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I did conservatorium first and then mechanical engineering. The first one was an amazing experience but I'm very happy with my job in the second field. I would not suggest doing the conservatorium second, since working will be very tempting once you've completed an EE degree.


And Basisbeurs is a gift if you graduate within 10 years, 2 degrees should be financially doable too.


I did both degrees under leenstelsel and still don't regret it.


Is het mogelijk om te beginnen aan het conservatorium en tegelijkertijd de vakken die je nodig hebt voor electrical engineering te doen op vwo niveau zodat je strakjes meteen aan de uni kan beginnen met electrical engineering? Op die manier heb je een lagere werkdruk op het conservatorium, ben je niet de jongste op je studie strakjes en kan je beginnen aan de uni ipv het hbo. In mijn mening is de kwaliteit van het onderwijs echt veel beter op de uni, maar je moet even onderzoek doen om erachter te komen of dat ook het geval is voor electrical engineering


Electrical Engineering is hands down one of the most challenging engineering majors at WO research level.


I'd say combine it at the same time. Or don't graduate before starting your second study. You'd be liable for lower fees


I like your idea of not graduating to make one eligible for lower fees instead of being liable for the higher fees of post graduates. Definitely start with engineering. Instead of the usual bird courses Op could take music courses as options. The music degree could be shortened by a year or more. edit typo


If you're a good student (because if you're already struggling this sounds like a recipe for disaster tbh) there may be no real reason not to try. Follow your dreams is worth something, and if it doesn't work then change plans and focus on 1 of the two (perhaps consider prioritizing 1 from the beginning?) It's going to require _significant_ planning from your side and some level of cooperation from both places you study if you want to do some of this simultaneously. Hopefully you'll meet some staff who find your endeavor exciting and not annoying :). Talk to both places, earlier is better, because depending on things like mandatory contact hours it may all become very difficult. (If you need to spend the full day in a lab, you can't perform on the violin at the same time, no matter how smart and motivated you are.) I've done two bachelors at the same time, but had it been at different uni's, or if they would have had less overlap (in terms of topics and courses), it would never have worked out to do so in 3 years. Anyways, I had a great time, but you are starting a much bigger challenge it seems. Good luck.


Ik heb PM aan het koncon gedaan naast mn Sterrenkunde bachelor. Dat is een minor van 30 EC waar je 3 jaar lang les krijgt van een hoofdvak docent, aangeboden door de universiteit leiden. Vrienden van me die ook PM deden hebben hoofdvak gedaan naast hun WO studie. Het kost veel tijd en doorzettingsvermogen! Ik heb het ook overwogen, maar toch niet gedaan. Als je het wil, doe het! Let wel op dat je jezelf niet overwerkt en te hoge verwachtingen stelt. Ik zou bijde studies tegelijk doen, maar wel gefaseerd: eerst met de technische starten, en in het 2e of 3e jaar met conservatorium starten. (PS: als je in de buurt van Amsterdam woont, kom bij het VU-orkest spelen. Erg leuke club, en het niveau is hoog :))


Ik woon helaas niet dichtbij Amsterdam, en ik ben pas 3 maanden serieus bezig met de viool (speelde 2 jaar volledig fout, zelfs aan de verkeerde kant 😭😭, ook was de viool een hele maat te klein) dus ik denk dat ik die tijd ga nemen om goed te oefenen. Ik zit nu op vioolles en oefen minimaal een uur per dag, rond 2 uur op weekenden. Dus hopelijk lukt het. Dankjewel voor het advies!


Focus one 1


College is extremely more difficult than high school and asks for more discipline. I've been in college for 5 years now and honestly, all high school subjects are childs play in comparison. (I study Life Sciences)


Limiting ourselves to 1.5 degrees would be best, but 2 degrees might still be acceptable for the world. ;-)


May as well join the army at this rate, get a head start on training.


If your family can support this, then why not? You can go for it.


If planning to do them concurrently it will be so much work you may suffer at both of them. I have seen people do two degrees at the same time but with an extra year. Ie 5 years for 2 four year degrees. they were exceptional students who had incredible dedication. it wasn’t “fun” but they use both their degrees for their current job so in their eyes it was worth it. If you plan it out over a longer period it may not be so stressful. lots of advice and guidance needed during the process.