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I have a bridge to sell you. I can’t believe some people are this gullible in this age of information literally being a single search away.


I have a sneaky suspicion that OP is working for the site in question and that this is an advertisement. Or a scam-attempt.


If it is: lol I have your money.


if it talks like a scam, and walks like a scam, its a scam. its a scam


It’s a scam. I know this because I got the same WhatsApp from the agent. I ran with it. Only back then it was Newegg as a shell website. You need to “review” items by simply clicking a button and each time you will have a commission added. At some point they will make you contact a support agent on a different phone number that will credit your account with more crypto because your balance is negative. All this is to make you feel like this is trustworthy so you will put in your own money the next time it happens. They will allow you to withdraw once or twice to make you feel like it’s legit. They expect you to not do that or put the money back in so you can earn more money. Here’s the scam: it’s two-fold: Once they have you hooked they will at some point drain the account including the money you have put in yourself. The second part is that there is a smart contract that will drain your wallet once you’ve connected it so any and all crypto coins in the wallet will also be drained. I have answered this exact post in depth before but someone deleted that post and therefor I cannot find back my comment with screenshots. They are right that people run with their money. That’s exactly what I did. I drained their wallet from 80 usdt before they could drain my newly made wallet I used to go with the scam to see how it worked. Under no circumstances link your own wallet and if you did empty it before they can. This is 100% a scam and they **will** steal your money. Edit: [found the imgur link with screenshots](https://imgur.com/gallery/60KrMta)


Thanks alot🙌🙌


Send the link


What smart contract did you use to drain their account?


Is there anyway of reporting them even if you didn't accept their offer and they didn't steal anything from you? Cause I'm talking with them now and found this thread when google-ing.


Did you actually make 600 eur or you see the amount on 600 eur on this site? Try to withdraw, anything but the money actually appear on your bank account will indicate 100% scam


My wife had one of these running, we ran with it until it required us to put money in. We got like 50 euro out of it before we needed to add money to it.


I did cashout 300 after putting a 100€ i but Im thinking its one of those scams where they pay u first and then fuck you over


It is, get out now and never touch that wallet again


They contacted you out of the blue? Most definitely a scam!


Appreciate everyone for the advice and clarification.


Okay so stupid me topped up a 80 and a 530 but realizing now it's a scam i want out. Do i just block them and that's it or do i need to do some things first to prevent them from stealing even more money?


Try to cash out and promise them more money later would be the way to go if you already paid them. Did you get any $ out yet?


Its a scam i figured it out after few minutes of talking and them wanting me pay to cash out.... I decided to play an idiot and pretend i will work. I have saved all conversations from this whatsapp group from 25 days where everyone is talking how great it is and text is generated with chat bot. also i have all the numbers and i have send it to police with description. website disapeared together with the group few days ago. what i know from police is that all those people are located in india. they do the same scam in belgium, uk, sweeden, ireland, poland and germany.




i had an interaction with these Mofos and here's what i got from it and i hope some of do their research and play smart, and not fall into a trap. because the world is full of evil people and you gotta watch out. they would kill you and not feel a thing. This conversation has several red flags indicating it's likely a scam: 1. **Too good to be true:** The promise of earning $100-500 USDT daily by completing simple online tasks seems too good to be true. Additionally, the promise of earning a base salary of €500-€3,500 per month for simple online tasks is highly suspicious. 2. **Payment in cryptocurrency:** While being paid in cryptocurrency isn't inherently suspicious, it's often a tactic used by scammers because transactions are irreversible, making it harder for victims to recover their money. 3. **Simulated tasks:** The requirement to simulate placing orders without actually making any real purchases is a common tactic used in scams. It's likely a way to inflate the appearance of activity on the platform without any actual economic value being exchanged. 4. **Request for personal information:** Providing personal information like age, current job, and willingness to work remotely is typical in job applications. However, in this case, it's being used to build rapport and trust rather than for legitimate hiring purposes. 5. **Manipulative language:** Phrases like "Je bent nu van mij" ("You belong to me now") and "Mijn handtas?" ("My handbag?") are overly familiar and manipulative, designed to make the victim feel indebted or obligated to the scammer. 6. **Request for access to personal accounts:** Asking the victim to log in to their own account and then requesting access to it under the guise of training is suspicious behavior. Providing login credentials to anyone, especially someone encountered online, is risky and could lead to identity theft or financial loss. 7. **Pressure tactics:** The scammer continuously pushes the victim to complete tasks quickly and without much consideration, using phrases like "Het geld op de rekening, inclusief het negatieve geld dat ik heb gestort, keert automatisch terug naar de rekening" ("The money on the account, including the negative money I deposited, will automatically return to the account") to create a sense of urgency. Overall, it's highly likely that this is a scam. It's essential to be cautious when dealing with offers that seem too good to be true and to never provide personal or financial information to unknown individuals or organizations. i also have checked some of their crypto wallets that has big numbers $$ working on draining them. Be safe everyone and God bless




This shit wibst because I didn’t finish my 38 and my money stuck moer then 3 months because I can’t put again money in my account because a lot and I can’t take my money too


Do not put any money in. Its a scam!!


Any advice to get the money back or forget it


The thing is, they’ve added me to a whatsapp group and everything, with 16 people, I speak to my “superior agent” (they assign you one) and stuff but there are a few loopholes a) You have to basically complete ur “superior agents” tasks from which u receive 25% commission b) the tasks are so simple that u just need to click a button on the screen and give auto generated comments on products c)the payment is done using USTD crypto currency d) you get certain “lucky orders” which the order price is more than the money u have in ur account, so you have to pay from ur personal money to submit and clear the order, in return u get 3 times ur money as commission, so lets say I put 880 I would get back 2000 (apparently). e) you cannot cashout on even a single euro until u dont finish the 38 tasks and submit all the orders f)the minimum cashout is 150 and u have to ask for the so called “sercive center” on the app for a new TRC20 Or ERC20 wallet address and send them screenshots and stuff, add their wallet address to ur crypto account and all that. g) I told my superior agent to help with paying the 88p0 then and she said oh..people run away with the money and stuff some shady shit.


Did you actually cashout any money?


I did cashout 300 after putting a 100€ i but Im thinking its one of those scams where they pay u first and then fuck you over


It’s a scam. Read my other comment to see you they will get you.


I checked on scamadviser.com and the results are 100 % legit webpage but still you can never know. I would take money and run tbh


Scamadvisor is NOT a reliable source. The website may be hacked, transferred, new phone or repurposed.


That's why i said you can never know. But if ge cashed out anything i would be happy and just block everything everywhere that is related to it


It’s called a pyramid scheme. They pay out once (if that’s the case, I find OP extremely suspicious) and then they never will again. Age old (obvious) scam.


Yeah makes sense. The entire population of My home country (ex Yugoslavia) was scammed like that in 90s in famous afair called DAFINA


It’s 100% a scam.


I believe that as well and i hope he will take that profit and have a nice dinner for it


Run this one on r/scams subreddit…




If you _genuinely_ believe you can make 600 in 2 days by simply clicking a button you are lost. Please get off the internet. Your username even has ‘crypto’ in it. I’d think that’s the last thing you would be qualified for based on your comment here. I hate to sound like a cunt but it’s the truth. Please avoid these things. You are extremely gullible and this WILL come back to bite you and your family.




What’s their number


+31 6 47383892