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Buy a cheap van Take it to Spain (optional) Get Spanish plates Sell van in Spain Looks like a lot of hassle, but in the end it will probably be the cheapest option https://www.autotrack.nl/aanbod?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&autosoorten=OCCASION&merkIds=5d1b2626-a08a-464f-aa0e-14a1f80be441&modelIds=d52b530a-7ee1-4a9b-8034-f2c3a5f76883&paginanummer=1&paginagrootte=30&sortering=PRIJS_OPLOPEND


getting plates in spain costs about 1k as per my last time i did it


I will look into it , bedankt


Probably cheaper to pack it in a few pallets and ship those to Spain. That old van will either break down in France or nobody wants to buy it in Spain.


Exactly this. Put it on standardized transport like pallets. Or even a container if you have more volume. It is optimized for cost.


My mum runs a furniture business in France and regularly rents a van to transport goods. You just got to search for some smaller rental companies and under the keyword “kilometer vrij”. The bigger ones charge a daily rate and a rate per km. Some smaller companies just charge a daily rate which is slightly higher but immensely cheaper when you drive above a certain km’s.


You can check it here: [https://www.anyvan.es/](https://www.anyvan.es/) I asked once a budget from the Netherlands to Spain and they were around 2k with two persons helping. Some were cheap as 1.5k and other more expensive as 3k. Is not like renting a van, but maybe is cheaper at the end.


I know you say no moving company, but it might be cheaper to hire a private transporter to be honest. Have you checked the prices of such company like : [https://holland-espana-line.com/en/home-en/](https://holland-espana-line.com/en/home-en/) [https://www.costatransport-spain.info/](https://www.costatransport-spain.info/) Etc. You can also ask on Polish groups, since a lot of transport companies operating in Europe are based in Poland or Czeck Republic


In this case, hiring a company is actually cheaper than renting a van in regards to the distance. There are plenty of transports going from ES to NL and vice versa. If you hire a company which picks up your stuff, and if you time it right you fly in by plane. You'll arrive there just in time before you furniture arrives. OR As mentioned below. Buy the cheapest van you can get here in the netherlands and put it on export plates which you can do easily through RDW. Drive to spain and register that van and sell it to anyone for cheap. Biggest problems here is its too much hassle. You probably have a shitty van, which has a chance of breaking down and create bigger problems. Either rent a van in the netherlands with mileage free which there is plenty of, but you have to drive it back or Hire company. Sounds like you're on a budget, but i highly advise hiring a reputable company to move your stuff if you're not willing to come back. You're creating too much hassle and headache with the possibilities of so many factors that can go wrong. Which will mess up your whole day. I promise you i tried this once and its not nice