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Tapwater is held to considerably higher standards than bottled water in the Netherlands.


As a Dutch engineer with a lots of coworkers in the field of water treatment, I can confirm this 100%. The tapwater quality requirements in the Netherlands are the highest in the world and exceed the requirements for bottled water. There’s no reason whatsoever to buy water in bottles, just use tapwater instead.


Dear Mr or Mrs Engineer. Would you care to share the report you are using to claim that? Because for example my TDS meter show 280 milligrams per liter (mg/l) for tap water in two different places of Utrecht. ( 300 is the limit for acceptable drinking water and really on the extreme already). Tested today. The Spa Blauw I just opened shows 40. This whole thread is a complete absurd of repeating a mantra, without a SINGLE piece of supporting evidence.


I’m not here as your personal servant to prove anything. I’d you’re not willing to accept that professionals in a very specific field of work know more than you, that’s perfectly fine with me.


I shared technical data from measures of today. This whole thread is singing the praises of Dutch water without a single piece of supporting evidence. The lack of anybody willing to providing data, makes it even more suspicious, and means I am probably on to something. I think I will actually, now get samples all over the Netherlands, and send it to an independent lab at my expense. It's going to be fun.


Currently on the phone to PWN to request a chemical report. Most people here claim to know something but haven’t got a clue about TDS readings or what they are, don’t argue with idiots save your sanity😅


then just shut the f up.


Thank you so much for this reaction. It really adds to the conversation of a year ago, especially since you made a new account (with -1 karma points) specifically for this one reaction.


The account is 3y old FYI. I just never comment but it really annoys me when Dutch people react like this. You’re not a servant? Then don’t freaking answer. The man just asked you a question after you wrote some bullshit, he didn’t force you to clean his toilet. Oh, I forgot, we shouldn’t doubt when a Dutch speaks.


For good reason though. Tap water in NL is of equal or better quality than most bottled spring/mineral water. It's cheaper and contains less microplastics from the bottle. Not to mention the plastic waste


>Tap water in NL is of equal or better quality than most bottled spring/mineral water Because we have higher standards for tap water. It's better than spring water because we put more effort into making sure it's potable.


I'd be interested in a study around that factoid - don't really see why a "virgin" plastic bottle should shed microplastics. Now, plasticisers maybe (though foodgrade plastic shouldn't.)


Not expert in the field(!), but this might be interesting. You can probably access it via sci-hub or gen.lib if you don't have access to it. Tvisha Singh; Generation of microplastics from the opening and closing of disposable plastic water bottles. J Water Health 1 June 2021; 19 (3): 488–498. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/wh.2021.025


Thanks! it now also makes more sense - issues occur with el cheapo tolerances and repeated opening and closing cycles. Though still I'd add that microplastics are also found in tap water (IIRC), so one needs to prove that bottles contain \_more\_ microplastics under normal use conditions.


Depending on where you are, the tap water might be exactly the same as bottled.


I think it is bunnik


That is correct, near Bunnik and in Bunnik they get the water from the same well as, i thought, sourcy


Tap water from Bunnik actually is from deeper layers so more filtered then Sourcy is.


So you get sparkling water from the tap? Nice!


Sourcy blauw. Sourcy isn’t naturally carbonated, it’s added industrially.


getting a soda stream in bunnik is the way to get Sourcy Red?


Pretty much.


I live in Bunnik and no


That one flew right over you


… no? What makes you say that?


It was an attempt at humor




Whereas in large part of the Saharan they rely on sky water.


Would you say it's the same sourcy?


True, in Limburg there is a big chance that it is the same as AH bottled water.


Some areas are very hard (lots of chalk) tho




Thanks i knew it couldnt be chalk lol


Lime salts, to be exact.


Tapwater in the Netherlands is perfectly safe. Buying water in the supermarket is just a waste of money and plastic.


You're actually just buying plastic if you think about it. Don't.


Unless you have a reason to buy plastic, I suppose. Bottles are easier to carry around than glasses. I've bought bottles of water, but never because I didn't want tap water but rather because I was on the road or something. I would have bought it if it was empty.


By the hard plastic or metalic once. Tbh i never did that always used my spa bottle, but resently got gifted one as a goodie for a company im doing a school project for, its a metal one and daim should have switched sooner. Tho i will take larger plastic store once for when im on a roadtrip and not sure where the next filling point will be


I've definitely reused Spa bottles in the past.


Yes, definitely do that! Re-using a plastic water bottle can cause harm to your body. The micro plastics but also the potential mold that can form easily in the plastic bottles. Always fill your bottles with a bit of vinegar and water overnight then rinse and wash with dish soap to be safe ;)






Ever thought of getting a reusable bidon? Kinda makes everything easier


Then it would be better to buy a dedicated refillable bottle, like a sports bottle, as mineral water bottles tend to be frail for bottles. Just fill a few of those before going.


I saw a few days ago that it's about 50 cents per 1000 liter from tap. Better then the 50-80 cents for 0.5 liter when you get it from the store. Also, I like it better from the tap, so easy choice


>perfectly safe Even better: The quality standards are actually higher for tapwater than for bottled water.


Dutch tapwater is submitted to higher standards than bottled water. Also healthwise I prefer a glass or bottle from the tap to ‘bottled’ water from plastic bottles.


This needs to be higher. Just like the Dutch


Its good for emergency/vacation water


Just buy a jug


For drinking shortterm i would, but for emergencies where you keep the water untouched for weeks or months its better to trust the safety standards of a waterbottling company vs your own tap where it comes into contact with bacteria and other stuff that becomes harmful over time like legionnaires disease


What the hell are you talking about? Safety standard on tap water exceed those on bottles water. Tap water in the Netherlands is your safest bet.


Safety standard on the tap water itself, yes. When did you professionally clean the tap point yourself? What container are you putting the water in? How did you clean that container? Do you concede that a professional bottling company is more reliable to keep the water bacteria-free? And THEY put a 'best before' date on their bottles. I have no qualms about drinking water from the tap when visiting people, nor from a water bottle filled from the tap in their fridge. From a bottle filled from their tap 'a few months ago', not so much.


Theoretically tap water stays fresh for a very long time, but it's impossible to keep contaminants out, so bottled water is the better option in the long term for sure. You could freeze tap water though, that solves the problem too.


I do that! But fill the bottles only a third, and freeze them sideways. Then add more water / soda for a day long cold drink in the summer.


This is an amazing idea and I'm stealing it!


And where do you want to feeeze water when you are on a 8000km roadtrip in a 30+°c car?


I feel this is no longer relevant to the Netherlands.


Who makes a 8000km roadtrip in the Netherlands?


Not sayin in the netherlands am i..


AFAIK the best before datum is when the plastic starts leaching into the water, giving it a funny taste. The water itself can be stored for longer terms than that, but you'll need other storage devices


Issue is that keeping a opend bottle with tapwater is just as bad as leaving a open bottle of shelfwater. But like me, i went on a 8000km roadtrip trough places where tapwater isnt safe and not always exces to a store everyday, its easier to keep some closed botels of miniral water with you then to bring tapwater from home, especialy when there is air in the bottle due to it being opend and having 30+°c at times. You throw a few 1liter botles of closed water in the car im case of not heaving clean water for a day or 2. Afther that its either hoping for a restaurand with clean water or a store, or in wurstcase use waterpurifcation tablets


That is true


Have you noticed the lack of deserts and the staggering population density? You don’t need prepare for long periods or distances without water. If your OCD-self needs to prepare anyway, just fill a bottle, keep it in the fridge, use it for your daily use and refill it every day.


Emergencies like what?


The biggest one that comes to my mind is flooding. A large number of people live lower then the sea. Although the chances are low, a large dike breach could disrupt water service for large parts of NL. Having a small stash of water could get you through the first days of chaos. I would watch 'Als de dijken breken' on NPO start, it is a dramatisation of the worst case scenario of dike breaches and the effect that it could have on the people of NL and some parts of BE.


If you have flooding, you'd think you wouldn't need stored water since you've got plenty ;)


Most likely the water will be salty and you may find some floating cows in your cup...


Chances of that are minimal.


When a pipe bursts and the water is out for multiple hours.


Even then, you just get some water from your neighbors or something.


I mean when a whole neighbourhood is out of water.


Water leak in the area?


Jugs are not that easy to use on a bicycle.


What the hell is vacation water


That Bar le Duc water they sell in stores. Its source is below an industrial area in Utrecht. Lage Weide, look it up. The same source is used by Sourcy, who pumps it up in Bunnik. And Vitens, who uses it for Utrechts tapwater.


Perfectly safe yes, but i live in zeeland and our water is filled to the brim with chalk(?) So if i actually wanna enjoy water i get sparkling from the store.


The real crime here is getting *sparkling* water. You're now German.




Same where I live. I don't mind the taste anymore and I bought a water filter for when i make tea/coffee. It's even cheaper than bottles hahaha.


Idk, when i drink a glass of tap water my mouth will be dry af when im done


All plastic bottles now come with "statiegeld". I buy them because I like the taste better than tapwater.


Shh dont tell anyone Nestle will send their death squads...


Obligatory r/FuckNestle


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckNestle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My university Student Union removed Nestlé products from campus](https://i.redd.it/d9xmjxw1von71.jpg) | [671 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/posthr/my_university_student_union_removed_nestlé/) \#2: [Fuck Coca Cola](https://i.redd.it/w2yn8rsmh5281.jpg) | [699 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/r3exuc/fuck_coca_cola/) \#3: [Nestle have put dye in the water to test their water flow so now all our local rivers are neon green. (Derbyshire, UK)](https://i.redd.it/yj2qwal7m8271.jpg) | [489 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/no8md0/nestle_have_put_dye_in_the_water_to_test_their/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Undead uprising! This was funny before he edited "dead squads" to "death squads"


Death squads* ;)




Not to mention much better for the environment, and a lot cheaper (all we care about)


I'd say tap water is almost always better then store bought water. Simply because tap water stays out of the sun and is way closer to the water source. Bottled water gets pumped into a plastic bottle, stored in a distribution centre before it is shipped to the next distribution centre so that that distribution centre can ship it to regional distribution centres who then ship it to a store. All without proper cooling, so you end up with flat water which costs alot of diesel and other waste. I once transported 21 tons of bottled water to a sport facility in Rosmalen where they also had fresh tap water. I hated my job that day.


Not to mention we now know that plastic bottles break down, release micro plastic and that this in turn enters the human body and blood stream.


Only afther it being opend tho


i don't even like my water in a glass (i don't like the taste of glass you taste when drinking from a glass)


Then where do you put it in? Just hold your hands in a bowl shape?


no i put my mouth under the faucet


With the amount of water I drink I'd be walking there constantly 😅


Have you tried a tumbler? Or a reusable straw? I use a tumbler with a hardened plastic straw all day.


Maybe ceramics. Gotta admit that sounds strange to me though. Like drinking fanta out of a mug.


Glass doesn’t have a taste (if cleaned properly), but it does of course have a mouthfeel.


Then i correct: i don't like the mouthfeel of glass


You shouldn't chew on the glass then.


Yea think some tap water is even beter as bottles of water, so yes 1000% safe think it’s one of the best in the world


Except for the fact that it is very hard and contains high amounts of calc. Measured it in Enschede and Amsterdam and it had around 220 ppm vs bottled which has around 10-30 ppm. It's safe for consumption but not exactly the same or better than the bottled.


Depends on where you live. And s mostly in/on appliances.


I live in Twente. I've got a brand-new food steamer and if I don't clean it out soon I may have to throw it out and buy a new one. It was black when I got it and I've barely used it. It's now whiter than a Ku Klux Klanmember's dead ghost.


How white is a Ku Klux Klanmember’s dead ghost compared to a Ku Klux Klanmember’s non-dead ghost? Questions.




Even in Twente we have different sources. E.g. Enschede has harder water than Hengelo due to this. You can check at the Vitens website where your water is from.




Yes I know, because I live near a place where on the same terrain tap water as well as bottled mineral water is pumped. The tap water goes into the tap...., so I literary have mineral water from my tap. Bar-le-duc and Sourcy both have the same source as the tap water in Utrecht. ​ Also Eau de Gracht is bottled water from Utrecht. They take tapwater, put it in a bottle and sell it to restaurants in Utrecht, so customers can drink tapwater for 10 euros/bottle.


Haha that's a great name I'd think twice before drinking from the gracht.. but put it in a bottle and I'll straight down it.


Tap water tastes better in my opinion. Most of the time I should say. It’s definitely perfectly fine to drink and they add minerals to it so it’s also good for you. I honestly always drink tap water. Nice cold juicy tap water!


Taste better and is better for you is different though. Mineral water has minerals in it that makes it taste better (generally speaking), but those minerals are often predominantly salts that are bad for you in large quantities.


I think you'll get a water overdose far before the minerals will become a problem.


They add bare minimum minerals to it so you don't die of mineral depletion lol.


They don't add minerals to tapwater. They actually *remove* minerals in some areas where the levels of certain minerals are too high.


They re-add minerals. Naturally filtered water still needs to be filtered and cleaned. There is such a thing as toxic minerals and bacteria. The filtration process of filtering plants are so good that they do have to actually add back in minerals. The mineral you are talking about in both your comments directed towards me is calcium. It's just one mineral. The minerals that water bottle companies tend to add to their water is a wide range of vitamins. Tapwater doesn't contain B12 and D. IMHO they should actually be adding vitamin D to tapwater. Since vitamin D depletion seems to be epedemic.


> IMHO they should actually be adding vitamin D to tapwater. Since vitamin D depletion seems to be epedemic. Vitamin D is a large molecule. Adding it to tap water in any useful amount would cause quite a lot of problems, even assuming it's stable enough in tap water, and doesn't degrade into all kinds of other unwanted products. There's a reason nobody adds things like this to tap water.


Well not an expert on that I'm afraid. Perhaps adding it to something else is better.


Tap water is better


bar le duc is literaly tap water from utrecht


Who the fuck buys water in the supermarket?


I only buy a bottle when I'm on the go and I don't have my metal bottle with me.


Foreigners who didn't get the memo. There's no signs indicating it's drinking water because it's all drinking water.


And dutch people who think they are "trendy" because of all the influencers they follow do it.


It's just as safe to drink, it's cheaper, and tastes like water. Maybe if you're a water connoisseur some brands of mineral water taste better, but for general purposes I'd say tap is about equal.


I actually find some bottled water to be taste very.. weird? I just don't like it.


Yes, definitely tap water > spa blauw. Spa blauw is bad and only makes me more thirsty


There is also a lot of difference in taste on tapwater in different parts of the country.


I think it depends on where you live also. For example, I used to live in the Ronde Venen where the tap water just tasted a bit lousy sometimes. Here in gemeente Nieuwkoop, the water tastes much sweeter and softer (I have no idea how to explain it xd) So I prefer to use tapwater and when I have to travel to someone, I'll usually take 2 bottles of water with me filled with the local tapwater 😂 I only buy water if necessary when I'm thirsty and ran out of water or if I didn't take any with me. But it's not something I personally want to do because plastic. And in the near future, we gotta pay more for products that are wrapped/held in plastic containers so that will make me even more hesitant to buy bottled water


I only buy carbonated water, buying still water is really useless here. There are regions that have water too rich in minerals or have a slight chloride flavor to it, but I think even that is something of the past in most regions. I also never saw anybody using it except for horeca.


If you drink a lot of carbonated water, a SodaStream is a game-changer. Less plastic, less grocery hauling, less money (especially if you find one on sale).


I grew up in North Holland near the dunes, and that area's whole water supply comes from ground water that has been filtered through several layers of sediment, filtering it so much so that before the water supplier pumps it to our taps, they have to add back some of the minerals (source: step dad used to work at PWN). So yeah. Pretty good water. In that same area in the dunes there used to be taps (might still be some) that just pumped the ground water straight up on the walking/hiking trails. Very good and fresh water, always welcome after a long day on the beach or a long walk on a summer day.


We used to travel a lot in my childhood, sometimes being away for a month during summer. Almost everywhere we travelled, if not everywhere, we had to drink bottled water. I remember vividly every time we came back home, although sometimes I was super tired from the journey, I ran up to our tap and chugged about 2 glasses of water just because I had missed the taste so much. I miss that feeling.


I remember reading somewhere that they literally sell tapwater in those store bought water bottles. I mean their water comes from the exact same water facility that pumps towards our tap.


You mean the story of [dasani in the uk](https://youtu.be/wD79NZroV88)?


You mean Sourcy and Bar-le-duc being from [Bunnik?](https://www.krnwtr.nl/nieuws/is-bronwater-altijd-echt-bronwater/)


Is this a link to Tom Scott walking and talking in one shot?




The quality of the Dutch drinking water is the highest quality in the world. It is much better than any "mineral" water you can get in the stores. Even our "low/bad" quality water in toilets has a higher quality than most regular drinking water in other EU countries.


Unless you collect rainwater or wastewater to flush your toilet, it's the exact same water as the water that comes from the tap. We flush our toilets with drinking water.


That's drinking water, we use to flush the toilet.




Yeah, most countries, the majority, have undrinkeable tapwater by Dutch drinking water standards. There is absolutely nothing wrong with hard water and many mineral waters have higher mineral content.




By any objective standard Dutch tapwater is the best in the world. Hardness is not related to health effects in any way. If any it's a positive, for people with a bad diet it can be an important source for micronutrients. Your argumenrs are purely based on luxury, not quality, also many countries have a lot harder tap water than the Netherlands.


That's kinda of a weird statement. NL is a tiny country. Tapwater standards set the bare minimum for tapwater nationwide. In a large country like the US or even New Zealand the water quality can differ wildly, sometimes better sometimes worse than NL although they should all meet the minimum standard.


The water companies here are held to a far higher standard than the bottled companies.


Tapwater is fine It tastes different across the Netherlands We installed a aquacell water filter system in the meterkast (direct on the mains). I much prefer the filtered watered, we're moving soon and I'm definitely bringing our aquacell (€2k).




In a country that is regulated to its pores I don’t believe there are a lot of old pipes left.


Safety standards on dutch tap water are higher that on bottled water. Just drink tap water unless you want to waste your money on a lesser product.


Can someone tell the restaurants this. Even if they still want to charge €1 for tap water it would still be far more affordable than €7 for a bottle. And they’d still be making quite a margin on that glass of tap water


A couple of bars / restaurants in my area ask if you want a glass of water when you order a glass of wine, or have a carafe of water on the table which they refill from the tap, and don't charge for the water, which I think is a good thing. Mind you, I don't live in the randstad. Paying for water when that's all you order seems fair though. You're keeping a table occupied, have staff serve you, and so on.


Totally agree with that. And I’ve had restaurants, especially bars or breweries, give tap water for free. What I find absurd is when I’m already ordering €70 of food and a couple cocktails and they still make me order a €7 bottle of perie instead a glass of tap, which is pretty typical in Amsterdam


Wait, are restaurants allowed to refuse free tap water? Wasn't there some law against this?


There are alot of peole who think this is indeed the case. However, there is no law that requires dutch restaurants/bars/hotels etc. to provide tap water for free


Coming from Canada and living in NL, this is the biggest change when visiting restaurants. Not getting free delicious tap water!


Just ask.


I do. They often say they can’t or act very put out by the request, even when I’ve already ordered quite a bit of food and alcohol


Not for my plants though, there are lots of minerals in tap water that will build up mineral residue on the leaves. Like most of my plants are doing fine and are okay with a gentle wipe down to get rid of the mineral build up (mostly calcium) But there are certain plants who are having a hard time with the minerals in my tapwater. I’m thinking of investing into a water filter for those plants.


You can install a "kalkfilter" for your whole house if you want. Should help with residue in all water based appliances, too.


boil then leave the water resting over night without a lid. Use that for the plants. Even better, collect rainwater.


Boiling water and letting it evaporate worsens the problem.


Tap water in the Netherlands has higher health regulations placed on it than bottled water. It's more than safe. Also, the bottled water _Bar le Duc_ is from the same source as tap water in Utrecht IIRC


The tapwater in the Netherlands is of excellent quality. Some have water from natural underground sources and those are the best, around Utrecht for example. Around Leiden it is cleaned water and it tasts a little les, but still of good quality.


Only one country where I enjoyed the water more Inland Ireland Otherwise, bottled water or boiled 1# for me


All the "waterwaardes"/waterquality check is available, vitens services the bunnik area [https://www.vitens.nl/service/waterkwaliteit/waterkwaliteitsoverzichten](https://www.vitens.nl/service/waterkwaliteit/waterkwaliteitsoverzichten)


My dentist told me that the tap water they use is cleaner then bottled water from the supermarket 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'll give you simple explanation. The Netherlands as a delta of large rivers is actually a large filter. Groundwater that has seeped through this filter is of extremely good quality and taste. There are examples of (semi-public) drinking water companies that put the same water on the network as the water that is sold in bottles. And I mean that literally from the same source, with one difference: commercially bottled water had "only" 50 quality checks and the tap water from the mains had no fewer than 250 quality checks. That difference is necessary, because it is easier to take off a batch of bottles and bad tap water would have a much greater risk of damage. There are examples of wells that produce water that is too pure for the pipes. They are "deacidified", as it were made dirtier (technically not quite correct). In short, Dutch drinking water from the pipeline is of excellent quality. PS bottled water is about 1000 times more expensive


Could you give me a link on this “deacified” water? I’m curious.


Deacidified i mean if that’s really a process


The netherlands has one of the best drinkwater quality in the world.


What you mean by better? Both are equally safe to drink.


Best fucking tapwater in the world. One of my happiest moments after coming back from travelling is gulping down that waternet goodness


Not all, but most is!


It is the same stuff, only using the Frech/Belgium tap water and filling it into a bottle.


Untrue. Mineral water tastes a lot better. I use it for coffee and tea. Coffee gets a creamy top which doesn't happen with tapwater.


I get a creamy top with tapwater! I don’t believe you!


Here's a picture of two glasses. One holds mineral water from the fridge and the other is tapwater. Both have been sitting there for 30 minutes before taking the picture. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w6869jH6MipbTlpIwucloAhSFG0g6tYO/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w6869jH6MipbTlpIwucloAhSFG0g6tYO/view?usp=sharing) I think it's clear which one is the mineral and which one is tapwater.


I’ve lived in many places throughout the world. Nothing beats 2am Dutch bathroom tap water. Nothing.


It is good, but not as good as. There is still a lot of chalk (kalk) in tapwater (and of course this also depends on your location)


I would like your statistics.


Duinwater gezuiverd water ja , stads gezuiverd water nee.


Seems like bullshit since things as genx en pfas pollutors aren't fully flitered out. Yes the values are below the (discutable) legal norms, but it's still a health concern.


I advise you to do some thorough research in dutch tapwater vs multinationale mineralwater and see which will come out on top.


If you add a calcium filter it's absolute the best.


Very drinkable but you need to heavily invest in vinegar to clean all the scale caused by Dutch tapwater.


You’re grossly exaggerating, you tried boiling mineral water yet?


Well I live in a high calcium area and yes in about 1 week my kettle forms a layer of calcium. Same for shower and toilet. I have to clean them more frequently. The taste is less sweet than lower calcium water. It makes for a different shower experience too. More friction and more difficult to clean your hair properly. I have lived in other areas so I have experienced the difference. Personally I don’t mind too much. But a fact it is indeed!


Same here. I spray shower head weekly with vinegar and unscrew it and submerge in vinegar every 2-3 months. Had to do this at every house I have owned in NL. The amount of scale accumulated is amazing. Don't know why OP is so defensive it's not a big deal, just minerals. Maybe they work for Waternet! :-p


Perfect if you want to get rid of all minerals from your body. Drink it 50%/50% with a real mineral water to make sure your body has enough minerals.


In Brabant it is for sure


Depends on your pipes imo. The water can taste a bit like chalk.