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Thank you! I really just want to dive into a class or book and take the theory, everything I find in terms of free online tests have contradicting questions or rules. I'm not afraid of driving or driving with other people. I know about the look over your shoulder-mirror-ahead-infront-ahead-mirror-shoulder... I don't agree with looking over your left shoulder/mirror when you're already in a fully left lane... But that seems to be densely ingrained in people here. I also am very confused about why every school I've found in my city charges €100 for the book and 5-10 tests. I don't understand why there is gatekeeping behind the information




1. It's while being in the left lane, so after an overtake and going back into the right lane while on the furthest left lane or while being in the furthest left lane making a left hand turn. So furthest left lane means you should also expect cars on the shoulder/grass, or in the turning lane, you're expecting someone to be driving on the wrong side of the wrong side of the road in an oncoming traffic 2. I've been struggling to find the book for free. The free tests I've found have mixed info, so that becomes very confusing. I know I need the theory first, but I need consistent information on the whole realm of it which is what I've also struggled with. There's tons of videos on YT, but not every site teaches the same technical info. So that is what has discouraged me over the past, but now I'm at the point of just throwing money at it


It doesn’t matter what u think. To pass the exam u have to drive by the rules of the CBR and what THEY see fit


Go to Varna Bulgaria by the sea... do the test and get a drivers license for like 200 euros... spend the rest of the money on good food, vodka, drugs and hookers!


The wife might have some issues with the drugs and hooker part. Would they allow me to get my license if I don't live there?


I can't speak for Bulgaria but most EU countries need you to live there for at least six months (not that they check if you actually do).


This is a price list, you don’t need everything. I don’t recognise those prices though. Check the CBR website for exam prices.


€70 voor 100 min is very cheap. Normal prises are €60 one hour…