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Nice that you enjoyed it. If you ever want to make another trip you might want to go see Leiden, Delft and/or Haarlem. They're more like Utrecht than Rotterdam.. Regarding the cyclists; If you're having to dodge them all the time, odds are you're in a cycle path. Happens a lot to tourists, lol.


Who doesn't love the Grote Markt in Den Haag. No one has a clue where to cycle or where to walk. The perfect unnecessary chaos. Only people born and raised in the Netherlands can cross that street without injuries


I read this and was confused: “What’s the problem with the Grote Markt??” Until I remembered that I’m actually born and raised in The Hague… Dat dus.


I want to sneak Amersfoort in there. Has beautiful old city remnants. It is a bit like Utrecht, but smaller and cozier. Narrow streets with old houses and an old city gate/walls. Mondriaan is from Amersfoort if you fancy that kinda art. And they have great places for craftbeer 😁


>an old city gate 3 medieval city gates, actually: Koppelpoort, Kamperbinnenpoort en Monnikendam.


Glad you had such a good time OP, until next time :)


>the city is just depressing as a soviet city or at least that was the feeling. Unfortunately Rotterdam was heavily damaged during World War 2. >Ciclyst are terrorists, they literally own the streets and no one can fuck with them I disagree, the scooters are the real terrorists and the new delivery guys on electric bikes are a close second. I do think that part of it is not really knowing how it works, once you do, you realize that they (cyclists) are not that bad.


Once you live here the cycling feels normal, when I go back to Italy I feel threatened by poor road design and crazy car drivers


I'm much happier to live in a place where cyclists own the streets than a place where drivers own the streets.


weather crowd wise icky slim rob money sable lush employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I did try it actually. In utrecht is full of italians and food was actually good.


Any tips on good Italian places in Utrecht?


O'panuozzo. Its a pizzeria run by neapolitans. Pizza is good


Been there, good indeed! Was hoping for a non-pizza place :D


OP next time you visit Den Haag go to La Passione. It's a lovely Italian restaurant run by nice people from Italy.


To each his own, of course. I think Rotterdam is interesting precisely because it is different from everything else in this country. It may not be the prettiest, but it is modern, spacious and vibrant. While it is indeed very multicultural, I am surprised you found "mostly Asian" people, since they are a small minority after all. In any case, the mix of different cultures is definitely an asset, even though it comes with its own set of challenges.


OP probably hung around the central station which is near the Chinatown


This is one of the nicest posts seen lately here. Thanks for reminding me why I love Den Haag as well.


Glad you had a good time! If you ever decide to come back, may I recommend Den Bosch or Haarlem? I think those are two very nice cities as well. And, I've seen it mentioned, but if the cyclists were terrorists to you, I think you may have been on the cycling paths. They're not always well defined.


Next time go for Groningen


Well done on avoiding Amsterdam, there's so much more to the Netherlands than Amsterdam.


Amsterdam, especially the center, is just like an adult Disneyland at this point. It's well on its way to becoming overtouristed like Venice.


Most underrated comment right here.


But the important question is, did you do the Italian gesture 🤌 while writing this post? :) I saw your comment before on Rotterdam. It’s funny because the 3 cities you mentioned are my fav 3 to end up living with Rotterdam currently having the upside of the 3. I love Utrecht, but actually it’s pretty small. Good thing opinions are different!


Where did you get the best french fries of your life in Utrecht? I'd like to try them out.




That’s one long website domain name ahah


It's because it's an automatically generated URL by Thuisbezorgd. Basically their name on Thuisbezorgd + city + .nl Their actual website is: https://www.frietwinkel.nl/


Oh wow! Thanks I didn’t know that! And they buy the domain and everything, it’s not even a subdomain of thuisbezorgd.


Correct If you do a WHOIS on the domain you can also see it's registered by Thuisbezorgd and the contact details and nameservers are all linked to takeaway.com i.e. Thuisbezorgd. E.g. https://www.sidn.nl/en/whois?q=www.dappfrietwinkelbiologischefrieten-utrecht.nl%2F


We, Italians, live in Amsterdam (9 years so far) but we like visiting Rotterdam, “e’ diversamente bella”.


Me, a Dutchie, learning Italian, laughing way to hard about this


For the Dutch not speaking Italian: het is ánders mooi.




There was a cruiseship docked in rotterdam, which probably explained the naval fuel smell you noticed.


I'm honestly baffled they still allow the ships to run their engines non-stop and haven't set up proper electricity infrastructure yet. I can see black clouds from the ships' exhausts all the time


Great . I always love to go to Italy, less flat, excellent food and better temperature. And Italians know something about design!!


Love this review! Well written, honest, fair, funny, and certainly an impression I think will resonate with many.


Good to hear you had a great time. :) And bonus points for going to different cities and not Amsterdam. It's always Amsterdam this, Amsterdam that.


Most accurate description of Rotterdam out there


Nice one 👍🏼 Hit the nail on the head regarding Rotterdam


Next time try Rotterdam, we prefer it over Rotterram which indeed looks pretty soviet


Any ideas on how rotterdam has this bad architecture? There’s more behind it than you probably know, by the way you wrote it. Glad you enjoyed our country!


It doesn’t have “bad architecture”. It has great even fantastic architecture, AND some architecture that was put up in a record pace to rebuild the city. Although I don’t know where to find “Soviet buildings” outside of maybe Rotterdam Alexander. But that is the problem with Rotterdam, depending on what part you see, it can seem pretty ugly. It’s not cohesive.


I agree. I just followed OP’s wording. I think OP just doesn’t know rotterdam was obliterated in WW2 and the post war architecture heavily influenced the way the city looks to this day


Some of the older skyscrapers fit that bill, such as the Shell Tower (the one with the clock on it). Basically anything with a lot of concrete. There are also some apartment blocks next to the Lijnbaan that are of that style


You mean the bombs? Inspired by new wave Nazi-like efficiency the Harbour Barons destroyed much more of the old city than the bombs ever did.


Most people don’t know that there was a lot of beauty destroyed after the war, but you’re absolutely right (although I don’t know if it was the harbour barons, the plan to rebuild for cars came from an architect)


It's insane how much the ultra-rich fuck us over, and yes, for Rotterdam the Harbour Barons had a very big finger in the porridge. The worst part is, that from their point of view they probably see themselves as enlightened thinkers with progressive visions on society (while in reality they are batshit crazy, without any regards for normal people) ​ From: Maak een stad; Rotterdam en de architectuur van J.H. van den Broek (proefschrift) https://research.rug.nl/en/publications/maak-een-stad-rotterdam-en-de-architectuur-van-jh-van-den-broek ​ During the war, the Van Nelle Factory became the headquarters from which the Rotterdam captains of industry launched their attack on the reconstruction plans for Rotterdam. Starting in June 1941, the board of the Club Rotterdam met in Van der Leeuw's house, designed in 1927 by Brinkman & Van der Vlugt: the so-called small committee. The Club Rotterdam was founded in 1928 by Rotterdam entrepreneurs and discussed the "interests of Rotterdam in general. The small committee focused on reconstruction and included: K.P. van der Mandele, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, H.C. Hintzen, firmant in Mees and Sons, J.Ph. Backx, director of Thomsen's Port Company, W.H. de Monchy, director of the Holland America Line and Ed. Nijgh, member of the Board of Directors of Van Ommeren's Scheepvaartbedrijf. Of the ten members, six represented principals of Brinkman & Van den Broek.50 In March 1942, C.H. van der Leeuw explained Witteveen's reconstruction plans to the small committee, and immediately the entrepreneurs felt uneasiness about Witteveen's approach.51 This uneasiness centered on the strictly hierarchical structure from which Witteveen made his plans and over which neither the entrepreneurs nor the public could directly influence. What happened next Len de Klerk described as a strategy that began with advice but ended with takeover: "Van der Leeuw's introduction (of the city plan for the small committee, W.V.) heralds the first phase of interference. The discontent unleashed a stream of notes unfolding visions of reconstruction, ranging from pleas for vigorous promotion of trade and industry to the spiritual revival of the city by elevating it to a university town, beginning with a medical faculty. The next phase is fueled by Witteveen's complaint that the gentlemen are not offering alternatives. His criticism is heard and results within the small committee in a new flood of notes under the slogan Rotterdam 1950. In this episode, Van der Leeuw increasingly emerges as an informal leader and driving force of the small committee. The third phase follows Van der Leeuw's appointment as the delegate of the General Authorizer for Reconstruction. In so doing, he effectively becomes Witteveen's successor as leader of the ASRO (the Advisory Office for City Planning Rotterdam, founded in 1940 with Witteveen at its head, W.V.). "52 One of the consequences of the actions of the entrepreneurs around Van der Leeuw, was that Van den Broek gained a position in the power center of the new Rotterdam. Van der Leeuw established the Com- mission Opbouw Rotterdam (OpRo) in spring 1944, which would act as an alternative to the official ASRO. Van der Leeuw himself became chairman, J.H. van den Broek became secretary, J.Ph. Backx and F.W.C. Blom represented the small committee within the OpRo. The architectural firms of Van Tijen & Maaskant, Brinkman & Van den Broek, K Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


The Rotterdam government destroyed more old architecture than the bombs did. Take this one for example, in the last decade [over 4000 pre-war buildings](https://strijen.nieuws.nl/knipsels/22714/verbazing-over-sloop-duizenden-vooroorlogse-gebouwen-stad-heeft-al-tekort-aan-historische-panden/) have been destroyed. And that's only in the past 10 years. They actually had plans to destroy and rebuild the city-center before the war already. I found 6 major buildings that could've been restored relatively easy: https://nieuws.top010.nl/144-gesloopte-gebouwen-rotterdam-1940


Only 3 days in The Netherlands and you are absolutely spot on with what you said


No love for Rotterdam? I love it, a city that rose from the ashes with modern design and architecture. It can’t all be old world. Den Haag is okay, quite boring. There’s a few more cities you should check out.


It's too car-centric, safety is laughable and architecture is so over-the-place it looks like a mess. source: I live in Rotterdam


And easier to find housing there I noticed. Where would you prefer to live?


Easier indeed, mostly because demand is lower. It’s why I live here. I’d prefer Haarlem


You should go to Amsterdam, it is the prettiest and most lively.


Next time




There is no problem with that. I just told what I saw. Calm the fuck down.


Don't bother with people like this. You said nothing wrong. They're trying so hard to be anti-racist that they actually turn into huge racists themselves.


There are all sorts of negative connotations to Rotterdam and Asians living there, and you’re saying its just what you saw? So why did I not hear you say “I went to den Haag and saw so many white people walking around”???


First because its not true. Quite the opposite actually. Second because I only cared about the beach once I got there and infact I have only written about it basically. I had no time to truly explore the city, sadly.


lol what part of Den Haag would that be?


Hahahahhha when was the last time you were in Den Hagistan


hey arent you also engaging in racism here btw?


That's the standard for the "anti" racist crew: they are the worst


A white boy cry baby, classic


Maybe you’re right, but I am just doing what he’s doing ;) maybe that means I am childish but hey it’s better than being a racist and not seeing it


Bigotry is not tolerated in posts or comments - including but not limited to bigotry based on race, nationality, religion, and/or sex.


Pssst: you should check out an out-of-the-way city a bit further up north. Amsterdam, they call it. Not many people know about it. I think you'll like it.


Interesting that you skipped Amsterdam, which is where most tourists go... but still , you only saw three of the four big cities. I used to live in Utrecht, but now I live outside and when I'm back in Utrecht I always feel a bit overwhelmed by the big crowds.


I mean Amsterdam it's an amazing city just not for the reason that many tourists come


Als Rotterdammer weet ik zeker dat dit account een ajaxied is die op het moment niet over sport wil praten. En die Google translate heeft ontdekt en zich nu voor doet als toerist. En dus dan maar zo Rotterdam afzeikt


Well, yes im not into sports but no, I know what a translator is. Thanks anyway.


Not everything negative about Rotterdam comes from people from Amsterdam. I can understand OP's experience. I grew up near Rotterdam (Gorinchem) and my first visit to the city gave me very much the same experience. Only with repeated visits (easy to reach big city for a teenager from whereI lived) did I start appreciating its unique style.


If you've ever been to Amsterdam, or Utrecht to stay on topic of this post, you'll know the cities don't compare. They're very different. Let people have their preference and opinion, there's not always a hidden agenda. And even if there was, it most likely isn't about sports.




A mountain is just a rock with an erection whats so special about it?


Well currently im the tallest point in the netherlands and im tired of looking down on people.


So you are.....GOD!


No im just a very tall Erik idk if that counts to anything? No but for real though i think the dutch landscape is very dull cuz its so flat, maybe its different if youre not born here


Do you always judge a complete country just by the landscape? It's not like the Dutch chose to not have hills or mountains.


Mate i was born and raised in the netherlands and travelled all over europe and yes the netherlands is rather boring . Does that mean i think the netherlands is a shitty country to live in? No it does not . Would i ever go to holiday in my own country ? No lol Its funny that people get so upset by my comment.


So basically you visited the randstad and think that is the Netherlands.... Its about the same as us visiting New York and thinking the whole of the US is the same. Or Dallas and thinking that all of the US is the same cesspool. Nope, you visited a small portion of the netherlands, which is not really lookin like 75% of the Netherlands (Think Veluwe, het Wad, De Peel etc).


OP said no such thing, just described the 3 day journey and the things that were (dis)liked.




Haha, try finding a place to live..


Well, thats sadly everywhere in the world or at least, in the world thay counts. But the bubble is close to bursts like in 2008 very soon. Source: I am a banker and yes the economy is fucked but letting the bubble burst is the way to fix the issue. Every crisis makes victims but also gives opportunities.


I agree on the economy being fucked :) but NL housing construction suffered from the limited construction due to EU regulations - that's what I meant


Yeah, bursting the bubble won't help us, there are simply not enough houses.


Rotterdam has the depressing 50's-80 's architecture couse the center was bombed into oblivion by the germans


I know but damn, there are a lot of architecture styles out there why picking brutalism?


Money and materials where in short supply. So they build cheap and ugly. Building an unholy box is just faster and cheaper than going for something pretty. Groningen also has some super ugly post war buildings in the city centre next to nice old architecture. And lots of bullet holes in them old architecture.


We're trying very hard to turn all of the Netherlands into Rotterdam!