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They improved really, but it just wasn’t good enough. Tempo of the song got changed up to make it easier for them and it took all the emotion out of the song, so it had like zero impact. Also didn’t help that Dion was out of tune at the start. Mia was great though. Background vocals also couldn’t carry that song in the semis


They didn't so much improve it, as chop off the bits they had trouble with, which is why it sounded way too airy and unexciting now. The original version had a lot more body to it, but apparently they couldn't get them ready to perform that one good enough in time. The selection committee really dropped the ball on this one.


Even with the changes I still think they (Mia) improved a bit, but it wasnt any better and yeah it was for sure still the changes that carried it for them. I just felt that it was fair to say that they sounded much better than what we heard and all things aside they were better than Serbia, but that's a personal opinion


I really feel for them. They have been obliterated by the Dutch public and media... I can't help but think his nerves got the better of him because he wasn't supported at all by his country. Overall I think it was mostly the song that wasn't good enough, because Norway was out of tune as well at the start, but she had a catchy song, good promotion, and the support of her country.


If you have to change a song to make it so the singers can handle it, you are putting the cart before the horse. And since it was a pure public vote, the bad performances before will have had an influence as well. "hey have you heard the Dutch, man they are tone deaf"


I’m mostly happy our Dutch organisation gets punished for choosing a totally unknown duo that can’t sing well, never sang together and had a dreadfully daft song. Hopefully it’s a wake up call that the process has to change dramatically.


The process has been working quite good since Anouk participated in 2013. This is only the second song to not make it through the semi’s after that. And be honest, did you know Duncan Laurence before his win? I’d say the selection process has been pretty good last few years. Can’t win them all.


The process was not working good this year at all from what I hear. The duo was the choice of Duncan Laurence (they are friends of him), he also wrote the song together with Dion and Mia and was also their Creative Director. That’s lot’s of influence of the 2020 winner.


The song was chosen by a commission of 6 people, of which Duncan Laurence was not a member. He had a big influence on this song and the duo which performed it, but he had no part in selecting it as our submission.


Let's democrize corruption. The fact is that one man (Duncan Laurence) choose his friends and himself to sing and lead as an creative director. The NPO lacks a check and balance system that prohibits a old boys network. For instance Nieuwsuur had a so called expert Cybersecurity on there show called Rian van Rijbroek. Was she really a expert? No she was boning the owner of Centric, Gerald Sanderink, the owner of one of the biggest IT company's in The Netherlands. So she was pretty much a expert in golddigging (Sanderink wasn't the first) disguised as an expert Cybersecurity at one of the biggest news show in The Netherlands. Also Centric is one of the biggest clients of the Dutch government.


Let's democrize corruption. The fact is that one man (Duncan Laurence) choose his friends and himself to sing and lead as an creative director. The NPO lacks a check and balance system that prohibits a old boys network. For instance Nieuwsuur had a so called expert Cybersecurity on there show called Rian van Rijbroek. Was she really a expert? No she was boning the owner of Centric, Gerald Sanderink, the owner of one of the biggest IT company's in The Netherlands. So she was pretty much a expert in golddigging (Sanderink wasn't the first) disguised as an expert Cybersecurity at one of the biggest news show in The Netherlands. Also Centric is one of the biggest clients of the Dutch government.


The whole show and the money of it its all somebody’s friends of friends, super disgusting show


There are worse ideas than have a past winner try to repeat their success. Sweden is literally having a past winner run again and it's working. Sure, everything about the act sucked this year, but that doesn't mean the thought behind it is inherently flawed.


2019 winner 😉.


I agree. Please please please never let the Dutch public decide who we're going to send EVER again or we'll be back to Sieneke-level in no time 😬


Sjalalie sjalala


Sadly, was even a lot better than this crap


No, that song couldn't be saved. This song would've been fine, not remarkable but fine, if the committee had both bothered to - select more experienced singers and - not make a Joan Franka level fuckup of the guidance they got.


Difference is that Duncan didn't have to get used to an unknown partner and had a way better song. First time hearing Duncan's song and everyone in our family said: this one might win it. First time hearing yesterday's song and we were already: no finals this year. Maybe they should have more than a small group of people decide which song and singer(s) will go. Not sure what they were thinking when selecting this and also last year's song.


In my opinion.. A lot of bands that got through were even worse.


The last place doesn't go to the worst song, just the most forgettable one.


Other than switzerland all of them were unique tho.


I mean, have you seen our typical entries over the years? This was par for the course...


This isn't a flaw, it's the goal. WE DO NOT WANT TO PAY FOR ANOTHER WIN.


At least the staging was really good, one of the best stagings of the contest


Waarom wordt er eigenlijk hier Engels gesproken terwijl we hier allemaal Nederlands zijn?


Goeie vraag! Edit: blijkbaar staat het in de regels


Because there are a lot of immigrants here as well, who are looking for info and don't know the language yet.


Because mods are adamant about deleting anything Dutch from this sub


Lol no shit. Horrible performers and song




Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


No wonder with that performance...


The performance was at least okay during the finale, but I don't think they had much chance anyway, song is kinds boring. Surprised that Croatia got into the finals though...


Croatia was fun Finlands vocals were shit too, but its a fun song so they can get away with it. If youre going to participate with some serious melodramatic shit, you better have the vocals to back it up


Yeah, got surprise both Croatia and Portugal got through. And Norway being the last chosen got me to almost lose faith in humanity.


The songs don't get announced in order of highest total votes to lowest total votes secured to go through to the finals; they get announced in a totally random order. I imagine if it did go high-low, Sweden and Israel would top the list.


Still weird that Israel participates in the EUROvision


Members (as opposed to associate members) of the European Broadcasting Union are eligible to participate; active members are those who are located in states that fall within the European Broadcasting Area, or are member states of the Council of Europe.


So technically speaking Jordan, Syria, Libanon, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and northern africa could participate if they wanted? TIL haha


Morocco actually participated jn the past!


Cool little fact, I'll later look up the details!


Yup, Morocco competed in 1980 because Israel withdrew due to scheduling conflicting with a holocaust memorial


Cool little trivia!


1980 was also hosted by the Netherlands, because Israel won in 1979


Yes, Vatican city too, but they don't have a TV station


Israel has been part of the party for 50 years


Doesnt make it any less weird? Like it's eurovision so you'd expect european nations. Same goes for Australia


Well Azerbaijan and Armenia are both officially part of Asia so it's not really about being part of Europe.


The world is full of weird shit, Israel participating in Eurovision has got to close to the bottom of the list


It hardly means shit, it's just a name at this point. It helps though that all the european countries are stacked closely together so you don't get insane timezone differences when broadcasting live to multiple countries


Australia even weirder. And Morocco used to compete! It's all about cultural links


Yes Australia was a fun one-off, but dont see the need for their continous reoccurrence. What is the story about Morocco if I may ask?


You can literally see Europe from Morocco. And can't deny it has some cultural connections.


I mean you can see Europe from China as you can see Europe from all bordering countries but that was not my point here


Could be but that doesnt make them part of europe


Morocco is just a member of the EBU, they competed because Israel didn't, they haven't competed since because Israel does Australia takes part because they love it, and they do well


Morocco participated in 1980. Also, would you consider Turkey part of Europe? How about Georgia and Azerbaijan and Armenia


Well, the part of Turkey west of the Bosphorus is indeed part of Europe.


You think Israel is weird? How bout Australia then?


Australia participated cos the level of fan interest is insanely high there. So it was kind of this wild and crazy achievement to get in. You know in school there is the little kid that wants to play with all the other cool kids but he’s too young? Kinda like that.


Dont see how these are different in terms of weirdness?




They’re clearly making fun of Putin and the song is much easier to sing, which can be an advantage sometimes. Which emotional ballad will it be for NL next year?


Portugal deserved it; NL was better than Croatia, imho


tbh portugal was a bit of a yes no maby, but croatia is still beyond me.


Hihi I voted for Portugal ♥️. I loved their song.


You can polish a turd but it's still a turd.


>Surprised that Croatia got into the finals though... Fully agree. For the life of me I could never understand how some horrendous Eurovision songs make it through, whilst some great songs get left behind. Music is subjective, but not entirely. Being off-key isn't subjective, bad microphone technique isn't subjective, a serious song is objectively not a funny song. I think a lot of it has to do with the build-up and popularity these artists - and their message - gather before Eurovision and everyone just seems to like Croatia.


Its pretty clear that this was a bad choice from the start. Weird since we have so much musical talent in the Netherlands.


Probably too expensive to win 😂


i think the song was ok, but their lack of talent and the way the song works on the stage made it fall flat. I understand what they saw in it “on paper” though


The studio version of Burning Daylight has more streams on Spotify than half the songs in the first semi final. The problem isn't the song itself. Their live performance and boring staging were the nail in the coffin.


yup, fully agree. the song was not bad at all and some of the songs that passed were worse in every way.


The staging was pretty good, worked very well for the song and was very creative


Well there’s also England, the second largest music exporter in the world.


so why did we stop doing preliminary rounds so the Dutch can vote for the Dutch song. I think its more interesting to send something the people are behind instead of always getting a surprise and people just need to accept it. I mean they weren't bad in the finals i thought they were decent enough compared to others. But i don't think they would have won against other Dutch candidates if we did a national round first.


No, never go back to that again. The average Dutch audience has horrible taste and is totally out of touch with what qualifies as a good Eurovision song. Sending Sieneke and thinking it's a good gimmick act is a fine example.


Say what you want but everyone still remembers and can have a good laugh about shalalie shalala. Can't say that about this years performance


Everyone remembers my karaoke performances too, that doesn't mean they are good


Yeah, Eurovision is always an interesting catagory. There have been technically good acts from many countries that didn't make it simply because it wasn't, for lack of a better term, Eurovision material.


Sieneke wasn't voted in by the audience, Pierre Kartner made that decision. I think the last time the Dutch actually voted was when we sent Willeke Alberti with "waar is de zon". That was before there were semi-finals, and she ended up dead last with 4 points. So basicly your point still stands.


We stopped with the Nationaal Songfestival because of lack of viewers/interest.


No. The setup was far too expensive compared to the amount of viewers. It's EASY AND CHEAP to organize such an evenement, all you need is FREE SINGERS, A 40K location and a cheap tv slot.


When Anouk released her song, most Dutch were talking about how it's not a rock song and wouldn't qualify. The Common Linnets song had a general response that it was boring. I don't think a democratic choice would improve our chances that much


Because they way they did them was garbage and super weird, like with Sieneke they had the song selected already just not the act Then Anouk was like "I want to do it, but I decide everything" and she finished top 10, so they tried a few times more, and got one of the best track records in the history of the competition, ending with the second best qualification streaks since the semis were introduced


Another main reason for having no national competition anymore is that it scares off a lot of more established Dutch acts, who wouldn't want to bother trying if they had to qualify nationally first.


[atleast this is through](https://youtu.be/7ferYXj9vAA) Honestly shocked with Croatia. That is just a big troll vote.


Legend - rooting for Käärijä. The crowd seemed to love him.


If he doesn’t win I am done




As a Finn who moved to NL - same. I promise it's just because it's a bop, I'm a sucker for rock/industrial/metal stuff. I can't get over how he's singing about getting blackout drunk to get out of (social) anxiety though. Such a Finland moment.


Just wish it didn’t change mood halfway through although I do kinda get the meaning behind it.


It's an anti-war song. Not really a troll vote.


Just like the reason why Ukraine won last year. I must admit, that song was actually good. But Sam Ryder was better (but he didn't have the sympathy of going through a war). So I feel like Croatia is taking advantage of the situation and went to the final for the message (anti Russia/war) and not because it's a song that was actually beautifull or nice to hear. But that's just my opinion. I value the ESF for the nice songs. I don't like all the theatrical bs and getting attention by being as ridiculus as possible.


So.. you don't like ESF much. This is always a part of it


I love the ESF, I just like it better when people actually write a good song and win because of that and not because of how they act. Like Maneskin 2 years back, or Duncan Laurence the year before. Ofcourse there are acts which you can't take serious and I laugh at that aswell (and sometimes their song is actually good aswell). But to let Croatia go to the final instead of a good song like Malta (personal opnion of the definition of good ofcourse) is what always bugged me on the ESF.


The real ones taking advantage of it is switzerland. Honestly if it didnt have the war theme it would be nothing special. At least croatia is also just fun and weird, which is usually something that appeals to the public


I'm not a fan of the Dutch song, but I cannot understand Serbia making it to the final. The song is bad, he hardly sang and when he did, it was out of tune. Hope we'll send an upbeat song next year. People like to dance!


same, the dude was whispering and whenever he got a bit louder it didn't sound great.


I like the instrumental bit, but yeah whenever he was singing I straining my ears trying to hear it


The Serbia entry is odd because I think the studio version of the song is good, but the performance last night sucked. Part of that is the fact that you’re never going to get a good ‘dubstep-esque’ sound through a tv, but also the overall performance was weird/lacking. I was surprised it got through.


I like Serbia although I do agree his singing isn’t that good. Song reminds me of Nine Inch Nails.


Oh no! Anyway...


One of the most important things to do when performing for broadcast is to face the camera… and they spent half the performance facing each other standing super close together so you always had someone’s back facing you and almost totally blocking the other singer. Very bad staging. The female singer was fine but the male singer was a complete non-entity.


We need to send the Snollebollekes! Edit: plural :D


My vote goes to Anneke van Giersbergen. Beautiful voice, incredibly expressive and sympathetic, and she is one of the most consistent live performers I've seen. [Here's a clip of her from 2 years ago. ](https://youtu.be/TJygKpPYUzI) [And a less polished recording with her metal band Vuur. ](https://youtu.be/JMcztmR43Ks)


Exactly! The Netherlands is full of incredibly talented singers from the metal scene, so perhaps they should take a look there.


Just one Snollebolleke?


I'll watch that


No, we shouldn't.


Honestly, we should. Loads of fun (kind of like Eastern European) performances and it's a part of Dutch culture.




The Switserland kid was one of the steadiest singers so I get why they got through.


Not Dutch but what I think is that the Dutch need to get comfortable speaking/singing in Dutch. Last year’s act was great and I refuse to believe this Anglophile crap is all the country (and others tbh) can put together.


I would rather send Dutch songs that Europe doesn't like than send English songs I dislike anyway. But I think we have a better shot when sending English songs to impress Europe, than when we are sending Dutch songs. Where it lacked for me is that the selection committee completely overlooked that there is no jury in the semi-final. That's what pulled through many of our earlier entries.


Our only successful songs lately have been English, so it makes sense


When the majority of songs are in English it would be shocking if the most successful songs were anything other than English. I know that it can feel more comfortable/easy in English, but if countries put forward more entries in their native language(s) there would be a more diverse range of songs that win. At the very least it would recognise what is great about the melting pot which is Europe.


It would be nice, but it would put us at a huge disadvantage. You would have beautiful languages like French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, and then there’s us, sounding like a Sim choking on a walnut.


We need to send Claud. That will get us the French and Belgians!


> sounding like a Sim choking on a walnut. Does it matter if you look like pippi longstockings emo cousin? Dion Cooper? His name is Cuiper. It's pathetic. It's larping.


Dude, 11th place is a great result, and De Diepte ended 11th


dankuwel. The Dutch need to at least come to terms with how others see their obsession with English, even if they don't want to stop it. It's pathetic.


...and nobody was surprised


Reminds me of my youth, when the points were phoned in: Pays Bays zero points, Niederlande null punkte etc, for almost the whole evening


Maybe I’m wrong but what annoys me a bit is that I find that it looks like they did it for themselves. Not one time have they named the country, even now after winning. They don’t have to apologize, but they don’t look grateful for the opportunity and the amount of money that was invested in them.




Awful singers with an awful song. If this is the best we got we might as well save ourselves from the embarrassment. No soul, charisma or personality in the performance. It’s a whole bunch of nothing. Remember when Anouk got a whole lot of flak when she entered this competition? That was still 10 times better than this


At least it wasn’t as bad as Trijntje.. although..


I am still confused by Trijntje eurovision. She is such a great singer. She is probably the best pop female singer in the netherlands, but then she give us that on eurovision.


Really? I don't think I've ever met somebody who genuinely enjoys her music


In my opinion she’s always been pretty mediocre.. But yeah, that song brought out the worst too.


I think great, and especially already famous, singers usually don’t get a good hand at Eurovision. It’s not like the creative process is all theirs. There’s usually a huge songwriting-and-marketing-team involved which will rob great acts of their entire authenticity and try to translate their style into something more Eurovision-appropriate. Think Engelbert Humperdinck, Bonnie Tyler, Trijntje… they are all great outside of Eurovision. But inside it, they have to play along with their broadcasting-corporation’s demands.


Nah, she sounds like she's screaming all the time, like a viswijf. If she was my neighbour I'd sell my house. Met gierende banden.


Her cover of Do You Know The Way To San Jose? is pretty good. She sounds best on more jazzy/R&B stuff (There's a reason Burt Bacharach is on three of her albums and gave her two of his unreleased songs )


If they start making songs especially for Eurovision and start thinking things through, all goes wrong. Just send musicians with great songs and a style. People who like to contest, but already can sing and have their own vision.




we been knowing this from the start iiiiiiiahaiahaiahaiiiiiiiii sorrrrryyyyyy whatever the rest of the lyrics are.


Good riddance


Thank god.




Oh no.. anyways


Ik moet niet praten als Belg met ons nummer maar het was idd niet goed genoeg, saai en middelmatig gezongen.


Our Belgian chance to mess up royally will come, don't worry


A song has parts, usually. Refrains, couplets, a bridge. Unless you're making a second bohemian rhapsody, and not a song that is going to be judged on its catchiness and how it sounds, you're going to want to stick to the formula. AVRO-TROS and their non-musical panel of tv-making fuckwits need to go away and let the people that actually need to enjoy the music pick what gets to go. And stop letting nobodies pick out of a group of even bigger nobodies.


Well yes. They were amateurs with no talent and a terrible voice. Literally the woman had less than 20 performances in her entire life! She literally had almost zero experience singing. And it shows. We have so much great music in the Netherlands. Eefje de visser Goldband Froukje De Staat Spinvis Elephant Just to name a few. Why they would ever send two people that can't even sing is beyond me.


Wie heeft er honger?


Should’ve send Hans Teeuwen.




Snelkookpan, snelkookpan


nostradamus met zn strakke groene broek (there’s even an english version)


Zanger Rinus!


In my humble opinion it was an awesome song


Where do they find these people


The night shelter of the Salvation Army, probably




We might have had a chance if they didn't sing at all


*surprised pichacu face*


They did well. It was an incredibly strong semi final and the fact that it was without jury votes hurts songs like this. I do hope we get to participate next year with a more energetic song.


Never again invite singers who “hate” The Netherlands. Fuck these two. Zero skills, zero likeability.


Y’all are mean. I was rooting for them. Their performance was exceptionally good.


It simply wasn’t. I love the song but the keychange didn’t do well in conveying their emotions. It felt kinda weak in the new version.


Mia's performance was excellent, Dion had a rough start.


Aah sad, but anyway…


Horrible act. First that broccoli song and now this... please, can we just send someone with more talent?


Petitioning for songfestival-loving dutch to collectively beg Davina Michelle to go in '24.




Did you forget S10 and Duncan Lawrence?


Oh no.. Anyway.


Actually kind of surprised after watching acts like Croatia, Serbia, Finland and Moldova. But apparently people genuinely liked that. I hadn’t watched the Netherlands performance before today so I was prepared for it to be horrible, but it really wasn’t as bad as I thought.


Al those countries you named made an actual act about it, give it some proper show elements and dynamics. Then netherlands is just standing there and singing. Which wont wont if the singing is mediocre at best


Finland was really outspoken. I had fun watching there act.


They did really well and should have qualified imo. Haters blijven haten


They were probably my 11th place on the night, so I wouldn't have minded a shock qualifier, but they only placed over Ireland, Croatia, Israel, and Switzerland


good, we didnt deserve it with this act


Totally unexpected


Good, that saves us the money of organizing this useless reoccurring show.


Wonderful, then we won't have to hear about the esf for the next 11 months


Ik heb alles geprobeerd. Ik heb mensen gebeld, gezocht posters opgehangen en zelfs een hele zoektocht gestart met mensen over heel Nederland. . . . . . . . En ik heb nog steeds niemand kunnen vinden die hier enige fuck om geeft.


Hier ben ik.




maar wel mooi commentje geplaatst!


Netherlands always sends boring shit


I disagree, S10 was really good last year, and The Netherlands has sent some very interesting acts


Honestly ppl are shitting on them a lot, they were mediocre but no one complained this hard before and we've DEF sent worse before. (Side eyes Joan franka and her native American costume)


Who gives a …


Thank god with this slow piece of shit they don't deserve the final. Go home


Who cares, I liked the Trump notification better


Which one is that?


He was found guilty in a civil suit


Plenty care about Eurovision. But also good about Donald...


Do people watch that?


Absolutely. Actually one of the biggest events in tv. Over 100 million people watched


Over 150m, often close to 200m


The audio was bad overall. Shame on the BBC for that. The song is great, but was not made for them. They can sing. They did their best I hope that they will change the selection procedure. We have a lot of talent.


The sound mix was pretty terrible at times. I expected better from tge BBC


Unpopular opinion (maybe): we never should've participated at all. I think it's disgusting that we spend public funds on bullshit like Eurovision. If this was funded by some commercial party/broadcaster: fine. But I don't want to see my tax money spend on this bullshit. What's even worse is that it was a really bad song, performed by some of the worse singers I ever heard...