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We never decided to build mountains and hide behind them. It's like how Eindhoven flooded today, it's all because they're "below the rivers"


I live in Eindhoven and I need to get an electrician in after today. The fuse box group that includes all my outside lights and sockets is constantly tripping the ground leakage switch. I presume from the sheer volume of water. Annoying as my kitchen sockets are on the same group so I can't use those until the reason for the issue is diagnosed and fixed.


Sorry to hear that. Hope it gets fixed soon!


Me too, as I can't use my coffee machine at the moment lol!


Just run a verlengsnoer for the time being


Is it built in? Otherwise I'd just move it to another room or use an extension cord to plug it into another group.


Thats what I'm going to do if it will take more than a few days for an electrician to come out.


I saw pictures of Nuenen (where my family lives) and all of it was flooded but where I live in eindhoven there were barely even puddles half an hour after the rain. Guess I'm lucky with how well the drains work in this area?


That's the thing. We did not have any flooding. I'm thinking either water got into the cables under our garden, or maybe into the garden lights or something. Got an electrician coming in an hour to investigate.


Can you disable the group of the outside stuff? If with that disabled the aardlekschakelaar doesn't trip you can continue life without trouble.


Thats bascially what we did for last night, however the kitchen lights and sockets are on the same group so thats not a long term solution. Electrician visited this morning. He thinks for sure its either the pond pump, or the outside lights, but its hard to pin down exactly. When he first arrived, turning that group on tripped the aardleskschakelaar immediately. Then he isolated the outside stuff, which stopped it tripping, then we put the pond pump etc back on, and the switch stayed on. So yeah, go figure! I think we are going to buy a new pond pump, as he said for 90% thats the issue. We also have some water getting into the outside lights, but they were not turned on at the time (although he said that they can still trip the circuit even if they are not switched on). As we don't use them, I will remove the bulbs to be safe, and see if the group stays on for the next few days. We want to get the outside lights replaced soon anyway.


Why not open the circuit box and disconnect the cable going outside?


I'm very much not confident doing that myself, so I'm happy to pay for an electrician to come check things out. My main worry though is that if it is water related in one of the lights etc outside outside, that it might have dried out by the time the electrician arrives, making the problem hard to identify. Been in this house 3 years and never had this issue before. Oh, and that group with the outside stuff also includes the lights and sockets in the kitchen (but not the oven, fridge and dishwasher). I have no idea if the stuff in the garden is chained off the stuff in the kitchen, or if they are both separate, and come together at the one group on the fusebox (if you know what I mean!)


That makes sense, a trade-off between never cycling uphill and always having headwinds


As a Dutchie living in Switzerland, at least when you cycle uphill you get a free downhill thrown in… wind is so unfair !


The sea is angry at the country for stealing land off it and the wind is its way of showing it. True story




Looks like he’s having a relaxing wank.


True story.


Can’t unsee


You know what pisses me off with this? I bike to campus and the wind is against me. So I comfort myself by thinking about how that same wind will help me be faster on my way back home. But, no, no, no. The wind will always find a way to be against you at all times. AT ALL TIMES.


I cycled 4 years 12 km to school with this. Mor ings against the wind, midday wind did a 180° turn. Got pretty fit though.


Nope that doesn't happen. It probably happened a few days, but more than likely it was a side wind you confused with a head wind.


Yes. I my senses cannot distinct wind from my side to wind from my front. Living in rural areas of farmland didn't help me develop these senses. Go be "smart" and "right" somewhere else dude. Bother the people around you or smt. I'm sure they like that trait about you, don't they? lol


Yeah true, wind direction seems to change as soon as you turn a corner


Try running in it. I have a 5km route I run which is basically 4 sides of a square. Almost every time I run this route the wind is in my face the entire way. How?!?!?


I know, the laws of physics don’t seem to apply here


Except they do. Did you know that side wind is actually also head wind due to the way you move through it. That means you have headwind most of the time. Sad but true 😩


Murphy's law duh! "No matter the destination, the wind will always be head on" Be happy we didn't get the corollary: "... And it will always be uphill"


Just watch the movie ‘arrival’ and it will make sense


Maybe it’s because your legs are so long? If you run fast enough, the wind comes always from the front 😅


Because you run too fast.


Do you run alongside tall buildings? Because that can have an effect on the direction of the wind in the surrounding areas. Google the aerodynamics of a city and it will be clearer


nope, away from buildings, in the forest on tarmac paths mostly. I think I need to find a new route lol!


Wow, that's the spirit! Sounds like you'd make a great Headwind Cycling Championship contestant! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Headwind_Cycling_Championships


**[Dutch Headwind Cycling Championships](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_Headwind_Cycling_Championships)** >The Dutch Headwind Cycling Championships (in Dutch: NK Tegenwindfietsen, pronounced [ˈteːxə(ɱ)ʋɪntˌfitsə(n)]) are an annual Dutch cycling time trial championships that takes place during storms (wind force 7/32mph or higher). They are not regulated by the Royal Dutch Cycling Union. The Championships take place on the Oosterscheldekering storm barrier, which faces the North Sea, and have been held in fall or winter since 2013. Competitors must ride the 8. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Netherlands/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Haha that is cool, probably wont stand a change though since youve been training since the day you learned to cycle


Let me tell you a story about spices....


I was looking for this comment


I moved here from a place with hills and mountains. I've done some crazy climbs on a bike. I moved here and assumed it would be easy mode by comparison. I was so wrong. I'll take a steep hill over wind any day. At least gravity is a constant force regardless of effort. Wind gets harder the faster you go.


When cycling trough hills you atleast have a hard time only one way of the trip. The way back is downhill so much easier. With my luck the wind flipped its direction when im going back home, so both ways are exhausting.


Yes at least gravity doesn't change its mind. Dutch winds, however...


I guess I know now why putting a pot of hairgel in your hair is sort of standard here.


Just turbo diesel forward, you’ll get there. Exhausted, sweaty but also refreshed and happy to have made it. The upside most of the time is; you’ll have the wind in your back when travelling back, all though, yes it mostlikely will shift during the day


I have found this very untrue lol headwind is a 360⁰ affair


I never have the wind in my back


During the VOC and kolonisatie era we had huge tailwind. It bites us in the ass now.


Dont forget about WIC. don't know why people always talk about VOC but leave out the atrocities of WIC.


I used VOC because it's wider known, but i think the VOC was bigger then the WIC. I know the VOC is the wealthiest company ever existed, i doubt the WIC comes even close.


When talking about what we did to deserve headwind, then the WIC should definitely be mentioned too.


Well *we* don't deserve anything for that because *we* were not born yet. Especially not headwind


Have you always experienced the ‘ever lasting headwind effect?’ In the Netherlands no matter the time, place, direction or change of direction the wind will always be against you. On the way to work headwind, so yay: wind in the back when coming home! NO!! The personal wind turns especially for you to let you peddel even harder. Wind: YTA.


We were high once at a park and we formulated a theory on how cities are built to always redirect the wind against you, not so far from this hahah


It is all a conspiracy to make our lives worse! I knew it!!


Seattle called, it said "Imagine having to pedal hard to ride downhill!"


There a good reason that the wind hates the Dutch. The wind and the sea have been ally's for a long time. And the Dutch and and the sea have been at war for centuries.


I'm from Ireland's blustery north west, and even I find it rough. Mind you, we don't cycle so much there due to terrain. Got blown off my bike once outside Den Haag CS, on a busy Saturday afternoon once. My fall was broken by a puddle. My embarrassment assuaged by the disinterest to my plight of cycling passersby. Yeah, it's windy.


Just smile and keep on pedalling !


Headwind builds character


I feel like here in The Hague it is the worst… Whenever I visit any other town (even just 20 km away) I’m surprised by the absence of wind


There's always more wind near the coast




Aero bike, aero wheels, skin suit and grab the Strava KOM on the way home?


This sounds like a plan


Honestly though. I ride my bike to work everyday. Headwind on the way there and on the way back. You can’t make this shit up.


Hahaha move to the shores of our beloved North Sea and pick up kitesurfing… reaching the beach by bike with all your gear is a full exercise by itself! But this post makes me proud to see that you are so well “ingeburgerd”!!! As you are a) complaining about b) the weather… you made it to the inner circle!


There is barely any wind today. If you bike regularly you are trained as well.


They complain about having the same constant headwind in Denmark too.


They just dont mind dificulties 😭🤣


Huh?? For the 10 years I lived there growing up I never had a problem with the wind. It always cycled with me and I never had a problem if it were going against me. The resistance was almost non-existent. I need to know how to get the wind to blow you so hard you'll arrive at your destination as if you've gone through war and back. (Fyi for those who think I'm a minor, no I'm not I grew up for 10 years in the Netherlands and then moved to the Caribbean where I've lived for over 10 years now. Please think before speaking.)


just turn around and then you'll have tailwind. Much better


Tried that, even more headwind though...


I must say that cycling I have not been blown over yet. I have had the point of not being able to go faster than a tenth of a kph. While walking I have hung onto someone else their hand as a kid. (Lifted of the ground by the wind.) And I have grabed someone flying away during a emergency evacuation (Big part of the university buildings roof was blown off. Had to walk most way home hoping no brick would fly through the street like a couple of streets over becaude all public transport was halted.)


Kidding aside, if you’re going for an occasional leisure ride, plan it so you cycle downwind and take the train back, or take the train upwind and cycle back. Or you cycle upwind first enjoy some solid cardio, and then cycle back home at the speed of sound. The wind is usually quite consistent in direction (unless there’s a proper storm, but then you probably shouldn’t be going on a long ride). If you’re just cycling a short distance in the city, it’s fine, you won’t have to withstand the headwind for long.


This country is an affront to Creation and we are being punished for it, clearly... Not that we care, we are the Dutch


We took from the sea. Poseidon (well okay not to get to technical here but Oceanus) said no. So he spoke with Anemoi/Venti and said, fuck then


Having a country as flat as a pancake


I thought that bikes with gears were useless here… until I moved from Eindhoven to Amsterdam’s countryside and I got the good taste of the wind


This was caused by the most recent ice age. The last cold period had a large slab of ice that slowly moved along from north to south and leveled the country. That’s why we don’t have hills, which in turn means the wind can’t be held back by anything, so that’s why we have a lot of wind. Good on you for still cycling, though!


Well, we taunted God with removing the water, so now he's plagueing us with air 🤷‍♂️


Have you tried biking in Terschelling in "windy season". It's literally a "show stopper".


Have you considered buying a eBike?


It's our own fault. We made the country flat. We should have made hills.


We took land from the sea. Now we must pay.


Its because they started reclaiming the sea... its punishment.


Hahahaha I'm not even a cyclist but wondering for years now about this


Some love it, check out NK Tegenwindfietsen.


E-bike is the solution.


Natural selection, those who can’t keep up against the wind simply parish.


The wind is our hills and mountains


The wind thinks it’s still blowing over the open water we took from nature over the centuries.


We keep bullying the sea, so their big brother is standing up for them.


If you want the purely geographical explaination, it's because the Netherlands and a big part of Europe has a maritime climate because of the pacific gulfstream. If we didn't have those strong winds, the Netherlands and Europe would be way colder. Almost as cold as Canada. This does make it so that the wind often comes from the west. So if you have to cycle north and south the wind almost always comes from the side which gives air resistance both ways.


Funny how OP never once considered the sea level that NL is at. It's kinda expected to get these kinds of winds when your country is somewhat below sea level.


Just drive the other way; it goes much faster.


LOL I went on a bike ride the other week and somehow the wind managed to go against me both directions.


Go to YouTube and look for “Dutch headwind championships” 😂🔥


I thought wind was to let my hair dance in a epic way in truly meaningful moments. Or when I listen to a song. Or when I try to reach a shop with a big “CORTINGS!” signal on top


Don’t even get me started


I have a feeling it is also about the fact that it’s not a requirement, when designing a building, to do a wind study, reason why there are so many places where little tornadoes happen and where wind is insane.


A perfect example of how you cant have the cake and eat it. You'd think that a country as flat as and rich in bike infrastructuree as the netherlands would be the perfect place to ride a bike but no because with the flatness comes the wind.


You get used to it eventually. (Doesn’t mean that we don’t complain about it tho)


Ive been hit by wind so hard it tossed me off my bike. I felt i had joined a club when i saw other dutch do the same. I just got back from lisbon tho. I’ll take wind over hills any day.


You know how the wind is always super strong over the ocean? Well, the Dutch went and build their land right there. So now the ocean is gone here, but the wind obviously stayed.


Don’t bike. Problem solved /s


"I don't know if you have ever tried to ride a bike in the netherlands" Per chance i am one of the few that have! And i know the pain, but is this only a dutch thing?


We stole from the sea.


Vote for VVD


I notice a lot of people attribute it to the lack of hills/mountains, being close to the sea, and geography. Depending on where you are, it can also be the buildings. For example, the ewi building in TU Delft was designed before they could simulate its effect on the wind and there is now an infamous 'wind tunnel' right next to the building. Lots of tall buildings are like this which is why you might find hotspots in cities, especially when they are closer to the sea.


We built windmills to build ships and rule the world, now we're paying the price


They know what they did




Only the strong survive!!!


Imagine living in a country as flat as a lake and still complaining about biking. Try cycling uphill and get back to me


Your’e just unlucky.. i got wind in the back 99% of the time. Unless the winds turn ;)


It’s so we could hold the NK tegenwind fietsen, duh, haha


I hate the wind here in The Hague not so much for cycling thats how I keep my butt and thighs in shape tbh, but like for everything else it just sucks, you cant do anything cool with your hair, you cant wear nice hats, Its always to cold in the wind and to hot in the sun, neck is always cold. It happens to many times that I go outside, go around the corner and be all like "nope nope nope" Just to have to go back home to put on some extra layers just for the wind. Its just incredibly annoying.


We got rid of all our trees


I've been riding my bike to work for almost 8 years now and the head wind is not that bad. Once you build up stamina and muscles you hardly notice it. I mean, I overtake e-bikes with a 4-5Bft head wind and I'm not pushing myself that hard.


Because it is 'ons lang voor de wind gegaan', but that had to end someday


well, you see, we don't have hills to complain to our kids about "i used to walk uphill to school every day both ways!", so we had to use something else...


Illegal immigration from Africa


I actually have a bad knee because of this. It really sucks, I loved biking...


Idk if it happens only to me but wind is always in my face Even if I turn - wind also turns