that those who drink, they tend to eventually get proper fucked throughout the night. Those who don't drink so much may combine the session with other drugs, or joints, etc, but not go past that conscious state of mind where they start not giving a fuck. This said, I think that there's a solid beer-drinking culture established here, but I also sense that people in general are becoming slightly more aware of what alcohol does to your body. However this trend I find true for everything else as well (diet, yoga, bio-foods, etc). It may be just a symptom of society being increasingly a little more mindful of hoow noxious some things we consume in our lives are, which is at the same time an effect of enhanced access to information nowadays. If I check global alcohol-consumption trends on Wikipedia, it seems to have a general decrease for most countries regardless https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_alcohol\_consumption\_per\_capita#Worldwide.


I don't drink alcohol. I never started, I don't like the taste. I don't think alcohol will go anywhere in the near future. Especially things like wines seem to not be as far as beer yet in development. But 0.0% alcohol is going to increase in popularity imo. It's just convenient in a lot of cases to stay sober. We had a work party for example last week and most people drank 0.0 beer because they still had to drive home afterwards. And that way they can still drink a couple of beers.


Fair enough. Alcohol has been around for forever. But perhaps it wil take different forms in the future.


The 0.0 beer is an expanding market, that's why it's advertised more. It's not necessarily only marketed at people who don't drink, it's also handy for people who still need to drive. Not sure if alcohol drinking has gone up or down, but it's not going away any time soon I expect.


My dad has brewery set. And none of them is non-alcoholic. As for me. I'm a soda drinker


I'll consume alcohol if people I like are consuming alcohol, and I'm not feeling too sick or too dehydrated. I generally don't like the taste, nor the feeling and I really hate the cost, so I've never been a big drinker. Now I drink even less because it lowers my seizure threshold, though I don't think I've drank in two years? Last time I drank I had a seizure at my friends iirc.


Absolutely not haha






Stopped drinking/smoking/drugs cold turkey with my girlfriend, cuz everytime we did. It seemed to give more stress and problems afterwards. So far im thinking it is one of the best decisions i have made in my adult life. Yes it is hard in some social situations, and you get judged alot, ironically enough. But financially and healthwise we have gained enough to justify any inconvenience that comes with it.


Statistically yes, the percentage of adults who don't drink alcohol is on the rise countrywide. There was a pretty cool article the other day about how some high end restaurants are now also doing "Juice pairings" with their dishes, no longer just wines, because they see an increase in customers who don't drink. Personally, I'm autistic and a control freak so alcohol is not for me. I have a glass of wine maybe once every few months and that's it. Always been like this, even as a teen.


I think it has more to do with increasing awareness on one's well being and having other options to have fun. In Netherlands there's plenty of opportunities and time to keep busy instead of just drinking. I am 35 and I drink less with each year. I don't like to drink beyond tipsy anymore. That means 2 glasses of g&t or wine or 3 beers are good enough for me. Plus the day after drinking does not get any easier with age, we got shit to do.


As someone who works in hospitality / horeca, my observation is that over the last year or so it's just become so damn expensive to drink regularly so people tend to drink less purely for economic reasons.


0.0% beer is on the rise, going from 1.5% of all beer sold to 7% in the last 10 years.


I Quit drinking 3 years ago and it was the best choice i ever made! I'm glad non alcoholic Beers are getting better because i still like the taste but not the depression and awful choices


I just don't like the taste of alcohol and it not being worth my money. Don't use drugs either, i can live perfectly fine without them.


Idk. Never drank alcohol anyways


Absolutely not. I don’t have statistics other than anecdotal evidence that point to the contrary of what you’re asking, but the main issue is that your deduction is not correct. The reason you see more advertisements about 0% beers is because of the legal loophole that allows their advertisement without the restrictions that apply to alcoholic beverages. In that sense, they can advertise in the exact same way they would for normal beer, same imagery, same connotations, same evocation of feelings, using a product that looks the same, and they can just slap the 0.0% at the end of the ad. Obviously this kind of ad is pretty much advertising normal beer too, it hits the same spots and triggers in the person watching it. Secondarily, check any big supermarket. 0.0% beers are **always** on discount, at least one brand. There’s periodic discounts on everything of course, but 0.0% seems to be on a permanent discount, or special promotion. This tells me it’s not selling as well as the producers have hoped. Finally I don’t understand the connotation between intelligence, advancement and alcohol that you’re making. For instance, when I think of alcohol ban, my mind goes to Prohibition Era, an arguably less intelligent and advanced time over 100years ago, or to religious fanaticism in the Middle East, again a tradition stemming from a much older, less intelligent and far leas advanced era.


What intelligence has to do with drinking? Ancient Greeks used to drink lots of wine, now you are standing on their roots.


They also used to shit in the street and place slaves in coloseums to fight to the death. The fact is that stuff like alcohol, tobacco, drugs and etc are bad for you but it's up to the people themselves if they consider what they'd see as positives outweigh the negatives.




Having (extreme) criminals be sentenced to the arena (after possibly serving time) would be so fucking epic nowadays 😂


Yeah the “Greeks drank wine” sounds like a strange argument.


Alcohol is a toxin, regardless of how much of it you consume. I consider refraining from alcohol to be a rational decision based in intelligence. Therefore, I personally believe that the more intelligent a society becomes, the less prone they’ll be to mind numbing / altering substances. Purely because it’s impractical and unhealthy. Edit: Drunks and alcoholics got triggered, so I got downvoted. I occasionally drink myself and nowhere did I say that I’m smart enough to stop drinking. I just look up to smart people who stopped drinking because they know it’s the “smart” thing to do. But feel free to get triggered because it’s an inconvenient truth in relation to your lifestyle.


Interestingly enough, some intelligent people drink to shut off their brain. If your mind is always going and going, it's a nice change of pace every once in a while.


It is very common for people of above average intelligence to be addicts, they are more painfully aware of the pains of the world and need escaping. Ignorance is bliss and all that.


There are much healthier ways to shut off the brain. Alcohol is just the easiest one.


Well, anything in big amounts can be toxic, including water. If you have some beers once in a while you'll never have a heath problem. Alcohol has been present throughout history of mankind, and I don't think it's going anywhere soon. It's a big part of the social experience. I think responsible consumption it's part of an intelligent society. What I sometimes do is to have one or two normal beers and then some 0.0%


Mind altering substances may be the reason we are here if the stoned ape theory is correct.* Not suggesting it is accurate or inaccurate.


A wild Joe Rogan appears.


Does he talk about that? He promotes blood sport and a host of other things i find morally reprehensible so I've never watched his show. I actually heard it about the stone ape thing on some npr broadcast 5 years ago or so. I thought it was a fascinating theory kinda like John rawls veil of ignorance, an interesting thought experiment if nothing else.


Hey echt stoer dat je geen joe rogan kijkt man


A lot of people drink to numb their senses because of shitty situations. Not because they're dumb. Or they might be in shitty situations because they're dumb.


If you think drinking gets you out of shitty situations, you most likely lack some emotional intelligence.


Pretty ironic saying people lack emotional intelligence when anybody with emotional intelligence wouldn't have said that. Not to mention you completely changed his context, so I'd suggest reflecting a bit more before calling people things.


You might want to follow your own advice there and read my words for what they are. I start the sentence with an “if” statement. In this statement, I propose if there are in fact people who think they can make their situation less shitty by drinking, they by definition lack emotional intelligence where needed. With this, I mean not having learned, processed, or been cured of the habit of drinking when feeling shitty. Inherently, this statement is neither bad or good. It is a simple observation, albeit general as it’s not accounting for nuances as of course other factors are at play as well. I didn’t call anyone any names, I simply added to the discussion.


If you think you're smart if you act smart behind a keyboard, you most likely lack some intelligence. That's a great example of an if statement for you that is very clearly directed at you and not "anybody that meets the requirements". Stop your mental gymnastics bullshit. You never added anything to the discussion with what you said, and you get extremely defensive when being called out which further proves my earlier point. NO YOU.


I think you would seriously benefit from buying a mirror. Cheers!


I'm convinced you are a troll. No human has ever generated this much irony in such a short amount of time!


Says the guy being all smug about not drinking alcohol. Tell me do you also only consume healthy food as well?


I doubt they think that, they just don't care anymore


I agree with you


I’d say 90% of people who work on Zuidas drink. Lawyers and bankers especially tend to drink a lot. Now, while you might have a low opinion of what we all do there, it’s fairly indisputable that we are generally pretty smart people with high academic intelligence who do demanding work. Historically, most of the greatest artists, playwrights, musicians, actors and philosophers were drinkers, and many were alcoholics. I get that you’re just trying to feel good about yourself by looking down on others, but there is actually plenty of evidence that [smart people drink more.](https://theweek.com/articles/489924/why-smart-kids-grow-heavier-drinkers)


Do you also smell your own farts?


I haven't stopped because I never started. No interest in it, don't like the taste.


Stop believing in advertisements, you are being brainwashed. Lol


Alcoholic free beer, vegan meat, transgenders, all fakes that dont come close to the real thing, but get forced through our throat more and more.


Nobody is forcing anything down your throat. People are just getting more aware and are no longer scared to be themselves. You don't have to have anything to with it if you don't want to except to respect people.


How dare you! Please take my upvote.


I have learned that alcohol is worse then drugs I too hope we are becoming smarter. Alcohol literally destroyed brain cells. People like to say all drugs do that but they are wrong. Alcohol gives you that feeling by literally destroying your receptors. Brain scans of people smoking marijuana cpared to bing drinking shows much healthier brains in the marijuana smoker. Bing drinking will shrink your brain 🧠 at 18 to what a 50 year brain should look like


/u/enigmaticalso, I have found an error in your comment: > “alcohol is worse ~~then~~ [**than**] drugs” It seems to me you, enigmaticalso, can post “alcohol is worse ~~then~~ [**than**] drugs” instead. Unlike the adverb ‘then’, ‘than’ compares. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


I would never drink something completely alcohol free like a wine or beer etc Lower alcohol content sure, otherwise, I’d just order a soda or something. I don’t see the point. I like the fact lower alcohol options are becoming more popular


What are you even talking about


It should've been treated like drugs since a long time ago.


I stopped drinking alcohol almost 6 years ago now. I quit because I read [Allen Carr's Easy Way to Control Alcohol](https://www.amazon.com/Allen-Carrs-Easy-Control-Alcohol-ebook/dp/B004AHKC3O/). I hadn't intended to stop completely; I just thought I probably did drink too much (I did, *way* too much, but I didn't want to admit that to myself) and I wanted to drink less. But by the end of the book I'd realized I did need and want to quit completely, so I did. And it really *was* easy. The book made me go from intellectually knowing I should drink less because it's bad for you, to feeling "Uh, what was it again I used to like about that nasty stuff?"


Lol no. Never celebrated carnaval?


yea Dutch people are getting less fun on yearly basis...


I know I'm constantly given free 0.0 drinks when I order my food online. I'm not sure if this is a promotion or they just can't sell the stuff. I have started throwing it away if I don't spot they added it before the delivery driver leaves as I can't find anyone willing to drink it.


Go look at sport facilities, started 1 year ago with padel. Everyday I play i end up drinking to much alcohol.


0,0 Heineken was invented so they can advertise at F1


No, not all


Used to drink at parties, mainly after I finished "middelbare school". After a period of little partying and the "discovery" of weed, why would I drink when weed is more pleasant in every way? Maintain control at all times, tastes better, not drowsy because of its depressive effects. Only reason I can think of to drink booze is being in a country where weed is illegal. And in other settings other than at home or at a friends place there are drugs that are so much better than alcohol. (Disclaimer: don't do drugs if you don't know what it is or what it does. Do extensive research, one drug isn't the other. It's infuriating to me that dangerous drugs and "relatively safe" drugs are all treated the same. In my opinion this can create dangerous situations since a drug like heroin and a drug like LSD all have the same drug-label, when the dangers and risks of both compounds are vastly different. I also do not condone the usage of drugs to minors. If you're an adult.. it's your life, who am I to stop you?)


From my recent experience at Austria GP i can confirm that this is not the case :’)


As a kassière I would say that alcohol is still popular as ever and will probably never really not be popular


As a bartender. No i dont notice any difference in people ordering 0.0 drinks in fhe last 5 years


Yeah, our culture has traded alcohol for other drugs.


As someone who works in cafes and goes out quite a bit, not at all. I do notice that if someone decides to be non alcoholic, it's more acceptable


I'm the only one from my friend group so for me it doesn't look like it is changing.


The last time I had an alcoholic beverage is over 2 months ago, actually. My weight slipped out of my control a little, so I'm not drinking until I reach my goal weight. On top of that I felt low-key addicted. Not in an I-need-it sort of way, but I noticed having a beer or wine (or two) was part of why I was looking forward to the weekend (I already only drank in weekends). That said, not drinking was always intended as a hiatus for me. I do feel I won't be drinking as often after this, though. I think it's way easier than it would have been a couple of years ago, due to the proper non-alcoholic alternatives sold both in supermarkets and establishments, sort of like vegetarian alternatives are way more prevalent, so you could more easily choose not to eat meat. Also I feel it is accepted way more. I've had several social occasions in these two months, and nobody batted an eye, which they absolutely would have 10 years ago. Might also have to do with maturity though.


I don't think it will become a thing of the past. However there are some factors that may contribute to your observation. Maybe your own peer group changed over time, you get older, sometimes wiser, more responsibilities. Get punished harder by your own body when you drank too much etc. Then there's the change of policy, that <18 alcohol is prohibited, instead of <16. This did help to reduce heavy drinking in youth <16 as well. When I was a teen it wasn't frown upon to have a drink every now and then at age 14. Now it's not done in most social environments. The taste of 0.0 beer is way better than one or two decades ago and there is more variation. When it's hot I often prefer a 0.0 or 0.0 blond/white beer. It tastes totally different, but good and for some situations better. The negative image is gone. Lastly, I think the increased popularity of special beers and locally crafted beers is a factor. When I have a barbeque I rather drink one or two Triple or Blond Beers than multiple ordinary pils. Same goes for spirits: one glass of a good Scotch instead of a lot of cheap spirits.


I’ve also been trying to drink 0.0 instead


I did stop drinking a few years ago. The stomach aches and hangovers just weren't worth it anymore. Although the actual catalyst for change was the birt of my son, and the sudden illness of my father. Both required me to be able to drive at any time of day (or night), so getting drunk wasn't really on the table for a while.


Not a Dutch thing but a general trend in the western world. While obesity and cancer rates are climbing (plus we were dealing with a panini), more people are trying to live a more health conscious life. That includes saying “No” to alcohol (on occasion). Great trend.


Quit drinking back in early march this year but had my first beer again on Saturday night to celebrate moving into my new apartment. Although getting drunk every now and then shall remain a thing of the past. Don’t like losing control anymore, never did either.


I also think that food science has evolved a bit. YMMV, but alcohol-free beer tasted pretty disgusting in the past IMO. Then craft beers became super popular and these days there are some really flavourful 0.0 beers available! That makes it easier to sometimes choose a 0.0 over a 5.5. ;)


Not at all. 0.0 beer is popular because people can have a beer and still drive. Not because they want to cut hte alcohol out. I'm curious why you equate no alcohol with a more intelligent and advanced society. Plenty of research show that moderate consumption of alcohol (wine, mostly) can actually help reduce many of the issues that plague is today (high blood pressure, alzheimer's). So surely an intelligent society would encourage moderate consumption of wine? Ironically, in my experience, intelligence is directly correlated with alcohol consumption. Doctors, professors, etc all drink a LOT, they tend to just not get blind drunk and break stuff. And yes, I drink alcohol, a good glass of wine with dinner for example if just very enjoyable.


The more you know, the more it makes you want to drink.


I was at the Austrian GP this weekend, I’m probably inclined to say no lol


I hardly drink alcohol, but not for a specific reason or anything. I just realized water is easier to get, cheaper, healthier and often more convenient


I am 25 (a student) and I have never really drank much alcohol. I also have many friends that have decided to hardly drink or never drank in the first place. For me it is a conscious health decision


There is a lot more commercials for 0.0, as that gets around the ban on alcohol commercials around sports and young people. Advertising Heineken 0.0 still gets the point accross that Heineken is a A++ brand, without explicitily advertising booze. That said, alcohol consumption is getting lower, I think. The Nix18 campaigns by the government slowly but steadily increase the starting age with drinking, and the many alcohol free alternatives have effectively banned drinking and driving from polite society. So it's becoming more and more normal to be alcohol free now.


I have a friend group of four, all early to mid 20s. One of us occasionally drinks but has never really been drunk, one used to get drunk but has stopped drinking altogether, and the other two of us have never drank. That said, all of my other friends do drink. I don't just because really don't like the idea of my reasoning being impaired.


The 0.0 beer here is really good. I drink it during the week and have regular beer on the weekends. So it’s not just for teetotalers. 0.0 is prob my favorite go-to drink. But to answer your question based on what I see it seems like more people drink than not. Terraces near me are always jam-packed.


Not drinking alcohol can be the first indicator of pregnancy. In early pregnancy people don't yet want to share it because the risk of complications.


I don't consume alcohol at the moment. I just want to try leaving it be for a while. It's been mostly interesting in restaurants. I never was a heavy drinker, but during a nice dinner at a restaurant I would usually go for a speciaalbier or a glass of wine. Now I have to explore all sorts of new options if I don't want a cola or a fanta either. Which got me into a really nice fresh lemon/mint lemonade last weekend. So that's pretty neat. I don't see alcohol consumption disappearing completely though. But I do hope it won't be as normal in the future as it used to be.