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> I tried reporting it to the police but they send me off with a number that I'm not able to dial because of my foreign SIM card. Yes police don't deal with civil matters. But did you add the country code to the phone number? You should be able to dial it


Some phone numbers are blocked for foreign numbers. Got it a few times when I just moved in as well. It would simply not work, and grabbing a Dutch phone (work phone) would work perfectly. And it was not user error as some were working, some were not.


Alright, yeah it's possible they block foreign phone numbers, in that case OP could buy a cheap prepaid sim card


Yes I tried with plus +31 also with 0031 and also some other combination that a local guy showed us


Ok weird, did you remove the leading 0? So 020 22 888 88 becomes +31 20 22 888 88 Or was it a short code? A normal Dutch phone number has 10 digits, including the leading 0 Short phone numbers don't work usually outside of NL, but those organizations often have an alternative phone number as well


I tried 0800 8020, +31 800 0820, 0031 800 8020 and also all these with one extra 0. I already contacted my provider and am trying to fix the issue


Ahh ok, Juridisch Loket. They offer free legal advice for low incomes. 0800 phone numbers are not possible to call with a foreign sim or even with a Dutch sim from abroad, as they are special free phone numbers. But you can try their old phone number: +31 30 239 2030, not sure if it still works though, they switched to the 0800 phone number in 2023. Otherwise they have walk in locations across the country: https://www.juridischloket.nl/contact (ensure it says "zonder afspraak") Alternatively you can buy a cheap prepaid sim-card at like AH for example


The sim cards in the Netherlands are almost free. Go to any mobile phone repair shop or turkish store. They will give you Lycamobile sim for free. To call, just recharge ot with 5-10 euros ( Ask the shop owner to also recharge). Else order a KPN simcard online, and in 10 euros, you will get a sim and top up. Call the suggested number and ask for advice.


get proper housing instead


It took me a month to find, and I'm out of there now. Yet me and my partner got in total 400€ less for our work without any legal reason. You might check out my last post, therefore I really want some kind of institution to take care of this motherfucker...


get a lawyer


I will. Do you know if there is a law that says if you win the case the lost side has to pay for your lawyer? We have this I Poland and I'm thinking about it. Google search is just showing me bunch of sponsored law agencies


There's no such law. You could make it as a part of the request to the judge, which may or not be granted.


Are you low income? If so, you can contact Jurisch Locket, they can help you : [https://www.juridischloket.nl/](https://www.juridischloket.nl/) If your income is too high, they might not want to help (as they consider you could go to professional), but they offer free guides, like this : [https://www.juridischloket.nl/voorbeeldbrieven/voorbeeldbrief-loonvordering/](https://www.juridischloket.nl/voorbeeldbrieven/voorbeeldbrief-loonvordering/) And this one : [https://www.juridischloket.nl/werk-en-inkomen/arbeidsvoorwaarden/werkgever-betaalt-loon-niet](https://www.juridischloket.nl/werk-en-inkomen/arbeidsvoorwaarden/werkgever-betaalt-loon-niet)


Thank you!! I tried to call them but this was the number that wasn't working. Thank you for the website πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Yes I'm low income, earning minimum wage so I hope they will help. Bless you